October 2022 Monthly Running Challenge



  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    @tarun_yadavA Brighton trail... started this year, ventures into the South Downs. Longer term goal is the South Downs Way ultra! I was born in Crawley, my dad still lives there, so yeah, much as I dislike the UK in general, the countryside in the south has a special pull for me.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,003 Member
    I'm not training for anything right now. The Half Marathon that I have been running has been discontinued. I am hoping to schedule something this fall, but for now I will just say 100 miles for October. Today is a rest day for me so I will have to wait until tomorrow to post mileage. It us a lovely morning and I am hoping for it to be just as nice tomorrow.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,003 Member
    Have any of you ever given an old garmin to a family member? My husband's fitbit died and I thought I might let him use my old garmin FR35. Does it need to be reset or just change the user settings and connect to his phone?
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,095 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    Have any of you ever given an old garmin to a family member? My husband's fitbit died and I thought I might let him use my old garmin FR35. Does it need to be reset or just change the user settings and connect to his phone?
    Haven’t actually done this, but as long as you have it disconnected from anything you use for tracking and change the user settings, it seems like it would be ok. IDK but it might be faster just to take it back to factory settings and let him reset it up. That way you don’t miss anything and both of you start getting weird data.
  • tarun_yadavA
    tarun_yadavA Posts: 1,145 Member
    Morning all. Happy Sunday. Got a 5 in!



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,025 Member
    Great run this morning @tarun_yadavA . If that picture of the race is from your home, there are a lot of people still going strong at 10 miles in.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,858 Member
    I don't see a lot of folks smiling tho. Is the course very flat or are there some hills somewhere?
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,733 Member
    10/2 – 7.07 miles

    My goal for October is to run when I can. I’m not setting a mileage or time goal for the month. I have a lot of out of town commitments and I’m hoping you all will let me hang with you anyway. Just reading your running adventures makes me want to get out there. Case in point – today. It’s drizzly and 55F. A good day to stay inside, eat chocolate chip cookies and nap. But I came here and saw picture of the London marathon, thought of our friend @marisap2010 out there running the Wineglass, of @eleanorhawkins tapering, @Scott6255’s 18 miles yesterday, and on and on! (Just because I didn’t mention your name doesn’t mean I’m not equally impressed by you - as usual I'm just short on time!) Anyway, I headed to our local park and ran 7 miles mostly on the trail. I did one small out and back down a street just for a change – the trail loop is only 1 mile long.
  • jane_76
    jane_76 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi there: I used to run 5 km 3+/week several years back, but I'm starting all over again with significant weight gain in the interim. I am struggling with connecting with the right groups by looking through the different groups/discussions, and I wondered if anyone here knows of a C25K group for those starting up again? Looking forward to joining your group when I'm back in the groove again. Thanks in advance for any help!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,025 Member
    October: 3.50/80 mile goal

    1 Oct - Ran 2.50 miles, Walked 1.00 mile - treadmill
    2 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - treadmill

    I walked my mile on the treadmill today after church, lunch with mom, taking a nap, and going to a neighbor's for homemade ice-cream and home made strawberry cobbler to celebrate his 93rd birthday. After all that food, I just couldn't run. LOL

    On Friday, when I was getting ready to leave my mom's house, I looked up and saw this beautiful rainbow. This was hurricane Ian remnants coming in - just got light rain here. It was bright and lasted I would guess at least 30 minutes. I've never seen one last that long.
    Over mom's roof. What I first saw.

    It was double on this one side.

    The other end of the rainbow.

    Nice recovery run @martaindale !

    Thanks @kgirlhart . I'm glad you had such nice weather to run and could run a HM distance, just for fun. That's an excellent average pace.

    @Teresa502 Of course you can hang out here. I agree that having a group like this is a great inspiration. It sounds like you had a wonderful run, once you took that first step and got outside.

    @jane_76 You are very welcome to hang out here while you are "getting your groove again." This group is supportive, regardless of your level of running. Many of us have had to "start over" again, so we can empathize.