
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member

    ]Stat for yesterday -

    Walk w/yogi and chispas- 1hr 12min 52sec, 3.27ap, 24elev, 96ahr, 117mhr, 4mi= 385c
    Strava app = 491c

    Couldn’t take Lucy, stroller had a flat.

    Couldn’t do anything else, had errands to run

    Stat for the day-

    Walk w/family- 1hr 13min 20sec, 30elev, 3.29ap, 94ahr, 115mhr, 4.05mi= 427c
    Strava app = 496c

    Chispas fastest walk yet. Lucy still in stroller
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Tina – I know that Mick Jagger of the Stones works out every day and eats healthy. Sure a change from their younger days, eh?

    Michele NC
    who is waiting for Jess to get here
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Page 51 but had to comment on Beth’s snow pictures. I have never seen so much snow. I hope she is taking it easy.
    Suebdew in TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    I thought I posted that last night

    You did. :smiley:
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Regarding the dent in the top of my nose ... I have been joking that if it were any deeper I would be breathing through the top of my nose like a whale!

    Regarding the recipe I am looking for ... I have no idea what it is called. It's a square or bar and it tasted so incredibly good.

    Maybe it's a good thing I can't find it.

    I had oatmeal, brown sugar and butter and more but I can't remember. It was very easy to make and was baked in the oven.

    M in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    I had a Zoom last night with my school friends. It was great to see them after a few weeks, especially P, who has just moved into her new house. She looked happy.
    But I was worried about my friend G, who is not putting her heating on to save money. Our heating costs have gone up hugely, but there is help from the government, especially for pensioners. She has just sold her apartment in York, so has plenty of money. She did not look happy. Just recently she has been rejected by another family member about Christmas. (It's all linked to a misunderstanding last year) She does have another invite from friends for Christmas.
    Honestly, I am worried about her. She wanted to come over to Brighton today, but I put it off until next week as DH and I have planned a watercolour session. Maybe I can fit in a phone call.
    I'm dwelling on it, which is not good. :|

    Looking forward to our painting this afternoon. I'm going to experiment with abstracts. Loving your brother's work, Karen. I had that in mind on the ship and was working towards that freedom. Our teacher was more in the conventional style.

    Have a good day today, everyone, whether you celebrate or mourn. <3 Lots of love, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Regarding introversion --

    I'm still trying to "define" my introversion.

    Various sites list traits, a lot of which don't apply to me.

    This, for example: https://www.healthline.com/health/what-is-an-introvert

    Personality traits of an introvert
    A number of factors help shape the unique characteristics that make you who you are, and these factors can also affect the ways introversion shows up in your personality. To put it another way, no two introverts are exactly alike.

    That said, you might recognize introversion in yourself by some of the following traits and behaviors.

    You need plenty of time for yourself -- Yes!
    Do you consider periods of solitude essential for optimal health and well-being? Maybe you find the thought of a quiet night at home positively delightful, whether you plan to spend that time simply resting or enjoying a quiet hobby on your own.
    If time alone prompts feelings of peace and relief, not disappointment and stress, you’re likely more introverted than extroverted.

    Too much socializing drains you -- Yes. And I don't like social interaction. It's highly unlikely I would hang out with friends on Friday because the interaction between work colleagues is enough and has me craving solitude on Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday.
    It’s not true that introverts hate social interaction and avoid it entirely. All the same, you might find yourself needing more time to recharge between events than a more extroverted person.
    Hanging out with friends on Friday might max out your energy, leaving you craving solitude on Saturday to rest and refuel.

    You have a hard time with conflict -- It depends. I don't usually seek conflict, but I certainly can share my opinion.
    Everyday interactions can be draining enough on their own, but what about situations that involve the possibility of conflict?
    Some evidence suggests introverted people tend to have a greater sensitivity to negative evaluation and criticism. You might find it tough to share your thoughts when you believe others might disagree with you or disapprove of your opinion. As a result, you might find yourself avoiding conflict whenever possible.

