April 2022 Monthly Running Challenge



  • simcon1
    simcon1 Posts: 209 Member
    What a gorgeous sky, @Teresa502!

    It hit 76 degrees here yesterday so I had a lovely, sunny, summery run. But I think the 10K tomorrow morning is supposed to be in the high 30s with showers. And there’s a winter storm in the mountains that ends tomorrow morning, so we may try to squeeze some late-season snowboarding in this weekend. Spring!

    4/2 10 mi
    4/5 5 mi
    4/7 4.5 mi

    April total: 19.5/70

    2022 Races:
    March 27 Seattle Cherry Blossom 5K
    April 9 Tenacious Ten 10K
    May 1 Vancouver BMO Half Marathon
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,733 Member
    Good luck with your race tomorrow @simcon1!
  • SwimBikeRun_Mom
    SwimBikeRun_Mom Posts: 46 Member
    I have no idea how many miles I'll run in April - whatever my coach my has me run! But I'm always in for some extra accountability!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I was supposed to do 3 miles today but I determined sleep was more important. 😴 😆

    Tomorrow is supposed to be high 90s so I'll try to get out early for my 5 miles.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,478 Member
    2.4: 3.0km in 25 min
    8.4: 4.2km in 34 min

    Was away on a short vacation where I walked a lot. Back to running. I hope to run 5km this weekend for a stupid garmin watch badge :D Running still didn't go well. Still not possible with slow breathing. And I seem to have a foot problem; either tight muscles or a strain at a really odd place. Running still kind of worked, but afterwards I limped home.

    Meh of the day: It's not dark anymore when I got for a run :( I enjoy running in the dark.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Morning all. Its a cool start to the day today down here 7C or 44F. I'm up early to RD Parkrun, then will be doing 5k at intended HM pace. I'm a little nervous for it because it's been a while since I've done this pace. Looking forward to the run though
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    I've been reading and giving likes and hugs as appropriate, but no time for much commenting. Sorry. Welcome to all the knew folks and welcome back to those who have been away for a while.

    @Teresa502 It was beautiful this morning, but after the wind picked up and it got cloudy, it was really cold. I'm glad you got your run in early.

    Good luck with your race tomorrow @simcon1 . I hope the weather isn't too bad for you. I would much prefer 70 to 30, but that's just me.

    @SwimBikeRun_Mom We are good at keeping you accountable....well, being interested in how things are going. No judgement here, just lots and lots of support.

    @Avidkeo Looking forward to hearing about your race and time away with your mom.

    @shanaber Love the pictures of Hobbes and Beaux. So fun for Hobbes to have a playmate.

    @SummerSkier I hope your back is feeling better.

  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    @quilteryoyo sorry about your neighbor. That was very kind of you to console his daughter for so long.
    @simcon1 good luck on your race tomorrow. Hope the weather isn't as bad as forecasted.
    @shanaber looks like Hobbs and Beaux are becoming good friends!
    @yirara sorry about your foot and running not being so fun right now. Hope it gets better soon.

    7 miles this afternoon. So f'n windy outside I was happy to do another PT session on the treadmill. Not gonna lie...the thought of running outside this weekend scares me a little. Probably will not run very long. Build up my tolerance for cement again slowly.

  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,002 Member
    April Goal: 100 Miles

    4/3: 10.02 miles
    4/5: 5.25 miles
    4/6: 5.31 miles
    4/7: 5.14 miles

    25.72/100 miles completed for April

    I just realized I never updated my run yesterday. It was a busy day at work and then we went over to my sister's house and I guess I just forgot. I ran 5 miles yesterday. It was clear and chilly and a good run. I wore capri length leggings and a t-shirt with my sleeves and gloves to start, but I took the sleeves and gloves off about halfway through. It's supposed to get hot again this weekend though so that may be the last time I wear them for a while.

    @shanaber We have had lots of fires around here too. The wind and the low humidity are not a good combination. Yesterday there was a grass fire that came within about a mile from one of my sister's house. Luckily they got it under control quickly. Thanks for posting the Vissla pictures. They are so cute.

