

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Viv UK-I agree attitude is everything. I like you body description.

    Machka-good to have you posting-missed your chatter and questions and advice. You did have an incredibly busy July!

    Love the expression on Bea's face Heather!

    Carol-Grands are growing quickly. Hard to believe back to school this early.

    Rita RV-glad things are looking up. I started meds Sunday for a sinus infection. I woke up at 1 am this morning and my first thought was "I can breathe!" Does make all the difference.

    Pip-sounds like your plan is working for the bike/ride. I see people around here riding bike and holding dog's lease (dog is trotting along with them). Would that approach work for you?

    Sue in WA-good news that pt is working and foot is healing. Sounds like a nice visit with GS.

    Karen-I love your brother's picture! That is one I would seriously consider buying-and I don't typically buy paintings.

    Barbiecat-August will be a long waiting month-maybe they will have a cancellation.

    Yesterday helped set up for a large funeral dinner in our area. I did not know the deceased personally but it was quite a send off. Didn't stay for the dinner-just did 4 hours early set up crew. In the midst of that, totally forgot I had a pt session scheduled. Had in my work phone calendar (which I didn't check yesterday because I wasn't at work) but did not have it in personal cell. I honestly do not think I have ever forgot such an appointment in my life, so I don't feel too bad. If I get charged a fee I do. Missed for a good reason.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

    He runs off leash with me when I run, he would probably do the same on the bike.

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,503 Member
    Waiting on the sun to get up high enough that it will burn off the dew. It's 81 degrees and 81% humidity right now, like wandering around in the swamp. The big mower will mow through anything, and I just need to knock down the very few areas that are still producing grass. After they get above ankle level, the ticks get pretty bad. More sunshine and heat warnings still for the next few weeks. It was nice to at least get a little rain this weekend.

    Barbara - No on the dizziness, it's just annoying, not debilitating. Thanks for asking. :wink:

    I've read everything, just wanted to welcome those who are new. Time to go get voluntarily sweaty.

    There are worse things...

    Lisa in AR
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I have not been anywhere with ticks, but DH’s best friend from school days was bitten by a tick and he had horrible consequences. He did not recover from the bite. I did not see him speak. His family loved him & took excellent care of him. It surely put a fear of ticks for me.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,013 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    I have not been anywhere with ticks, but DH’s best friend from school days was bitten by a tick and he had horrible consequences. He did not recover from the bite. I did not see him speak. His family loved him & took excellent care of him. It surely put a fear of ticks for me.

    mom had/has an issue because of a tick but not as severe as what you are describing- One got in her ear, we are assuming while she was asleep because otherwise she would have had her hearing aid in and she would have felt it. She didn't know it was there until she went to get her hearing aids checked and the guy found it, sent her to ER to have it dug out. Got a bad infection in it. Now she has a whole in her ear drum and waiting to go have surgery to repair the whole as it has not closed on it's own.

    did just over 20,000 steps yesterday. Had a great zumba class. Was able to keep up and have lots of energy during it. I am sure it was the cup of strong coffee but it felt good to really keep up. Down side was not being able to get to sleep until almost 2AM!! Four hours of tossing and turning, then woke up at 7:30 and couldn't get back to sleep.
    Will go walk MIL's dog with my daycare girl and then if she wants, we will stop at the other park for her to play a while(and I will walk)
    Hoping to find someone to walk with this evening or may just go by myself.
    Having my tea now but think I will need to switch to that coffee.

    Have a wonderful Tuesday ladies

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,936 Member
    edited August 2022
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Rita —- I have missed you! I am in Illinois, living in our Bounder now parked at our daughter’’s place. I have enjoyed our grandchildren.

    DH is recovering from heart surgery, one day at a time.. It has taken a long months in a care facility, He is home with me. We’re both at our daughter’s home in Illinois.

    Glad your DH is getting better! I’m in a 1999 Bounder too! No slides, 27 footer. What’s yours RVKATLA ? Lol

    RvRita in Roswell NM

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,936 Member
    I lived in CT where the tics were really bad. They carry Lyme disease in that area. My mom, my SIL and my mom’s dog all got Lyme disease at the same time one year. I never caught it. We had to check ourselves and the dogs daily for tics. Really creeped me out! Then we moved to TN. The tics there weren’t as bad but they carry Rocky Mountain Fever. Dogs and people didn’t get checked as much there but yard was sprayed and grass kept low just in case. Now I live in NM and haven’t seen a tic yet. Just have to watch for rattlesnakes here! Doesn’t matter where you live, there are negatives and positives to the wildlife and weather!

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,100 Member
    Hello ladies!
    I was going to visit my cousin but she cancelled so now I should eat an extra thousand calories, right? Lol. I'm trying not to use food as entertainment. But I have this drive to stare into the fridge. It's like watching a campfire.

    Machka glad you are back. Sounds like work is going well.

    Katla glad you and DH are together again.

    Maybe I should try on my outfit for my date tomorrow. I have Capri pants with a multicolor floral pattern, and a white lacy blouse with a large peach over-shirt. Well maybe more orange than peach. Not my best color, but it's cheerful. The other option is a pale salmon linen shirt but that looks wrinkled already. It's going to be hot and sunny, then cool in the restaurant. Hmm. And should I try some makeup? It's all years old. Then I need to pick jewelry that won't catch my hair. And do I wear the nice sandals or the river shoes so we could walk a bit? Hmm. Yes I better start deciding.