    You work better on your own -- Yes!
    The mere words “group project” might spark fear in anyone’s heart, but if you find working in groups particularly loathsome, you could certainly be more of an introvert.
    Working at your own pace gives you time to reflect and consider your approach before focusing your energy on the task, without having to navigate group dynamics or tune out the chatter.
    Of course, this doesn’t necessarily mean you have trouble getting along with others. You may just find it easier to concentrate when working alone. That goes for your hobbies, too — introverted people often choose solitary pastimes, like reading, crafting, gaming, or gardening.

    The spotlight doesn’t tempt you -- It depends. Back in my teens, I hated presenting things but then I did a bit of acting and got involved with Toastmasters, and now I usually don't mind being up in front of everyone talking.
    Maybe you don’t mind working in smaller groups, but you always choose behind-the-scenes roles.
    That might mean you’d rather do the research and write up the report than present it, or you volunteer for tasks that keep you away from the crowd. Far from being the center of attention, you’d rather hover on the fringes where you escape notice.

    You prefer a close circle of friends -- I prefer a few low demand acquaintances ... and I'm not that fond of people
    Many introverts have just a small circle of friends, but it’s not because they can’t make friends or dislike people. ResearchTrusted Source suggests, in fact, that high-quality relationships play a major role in happiness for introverts.
    If you’re an introvert, you might simply prefer to have a few close, intimate friendships rather than a large circle of casual acquaintances. After all, you need more time to yourself than an extroverted person might, so you probably have less time to spend connecting and catching up with a crowd.

    You get to know people on a deeper level -- Nope. I can't be bothered to listen and observe from the sidelines. I've got things to do ... and I'm not that fond of people
    If you tend to keep to yourself, you might find it perfectly natural to listen and observe from the sidelines. Watching what goes on around you can give you more insight into others and offer clues to their personality and preferences.
    Expressing yourself not your strong point? You might become a good listener instead, perhaps even develop a knack for picking up on body language and less obvious cues and emotions in someone’s words, behavior, or tone of voice.
    The end result? You learn more about others, which can boost empathy and your ability to offer emotional support.

    You spend a lot of time absorbed in your own thoughts -- Yeah, I suppose. Somewhat
    Maybe you:
    find yourself daydreaming or running through scenarios in your mind before you settle on a plan of action
    need more time to process information and weigh options carefully when making decisions
    do extensive research before making a big purchase or accepting a job offer
    brainstorm a plan of action ahead of major events to prepare for every possibility
    Introverts often have an active inner thought process, so these traits can all suggest introversion.

    You zone out to get away -- I tend to get up and leave but if I must stay, I'm usually making lists or thinking through a project
    Do you catch yourself “escaping” from unpleasant or stressful situations by letting your mind wander or drift to something more relaxing?
    Anyone can zone out, but turning inward may offer introverts a way to leave situations that feel chaotic or uncomfortable. In short, it can serve as a survival mechanism, of sorts.
    This tendency to get lost in your thoughts may leave others with the impression that you’re shy, distracted, or disinterested. In reality, though, it can help you cope in tense or overwhelming environments, from a loud holiday party to a long meeting with several short-tempered colleagues.

    You prefer writing over talking -- Yes!
    Maybe the thought of small talk makes you shudder, but writing out your thoughts comes naturally, especially when you’re dealing with complex or difficult emotions.
    Many introverts take time to think carefully before speaking, so you might have a hard time offering a quick opinion about anything. Writing, on the other hand, allows you to consider your position thoroughly and choose just the right words to express yourself with confidence and care.

    You feel emotions deeply -- I rarely feel emotion, thank goodness
    Some evidence suggests introverted people might experience emotions more intensely and have trouble managing those emotions. This greater sensitivity could help explain why many introverts develop depression.

    Myths about introverts
    We’ve established that introversion isn’t just another way to describe shyness, but plenty of other myths about introversion exist. A few common ones include:

    Introverts don’t like people. In reality, introverted people do benefit from close relationships with others, just like most other humans. They typically just prefer to save their social energy for people who understand and support their needs.

