New Year, New Us.....25lb Challenge!!

Hi All,

Welcome to the challenge, 25lbs (or more!) by New Year's, 1/1/12. If you are interested post your progress every Monday, 15 weeks to go (1.67 pounds per week), we can do it!!

Heather: Starting Weight 206 - 9/19/11


  • Hi!

    Sugar_Berry (Kiki) - Starting weight: 180 :indifferent:
  • I'm in!!!!

    Starting weight as of this morning 188 lbs :S :)

    GOOD LUCK! We will do this! :):wink:
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Vicky, CW 186 lbs
    TW 161 lb by Jan 1, 2012
  • Sounds great - goal weight of 130 to 135 -- so about 15 to 20.
  • MrsPeavley
    MrsPeavley Posts: 143 Member
    Okay im in starting today!

    Yesterday I decided to take back my life from compulsive over eating and stop feeling sorry for my self. I started today logging my meals, I have went for a 45 min walk and I haven't had any soda. I look forward to everyones post! Keep up the good work everyone! Feel free to add me as a friends because we all need support. You all are encouragement for me!

    Amanda P
  • brigibooboo
    brigibooboo Posts: 38 Member
    I'm in!!! What a great goal. This morning I weighed in at 211.8. Jan 1st, I should be 186.8, which is exactly half way to goal. I love it!!! New to my fitness pal last week. What a great idea. THank you!!!!!
  • i'm in!!

    I weighed in this morning at 263.8. i've been at a weight loss stall for weeks, and would have liked to have been close to 200 by the end of the year, but if i can lose 25-30 lbs by new years, i'll be excited!!
  • oh yes im in my starting weight is 277 i have decided that i am tired of the excuses its time to move ive started 30 day shred yesterday and i do my gazelle for at least 35 mins a day and i want to start ta bo tomorrow I decided to be a stay at home mom and a nursing student i start in the winter right now im getting my ged i know its bad that a 32 year old doesnt have a diploma but life kicked me in the butt a young mom had to work same old story but no more Im kicking butt from now on If anyone wants to friend me we can be there for each other its goin to be a hard process but we can do it Heres to the new year new us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drinker:
  • ambercanfly
    ambercanfly Posts: 150 Member
    I'm in! Starting weight is 260. Hopefully end weight is 235!
  • juli3b2011
    juli3b2011 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm in, too! Although my weight loss seems to be slower than most, I'm still up for the challenge. Let's do this!

    Monday, 9/19/11 ~ 215.6
  • tkacomet
    tkacomet Posts: 73 Member
    thanks for organizing this, Heather.

    today's weight: 175

    bust: 39.5"
    waist: 37" (though this is WAY up from two weeks ago,and I've not been well so I suspect bloat)
    hip: 42"
    arm: 15"
    leg: 25"

    goal: 150 by the new year
  • I'm in, like I said in PP. My start weight today is 188. So I should be 163 by then! I hope for more, but it's a good starting point!!!
  • prettyprpro
    prettyprpro Posts: 128 Member
    I would like to do this but I don't feel comfortable posting my weight. I can message you if that is okay.
  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 600 Member
    I'm in. Starting weight : 179.75lbs
  • Sign me up!

    Trish: Starting Weight 163.3
  • I'm on board. Need some extra motivation about now with the holidays inching up. Starting wt, 160. wt by 1/1/2012-at least 135
  • purple_punk
    purple_punk Posts: 174 Member
    I'd love to join this!

    SW: 191.6lbs
  • I'm in!!

    SW as of 9/19/2011: 205lbs

    Goal weight by 1/1/2012- 180!

    I can do it, and so can all of you as well! :)
  • DrWhere
    DrWhere Posts: 5 Member
    Count me in! SW: 160. GW: 130 (but 145 by 1/1/12)
  • Count me in! I will post my weight in the morning!