"TLFC" exercise and accountability support!



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,622 Member
    Hey gang!

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Humpday! Early day and full schedule. Warriors finally won last night after a 5 game losing streak. Hopefully with the return of Green, Igoudala and Wiseman next week they'll be primed up for a playoff run to the finals.

    Cardio: jog/walk- 30 minutes (300 calories)

    Strength: biceps- barbell curls, dumbbell curls, high cable curls 4x 12,10,6.

    Assessment: Steak and baked potato. Last night was the first time I actually made baked potato for my daughter. She loved it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,622 Member
    Hey gang!

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Thursday! Full schedule and kbox class this morning. Starting to warm up a bit here. Yesterday was in low 60's.

    Cardio: walk- 30 minutes (200 calories)

    Strength: back- pulldowns, bent over barbell rows, seated cable rows, straight arm pulldowns. 4x12,10,8,6.

    Assessment: Pork chops and corn for dinner. I went a little overboard with snacking yesterday, so I'm up a little but nothing I can't fix. Also this weekend is a competition weekend so I have to prepare some GOOD food to have on hand at the comps.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,472 Member
    Cardio: Walk - 2 miles

    Workout analysis: Inclement weather caused traffic delays at my primary job site, so I got permission to go to the alternate today. Even without hitting the gym to lift, that means a good, long walk from the parking lot to the office, a mile each way. The not-so-good part is on days like today, when the temperature was in the single digits and the wind pushed the wind-chill below zero. But I ain't letting it pull me down, because my annual bonus is due to be deposited into my account tomorrow (don't ask me why it's paid in March and not December or January), which should be enough to pay off a couple bills and allow me to unfreeze my account with my primary gym, so starting Monday I will be back "home" as it were.

    Today's food: Lunch - chicken strips and chips, Dinner - ??? (Was going to be Polish sausages with au gratin potatoes, but that was before my daughter told me about a parent meeting for her school volleyball team tonight, so I may order pizzas instead, not sure yet.)

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,622 Member
    Hey gang!

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy TGIF! Full schedule and end of my week! Picked up 2 more new clients. Hopefully not overextending myself. It's competition weekend so I'm trying to get as much done as I can before tomorrow.

    Cardio: jog/walk- 3 miles (350 calories)

    Strength: triceps- pressdowns, lying tricep extensions, cable kickbacks, machine dips 4x12,10,8,6.

    Assessment: Vietnamese for dinner. I just had spring rolls but they were big. Keeping steady but will kick it up these last few weeks before RD 6 weigh in.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,622 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! Workout and then it's competition day for my daughter. Hopefully it's not all day.

    Cardio: jog/walk- 3 miles (350 calories)

    Strength: quads- squats, leg press, sissy squats, leg extensions, lunges 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Panda Express last night. I was so tired yesterday from all my work. Ended up snoozing on the couch really early right after dinner, then waking up right before 11pm and going up to bed.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,622 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Monday! Full schedule and kbox tonight. Just a normal day with the exception that Draymond Green returns to the Warriors tonight after a long hiatus!!!! Can't wait to watch the game!

    Cardio: walk/run - 30 min (350 calories)

    Strength: shoulders- machine shoulder press, side laterals, machine rear laterals, facepulls, front dumbell raises 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Sushi for dinner. Was a long weekend from the standpoint that I was pretty tired. Got some extra rest in by sleeping earlier due to Daylights Savings.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,472 Member
    Cardio: Incline treadmill walk - 1 mile (255 calories)

    Strength: Push C

    Cable Twist In/Out 2x15
    Bench Press 5x5
    Incline DB Press 3x10
    Decline Cable Fly 3x10
    Seated Smith OHP 3x5
    Rope Pushdown 3x10

    Workout analysis: My access to my home gym is restored, happy day! Saw several old faces, spent a few minutes catching up, also met several new faces who'd joined during my 3 months away. Rediscovered the "joy" of working out at altitude, as my work gym is at 5,300 feet elevation, while my home gym is at 6,300 feet. Those extra thousand feet had me gasping on the treadmill, and are also likely partly to blame for feeling gassed towards the end of my lifting. At least, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

    Today's meals: Lunch - Subway Italian BMT (no cheese/mayo), Dinner - BBQ chicken breast with rice. I'm actually meeting my protein goals while being very under calories on the day, so reckon I'll stop at McDonald's for a shake on my way home from work.

