Daily Accountability Challenge!



  • threewins
    threewins Posts: 1,455 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm going to see how consistent I am with posting on this thread, as well as losing weight. Yesterday I had a revelation. I've never had a girlfriend who is slimmer than me. Until now. I want her to be proud of the way I look so it's time to speed up my weight loss.

    I decided to have a system of always being one year away from goal weight. Meaning as I get lighter my weight loss slows down. Once I hit 12 kg above goal weight I want to lose a kilogram a month. So yesterday my spreadsheet tells me I'm about 1250 days away from goal weight, based on the last month. I need to speed things up.

    I treated myself yesterday but that's fine. I always do that when I do a restart.

    Being the 12th of the month I ran for 12 minutes on the treadmill.

    I calculated that I'll reach goal weight on 1st August 2024. That's far away but it's almost 12 years after I was last at goal weight.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,561 Member
    My friend just left to drive the 600 miles home but I still managed to keep my portions in control. I have a ton of Leonard's but I'll have to go at them the same way I did while he was here. Portion control, plenty of water, space things out.
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Hanging in there......so far I have stayed within my calories and exercised almost every day. Sunday we have a family meal, hubs normally does all the cooking so it is going to be tough but I am planning to eat everything in small portions to stay within my calorie count. Have a wonderful day and keep up the good work all!!!
  • threewins
    threewins Posts: 1,455 Member
    Yesterday I ran for 13 minutes and I ate less than I burned, so I definitely lost weight. I was 1107 days away from goal weight, a slight reduction. I'm feeling good about my weight loss, let's see how that continues.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,561 Member
    I fell off the wagon last night, hit the leftovers plus some chips and went over maintenance. However, I am giving myself grace on that since we had events and visitors from Thursday's chili cookoff through yesterday and I only really messed up over a 2 hour period of time at the end of everything. Today is another fresh start for the work week and I'm doing well so far.

    @threewins That's fabulous! Great job.

    @DawnCumm How did the family dinner go?

  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    So I did ok with the dinner, stayed within my count but found out this am that I have COVID.....so that will put a damper on my exercise for awhile.....laying around all day. Five days stuck in my bedroom is not going to be good, but I will survive. Still counting what i am eating which is mainly soup. LOL
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,561 Member
    @DawnCumm I'm so sorry about getting Covid! I hope you feel better quickly.

    I saw a new doctor yesterday so I didn't eat very much. I tend to be an emotional eater so it felt like I could overeat or I could avoid eating until the appointment. Thankfully I love my new doctor and it went so well. I'm so glad I made the move.

    Today I have ladies bible study and so no control over what might be served. Hopefully there is something healthy or soup tonight but we shall see.
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    @pamperedlinny looks like you are doing well. Today’s lunch was high fat. I think my hubs is trying to cheer me up since I am in bedroom jail. Logged and will need to really watch the dinner numbers. Be strong!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,561 Member
    Last night at bible study the ladies brought in subway sandwiches, chips and cookies. Thankfully, the subs were footlong cut into thirds so they were a more normal sized sandwich and the condiments were all on the side so I didn't have to worry about all of that either. I just kept my chips to less than a serving and ate just half a cookie. Then I filled up on water, diet ginger ale and hot herbal tea.

    Tonight I have my office departmental dinner. We're meeting at a local restaurant that has on site games and I hear we're breaking into teams for darts, billiards, trivia, etc. I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone and having some fun. I am concerned with the menu though because almost every work dinner I've attended with this company is pulled pork, mac & cheese, rolls, desserts, etc. Other than the protein it's almost nothing healthy so I'll have to keep my calories under control for today again since I don't know what options I'll have there. I'm almost desperate for a salad or green beans to show up at dinner this time. Just a little something to keep me from eating too many other things.

    @DawnCumm I hope your bedroom jail isn't too bad. When I had Covid my husband brought me cereal, pasta, potatoes, etc.... I'm type 2 diabetic. :D But he doesn't actually cook so it was about all he knew how to make. He did go pick me up chicken noodle soup from Chick-Fil-A as well and brought some fruit so it wasn't all too crazy.

    @threewins How are things going this week? I love your countdown to goal.

  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,561 Member
    I am so excited to report that I found a salad option on the buffet last night and was able to build around that to still have a few little bites of things I wanted (a brownie, 10 tater tots and 2 chicken wing flats) and then have the salad topped with smoked chicken for a filling dinner.

