Less Alcohol ~ APRIL 2022 ~ One Day At A Time



  • lmlmrn
    lmlmrn Posts: 787 Member
    Wow miss a day (or two) and you all go wild!
    @globalhiker Girl if you can get the recipe for that mocktail I neeeeeeeeeed it so much LOL All my favorite flavors.
    @dawnbgethealthy Mr. Rainier is pretty much in my back yard. I just need to drive to a tad higher ground and it is in my face. (I live in what I refer to as the cereal bowl, road bumps or small rises in the landscape)
    @MissMay If you happen to get that recipe while you are in Vegas ......OMG crab boils and walks my favorite things how ever crab boils are pretty rare on this side of the world. I leave my cucumber out all the time. xxoo

    See I figure if the grocery stores don't keep cucumber, tomatoes, etc. cold why should I?

    Anyway Last night we celebrated our anniversary early (26 years) and did it a bit different. Last 2 years made it not possible to really travel so we decided we won't. Got take out, street taco's. Watched 2 disney movies and a pitcher of margarita's. This morning reminded me why I have cut back drinking. I have definitely gone from being a heavy weight to a light weight. It could have been so much worse. But I did have the presence of mind to know when I really should stop and I did. So only slightly uncomfortable this morning.

  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,629 Member
    I heard an interesting radio show that I thought pertained to us.
    I listen to every science show that I can, I am a geek that way.

    Anyway, one of them (the Canadian one called "Quirks and Quarks) talked about the Drunken Monkey Hypothesis, which I was unfamiliar with. So interesting.
    Fermented fruit produces ethanol, and monkeys (and humans) have been imbibing for a very long time. It contains more calories than fruit that is not fermented and they definitely need more calories to swing through trees. They don't consume to excess.

    Here is a cut and paste:
    Can an evolutionary perspective on our relationship to booze help us understand the apparently insoluble problem of addiction to alcohol? At the very least, recognition of an ancient and persistent dietary exposure to the molecule suggests that today’s drinking behavior is motivated, in part, by deeply rooted reward pathways within our brain. And these responses we share with creatures as diverse as fruit bats, flies and our nearest living relatives, the chimpanzees.


    Also listened to a science show out of Germany "Science Unscripted" where they talk about Drunkorexia
    About how people don't eat in order to make room for the calories of booze!!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,629 Member

    Yes, we are "drinking less" on this forum. Be that 2 instead of 3, including AF days or what have you. We each have our own goals.

    Glad that you are joining us.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,629 Member
    My usual goal, 16-20AF days for the month. Diary style.
    I had 21AF days for March, but it was a longer month.

    Wednesday April 6th - 2 drinks. It was lovely to kick back and enjoy that warm feeling of a couple of drinks. It has been a very busy work week for me. No plans for alcohol again until Saturday afternoon when I plan to have my little bottle of prosecco.
    Thursday April 7th - AF - Spring is flirting with us up here, +14 (Celsius) in the afternoons, but -2 in the mornings still. Planned AF for Friday.
    Friday April 8th - AF - As planned. Planning on having my Prosecco in the afternoon Saturday, but we'll see.
    Saturday April 9th - Drinks. I still didn't have my Prosecco, maybe next weekend. I had a couple of drinks between 7 and 7:30, then drank diet Cran Rose. I stayed up way later than usual binging HGTV, and then listened to quite a few of my fave overnight international radio shows which come on Saturday night/Sunday morning. Planned AF until Wednesday.

    Rolling total: 5AF day out of 9 days.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Thanks for the welcome
  • sfharvey07
    sfharvey07 Posts: 17 Member
    Good morning everyone,
    I’m breaking even 5 AF days/ 5 A days for the month so far🤷🏻‍♀️

    I saw this ad on Facebook and wondered if anyone has tried the Clear Minds hypnotherapy and if so, what are your thoughts on it? It looked interesting but not sure how effective it is and if it’s worth the $. Anyway, just wondering if anyone here has tried it.

    Have a good week everyone 🙋🏻‍♀️
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,629 Member

    Glad that you are joining us : - )
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,629 Member
    My usual goal, 16-20AF days for the month. Diary style.
    I had 21AF days for March, but it was a longer month.