    Life assessment: Used my company bonus to pay off the remaining balance on my car. Combined with my annual pay raise, plus money saved since December by cancelling cable and home phone, I now have roughly $700 per month freed up. Part of that will go towards rebuilding my cash emergency fund and part towards paying down the next loan faster.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,622 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Tuesday! Full schedule today and kbox class. After work, I went home and cooked and watched the rest of the Warriors/Wizards game. It was so good to see the team playing well with Draymond back in the fold. 4 wins in a row and now they face the hottest team in the east next in Boston.

    Cardio: walk- 30 minutes (150 calories)

    Strength: chest- incline chest press, machine chest press, cable crossovers, machine dips. 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Steak and baked potato. Maintaining weight right now and will push to drop a couple of more in the next couple of weeks to finish RD 6.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,472 Member
    Cardio: Elliptical (405 calories)

    Strength: Pull C

    Pullups 3 sets
    Machine high row 5x5
    Machine low row 5x5
    Suitcase carry 3 sets
    Isolation curls 3x10

    Workout analysis: Jumped on an elliptical machine rather than the treadmill for a little variety in my cardio, found my old saved programs from months ago were still in the system. About twice the time as what I spend on the treadmill, but once a week won't be bad.

    Today's food: Lunch - tomato soup and grilled cheese, Dinner - grilled chicken sandwich with broccoli

    Life assessment: Due to manpower issues, I'm spending a couple months back on crew rotation. The down side is it includes graveyard shifts, two or three at a time. Not only do I not want to lift between graveyard shifts to avoid fatigue-induced accidents or injuries, but my nutrition also goes to pieces. Bah.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,622 Member
    Hey gang!

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Humpday! Early day and full schedule. Big game tonight against the on fire Celtics!

    Cardio: jog/walk- 30 minutes (300 calories)

    Strength: biceps- barbell curls, dumbbell curls, high cable curls 4x 12,10,6.

    Assessment: Steak and baked potato. We had leftovers so just finished them off.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,622 Member
    Hey gang!

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Thursday! Full schedule and kbox class this morning. Ugh, Warriors took a beating by the Celtics yesterday.

    Cardio: walk- 30 minutes (200 calories)

    Strength: back- pulldowns, bent over barbell rows, seated cable rows, straight arm pulldowns. 4x12,10,8,6.

    Assessment: Short ribs and vegetables for dinner. Was tired yesterday so ended up going to bed early.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,472 Member
    Cardio: Shoveling Snow (30 minutes)

    Got to work 10pm Wednesday, ground dry as a bone. Leave work 6am Thursday, there's six inches of heavy, wet snow coating my car, filling the roads with slush, doubling my commute home (which at an hour normally is already way too long following a graveyard shift). Get home, before I can even get into my garage, I have to spend a half hour shoveling. Finally get to sleep 9am, it's still snowing outside. Set my alarm to wake up early so I can shovel again before heading back to work, only to discover the roads and driveway are dry again (yard still covered). Net result is I get to spend a 12-hr graveyard shift, my third in a row, after less than 5 hours of sleep. Yep, gonna be slap happy come 3am, I'm calling it now...
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,622 Member
    Hey gang!

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy TGIF! Full schedule and end of my week! It's been a long week due to losing a little sleep because I've had to jam some study time in to finish my receritification for my PT.

    Cardio: jog/walk- 3 miles (350 calories)

    Strength: triceps- pressdowns, lying tricep extensions, cable kickbacks, machine dips 4x12,10,8,6.

    Assessment: Chinese for dinner. I was just too tired to cook last night.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,622 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! Workout and then it's competition day for my daughter. It's a long day because their highschool hosts the first competition, then after 4pm we travel over an hour away for the 2nd competition that lasts until 9pm. Ugh.

    Cardio: jog/walk- 3 miles (350 calories)

    Strength: quads- squats, leg press, sissy squats, leg extensions, lunges 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Panda Express last night. Tired again to cook. And it's a long day ahead so I didn't want to worry about too much clean up.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,472 Member
    Cardio: Incline treadmill walk - 1 mile (253 calories)

    Strength: Legs C

    Deadlift 5x1
    BB Hip thrust 5x5
    Leg Press 5x5

    Workout analysis: Supposed to pull five doubles, but it's been 3 months since I last deadlifted heavy, so I had to choose between lowering the weight from last time to get the doubles or keep the weight and only pull singles; I chose the latter. Later in the locker room, I weighed myself, but the digital scale I used to use said I'd lost 5 pounds in the last two weeks. Seemed a bit extreme, so I also weighed myself on the physical slide-scale, which said I'd gained 5 pounds. Now I don't know what to believe...

