Not trying to start a argument but...... somethings really b



  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    Wow this post turned out to be something i didnt want it to be, im not exactly shocked but i didnt expect 4 pages of argueing from either side all i wanted was to point out hey im here for weight loss im not that great when it comes to clear and grammical posts and if you dont like it leave me alone i did make it pretty clear if you dont like the way i write to remember my name and skip my posts

    im not really understanding why that is so hard to understand no matter how bad my spelling, spaces and grammar is basically i just want to have the support from like minded people here and im sure so do you and for me that means having the support of friendly caring people who want to motivate me through kindness and understanding rather than being my teacher i get that some people are happy to recieve critcial help etc and thats good if that works for them but thats not what i want on this journey so i ask that you just move on to people who appreciate being taught by you
    ..and that is nothing at all like what I "got" from your first, original posting.

    I don't really care if you misspell a few words. I don't care a whole lot if you don't capitalize. Splitting up your words into understandable chunks, called sentences, would be helpful. Grouping those word sentences into related chunks, called paragraphs, would help more.

    Not our fault, really, if we cannot offer the weight loss support that you are looking for, if we cannot understand what it is you are asking for from us.
  • woo1324
    woo1324 Posts: 168 Member
    Just a thought for all the people who get offended by peoples mistakes ,,,, take a second to think about how you got to this site im pretty sure its because you werent so good at something for example eating the right foods, excercise and the list goes

    the fact is though clearly there is a area in life that you struggle with and guess what, in the same way you cristicsed me for my grammar or lack of people have critsicided you for your weight comments like just dont eat so much, get off your bum and excercise how hard could it be are all things i have heard and i believe have allot of similiarites to you telling me to just correct my spelling not to be lazy and take more time to proof read

    its not something that comes naturally to me in very much the same way as a healthy lifestyle doesnt im here to work on my lifstyle maybe one day i'll do the same with my english but for now thats not what im focused anyway as the saying goes people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones if your perfect and dont have any annoying habits or faults that you just cant seem to stop then please teach me oh mighty one ,,,,
  • cownancy
    That's too bad that "some" can't see beyond their own issues. Most of us in the working world have to modify what we have been taught. Like if you must use shorthand on a job you learn to use a lot of misspelled word; until you have all the facts then you proof read for the final layout, but that is only necessary on a professional job. If you have grown to use your mobile texting you 'REALLY' learn to type the shortest possible letters. And if you have a job like mine in customer service you must learn to make sense without any vowels and you use the minimal amout of letters to complete sentences. Whew! We have roughly 20 character spaces to type out problems to technicians so that they can see what the issues are and that soon becomes a habit after about 11 years on the same job. So it is too bad that some folks can't see beyond the typing of the times and realize that this is 2011 and spelling is a thing of the WAY PAST! If you are getting the point across and maybe checking to see if a particular word might need to be spelled out, but wasting time nit picking over grammer is so the 80's. Just ignore people that are stuck in a rut. It probably explains why they are having issues with their health in the first place. Sorry to all that can't move on in the modern times. This place is about getting your health in line not your grammer.
    Unfortunately, in medical, legal, business and other white collar jobs, you are very much judged on your ability to communicate, which includes not only excellent spelling and grammar, but talents at rhetorial writing, sentence structure and having your paragraphs flow from one to the other with ease and great meaning. (By the way, I know you don't care, but the word is actually grammAr.) Sure, I have had to decipher computer abbreviations and texts and other types of shorthand, but I shouldn't have to do it if I am not getting paid to do it.

    Again, if you want me to take my time to write a thoughtful, well constructed response, to ensure that you understand what I am saying, I only ask that you make your best effort to write your question in such a manner. I don't want to have to read it a zillion times just to figure out the question.

    I can't believe people have so little respect for our language. What a shame.
  • cownancy
    Just a thought for all the people who get offended by peoples mistakes ,,,, take a second to think about how you got to this site im pretty sure its because you werent so good at something for example eating the right foods, excercise and the list goes

    the fact is though clearly there is a area in life that you struggle with and guess what, in the same way you cristicsed me for my grammar or lack of people have critsicided you for your weight comments like just dont eat so much, get off your bum and excercise how hard could it be are all things i have heard and i believe have allot of similiarites to you telling me to just correct my spelling not to be lazy and take more time to proof read

    its not something that comes naturally to me in very much the same way as a healthy lifestyle doesnt im here to work on my lifstyle maybe one day i'll do the same with my english but for now thats not what im focused anyway as the saying goes people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones if your perfect and dont have any annoying habits or faults that you just cant seem to stop then please teach me oh mighty one ,,,,

    If you hadn't said in the beginning that you KNEW your English, but chose NOT to use it, I don't think this thread would have continued like that. If you said that this was a source of problem for you, it would have been different. But, you sometimes write in paragraphs with capitals and other times, it is one long stream of consciousness, all run together.

    You could miss out on some very helpful advice if you don't choose to write in an intelligible fashion, but, then, it shows me how much you really respect the others here if it is too much work to try......and that's what is upsetting to me, I suppose.

    Again, good luck. I will be happy to avoid your posts. Just wish that you understood what this was really about from the opposite side. There are clearly two sides to this issue, but you made it much more complicated by writing two totally opposite statements. Sorry.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Dear Posters,

    I wanted to offer a brief explanation for the locking of this thread. I think this topic has run its course and nothing added at this point will be beneficial.

    The forum guidelines include this item:

    4) Do not attack/slam/insult other users. The forums are here so that members can help support one another. Attacks or insults against each other takes away from the supportive atmosphere and will not be tolerated. You can discuss the message or topic, but not the messenger - NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, YOU will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself, defending a friend, etc. are NOT excuses. Violations of this rule are taken very seriously and may result in being banned without warning! If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

    If you would like to review the forum guidelines, please visit the following link:

    At our discretion, this locked thread may be deleted entirely in the near future.

    With respect,

    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator
This discussion has been closed.