60 yrs and up



  • kind_woman
    kind_woman Posts: 11 Member
    My thoughts today:
    Going to a gym will not happen soon (or possibly ever) for me. It just feels like more trouble than it's worth.
    The idea of swimming sounds great but it's everything else that goes with it I don't like - changing into a swimsuit before or after driving to the pool (we have a nice YMCA here), getting OUT of the pool feels like a weight has been tied to my waist and legs, taking off the wet suit, drying off, putting on bra and clothes before or after driving home. I swam for some months when I was first getting osteoarthritis.
    I also worked on the various weight machines at the same Y a couple of times a week for a while but did not like the process of dressing and driving there and back. Also didn't like having to wait for the machine that I needed.
    When exercise happens in my life (right now going to the grocery store is exercise). it needs to be something I can do at home or in the yard/sidewalk.
    I could change, I guess.
    Thank you to the person who posted the link to the AARP Staying Sharp / Weigt Loss after 50 / Whole Body Reset information. I met with a dietitian when I was still working at IU and what they are saying matches with his advice to me as well. The high protein meals do help with feeling better after I eat. I just haven't quite got it to the level I need.

    I did try something new yesterday and loved it. I had bought some Chobani Complete vanilla Greek "advanced nutrition" yogurt which was a little tart. I scooped out a serving (3/4 cup) and drizzled a tablespoon of honey over it. I usually use sugar sweetened berries but had ran out and was very impressed by the texture and contrast of the honey. 17 g protein.
  • Pdc654
    Pdc654 Posts: 317 Member
    @kind_woman You don't have to go to a gym to get a good workout. Choose an exercise you enjoy, start slow, and gradually increase your time/intensity as your fitness increases. If you choose something that is enjoyable to you, you are much more likely to stick with it. I love Greek yogurt...17 g of protein is a great amount of protein for 3/4 cup!

    @Timberlan127 I understand what you mean about being consistent with strength training. That is hard for me as well. I get some strength training with the pool workouts...we use aqua dumbells, splash boards, etc. But I know it's not like regular weight training workouts.
  • Pdc654
    Pdc654 Posts: 317 Member
    @kind_woman I also understand what you mean by going to the grocery store being a workout in itself. It was like that for me, too, when I first started. Remember every bit of movement counts. When I first started trying to get some intentional exercise I started with just 5 minutes and every day added 1 more minute. It was slow at first. I eventually started walking to the beat of a metronome and gradually increased it as well. I just walked the interior of my house. Luckily I have a large open floor plan so I didn't feel like I was just walking in circles. Like you I started 100 lbs overweight.
  • kind_woman
    kind_woman Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you for the encouragement. Right now housework and anything that requires any standing is hard. Walking is usually easier but still a challenge. I will take hope from yours and others' experiences here.
  • Pdc654
    Pdc654 Posts: 317 Member
    Agree with @BCLadybug888 . There are so many YouTube videos for all fitness levels that are so good. Chair Zumba? Hmmm. I may have to look that one up! But just moving more in any capacity is a great start. What's that saying? A body in motion tends to stay in motion ( and vice versa)
  • Timberlan127
    Timberlan127 Posts: 237 Member
    Long time reader, first time poster.

    I’ve been on MFP since 2014, with ebbs and flows in my participation. Steadily here for the last couple of years.

    I’m 60, and have had a couple of health scares. I identify much more closely with a sloth than with anything athletic.

    I’ve lost around 46 lbs during the plague. I have around 40 to go, give or take. I am not as concerned with the number on the scale as I am percentage of body fat.

    I have been stuck at my current weight for 7 months. I have also been dealing with a stressful situation for 7 months. I’m inclined to think that the two things are related. 😉 I’m also just happy that I am maintaining what I have lost instead of regaining. I’ll take all the wins that I can get.

    I am already friends with some of you, and thank you again for inspiring me! If we aren’t friends and you would like to be, feel free to add me.

    You have done really well to maintain your weight through the pandemic. I can't say the same but I am determined to get it right this time. I know what you mean about getting older and worrying more about health concerns. That's why I am trying to do the research and put more thought into it this time. I want a total life style change.
  • Pdc654
    Pdc654 Posts: 317 Member
    @Clarity8796 Your to be commended for maintaining during a stressful time. That has been my downfall in the past. Well done!
  • Timberlan127
    Timberlan127 Posts: 237 Member
    kind_woman wrote: »
    My thoughts today:
    Going to a gym will not happen soon (or possibly ever) for me. It just feels like more trouble than it's worth.
    The idea of swimming sounds great but it's everything else that goes with it I don't like - changing into a swimsuit before or after driving to the pool (we have a nice YMCA here), getting OUT of the pool feels like a weight has been tied to my waist and legs, taking off the wet suit, drying off, putting on bra and clothes before or after driving home. I swam for some months when I was first getting osteoarthritis.
    I also worked on the various weight machines at the same Y a couple of times a week for a while but did not like the process of dressing and driving there and back. Also didn't like having to wait for the machine that I needed.
    When exercise happens in my life (right now going to the grocery store is exercise). it needs to be something I can do at home or in the yard/sidewalk.
    I could change, I guess.
    Thank you to the person who posted the link to the AARP Staying Sharp / Weigt Loss after 50 / Whole Body Reset information. I met with a dietitian when I was still working at IU and what they are saying matches with his advice to me as well. The high protein meals do help with feeling better after I eat. I just haven't quite got it to the level I need.

