What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • Bodenista
    Bodenista Posts: 146 Member
    44 min walk at an average speed of 4.9kmph.

    2 mins below zones
    14 mins fat burn
    27 mins cardio
    1 min peak.

    My blisters are covered in Compeed plasters and while that helped quite a lot, the soreness was still pulling me back a bit from the speed that I usually walk at.

    Caroline Girvan Iron Series Day 2 - Upper body with dumbbells, 30 mins.

  • Bodenista
    Bodenista Posts: 146 Member
    No walking today, staying off my blisters for a couple of days.

    At home workout today with Caroline and then Nicole.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,720 Member
    I didn't post yesterday, really technically a rest day, though I did go out in a double with a learner in our learn to row class. As with the earlier such outing, I rowed a bit to get us back on course now and then, but mostly just stabilized the boat and let her row alone. So fun and rewarding, seeing someone make changes, improve, get the hang of it!

    Today, rowing with my regular group: 6 of us, a double and quad, with me in bow of the quad; the usual 7k-ish distance, not intense - Z3 and below.
  • Bodenista
    Bodenista Posts: 146 Member
    Day 4 done and loving it!!

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,720 Member
    Rowed the usual 7k-ish this morning in bow of the quad. Almost hit a fishing boat that was bogged down in the weeds; one more mistake on my part (3 strikes) and I'm going to mutiny out of rowing bow for a while. SMH.

    Tonight, coxed a quad rowed by the two official learn-to-row coaches, and two learn-to-row class participants, which went fine. No workout there; just sitting in a boat and shouting at people. (Richer clubs have "cox boxes" that connect to speakers in the boat, so the cox can use a headset to talk to the rowers. We're shoestring-y, so our coxes just shout no megaphone even. 😆)
  • Bodenista
    Bodenista Posts: 146 Member
    Day 5 done. It is a 30 day series and we do 5 days on and 2 days off. So back to it on Friday.


    Then I went straight out for a 74 mins walk at an average speed of 5kmph.

    7 mins fat burn.
    62 mins cardio.
    5 mins peak.

    I'm having a rest day tomorrow, have a great day everyone and see you all on Thursday 🙂