    No ... I'm just not that fond of most people. But the ones below ring true

    Introverts have social anxiety. Sure, some introverted people could also have social anxiety. But that’s thanks to a combination of personality traits, like conscientiousness and neuroticism, rather than introversion alone.
    Introverts are more imaginative and creative. Creativity stems from openness, another Big Five trait. Introverted people with high levels of openness might easily be more creative, but this won’t apply to every introvert.
    Introverts just need to try harder to be social. If you’re happy with yourself as you are and don’t feel the need to change any of your social habits, draining your energy by trying to force yourself to interact with others when you need time alone will probably only leave you miserable and stressed.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    edited November 2022
    Exercise --

    Lunch walk to the botanical gardens and back

    Plus commute.
    Plus 15 flights of stairs.

    Just about!

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,007 Member
    Morning ladies
    I'll say yes to most of what Machka said,I never used to be that way ..but here I am..
    Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate..and my love to you all..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    30 Days of Gratitude

    1. Smell - freshly cut grass on our lawn.
    2. Technology - the amazing advancements in medical technology.
    3. Colour - blue. Beautiful blue sky peaking through the clouds.
    4. Food - soup. That's what I've been eating just recently because there's less chewing. We always keep a few cans of soup on hand for situations like these.
    5. Sound - my music. I've recently acquired a number of nature sounds CDs with music playing along with sounds of ocean waves, birds, and so on. Lovely.
    6. Nature - I love nature. It would be incredibly difficult for me to pick just one thing. I am so grateful that there is nature and that I can enjoy it.
    7. Memory - Winter 2017. The last time I visited my parents and a wonderful 1-month holiday to Canada that June/July. My husband and I did two cycling events and a lot of other cycling. We climbed mountains and explored a glacier. We visited friends and family.
    8. Book - Norman Doidge's The Brain's Way of Healing. I found it inspirational!
    9. Place - home. I've moved and travelled a lot and home is wherever I happen to feel really comfortable. Right now, home is a certain house here in Tasmania where I can go and just be myself (mostly, for even a little while). Home is where I can lie down on the sofa and doze off when I've had a rough day, like I did yesterday.
    10. Taste - salt. My favourite taste. :) On the one hand I need salt because of my exercise and medications, on the other hand I need to reduce my salt because of my kidneys. But given the choice, I'll usually go salty over sweet ... or maybe salty and sweet!
    11. Holiday - Christmas!!!!
    12. Texture - smoothness. I like smooth clothes, smooth sheets, Rhody's smooth fur ...
    13. Abilities - I don't really think of myself in terms of having abilities. I've sort of thought of myself as "the jack of all trades, master of none". However, organisation is one that I've been thankful for throughout my life.
    14. Sight - the beauty all around. In our yard, where we go cycling, where I work, and travelling around this island.
    15. Season - I like the seasons in the following order from best to worst: Summer, Autumn ............ Spring ................... Winter.
    16. What about your body are you grateful for? Healing ... that it heals. Mostly anyway, and perhaps imperfectly, but healing does take place.
    17. What knowledge are you grateful for? Everything I do know. It all contributes to my work, my carer role, and my other activities.
    18. Piece of art - of the arts, I think the two I appreciate the most are literature and music. On the subject of music, I have really appreciated discovering ABC Classic FM on the radio and the app on my phone. I pop in my earbuds at work and I can focus on my work while feeling relatively relaxed at the same time. :)
    19. Touch - Rhody's fur, his little wet nose, his whiskers
    20. Who in my life - my husband. I'm glad he is still in my life. My parents who have always been supportive.
    21. Song - He Is -- Mark Schultz. One of several songs that has been with me through the difficult times.
    22. Story - I'm grateful that there are so many stories! I love reading. It provides me with a much-needed distraction.
    23. Tradition - I like the little traditions of Christmas. :)
    24. Challenge - all the long distance cycling I've done over the years! :)

    Machka in Oz

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,596 Member
    Reed Timmer's report on Buffalo's snowstorms:

