Thanksgiving Challenge - 08/17-11/23 // (CLOSED GROUP)



  • Seagazer
    Gutted - gain this week. Despite staying within my calorie goal, and plenty of exercise.
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    I had a gain of 1.2 lbs this week. I understand the gain because I've not been tracking my food nor have I been consistent on exercising. Some weeks life gets more stressful and you're doing everything you can just to keep your head above water.

    All I can do is try again this week and make time for myself and my body and get some exercising and good eating in. On the plus side, we went for a bicycle ride last night. We rode for maybe 35min or so. It was a workout going out the first two miles, but coming back was way easy. When you gain speed on those downhills, you sure can fly back pretty fast to starting point without exerting as much energy.

    BF is excited. He's dropped quite a few pounds this past week. Wish my progress was as good as his. *sigh*
  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    I had a good week this week!

    I lost 2.5 pounds. i'm at 167.
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    dajndae - yay!!! Good for you! :)
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I'm up .2 lbs. Considering the couple days of high sodium and low water every day I'm surprised it wasn't higher. I did get my walking in so that was a plus!

    I'm going to focus on the water again this week. Sodium usually isn't a problem it's just last week was wonky. I want to keep up with the exercise and get a walk in at least 3x again. And also make sure the fat grams stay in line.

    Congrats dajndae, Shauna, & tambink on your loss this week!!!
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    Hey guys! I hope everyone had a great week! If you lost - congrats!!! :drinker: If you didn't, we still have 9 weeks to go! Keep up the awesome effort and you will reach your goal! :bigsmile:

    Speaking of goals, I was wondering if maybe there should be some re-evaluation of our goals by Thanksgiving? I noticed there are quite a few people with 30-60+ left to lose by Thanksgiving. That's totally great for a final goal or a goal for the future, but I don't really think it's a realistic goal for 9 weeks from now? Does anyone else agree? I just think that in order to achieve success, we need to set realistic goals. For example, I could set my fitness goals for next month to run 500 miles. No matter how far I run in that month, there is just no way that goal is reachable! I'll feel discouraged if I only get 100 miles, which would be amazing!!! Realistically I should set my goal around 30 miles and that's a goal I can actually reach and feel great about when I get there.

    While I don't want to discourage anyone from aiming for great lengths and heights, we do have to be realistic! With 9 weeks left, everyone should have between 9-18 lbs left to lose (1-2 lbs lost a week, the safe recommended amount!). We want to do this the healthy and safe way, don't we?

    Just a thought... :wink:
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    I'm up .2 lbs. Considering the couple days of high sodium and low water every day I'm surprised it wasn't higher. I did get my walking in so that was a plus!

    I'm going to focus on the water again this week. Sodium usually isn't a problem it's just last week was wonky. I want to keep up with the exercise and get a walk in at least 3x again. And also make sure the fat grams stay in line.

    Congrats dajndae, Shauna, & tambink on your loss this week!!!

    Thanks Ash! You can do it! :)
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I am up a lb today (193). I want to be more upset but I have only been back on board food wise for 2 days. I am still feeling wobbly - like any minute I could jump off the wagon. I hope to pull at least one pound by next week.

    I guess my adjusted goal should be 9lbs by Tday.
  • momof6monkees
    TOM is here and there was a gain of .4 as a result.

    I apologize that I am not very encouraging. I am going through a custody battle right now, and between preparing for that, going to school, work and family, I am surprised I stay on my diet.

    Can someone post the link to our results or message it to me? I thought I saved it, and now I can't find it...
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    TOM is here and there was a gain of .4 as a result.

    I apologize that I am not very encouraging. I am going through a custody battle right now, and between preparing for that, going to school, work and family, I am surprised I stay on my diet.

    Can someone post the link to our results or message it to me? I thought I saved it, and now I can't find it...

    Sorry to hear about the custody battle. Hope you can stay on track during this rough period.

    I messaged you the link to the spreadsheet.
  • momof6monkees
    It's hard because I have to travel to the hearing (which is in GA and I am in MD) and eating right is hard to do when traveling.... but considering...

    Thanks for the link!
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Speaking of goals, I was wondering if maybe there should be some re-evaluation of our goals by Thanksgiving? I noticed there are quite a few people with 30-60+ left to lose by Thanksgiving. That's totally great for a final goal or a goal for the future, but I don't really think it's a realistic goal for 9 weeks from now? Does anyone else agree? I just think that in order to achieve success, we need to set realistic goals. For example, I could set my fitness goals for next month to run 500 miles. No matter how far I run in that month, there is just no way that goal is reachable! I'll feel discouraged if I only get 100 miles, which would be amazing!!! Realistically I should set my goal around 30 miles and that's a goal I can actually reach and feel great about when I get there.

    While I don't want to discourage anyone from aiming for great lengths and heights, we do have to be realistic! With 9 weeks left, everyone should have between 9-18 lbs left to lose (1-2 lbs lost a week, the safe recommended amount!). We want to do this the healthy and safe way, don't we?

    Just a thought... :wink:

    I think readjusting once a month is a good idea. I've been doing that since I started in May.

    Right now I should have lost 12.07 lbs to stay on track. Actual loss is 9.6 lbs. I have found that I tend to have a 7-10 period I don't lose and then can lose 5 lbs in a week and end with 10 lbs in a 30 day range. Since I tend to lose in spurts I'm not worried yet. But at the end of Sept I will readjust if still off.
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    Hey Ash - I actually think yours is pretty achievable (I know that the more weight you have to lose, the safer it is to lose more per week) - but you might have noticed a few 'lbs to go' that are just literally impossible in the time frame! I think some in the group may have put there final goal as their goal weight when it really should just be a stepping stone goal - a mini goal some would say!
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    Sorry if I've missed your weight measurements in the status feed or here on the message boards.
    I show that I'm missing weights for:
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    Hey all.....
    I've posted a blog......
    Please read and comment......
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Sorry I didn't get my weight to you - I didn't get the scale. :( I of these days!
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    quietlywinning - no problem. try to get a weight next week. How is it going? Feel like you're keeping up with goals?
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Thanks - I got a scale - 141 today, so we'll see what next Wednesday's weight is. I can weigh on time from now on!!!

    I have done MUCH better this past week with working my plan and staying on track. It really does help to SAY to someone else what my goals are and know I'll be asked later! Thank you!

    How are you doing?
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    quietlywinning - Yay! You're down 5 lbs from last week. that's great! I'm doing ok. just trying to get motivated again. I think i'm going to try the 30 Day Shred. I've seen some great results posted on here. I'm having a hard time with the P90X because of the time it takes to do those videos. they are 1hr to 1 1/2hrs long and most nights i can't spare that much time before bedtime. a 30min video is much more doable.
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    I had no idea those tapes were THAT long! I don't think I could ever do it, either. I do a 30 minute video (and sometimes a 20 minute) pretty often. I'm making good progress, so I am sticking with them. I add some hula hooping time at the end, usually, at least to the 20 minute one, and I hula hoop 5-10 minutes here or there throughout the day - especially now that I am back in WI because it helps me to warm up!!! I get soooo cold here, after acclimating to that over-100 stuff! I refuse to turn the heat on in Sept, so when I get cold I get up and hula LOL.