

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,637 Member
    Carol -

    The shades will roll up and during the heat of the day, I would rather be cooler than have a view...but of course I don't have a pond to look at - out one side is the neighbor house, a rental with weeds as tall as me.... the other is my backyard a better view.

    I was watching antique roadshow the other night and it was one of those where they go back and show what stuff was valued a few years back and then again now and I was amazed to see that most things lost value.

    I don't know what you are up to, but with my god kids it would be a great together project, they certainly could learn to do the research on pricing, pack the boxes and do the carrying into the post office.

    think I remember you not really knowing how to entertain them when they were visiting, if they were interested at all - even if it was just the cash as motivation it could be a fun together project.

    My god kids are adults now, but even so they will ask to do projects together, one of them wants to make soufflés together when they are out next (the girl). The other one wants to work on a quilt (the boy).

    I have always done projects with them though, teaching while having fun. and often getting something I had not had time to get done done.

    Smiles Kim
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,735 Member
    Lisa- message me your address and I have a brand new set of queen mattress sheets still in the package I can send out to you... would love to do it...
    Here with crazy boy who is bouncing away in his bouncer..then to get Homer out and do some laundry when I get home..
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 949 Member
    Katla-Hugs to you.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,364 Member
    Debbie – what a lovely home. I love ranches. But, alas, I’m not in IN

    Vicki – yea for good hearts. Must be all that aerobic exercise.

    Aimjolie – I try to go to bed, even if it’s just reading a book or magazine. I know how hard it can be when you are craving something – anything. If I have anything, I try to have something that digests fairly quickly like applesauce or saltine crackers. I do many times freeze the applesauce so it’s like an icee. I also freeze grapes. Makes a good snack One of my bad habits is that I feel every time I’m at the computer I should be eating. I’m slowly but surely trying to break myself of this.

    Went to ceramics tonight. Tired so think I’ll go to bed so I’m somewhat refreshed for work tomorrow.

    Michele NC
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,332 Member
    Tina ~ That's why I stopped selling vintage/antique jewelry on eBay/Etsy. For several years I made a really good extra income on what I sold, but, alas the pieces are no longer desired like they once were. Just hoping some day this will change and my granddaughter will profit. They love to play in my jewelry.

    Carol in GA
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited September 2022
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Carol -

    The shades will roll up and during the heat of the day, I would rather be cooler than have a view...but of course I don't have a pond to look at - out one side is the neighbor house, a rental with weeds as tall as me.... the other is my backyard a better view.

    I was watching antique roadshow the other night and it was one of those where they go back and show what stuff was valued a few years back and then again now and I was amazed to see that most things lost value.

    I don't know what you are up to, but with my god kids it would be a great together project, they certainly could learn to do the research on pricing, pack the boxes and do the carrying into the post office.

    think I remember you not really knowing how to entertain them when they were visiting, if they were interested at all - even if it was just the cash as motivation it could be a fun together project.

    My god kids are adults now, but even so they will ask to do projects together, one of them wants to make soufflés together when they are out next (the girl). The other one wants to work on a quilt (the boy).

    I have always done projects with them though, teaching while having fun. and often getting something I had not had time to get done done.

    Smiles Kim

    I have had the good fortune over the last few years of several conversations with "people-in-the-know" about the plummeting valuation of antiques, quality furniture, etc. My expectations for resale are quite realistic.

    It is so much more gratifying to give my treasures away, anyway. There are very few items that I feel obligated to sell - items that rightfully belong to my brothers and me, not just me alone.

    Items on auction sites that do retain value are gold, sterling silver (not silver plate), fine oriental rugs, coins, and certain collectibles like iron banks and vintage toys. Furniture from the 1950's also has a high resale value. But not much else!

    I have seen Duncan Phyfe and Hepplewhite furniture go on auction for next to nothing. A Duncan Phyfe table sold for $10 just last Wednesday on an auction site I monitor. It's astounding.

    Mostly I am giving everything away rather than trying to sell it, with the exception of what Class and Trash bought (all hauled away).