    Annie in Delaware

    Annie in Delaware
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Happy August. I was off work from last Thursday until yesterday. I lost my voice Wednesday night. I did come in for about an hour Thursday morning, but not much I could do with no voice, so had to call someone to come in and work. It finally came back Sunday. This seems to happen when I am really stressed out. So taking lots of deep breaths and praying. Yesterday I did have to have a visit with one of my employee who is always so negative and nasty. Sure hope she got it. My new person starts next Tuesday so that will help I hope.

    I did have my little procedure last Friday. Had to have it done at the surgery center as my insurance would not cover it, (lap band adjusted) and the hospital I work at wanted $1400. Doctor worked it out the surgery center only charged $150. He ended up sticking me 8 times and I do hope this works or the next step is a scope. Really having to watch what I eat now as not throwing up so far and the acid reflux has not woke me up at night.

    Flea--Great news on the MRI and I agree. Cancer treatment has come a long way and so much more effective.

    Beth--So sorry to hear about your dad. Sending prayers and hugs!! <3

    Kelly--What caring you are doing for the family that lost their daughter and all your daycare children. I have a bear made out of my mom's pajamas and it means a lot to me.

    Pip--Cute bike planter.

    Heather--How Blessed your DGC are to have Johnny in their lives. The memories they are making. Reminds me of DH before he got sick last year.

    Well I am up to August. Maybe will have sometime this afternoon.

    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE Where it is to be 100 this afternoon and almost there now. B)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited August 2022
    RV Rita — We are at our daughter’s home in Illinois. Our son in law drove our old Bounder from Oregon to Illinois. It handled the challenge well. We’re at their place and staying in our RV for now. We have looked and found a place we might enjoy. DH has not seen it yet. I’m keeping my fingers crossed hoping that we will like it.

    Vicki— Congrats on your successful medical proceedure.

    Flea— Excellent news on the MRI.
    Three cheers for you. ❤️

    Rita — Our Bounder is a thirty two. It was manufactured in 1998. We’ve had good luck with a good mechanic. 😊 It wasn’t cheap but is doing very well.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,100 Member
    Or I could wear something from my goth phase! Lol!
    Ok it isn't really goth, but since my mother always told me never to wear black, it feels a bit rebellious. It's black and cream very summer weight, very comfortable. Very loose, with light weight khaki Capri pants. I could dig out my black sandals. Hmm. I tried to iron the pants but they still look rumpled.

    The black and cream makes a better outfit, a more put-together look. Never mind the missing button, it won't show.

    Annie in Delaware playing dress up!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    edited August 2022
    Today was my turn to ride. 25.49mi in. Just going around Woodward Lake. Won’t b doing that route all the time but it was nice for the 1st time. Hubby got to walk the boy this time.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Outside bicycling- 2hrs 29sec, 24elev, 12.7amph, 54aw, 119ahr, 139mhr, 25.49mi= 856c
    Strava app = 438c
    Walk home to gym- 11min, .52mi= 62c
    Strava app = 60c
    Stairclimber- 16min, 5-7lvl, 136ahr, 156mhr, 963steps, 60floors= 183c
    Walk gym to home- 11.51min, .54mi= 61c
    Strava app = 62c

    Total cal 1162
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,356 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,513 Member
    edited August 2022

    Finallly finished July and starting August.
    Barbie thank you for your faithful, consistent leadership. :love:
    Katla, like Karen and others, I’m rejoicing to learn your DH was strong enough to fly with you to Illinois. ((hugs)) held extra extra long.
    Tracey Scammers, ugh, spoofing local numbers, :rage:. I don’t pick up, if it’s someone who needs really needs me, they will leave a voice mail, and I can call them right back. Not many need me that urgently, in a way you are lucky to be so integral to so many!
    “Rogers Outage” double ugh, gotta hate those “maintenance upgrades.” [shudder]
    Welcome @sregino2014 Stacey in MD! Great goals!
    Machka so glad to hear the new job is “good busy” and interesting. Con VERY grats on completing that year long every evening and weekend project. Bravissima!
    Heather, Bea’s face says it all :laugh:
    Carla talking about not ready for fall, and Carol’s grands starting school, Aug 1, sheesh! We haven’t had summer yet here on the coast. Cucumbers and melons doing nothing, tomatoes bravely leafing and flowering (and a few tiny green fruits),, snow peas a few inches high, beets and carrots not yet with true leaves, radishes doing better. Shoulda planted lettuce. [sigh]
    Rebecca I too like my gray streaks, very artful down from each side of widow’s peak. Now if only the rest of the hair would smooth out… ;)
    Rita congrats on the loose waisted pants!

    Bottom of pg 2.
    7/30: Move: 1.5 set pt, 19 mins dancing at furball. active mins: 193 steps: 4674
    Fuel: protein=48g 75sugar=g fiber=9g sodium=936mg fruit=1 vegs=2 CI<CO=
    Live: Joe, rx, readings, BP, prep and freeze cherries, hang goat cheese then season, what was I doing that I was too busy to go to dog group? Food prep!
    Wt: 138.0

    Lighter, lovelies!

    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2022: Be still and listen.
    August: Move more, fuel better, live NOW.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member