    Wednesday April 6th - 2 drinks. It was lovely to kick back and enjoy that warm feeling of a couple of drinks. It has been a very busy work week for me. No plans for alcohol again until Saturday afternoon when I plan to have my little bottle of prosecco.
    Thursday April 7th - AF - Spring is flirting with us up here, +14 (Celsius) in the afternoons, but -2 in the mornings still. Planned AF for Friday.
    Friday April 8th - AF - As planned. Planning on having my Prosecco in the afternoon Saturday, but we'll see.
    Saturday April 9th - Drinks. I still didn't have my Prosecco, maybe next weekend. I had a couple of drinks between 7 and 7:30, then drank diet Cran Rose. I stayed up way later than usual binging HGTV, and then listened to quite a few of my fave overnight international radio shows which come on Saturday night/Sunday morning. Planned AF until Wednesday.
    Sunday April 10th - AF - Got out for a nice hike. Not windy, yay. When we get up to 23km per hour winds I don't like going out much, but I also hear the wind gusts on the west coast hitting 100km per hour. Yikes.

    Rolling total: 6AF day out of 10 days.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,560 Member

    WELCOME new joiners, and faces we have not seen or heard from in awhile.

    Trying to shop online, in a hurry, before the "beat the clock" expires is going to push me off the edge of a cliff. Then get locked out of a newly made customer account. Years ago it would have been enough to have me walk over to the liquor cabinet at 8AM.

    Thank goodness I at the point I can take breathes and go outside to scream instead of picking up a bottle.

    BTW anyone ever use that service Stitch Fix? I just did and they sent me old ladies clothes to try on for my vacation. That whole box is being returned. Back to square one.

  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    DH has used stitchfix for a couple years, and generally it has been helpful to him. We had a good laugh when the items took a turn towards athleisure upon the pandemic onset. He got sweat pants and was a little mystified. I was like, well, do you have sweatpants? No, he says. So it was something worth keeping. He has gotten several pairs of shoes, too, that seemed to be good additions for him. He has not had style issues, but he did spend a little time early on giving feedback. In general, though, he thinks the quality of the clothing (material and stitching) has gone down. Just one data point.
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member
    @dawnbgethealthy - Love your garden pictures! Thank you for sharing them with us!
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member
    edited April 2022
    April accountability: 3 days AF
    Alcohol: 8 days (20.5 drinks)
    Goal: Limit 1-2 glasses per day; 12-16 AF days per month. Aim to drink no more than 2 nights in a row.

    4/1 - 2 wine
    4/2 - 4 wine @ my sisters
    4/3 - AF
    4/4 - 1.5 wine
    4/5 - 2 Torchy Tini’s
    4/6 - AF
    4/7 - 2 wine
    4/8 - 3 wine
    4/9 - 3 drinks 1 margarita + 2 wine (half full small plastic cups at party) Couples Baby Shower
    4/10 - 3 margaritas Crawfish Boil; bags of frozen margaritas leftover from the previous evening event
    4/11 - AF

    It was a rough weekend as I forgot my goals to go light ... love margaritas!

  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,321 Member
    April 10 and 11 = AF
  • lmlmrn
    lmlmrn Posts: 787 Member
    Whoopee Monday is done! LOL

    So all you organizer type gal's and guys LOL guess what I am doing? Inventorying all the food we have in our home, then will be organizing. I know this sounds pretty odd right??

    DH over the past year kept buying food for longer term storage, (enough to last a year in his dreams). Then putting all the rice, beans, lentils, etc. in pint & quart jars with oxgenators. As well as canned goods. Well needless to say after he filled up all the space I had left in the garage, it started drifting into our downstairs family room (not used).
    So this weekend I have the conversation...dear, you are doing so well downsizing your business ....he interrupts to brag that we should be able to sell the building next spring...that is my point dear....... We will have to eat all the food you stored up because we sure are not paying a moving company (they charge by the pound) to transport a container to storage for a year loaded with canned and dry goods, when we retire.......Silence............Silence. LOL The best laid plans.

    I only teased him a little bit about this. Originally we were not leaving the state until sometime in 2025. He just moved up our timeline. So now we will shift and adjust.

    The challenges will be creative ways to use up the dry goods. Canned goods will be fine. Well except for the 98 cans of albacore and 88 cans of chicken breast. Yes you are reading that right..think Costco