July 2022 Accountability Month - Check-In



  • dorothyp3
    dorothyp3 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi. I'm Doro. I was on MFP a few years ago, and as I return, have discovered that I'm EXACTLY the same weight I was when I first started with MFP all those years ago. Since I've been trying to work on weight loss every single day, that is more than depressing. But here I am, trying this again to see if it'll make a difference. Both want, and need, to lose 18lbs.
  • TinaLeigh67
    TinaLeigh67 Posts: 669 Member
    Welcome Doro! This is a great group for encouragement and accountability
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,660 Member
    Great that you are joining us : - )

    I hear you on that one. I lost weight before, stopped tracking my calories (figuring that I knew the amounts etc.) and gained the 50 pounds that I had lost.
    I will be tracking forever, and I am okay with that.

    I believe that it is all about nutrition and accountability, both of which MFP and forums help so much with.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,266 Member
    krlove80 wrote: »
    Hello My name is Karey
    Age: 41
    Height: 5'10"
    Goal: To drop 10lbs or more by 8/24/2022

    I used to weight over 400lbs and have lost over a 140lbs since I started my journey. I been on this plateau of being between 240-260lbs for years. However, within the last month I gained 20lbs and now at 275.8lbs. I am currently going through the pre-ops of bariatric surgery and have had very little success. This past week I have been working really hard to change my nutrition plan around and exercise a bit more. I been in a funk and just have not had the excitement to do better. So, I am hoping this community will be the inspiration I need to keep going even on the days I don't feel like it. Thank you for putting this together.

    7/12/2022 - 275.8lbs



    We got this!

  • zukppi75
    zukppi75 Posts: 80 Member
    edited July 2022

    Starting this Thursday, July 14th!

    Goal for July: Lose 1,5kg (-0,7 per week).
    Next goal: lose 6,5 kg in 2 months (Sep 14th).

    - Eat less sugar
    - Avoid eating between meals
    - Log everything

  • kramereh
    kramereh Posts: 612 Member
    Name: Liz
    Height: 5'8” Age: 37
    July Starting Weight: 218.6
    July goal: 205
    UGW: 160
    July current loss: 4.4

    7/08- 218.6
    7/09- 216.8
    7/10- 215.6 - started doing my workouts again and feeling good!
    @ashleycarole86 thank you!
    7/11- 215.4 - ate out with the family yesterday and did really good at limiting myself!
    7/12- 214.6
    7/13- 214.2
  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,256 Member
    Tina, Height: 5'6" Age: 65
    May starting weight:171.5
    June starting weight:168.5
    July starting weight:171.0
    July ending goal:165.0
    UGW: 145

    "One day you will thank yourself for never giving up!"

    7/1: 171.0 - walked 6 miles
    7/2: 170.7 - walked 5 miles
    7/3: 170.2 - rode 18 miles on my bicycle
    7/4: 170.5 - ate over calories yesterday; went kayaking for 2 hours
    7/5: 170.2 - walked 6.5 miles; need to start logging in my food daily
    7/6: DNW
    7/7: 170.6 - walked 6 miles
    7/8: 170.3 - walked 5.75 miles
    7/9: 170.1 - biked 19 miles
    7/10: 170.1 - day off
    7/11: 170.4 - walked 5.5 miles; must get back to logging
    7/12: 170.1 - walked 2 miles - thunderstorms here.
    7/13: 170.3 - walked 6 miles - ate out twice yesterday so I'm happy with the weigh in
  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,256 Member
    @krlove80, @dorothyp3, @zukppi75, and @kramereh
    Welcome to the group. Everyone is very encouraging!
    Happy logging!