    Today's meals: Lunch - grilled chicken sandwich and broccoli, Dinner - Pizza Hut

    Life events: My son's high school JROTC unit is competing in state competition today in a variety of drill categories. If they place first or second, their unit commander has said he will pay out of his own pocket for the unit to travel to nationals. Considering he'd be taking over 50 cadets, that's quite a commitment.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,622 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Monday! Full schedule and kbox tonight. Weekend was long in terms of work and competition so back to daily grind.

    Cardio: walk/run - 30 min (350 calories)

    Strength: shoulders- machine shoulder press, side laterals, machine rear laterals, facepulls, front dumbell raises 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Sushi for dinner. I've been binge watching "The Boys" on Amazon as of late. Really good series.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,472 Member
    Cardio: Elliptical (415 calories)

    Strength: Push D

    Decline bench 5x5
    Incline bench 3x10
    Bench press 3x10
    Seated DB OHP 3x10
    Lying EZ skull-crusher 3x10

    Workout analysis: Moving from heavy decline bench to moderate incline bench was weird...the weight was much lower, so it flew up the first few reps...but the leverage is so much worse, those last few reps were really a grind. Debating on whether I want to keep my cardio before my weights or move it to after. Before warms me up, but also drains a little energy from the weights; after I'd hit the weights fresh, but it's 50/50 whether I'd actually DO the cardio after. Probably should keep it before for that reason.

    Today's meals: Lunch - chicken strips with rice, Dinner - crock-pot pot-roast

    Fantasy football update: the leagues I'm in are dynasty, meaning we have something FF-related all year long, keeping the same teams from one year to the next with certain exceptions. Right now the rookies we drafted 3 years ago are up for auction for all teams to bid and potentially steal away from the original owner, who receives rookie picks for this year's draft in compensation. Our FF rookie-only draft will occur about two weeks after the NFL rookie draft. But have you been paying any attention to the movement of big name players these last couple weeks? My Broncos got Russel Wilson, so now we're for sure playoff bound, baby!

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,622 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    Cardio: Elliptical (415 calories)

    Strength: Push D

    Decline bench 5x5
    Incline bench 3x10
    Bench press 3x10
    Seated DB OHP 3x10
    Lying EZ skull-crusher 3x10

    Workout analysis: Moving from heavy decline bench to moderate incline bench was weird...the weight was much lower, so it flew up the first few reps...but the leverage is so much worse, those last few reps were really a grind. Debating on whether I want to keep my cardio before my weights or move it to after. Before warms me up, but also drains a little energy from the weights; after I'd hit the weights fresh, but it's 50/50 whether I'd actually DO the cardio after. Probably should keep it before for that reason.

    Today's meals: Lunch - chicken strips with rice, Dinner - crock-pot pot-roast

    Fantasy football update: the leagues I'm in are dynasty, meaning we have something FF-related all year long, keeping the same teams from one year to the next with certain exceptions. Right now the rookies we drafted 3 years ago are up for auction for all teams to bid and potentially steal away from the original owner, who receives rookie picks for this year's draft in compensation. Our FF rookie-only draft will occur about two weeks after the NFL rookie draft. But have you been paying any attention to the movement of big name players these last couple weeks? My Broncos got Russel Wilson, so now we're for sure playoff bound, baby!
    FFL will definitely be interesting next year. With some of the biggest player movements in recent history.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,622 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Tuesday! Full schedule today and kbox class. I dragged in energy yesterday because of how I felt over the weekend. Feel much better today.

    Cardio: walk- 30 minutes (150 calories)

    Strength: chest- incline chest press, machine chest press, cable crossovers, machine dips. 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Steak and baked potato. Weight is up a little over last goal due to a little overeating over the weekend. I'll have to tighten up a little if I want to lose a little more before RD6 weigh in.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,472 Member
    Cardio: Elliptical (420 calories)

    Strength: Pull D

    Pullups 3 sets
    T-Bar Row 3x10
    Pull Down 2x10
    Chin Down 2x10
    DB Shrugs 3x10
    7-Ups 3 sets

    Workout assessment: Been months since I did the t-bar row, took a couple sets to remember where to put my feet to not feel like I was gonna fall over.

    Today's meals: Lunch - chicken sandwich, Dinner - baked chicken with buttered noodles