What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Lifting in the AM. I do sets to break up my workday, around every 50 minutes or so. 3 compound movements, one for shoulder, one for legs, one for chest -- 30 reps X 5 sets. Start at 6 AM and finish around 11 AM or so.

    Right into my row, which today was a timed 5K. Finished just @ a 2:09 pace (21:30 or so total time). Not great but an improvement from last month's 21:42. Plus, it was 102 today at lunch outside (94 even with my cooler plopped right next to me), so I was just super happy to complete it. Not even halfway through the month and I've finished this month's two (indoor) club rowing challenges.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,687 Member
    If it's summer, Tuesday, and not storming it must be a bike ride? Garmin saw 24 miles, but at the start lost something between half and one mile playing "where's my friend the GPS satellite?" before it locked in 🙄 I took it pretty easy, and it was windy, so only 10.4 mph moving average, only 3' even in Z3, remainder below. The milkweed flowers still smell really nice, in spots on the trail, but they're fading.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    @Ann and @Mike - Thanks for the kind words. It was a lot of run to have a bunch of my friends racing with me, as well as seeing the pro Men and pro Women fly over the course.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 995 Member
    edited July 2022
    @Djproulx Congratulations!

    I went climbing yesterday. I was in average to slightly over average form, getting three new routes and getting higher on a few projects.

    It was a 90 minute session (I arrived at the gym a bit later than normal, and the gym was sauna-like. It has no AC, and it was 28 Centigrade and humid. Being English, I am unused to this!)
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    I took the gymnastics class for the first time! They typically focus on pull up varieties, handstand stuff, double unders and core strength. I can't do any of it but everything is scaleable so I only skipped the hip flexor raises because of my back.

    It was a 12 min emom. On min 1, 4, 7, 10 I did a 30 second pike plank (vs everyone else's handstand hold against the wall), which was surprisingly most challenging on my ankle. On min 2, 5, 8, 11 I did 3 beat swing-esque movements and 3 pull ups with the help of horizontal bands, 3 green and 1 blue. On monday I had to do it with someone else's 3 green bands and only managed eye-level pull ups so we tried that again today with the same result. Then we tried 4 green bands and it was too much, I was not putting in much work beyond wiggling my body back and forth, my arms were getting no workout. So we settled on 3 greens and one blue and it was perfect. The blue bands are over half the strength of the green ones (so 2 blues are stronger than 1 green) but it's unclear by how much so I still don't know what they mean. On min 3, 6, 9, 12 I did 3 inchworms with locked elbows (vs everyone else's 5). Overall quite intense but new things always feel intense and I'm still recovering from monday and yesterday.

    Then we did 3 sets of 10 bent over row per side but pulling more back than up, 10 lat pull downs with a stick in a green band for the full range of motion, from straight above your head (while bent over) to all the way down to your legs with straight arms. Super intense. Then seated db presses, 10 each side. The others did 10 hip flexor raises as well.

    I had a lot of fun and the coach said he'll be adding some evening gymnastics classes too so I'm looking forward to that!
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,586 Member
    Wednesday is my chest day.

    Cable Twists, Bench Press, Incline DB Press, Decline Cable Fly, Standing OHP, EZ Bar Skullcrusher
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Steady state day with 30 minute row and 20 minutes or so of Assault Bike. Row seemed like a tough go because it was 102 outside at lunch. Cooler only cooled it down next to me to around 96. Felt worse than it should have. Slower pace than normal too (2:26).
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,687 Member
    Morning row got rained out (with possibility of lightning!), but tonight was the club's "moonlight barge row". I think I've mentioned that rowing the barge is kind of like rowing your living room: Similar size, shape, performance characteristics. We only rowed about 6.7 km, but it was substantially more effort than that distance in a regular rowing shell, especially with about 8 rowers rather than the 16 there's room for.

    It was also really fun, and utterly beautiful as a huge-looking reddish moon rose, faded to orange-ish, and finally normal moon-color. Perfect night for it, too: Clear, warm but not hot.

    This is sweep rowing, one oar per person. I sat port stroke (there are two stroke rowers in the barge, sitting side by side). I'm out of condition for sweep: The oar handles are bigger, the club's sweep oars are old wood-handled ones, so - though I didn't realize it until after the row - I blistered 3 of 4 fingers on my left hand. Discovered it when I put on hand sanitizer - one had opened up (ow! 😆). It was worth it: So fun, so beautiful!
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited July 2022
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Morning row got rained out (with possibility of lightning!), but tonight was the club's "moonlight barge row". I think I've mentioned that rowing the barge is kind of like rowing your living room: Similar size, shape, performance characteristics. We only rowed about 6.7 km, but it was substantially more effort than that distance in a regular rowing shell, especially with about 8 rowers rather than the 16 there's room for.

