What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited July 2022
    Brief (because I have a call planned shortly), did supersets in the AM again and then 8 X 500m row w/ one minute recovery (very hard with that short of recovery). 1:58.0 average, a .5 second improvement from last week, but this was MUCH cooler today so that was to be expected. Last week was like 102 at lunch and today was 85. Like night and day.
  • DonnyStedham1
    DonnyStedham1 Posts: 3 Member
    Rest day
  • janicemlove
    janicemlove Posts: 439 Member
    Worked with my PT today: squats, pull-ups, lunge+row combo, Bulgarian split squats (I hate these with a passion, they are the worst!), leg extension, lat pull down.
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    I did my gymnastics homework today and it was all arms.
    4 sets of 10 assisted strict pull ups
    4 sets of 15 trx ring rows and 10 db bicep curls per arm, with 5kg DBs, resting as much as needed after each set.

    Afterwards I rolled out my arms because I was feeling every arm muscle I have. It was so intense for a 45 min workout.

    Tomorrow's a forced day off because I can't do the workout and the pilates instructor is on vacation. I'll see if I can go on a walk.

    Idk if I mentioned my knee hurting a lot but it started saturday afternoon and mostly I just tried not to overdo it and all the pain is gone as of this morning. Yay!
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,538 Member
    Push day in the weight room: bench press, incline DB press, decline cable fly, standing overhead press, lying EZ-bar extends
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 992 Member
    I lifted a little, doing:
    3 sets of 5, OHP, 40 kgs
    Front squat, 2 sets of 5, 60kgs
    Deadlift, 1 set of 5, 100kgs
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    183 minutes on my Elliptical for 12.35 miles. I'm off work for 6 days. Hopefully the kick start I need for a downward trend again!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,652 Member
    Felt fine after yesterday's row/bike double, so went on with my normal Thursday bike ride, 23.4 miles, 10.7mph moving average, all but 3' were Z2 and below, so taking it pretty easy. Strong-ish wind from West, high teens gusting to mid 20s mph, which was a headwind or crosswind on some open stretches on the ride.

    Supervised open rowing tonight, but didn't do anything active other than carrying some boats and oars.
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    We did a short 10 min amrap of 3-6-9-12-15-etc power clean and push jerks + ring rows. I did 25kg and hang power c&js. I did 70 reps total! I'm very happy.

    I know I pushed myself because at the accessory work my arms felt weak and I had to break stuff up into sets.

    Now I just wanna nap. I got some walking in yesterday and this morning but overall I only did 4 workouts and this weekend I'm too busy. Next week I am off work so I'm planning to do 8 workouts total, which should be doable, and thursday I'm helping my sister move.
  • Mikeruns2021donotaddme
    Mikeruns2021donotaddme Posts: 135 Member
    I’m on here looking for 5-10 consistent members to have as friends who are motivated and active. Not liking for a large group of people. Just consistent, hard working people looking to take on challenging one day at a time. I’m a semi serious runner looking to run a 2:25 marathon. Looking to get stronger and be stronger then excuses I’ve used in the past.

    *sorry about my username, I can’t change it.

    My workout today was a one hour run. Looking to get back to strength work tomorrow after taking the week off to recover from my trail race ultra last week
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,652 Member
    No paddles in my life today, but oars again (unsurprisingly). This time, we were in the quad, and I rowed 2 seat (one seat bow-ward of the stroke rower, who's stern-most in the shell).

    Once again in the engine room (2 and 3 seat in a quad), I was trying to get some power on each stroke again, feel a little decompression from the seat on each drive. In addition, our stroke rower (who sets the cadence, i.e., strokes per minute) was taking us a beat or two faster than most others in our group do in stroke; and the bow rower (also her first time this season in bow, responsible for steering and other calls) called some power tens, so there was a bit of an interval workout in there for a while.

    About 1/3 of the row was Z3 for me, and a tiny bit of Z4, so still not super intense, but a bit more than we've done on so many of the hotter days.

    I have to admit, I didn't individually do much tech focus. Somehow, the mood in the boat was a little goofy. There was a nice deer sighting (young spike buck); and some focusing on an earworm song that 2 seat was experiencing ("Kung Fu Fighting"), then that turned into individuals singing lines from different train songs when the freight trains ran the track section by the river, and that sort of thing. It was fun, but I spent more brain bandwidth on fun than technique, this time. (Usually, we don't talk much in the boat - let alone sing - except during water breaks when we turn at the bridges.)
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    191 minutes on my Elliptical for 14 miles this AM. Then leg press 100# 5 sets of 20, Lat pull downs on a cable system 60# 3 sets of 20, then a cable row 60# 2 sets of 20, bicep curls with dumbbells 10# 2 sets of 20 and tricep kickbacks 10# 2 sets of 20. And giving blood tonight.
  • BoundlessBow
    BoundlessBow Posts: 21 Member
    edited July 2022
    Leg day!
    Squats, leg press, calf raises, leg curls and leg extension

    I also took my son for a walk around the town park this morning for 40 mins