    Hope the back is better soon @SummerSkier.


  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    Thanks @Scott6255 . I get you with the wind. It's been like that here today. Toady, the high temp is going to be in the 30's so any exercise I do will be on the treadmill. Probably smart to do shorter outdoor runs to begin with.

    @shanaber . I love the conversions. So cool and easy. Of course, I always just google it, but now I have a quick way to impress people. LOL

  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,733 Member
    4/1 – 5.41 miles
    4/4 – 4.21 miles
    4/5 – 5.37 miles
    4/6 – 4.56 miles
    4/8 – 3.17 miles
    4/9 – 6.32 miles
    Total 29.02/90 miles

    I met some friends at 8:00 this morning for a group run. It was snowing when I left my house and the ground was getting white but it never amounted to anything. Basically all day it has snowed for 15-20 minutes, then the sun pops out for 15-20 minutes, shake and repeat. Temp was in the mid-30s but the blowing winds made it feel colder. I was supposed to run with a couple of friends at 7:00 am but one had a very bad bicycle wreck yesterday, broke her arm/shoulder in three places, as well as skinning up other body parts. So, obviously she is out of commission for a while (@quilteryoyo this is Sharon that you met when we ran Roan Mountain). My other friend has been having some foot pain so she decided to take a few rest days. I had not seen many of the 8:00 am group in quite a while so it was nice to talk to all of them while we were running.

    Hope your foot improves soon @yirara.

    Sorry about your neighbor passing @quilteryoyo. Is this the one who helped you with yard work some?

    Interesting about the Fibonacci sequence @shanaber. Thanks for sharing.

    Beautiful scenery @polskagirl01

    @AlphaHowls – How did the side effects from your fourth booster compare to the others? Did you have any?

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    @polskagirl01 Yeah for the longer runs that felt great! Looks like a lovely place to run.

    Nice run @Scott6255 . I hope your shins didn't hurt afterwards...or tomorrow.

    Great running @AlphaHowls . You get amazing mileage on your shoes!

    Oh no @Teresa502 . I'm so sorry to hear about Sharon's accident. I hope and pray she heals quickly. Our weather is really bi-polar today. I'm glad you were able to meet up with other friends for a run. The neighbor that passed is not the one who helped with the mowing. It was a man that was good friends with dad and I spent a lot of time at his house growing up and playing with his daughter. His first wife was like my second mom.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    4-1 = 1.00 mile walk - treadmill - doubles tennis in the morning
    4-2 = 1.00 mile walk - driveway
    4-3 = 2.25 mile wun on the driveway
    4-4 = 2.25 mile wun on the driveway after push mowing at mom's
    4-5 = 0.6 mile walk - 2.00 mile run part on driveway and part on treadmill
    4-6 = 1.00 mile walk - treadmill
    4-7 = 1.00 mile walk - treadmill
    4-8 = 1.00 mile walk - treadmill
    4-9 = 2.00 miles walk - treadmill

    14.1/70 miles

    I slept better and longer last night, but I was still really tired today, so after cleaning some of the house this morning, I spent a couple of hours on the couch. When I got up, I was still tired, but drug myself down to do a treadmill walk. As @Teresa502 said, our weather was crazy today. I had some hail added in for good measure.....at least I am calling it hail. It could have been balls of snow, but it made a noise when hitting the roof and house. Pictures below the spoiler.

  • AlphaHowls
    AlphaHowls Posts: 1,915 Member
    edited April 2022
    @Teresa502 wrote: »

    @AlphaHowls – How did the side effects from your fourth booster compare to the others? Did you have any?

    Usual for the most part, I always get a sore arm, sensitive to touch (with any injection). The biggest difference for me, with this 4th one was that I was really tired the next day, lightheaded, felt 'pressure' in the top of my head, like a heaviness. I do not know if it was a side effect, but it is what I felt that next day.