    It was also really fun, and utterly beautiful as a huge-looking reddish moon rose, faded to orange-ish, and finally normal moon-color. Perfect night for it, too: Clear, warm but not hot.

    This is sweep rowing, one oar per person. I sat port stroke (there are two stroke rowers in the barge, sitting side by side). I'm out of condition for sweep: The oar handles are bigger, the club's sweep oars are old wood-handled ones, so - though I didn't realize it until after the row - I blistered 3 of 4 fingers on my left hand. Discovered it when I put on hand sanitizer - one had opened up (ow! 😆). It was worth it: So fun, so beautiful!

    That sounds like a blast Ann! Just something I found this year helps me with blisters. There are Hyrdocolloid (waterproof) bandages. Until I found them, nothing worked for rowing. They are fantastic! Amazon sells them cheap. Walgreens or CVS also carry them. I won't do without them now.

    Today was SS work again. 30 minute row, no cool down after. Seemed easy. 2:22 pace @ 21 SPM for 6300 some meters. HR never got above 70% until right in the last few minutes. Was pleased with that since it was 93 or 94 in my garage, even next to the cooler.

    Golf tonight if it doesn't get rained out. It's supposed to be 104 this evening. Needed to save some energy for that. Thank goodness for cooling towels and hats. I bring a small cooler just for ice water to keep my cooling towels in for golf. Helps tremendously.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,659 Member
    I always do some form of cardio for 30 minutes-60 minutes (teaching class), and train one body part a day working out 7 days a week. At my age, training each bodypart once a week HARD is all I need to stay in shape now.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited July 2022
    Today was my harder day. 150 reps of three body part (compound movements) -- shoulders, legs, chest. Broken into 5 sets (I sometimes even break them up into 20 and 10 for each).

    Then, harder row at lunch. Brutal heat today in my garage. Did an 8 X 500m row with 1 minute rest. 1:58.5 average, which is surprisingly my best session in a long time on this workout. Now, back in the day, I got down to 1:52 on 12 reps of the same workout, but that was when I was in my early 50s and done in my old Ohio house in the nice cool A/C basement, so pretty pleased with this one done starting at 97 degrees (even with the cooler on -- I keep a thermometer right next to the rower). It ended up cooling down to 94 by the end, but that's still pretty brutal. I just said I'll try to keep the HR in check under 170 and stuck with that. As long as it settles back down under 140, I'm good to do the next set and it did every time, so I kept going.

    Would not recommend anyone do this type of workout unless they are in really good base cardio shape, wear a HRM and really, really know their HR behavioral patterns. I know when to abort these types of workouts. Being smart beats suffering anytime. This didn't feel too bad or I wouldn't have completed it.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,504 Member
    About 2.5 hours in a canoe.

    Rather than just paddle gently and fish like I did yesterday, a friend and I paddled about 2.5 miles upstream including a circumnavigation of a small island across from the boat ramp and a two-mile climb up to the water treatment plant and back.

    We did some "surfing" on the way home. Tiny little wave. Point boat upstream and put butt on wave. Use paddle to get in the right place and maintain angle and maybe put in a stroke or two and just sit. A person sitting on shore with some kids asked how I was able to just sit there and not get swept downstream. I explained the wave that formed going over an obstacle and the fact that the wave face on the upstream side let me "fall downhill" while the water went by underneath me. Made total sense once I explained it, but he hadn't thought of that. Neat stuff.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,687 Member
    Back to the routine: Right around 7k, rowing bow in the double. Sane calorie/HR estimate from Garmin, given that this was easy pace: About half Z2, half below.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    @Ann, that moonlight barge row looked like a blast!

    This week was post race recovery for me, so mostly just easy bike rides, deep tissue massage and some PT. Today's ride was a large fund raiser for cancer research. I joined 7-8 tri club members for the 50 mile route. (25, 50 100 mile options) I THOUGHT we agreed that this was a social ride, since two of our guys are tapering for the Lake Placid Ironman race next weekend and we went out with the slower group (14-17mph). It was social and lots of fun, but we moved right along, ending up with a 17.2mph average for the fifty.

    I may swim tomorrow, but I'm really looking forward to PT on Monday. Expecting to get clearance to resume running next week from the PT. Fingers crossed.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 995 Member
    edited July 2022
    Yesterday, I went for a dive. It was nice.

    We did the TR Thompson out of Brighton, a 34m wreck which is pretty broken up. My buddy went down the shot line way quicker than me, so I lost sight of him. When I got to the bottom, I initially thought the viz was terrible. It turned out that I was just confused by a shoal of bib on the wreck, and viz was around 3m, so pretty nice
    It was a 40onute dive with 4 minutes of deco.

    The second dive was a drift at 15m in worse vis. There was quite a lot of wildlife. It was fun. It was also a 40 minute drive.