    I did try something new yesterday and loved it. I had bought some Chobani Complete vanilla Greek "advanced nutrition" yogurt which was a little tart. I scooped out a serving (3/4 cup) and drizzled a tablespoon of honey over it. I usually use sugar sweetened berries but had ran out and was very impressed by the texture and contrast of the honey. 17 g protein.

    I don't use a gym either. It is too much of a drive to get there. But I walk every day and I have an elliptical. You can lose weight just by walking and it doesn't have to be fast. With two dogs I don't go that fast. Exercise needs to be something you don't mind doing or you won't do it. I like the AARP challenge because it id simple to follow and it has helped. It's not always easy to get 25 grams of protein but at least it's a goal to shoot for and I do find I'm not as hungry if I get the protein.
  • Timberlan127
    Timberlan127 Posts: 237 Member
    There a lot of videos on You tube. Also Silver Sneakers has a lot of videos just for seniors and you don't have to belong to Silver Sneakers to use them. They have them for balance, aerobics, yoga and strength. Many of them are short so if your looking to do just a few minutes here and there you can. There's lots out there it's just getting the time and inclination to use them. But any step forward is a plus. One slow step at a time works best in the long run.
  • Timberlan127
    Timberlan127 Posts: 237 Member
    kind_woman wrote: »
    I must say how lucky I am to have stumbled across this forum. You guys really make me feel good about taking steps forward, no matter how small and getting outside of my normal circle of things.
    I am noticing I am feeling better about myself (see it's working). I got my 26 g of Protein this morning and it's all because you kept me thinking.
    Spring is helping my mood too - flowers, grass, trees, warm air.

    You are doing great !! The small steps count the most and are the ones we tend to make habits in the long run because we know we can do them. I agree this is a fantastic group. Everyone here is so helpful and supportive and it does make a difference.
  • Timberlan127
    Timberlan127 Posts: 237 Member
    I am feeling great today. I haven't been able to walk for the last 2 weeks because my dog had surgery and I stayed home to keep him calm. So it feels so good to get out and walk. It's also a beautiful day here and everything is blooming. Definitely a mood lifter.
  • tim201200
    tim201200 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi! 58 here so I don’t quite qualify yet but I will soon. Looking for friends, any and all feel free to add me.
  • chuckees130
    chuckees130 Posts: 16 Member
    tjjm1850 wrote: »
    Hey there. Just started myself. 62 male from VA. Lets support each other. I am attempting to lose 30 pounds. Look forward to your progress..... maybe we can challenge each other.

    I'M from VA too. Tell me your name and I'll friend you. That is if you don't mind? That's the only way I can find you. My name is Belinda Matney @ chuckees130.
  • Pdc654
    Pdc654 Posts: 317 Member
    @AnnPT77 Glad you're finally getting some warmer weather. Weather is weird here but that's par for the course in KS. Cold last week; 94 yesterday, and 90s for the rest of the week. About 20 degrees above average.

    Welcome to everyone new on the thread. I'm new also. Well, new poster but I actually started logging in MFP on Aug 1, 2021. I've been reading along for awhile but finally decided to join in the conversation. I love the encouragement and support here.
  • Timberlan127
    Timberlan127 Posts: 237 Member
    Good Morning Everyone and Welcome to all the new people. New England weather has been up and down too but nothing above 70's so far. I'm finding that weight loss in my 70's is very up and down like the weather. One day I will lose .6 of a pound and the next day I will gain a pound and a half, then stay the same and finally go down 1.8 pounds. I used to just get a steady loss or stay the same. So I have found now that I need to have patience and remember as long as I stay the same or lose by the end of the week that I am doing good. I'm only walking today. When I go out in the morning ( shopping day today) I don't seem to get back to exercise. But I will try to get my 10,000 steps in. I hope everyone is doing well. This group is the best for support, encouragement and help!!!
  • Timberlan127
    Timberlan127 Posts: 237 Member
    Love the woodland picture Ann. Beautiful place to walk or ride a bike.