


  • painisfitness
    tell me right away or just leave me before you cheat
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    Don't tell me, once you know it's always there and it messes with yiour head every day
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    If they cheat once, they will typically cheat again.

    I don't think this is necessarily true. But I also don't find cheating to be the be-all, end-all worst things that can happen in a relationship.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    didnt tell me, i found out (it was with my good friend), left himmmmm in a minute. (and broke his xbox) :]

    decided to give the man who liked me for 2 years a real chance.
    we have been together almost two years and it was the best decision of my life. <3

    and for the record my boyfriend dosnt have any wondering eye. we love each other and he knows how heart broken i was when i found out about my ex being unfaitfull. we would never think of cheating on each other.

    Ok that is just wrong and awful.

    How could you break his Xbox?? Not that he didn't deserve it, he did. But my Xbox is busted and I can't afford a new one!!

    Ladies, if any of your men cheat and own an Xbox, please, just send it to me.
  • gogonunubean
    gogonunubean Posts: 160 Member
    There is a big difference between an 'affair' and 'cheating' in my mind.

    If my hubby had too much to drink and woke up next to someone and was horrified about it, I would not want to know. I am married to a good man and I won't throw a marraige away on a silly mistake.

    BUT, if it was a long drawn out thing, or pre-meditated, then that would be the end of my marraige and I would definately want to know about it as it is a big betrayal.
  • LovingMyselfAgain
    I would like to think that i prefer to be told. I always tell my husband that it is better to be honest because in being honest it shows whether or not you are truly sorry (if in fact he is)... I would prefer to be told the truth... We have also discussed talking to each other prior to anything.. Flirting is always going to happen, wherever you go.. There will be women, and men who are just natural flirts.. and there is nothing wrong with that.. but if you find yourself eager to get to that place where that man/woman is.. so you can be that way with them, or you find yourself thinking about that person way too often, then i think it's time to discuss it with your partner (whether it be husband/wife boyfriend/girlfriend).... And you need to then look into your relationship and see where it is lacking...

    and as a side note... cheating is horrible either way, but if its with a "random one time" type of deal... i would much rather prefer that over an actual "relationship" with a person.. where he/she not only physically cheated, but emotionally did as well...
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    I would never cheat, much less put my partners life on the line............and yes, condoms le
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    I would like to think that i prefer to be told. I always tell my husband that it is better to be honest because in being honest it shows whether or not you are truly sorry (if in fact he is)... I would prefer to be told the truth... We have also discussed talking to each other prior to anything.. Flirting is always going to happen, wherever you go.. There will be women, and men who are just natural flirts.. and there is nothing wrong with that.. but if you find yourself eager to get to that place where that man/woman is.. so you can be that way with them, or you find yourself thinking about that person way too often, then i think it's time to discuss it with your partner (whether it be husband/wife boyfriend/girlfriend).... And you need to then look into your relationship and see where it is lacking...

    and as a side note... cheating is horrible either way, but if its with a "random one time" type of deal... i would much rather prefer that over an actual "relationship" with a person.. where he/she not only physically cheated, but emotionally did as well...
    whether it be an emotional thing or physical,cheating hurts
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Tell ME!

    Now, would you ask why they cheated? and would you want to know ALL the details? as to when he/she started the other relationship ..or just let it go and move on?
    Tell me so I can just go. I don't want to know the details...he would just be putting his life in danger :)

  • wonderific
    I would want my husband to tell me. I would want to know the circumstances, like if he got drunk and made a stupid decision 1 time or if he was having a relationship with someone else. Either way would be difficult but maybe we could work through a 1 time mistake.
  • wonderific
    I would want my husband to tell me. I would want to know the circumstances, like if he got drunk and made a stupid decision 1 time or if he was having a relationship with someone else. Either way would be difficult but maybe we could work through a 1 time mistake.

    I just went over this with my husband and he said he would want to know and he would leave me no matter what the excuse.
  • wutamunkee
    wutamunkee Posts: 440 Member
    Tell me so I can kick them to the curb and find someone worth my time!
  • RuthAne
    RuthAne Posts: 130
    I would want to know so I could end it and get checked for STDs.
  • Shell3399
    Shell3399 Posts: 13 Member
    I would want to know. You can see a bit of redemption in a honest confession. Either way I would be furious but if I had to find out the hard way than the pissed off meter rises. Reveal or discovery it all still equates to a wounded heart and over eating. :brokenheart:
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I found out 6 months after my ex started an affair. As soon as I left I went and got checked for STDs...thankfully everything came back clean. He was the first man I had been with...I was with him from the age of 15-26. The marriage fell apart after the first year but I didn't dream of seeking sex/comfort from someone who wasn't him. He however chose to be with someone else nearly 7 years into our marriage. Guess the seven year itch really does exist. Oh well...I got full custody (legal/physical) of our daughter, he only gets supervised visitation due to his drug/alcohol habits, and I have a new man in my life that treats me with respect.

    Honesty is always the best policy...however, I would have rather he have said he wasn't happy. Then the divorce would have been mutual and my health wouldn't have been put at risk.
  • BrianTheNegotiator
    To those people saying ignorance would be bliss... what if it was with a friend or family member? I don't think that would be so blissy.
  • kimmy98
    thats really gd to hear
  • Puckermann
    Wow some serious discussions going on in here...
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    I would want to know. And it would end the relationship. Even if it was a one time thing, I have a problem letting things go, so if we tried to work it out, all I would think about is him with someone else. I would want to know right away and I would leave. Like someone already said, even one time is one time too many. If you're that unhappy in our relationship, at least be a man and have enough respect for me to end things before starting something with someone else.
  • Ladymomo9
    Ladymomo9 Posts: 35 Member
    HAHAHA!! Honestly, I couldn't compete with an X-Box... LOL