    Tonight I have a book club meeting. I'm going to do my best to avoid the goodies there as well. I really need to be good about my choices for today because tomorrow is my monthly ladies movie night. I host a pot luck movie night once a month and the deal with all the ladies is unless you are on a specific plan or challenge that calories and diets don't count for that one night a month (obviously if someone has restrictions for health reasons that's taken into account). Since I know I'm going to have a lot of goodies during movie night I have been trying to hard to eat well the rest of this week... which has been hard with an event every single night on my calendar.

    Hope you have an excellent day!
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    looks like you are doing well @pamperedlinny
    I am hanging in there, a few more days of bedroom jail and then if I test negative I am free. I have not been eating well at all, plus hubs came down with COVID and he is not sicker than me. Good news though is we can now share our house. I did weigh in today and did not gain (yet) so that is good news. The bad news is we may have to delay TG with my family due to this damn virus. Keep on truckin'.
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    ok, day four of bedroom jail, eating a lot of soup but hubs is brining me stuff also i should not be eating. At this point, I just want to be healthy and free! No exercise and bad eating for a week (hope to be negative by this weekend) is a not going to fair well. Fingers crossed it is not that bad.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,561 Member
    Good morning!

    I had a rougher eating day on Thursday but I still logged everything so I feel it's a win in just being accountable there. On Friday I hosted my monthly pot luck ladies movie night and we had a Friendsgiving style meal this time. I never log on that day of the month because all the ladies essentially made a deal about having that one night a month to leave all our worries about everything at the door unless you had a specific health or big challenge in the way. However, I still didn't do as badly as I have some months in the past.

    Over the weekend my daughter had her volleyball tournament on Saturday and I had a quick one day girls trip on Sunday to go to dinner and see a concert a few hours away. I managed to stay on track through all of that crazy and that feels fabulous to say.

    I hope you have an amazing day!
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Morning ladies and happy early Thanksgiving! I am about to start preparing for the meal today, takes me a few days to get everything ready. I have a feeling this week will be difficult but planning to track every morsel....except on TG, decided I am going to enjoy and eat what I want.....a little of everything, so probably will go over my calorie count on that day.....oh well. : )
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,561 Member
    Happy pre-Turkey day!

    I learned something about myself yesterday. I have finally figured out one of my big triggers. Some background.... I was considering what I'm taking to Thanksgiving tomorrow at my friend's home. They have essentially adopted us since we moved to South Carolina and we go to their family events since we don't have any family close by. I always make things and bring cinnamon rolls, sweet potatoes, maybe another side dish, etc. While stressing over if I should bring something green to Thanksgiving (healthy! no!!!) and doing my internal debate I started eating a lot of junk. It was like I couldn't stop. It then occured to me that last week on Thursday, while prepping for Friday's Friendsgiving movie night, I also fell and ate a ton a stuff I wasn't planning to eat.

    What I've learned? I tend to overeat or over-indulge while worrying about making food for events. It doesn't seem to matter if I'm taking food to an event or hosting the event. Normally I don't cook for big events except maybe once a month or so and I never really put it together that those weeks I fall off the wagon easier. With the events being back to back it finally clicked in my brain. I'm hoping now that I've figured this out about myself I can watch and prepare for those trigger days. Prep myself some veggies or healthier crunchy snacks.

    I do always realize that I fall off the wagon around events but I never really noticed that it's while I'm thinking about what to take or make, if I will have enough food, if people will like the choice, etc. I just thought it was while I stressed in general or while I got too busy to pay attention. It definitely has been while worrying specifically about food though. I guess thinking about food plans plus emotional eating means I'm all over all the food in the house.
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    I totally understand, my issue is preparation and tasting as I go.....next thing you know I have eaten way more than I should have. I decided not to track my calories today, just let me do what I want for one day. Pretty sure I will be gaining weight but hopefully the rest of my week will help bring me back down. We have a tiny TG group today due to all the illnesses my fam has had, so just ten of us.....which I am SO excited about, way less than the norm. Enjoy your day everyone and remember to forgive any diet infractions today, you deserve to enjoy life even while trying to improve your health. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,561 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃

    I did really well today. I was at my friend's house all day. From before 9am until after 8pm. I helped prep and cook. I ate within portion control. I'm not afraid to weigh in tomorrow and that's a first after a holiday. I also went for 3 small walks today. One around noon. One before dinner. One after dinner. Doing that also helped keep my blood sugar in good shape all day.
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Back on the bandwagon, fingers crossed I don’t gain on my weigh in day.
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Ladies, should we challenge each other to a Delightful December? See how we do by the end of the month? