60 yrs and up



  • coblujay
    coblujay Posts: 688 Member
    @ridiculous59 I hope you can get back. I got addicted the first time I went 18 years ago. This was my fifth trip to the continent. Any extra funds go into my travel bucket. It was so amazing at a lower weight and I bought most of my travel clothes at Goodwill, which was a huge surprise. I'm already planning the next visit. This is another reason to stay focused on getting healthy. I want to be healthy enough to travel as I get older. :smiley:
  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    GoRun2 wrote: »
    I'm feeling happy today. I'm down 14 lbs. I have 15 more to go to get to goal. We are going on vacation Friday. I hope I can just not gain wait on vacation.

    You can do it. You know what you need to do to keep on track. Just try your best, relax and enjoy yourself.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,583 Member
    GoRun2 wrote: »
    I'm feeling happy today. I'm down 14 lbs. I have 15 more to go to get to goal. We are going on vacation Friday. I hope I can just not gain wait on vacation.

    Maybe you already realize this, but just in case: Don't panic if the scale's up a few pounds when you get back. Shifts in water retention can be surprisingly large after eating a little different from usual, doing some unusual things, and (especially) long drives or flying if those are part of the situation. I can find myself up a few pounds on the scale after some of those combinations, even if just a long weekend . . . but in a week or two, it drops off and I'm at or close to my previous weight (sometimes lower).
  • newHampshirite
    newHampshirite Posts: 180 Member
    Thanks for your kind response Ridiculous59. And congratulations on making it to the front of the canoe and staying there. It was clearly wise of you to stay on MFP after achieving your goal!

  • YPLamothe1
    YPLamothe1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I am 62 I just joined. I am a female. I don't like to eat but I keep gaining wait. I am a workaholic. I joined because I have high cholesterol and prediabetic, so I need to lose some weight. I am looking for a good meal plan that I can follow, so I can learn how to eat normal and on time. I don't like to workout but if I find the encouragement I would.
  • GoRun2
    GoRun2 Posts: 448 Member
    This is on finding a diet you can follow. I started looking at the 1200 calorie a day diets to see what they do. Too much variety and too much cooking for me. I tend to have the same breakfast every day, makes it easy. Lunch is either a sandwich or left overs with carrot sticks. I go through the dinner recipes. This works for me.
  • Pdc654
    Pdc654 Posts: 317 Member
    When my doctor and I discussed losing weight last summer he suggested Weight Watchers which he said worked for his parents and many of his patients. I'm sure it did and I know it's a good plan. However, I told him I was going to use My Fitness Pal because it worked for me before and I actually like calorie counting. I'm sure he thought it would be too tedious but it's actually not. So much easier now with the extensive database and being able to scan barcodes and copy repeat meals, etc. It's really one of the most flexible options and gives you the opportunity to review what you're eating and tweak your meals to optimize nutrition while eating to satisfy hunger. I've tried many plans in the past. In the 80s it was low fat. There's been many low carb diets. Then there was carb cycling where every other day you eat low fat and every other day low carb. Do they work? They do because the common thread among them all is eating less calories than you expend. But for me, it wasn't a way of life. When I stopped I gained. With CICO, I don't have to give up anything I don't want too. I just can't eat all the things all the time. So I eat what I like, but I am trying to eat healthier more nutrient dense food than before. Because of that I am able to stay within my calorie goal without getting hungry cause I can eat more food for fewer calories. There are many good weight loss plans out there. Just choose one you like and can do forever, even in maintenance.
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,858 Member
    @AnnPT77 thanks for the beautiful picture. I'd love to try rowing. Maybe one day when I'm on holiday somewhere that has a rowing club I can trade my paddles for oars. 🙂

    Meal Plans: I find that for me, most meal plans have foods that require too much cooking or are wasteful. For example "Day 2 breakfast: half an avacado". But what do I do with the other half until Day 2 cycles round again??

    Here's my meal plan and I managed to lose 90 pounds, though I realize it's not for everyone. I eat the same thing for breakfast most days: plain Greek yoghurt, berries, and a homemade muffin. When I was working I ate the same thing for lunch most days. On Sundays I'd make a big pot of soup or a big bowl of salad. Every day I'd take a portion, plus some protein, which might be leftover meat from the night before or a can of tuna. My husband and I generally eat the same dinner, though my plate has more veggies and I rarely eat rice or potatoes (taste to calorie ratio not big enough for me).

    And that's my meal plan. Most days I ate 1200 calories but I was never one to turn down a piece of birthday cake or a glass of wine for a special occassion. Notice I say "special", not "regular". I usually ate back about half my earned exercise calories. Since retirement I've managed to put a few pounds back which I'm dealing with at the moment however I'm still within a "normal" BMI (though at the high end). I just like the way my clothes fit when my weight is a little lower.