Healthy for the Holidays Challenge - 9/06 - 11/22



  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    9/06 SW: 198
    9/13: 198
    9/20: 199

    11/22 GW: 185

    Wk #2: 1lb Gain

    {sigh} This is not the direction I want my weight to go!
  • bktries
    9/6 179.5
    9/13 180.5
    9/20 180

    11/22 GW 170

    Did my cardio exercise 3 days. Was not able to do strength training like I wanted to. Was sick over the weekend and just took it easy for a day or so. I also ate late last evening, so it reflected in my weight. But I will keep trying with the exercises and other challenges. I'm bound to get it right one of these days! I beats not trying at all!!
  • prekteacher2
    I got in a NVS! I walked five miles after work. Whoohoo to me.:wink:
  • helena98
    The Biggest Loser premieres tonight!!! Who's watching?

    LOVE these ladies from last season. They are the PICTURE of discipline and hard work. If they can do it, so can we! Let's get inspired!!!

    BEFOREs and AFTERs

    OLIVIA -- SW 261, Now 142

    HANNAH -- SW 248. Now 138

  • Michelle228
    Michelle228 Posts: 69 Member
    wow they look fantastic... I wanna watch it buut glee and those ones are on lol . I forgot to weigh in this morning !!!! So I will post my weight tomorrow morning .. I dont think there is a difference ive been slacking on the exercising..
  • helena98
    wow they look fantastic... I wanna watch it buut glee and those ones are on lol . I forgot to weigh in this morning !!!! So I will post my weight tomorrow morning .. I dont think there is a difference ive been slacking on the exercising..

    I never, ever, ever watch it live. I always watch the free online episodes at They usually post them the day after.
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    I'm opposite.. I pay an insane amount of money monthly to my cable company so I can record 4 shows at once so I miss NOTHING! lol.

    I definitely will be watching Biggest Loser tonight.. I'm totally curious to see how Anna is going to do.

    Hopefully it'll be the kick in the *kitten* I need.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    The Biggest Loser premieres tonight!!! Who's watching?

    LOVE these ladies from last season. They are the PICTURE of discipline and hard work. If they can do it, so can we! Let's get inspired!!!

    BEFOREs and AFTERs

    OLIVIA -- SW 261, Now 142

    HANNAH -- SW 248. Now 138


    I too am so inspired because, well of course one of them shares a name with me (and adult Olivia's are harder to come by than little ones) and really, I never saw them making it. They were so good and dedicated and their attitude transformation is one of pure motivation. If they can do it, I CAN TOO!!!!! And um yeah, I wanna be that hot tooo!!!!!

    I will not watch tonite, but tmrw on, so those of you who love to spoil (ah-hem my dear friend leslie) shhhhhhhhhh! :ohwell: Did someone say anna is back? I don't have regular TV (everything I watch is online), but if she is it'll be good to see her back - what's with her coming back? BTW, was there ever any dish about Rulan and his decision to leave the show?

    off to workout with the neighbor, because even though I don't wanna, I DO wanna see similar results to this week. Dying to be in the 150s (159) in 1 week. That'll just be the "cat's meow" as they say
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    TOO FUNNY, Olivia!! I was going to message you...I currently do not have cable, so I'm watching everything online these days, so NO SPOILERS from me this season!!!
  • vwbear
    vwbear Posts: 87 Member
    This weeks weigh in: 180.4 - down 2.6 lbs this week!
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    Olivia-- Anna Kournikova replaced Jillian... so I'm curious to see how she will do. :smile: I didn't want to look up how to spell her last name and you made
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Olivia-- Anna Kournikova replaced Jillian... so I'm curious to see how she will do. :smile: I didn't want to look up how to spell her last name and you made

    oh yeah, I actually knew that, which is pretty unusual for me, but I was snooping on the NBC website last week, getting ready for the start of the new season. I thought you mean the Anna that was on last season, that for some reason they brought her back. you never know about the BL people, they do funny things.

    @leslie, oh goodie, we'll be behind by 1 day together! :tongue:
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    H4H SW 156.2
    9/13 154.6
    9/20 153.4
    H4H GW 150

    down 1.2 for this week. I'm eating more calories to lose 0.5 lb. per week, and it seems like the weight is coming off better than it has the last couple of months. Don't know what to make of that! I'm solidly in size 10 jeans and medium shirts and have a pair of 8's that button and zip. I weigh a bit less than DD2 for the first time EVER! One of the ladies at quilting group, who hasn't seen me since last spring, wasn't sure she recognized the smaller me--NSV!!
  • Kessyrene
    Kessyrene Posts: 19 Member

    Sorry I missed this week's challenge, grateful if someone can relay them to me :(
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    H4H SW 156.2
    9/13 154.6
    9/20 153.4
    H4H GW 150

    down 1.2 for this week. I'm eating more calories to lose 0.5 lb. per week, and it seems like the weight is coming off better than it has the last couple of months. Don't know what to make of that! I'm solidly in size 10 jeans and medium shirts and have a pair of 8's that button and zip. I weigh a bit less than DD2 for the first time EVER! One of the ladies at quilting group, who hasn't seen me since last spring, wasn't sure she recognized the smaller me--NSV!!

    hooray for being under DD2 weight! what a huge accomplishment!! Congrats!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member

    Sorry I missed this week's challenge, grateful if someone can relay them to me :(

    it's on page 14, posted by singer
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    Wow, there are a lot of us who watch biggest loser on here! That's not a surprise I guess. I didn't realize it was on last night and ran across it towards the end at the weigh ins so I"ll have to watch it on demand tonight. So I don't know how she ended up doing, but I really wasn't sure about Anna K. as a trainer, I mean sure she's a professional athlete but does that qualify someone for what this show requires of a trainer? I'm very interested to see how she does.

    At any rate...back to our own challenges. So I'm going to try and go for the low carb this week. I am a huge, huge carb eater so I don't think I can get as low as 100, but I'll try to see if maybe I can cut my carb intake down by 1/3 to 1/2. Going to give it a shot today and we'll see how it goes!
  • pritichandran
    pritichandran Posts: 23 Member
    Sorry I'm checking in a day late. CW: 162.4 down .4 lbs! I'll take anything.
  • jenniferjgayfield
    LOVE BIGGEST LOSER, but I am totally a Hulu watcher, refuse to pay for cable...anyhow, yeah, definitely not able to eat <100 carbs, but being very intentional about trying to eat less carbs, love the fitness part of the challenge! Also, Ellen, I know I'm late but in terms of lifestyle sustainable change, I think we have to be realistic about what we can and can't keep up with, so I generally only get to exercise 3/4 days a week (sometimes I get to do walking, but not intentional exercise), although I do try to step it up with these challenges. I eat a lot of what I used to eat, just in moderation now...I want to get slim and healthy and stay there, so I don't want to go extreme on anything right now and get used to crazy intense daily workouts which come with a bigger appetite as well.
    Anyhow, hope everybody is having a good week, and hope all those who do Wednesday Church stuff have fun tonight!
  • Michelle228
    Michelle228 Posts: 69 Member
    Yeah like i posted last night my weight has not changed im still at 310... my own fault though havent been exercising much and ive been eating things that i shouldnt . I am getting myself back on track !!!