    Today, I went for a climb. It was nice. I was in reasonable form. I lasted 2.25 hours, and was still getting hard stuff at the end.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,687 Member
    edited July 2022
    Rushing around yesterday, didn't post. I did do the usual 7k-ish row in the morning, in bow of the quad, with 2 of my teammates from the now-defunct breast cancer survivors rowing team guest rowing with us in 2 & 3 seats, and another club rower in stroke.

    The two former team-mates did their first guest row a week or two ago, after a multi-year hiatus. They've mostly been sweep rowers (one oar per person), only sculled (2 oars per person) a little. The bladework is different. Nonetheless, they did well. They also can't - or believe they can't? - carry a quad with 2 other people (the normal thing), but another club rower, younger and very strong, was there and helped us carry the boat so they could be confident. I was the one who invited them to guest row, and am happy that they have, but I have to admit I'm always a little anxious about whether everything will go well. It did.

    Spent the rest of the day in a town an hour down the road, watching 2 doubles from our club in the state club invitationals, a women's double racing open class, and a mixed double racing masters. Masters races, when not large enough to have exclusive age-category races, use handicapping to adjust the raw times and determine race outcome. Our club's mixed double had a 39 y/o woman and 61 y/o man, so average age 50 (class D), got 11-point-something second handicap, but still got beat by some very fast class AA (age 21-26) rowers, and some class E (older) masters who were close on raw time, but got bigger adjustments due to ages.

    Today's a rest day.

  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    I haven't posted in a couple of weeks because there were some household health issues that kept me busy. (Everyone is ok now, thankfully!) Anyhoo, can you guess what I did for exercise? Yup, a bunch of elliptical sessions (range from 45 min. to an hour), averaging about 4 days per week with 2 days/week of full body strength training. I think I finally have a good strength routine going with low weight dumbbells and body weight. I'm feeling good, noticing some changes in the old body, and have managed to keep the injury fairies from visiting. I'm thankful.

    Glad to see everyone here is doing well! Congrats on the tri win @Djproulx !
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I was looking forward to a ride at lunch today but neglected to check the weather forecast. We've had a fairly mild summer so far here save for the first bit of June where we were unusually hot so I haven't paid much attention to the weather...it's typically mid 80s to maybe 90 when I head out for a lunch ride. I geared up about 45 minutes ago to head out and opened my garage to a barrage of heat. I pulled out my phone and it was already 104* at noon so ride was a no go. It looks like we're in a heat wave until Saturday when things cool back down to the 90s which is manageable so I guess I'll be trying to get out of bed a little earlier this week to get my work done in the mornings.
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    I was out of town from wednesday afternoon until last night so I only got a little bit of walking in on some of those days but I am back at it today with two workouts.

    The first was 5 rounds of 3 minutes of work and 1 min rest with no pressure to "be the best". We did 15 bench presses then cardio to fill the rest of the time. For me that meant 30kg bench presses and some time on the assault bike. Ideally they wantef you to do bench presses at 75% of your body weight but that's only reasonable for very fit and 'normal weight' men and insanely fit men who fall outside of the normal weight category and women who fall within the normal weight category. I cannot do 93kg bench presses so I did 25% of my body weight and it was HEAVY. The first round I did 8-7, barely doing the 7. Then 3x5 for 2 rounds, then 5-4-3-3 and finally 5x3. And each round was slower and slower so less bike but I was so tired afterwards.

    I skipped the accessory work and got roped into participating in the weightlifting comp at our gym this saturday. Good times.

    Then I did the gymnastics class for the second time ever! We're starting a 6 week program this week focused on pull ups. We're supposed to do one class and then do an individual workout during the open gym that is very similar to what we did in class to improve faster. So basically homework.
    We started with active shoulder hang after the warmup. I did 10 seconds 4 times in 2,5 minutes. We were supposed to do 20 seconds but this is the first time I did this position at all so I'm super happy with my work. Surprisingly, you don't feel the active shoulder hold in your shoulders until your grip starts to fail. It's a core exercise. I had to tighten my core a lot and keep it tight until I dropped. It was very useful.
    Then we had a 12 min emom. Og was 10-12 beat swings, 10 crocodile rolls, 10-12 bent over row. I did 4-8 beat swings (in sets of 4!!!), then 10 deadbugs and 8-10 db bent over row kinda things per arm with a 5kg db.
    After the emom we had strength work. I did 2x5 slow ring rows, 2x3 db very slow bicep curls per side with a 7,5kg db for 2 full sets. Others did more reps and sets but went faster so I feel like our efforts were at least equal.

    Now I'm spent and hungry. Tomorrow's oly class while it's 36 degrees Celsius outside so thank goodness for fans but oof. Wish me luck