  • HollyL7714
    HollyL7714 Posts: 66 Member
    Name: Holly
    Height: 5'5" Age: 34
    Starting Weight (May 18): 150 lbs
    July Starting Weight: 142.1
    July goal: 139
    UGW: 125

    7/1: 142.1
    7/2: 142 Went on a 3.3 mile hike up a mountain yesterday. Really breathtaking view at the top.
    7/3: 141.6
    7/4: 140.8 Yesterday I did some yoga then 45 minutes of circuit training. I had a few bad days, but I'm happy to be back on track with food and exercise.
    7/5: 141.1
    7/6: 140.9
    7/7: 141.8 Walked from my house to downtown yesterday evening (about 4 miles) and got icecream. Consequently, the icecream put me over, but it was so good.I'll have to try not to make that a habit.
    7/8: 141.1 Went for a walk yesterday, then got in some yoga and a little HIT
    7/9: 141.1
    7/10: 140.7 Did 35 minutes of HIIT yesterday 🥵🥵
    7/11: 140.8
    7/12: 140.2 Was feeling sore yesterday, so I took a rest day and did some light stretching.
    7/13: 140.3 Did some yoga and a core workout
    7/14: 142 I expected a jump this morning. Early weigh in and went for dinner and a movie last night. It was a bit of an indulgent day.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    Name: Ashley
    Age: 35
    Height: 5'9"
    Goal: Stay in maintenance range (160-165)

    Jul 1: 163.4
    Jul 2: 162
    Jul 3: 165.2
    Jul 4: 164
    Jul 5: 164
    Jul 6: 164.6
    Jul 7: 164.4
    Jul 8: 163.4
    Jul 9: 163
    Jul 10: 161.2
    Jul 11: 160.8
    Jul 12: 161.8
    Jul 13: 161.2
    Jul 14: 160.8
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,660 Member

    What movie did you see?
    And where did you go to dinner?
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,660 Member
    I am Dawn
    61 years old, 5'2"
    I joined MFP in October 2018
    I have lost around 50 pounds and have another 20-30 to lose. I was 10 pounds less at this time last year and really did feel better. Right now I don't fit into the clothes that I was wearing then. I will use that as motivation to try to reduce.

    Friday July 01 - 138.6 - Happy Canada Day : - ) I will try to keep it reasonable today after work when all of the festivities are going on. This morning shows me up 0.9 above last month's start weight.
    Saturday July 02 - 136.2 - Huh? Well, I'll take it : - ) Danced my *kitten* off at the park right near my house. We too had a big rain storm at one point and got drenched. Ran under a tree, the band temporarily stopped so we went back to my place to change clothes and went back when we heard the band start back up. We got a beautiful rainbow after all of that : - )
    Sunday July 03 - 138.4 - I went into the red a little bit (18) yesterday which rarely happens. The scale has reflected it. It is supposed to rain here for today and tomorrow, so I got all of the grass cut and stuff yesterday. Today I will pick away at indoor stuff, get the floors washed etc.
    Monday July 04 - 141.0 - Ouch
    Tuesday July 05 - 140.4 - Very late dinner last night, so hoping to see a good drop tomorrow as I anticipate a normal eating window tonight. Went to see the Elvis movie, then watched the Macy's July 4th celebration on TV.
    Wednesday July 06 - 138.6 - Okay, back to the month's start weight
    Thursday July 07 - 138.6 - Expected a big drop today, so very much activity and little food. Maybe it will take a couple of days, or maybe my body likes it best at this weight.
    Friday July 08 - 138.5 - So quick to gain, so slooowww to take off. Banner week, lots of exercise and healthy food choices. I honestly had expected a better drop. Friday night is usually when I eat something a bit more indulgent (but staying within calories). We'll see.
    Saturday July 09 - 137.7 - I did have 4 wings last night. Weekends I definitely eat a little differently. I also have more time for working out on my days off, but I don't get the steps on my pedometre that I do while waitressing during the week.
    Sunday July 10 - 138.8 - Taking the gain in stride.
    Monday July 11 - 141.0 - I don't get it : - (
    Tuesday July 12 - 139.8 - Lots of sweating in the yard after work yesterday.
    Wednesday July 13 - 138.6 - Back to this month's start weight again. Too scary to climb up into the 140s, which was my weight 2 years ago.
    Thursday July 14 - 139.5 - I weighed at 4am, so am okay with the rise.

    Start weight this month: 138.6