    Some of the best advice I had was this, "if someone admires something you have, if at all possible, give it to them that very moment; tell them you would like for them to have the item now, rather than try to remember later." Such good advice!

    Today someone is coming to look at one of my brother's paintings! They may buy it. It's this one (I think this is the one Allie liked).

    It's entitled Blue Heron at Dusk:


    Heather, Wow! the oven door is spotless! Well done.

    Karen in Virginia

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,980 Member
    aimjolie wrote: »
    How does everyone deal with night eating? I have no problem trying to eat healthy and stay under the 1200-1300 calories limit to try and lose some weight. My problem is night eating. I get the munchies late at night around 11pm. I tried just going to bed but it’s difficult to sleep when you are a night owl and crave some junk to eat. I tried not to buy any junk food. If there is no junk to eat, I’ll grab a spoon and eat peanut butter out of the jar. I know this is a bad habit and it’s not good to eat late at night. I just find it difficult to get rid of this bad habit. Any suggestions?

    I am exact same way(except for I keep it at 1000-1100 a day) and my go to snack is also a huge spoon full of peanut butter.
    Like you, cant sleep if I am hungry.
    I am trying to figure out how to stop this too.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,980 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals;

    Heather – I know that you were serious; but I was laughing out loud – the power issue in my home NEVER bothers me unless I have overnight guests, and even then, I just make the appropriate accommodation and they never even know. My hot water, cooking and small heater unit is gas, everything else is electric, but it is never one to many light bulbs… it is only items that heat. And honestly if I am home alone (most of the time) I do not need 2 things going at the same time.

    Nature sounds – waves and the honking of Canadian geese

    Lisa I agree $15,000 is a huge amount and I have no idea where it will come from, but it feels closer than $60K…

    Katla – holding you and your DH in my heart

    Night eating – why decide it is bad, just save some calories and eat them then. Maybe if you had a set amount of calories you would eat something more healthy than junk food.

    Kim in cooler N. California

    Kim- we have Canadian geese that fly over every morning and every night here. They hang out at the school one block behind me and two blocks south of me at the park where we do our Zumba class- love to see and hear them BUT not fun dodging all the goose poop during class or just walking around the park.

    Napa Valley,CA
    And very thankful that it is cooler in N.CA!!!
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,980 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Praying the bids on the house go up- 3 bed/2 bath with inground pool is at 100,000 right now- They need the money to pay for the new place Carl is at.

    Anyone looking for a house in Huntington, IN- I know a place!!


    That house is at $100,000???!!!


    Is there something up with the foundations or does it need a reno?

    A house like that would be going for over half a million here.

    M in Oz

    no, it is an auction and it is in Indiana are the reasons it is so low- market value is 180,000-210,000
    It is at 125,000 as of this morning- 2 days and 4 hours left til close.
    I am sure it does need some reno too. I have never been there.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,980 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    aimjolie wrote: »
    How does everyone deal with night eating? I have no problem trying to eat healthy and stay under the 1200-1300 calories limit to try and lose some weight. My problem is night eating. I get the munchies late at night around 11pm. I tried just going to bed but it’s difficult to sleep when you are a night owl and crave some junk to eat. I tried not to buy any junk food. If there is no junk to eat, I’ll grab a spoon and eat peanut butter out of the jar. I know this is a bad habit and it’s not good to eat late at night. I just find it difficult to get rid of this bad habit. Any suggestions?

    Sometimes I have an apple late in the evening.

    I'm a night owl too and so my eating doesn't start till 11:30 am and I don't eat much before my 6:30 pm dinner.

    Dinner at 6:30 pm
    Dessert at about 8 pm
    Apple (if I am really hungry) at about 10 pm.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating late at night ... unless it causes you digestive distress in the night.

    M in Oz

    I need to stock up on apples!!!
    last night it was Sunchips

    I also need to start tracking my food again- do great doing it for a long time then skip a week.
    Rarely eat anything until noon-have my tea before that but that is it.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,585 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Sitting with DH at the hospital. He looks better today than yesterday. I’m pleased with his progress.

    We r with you in spirit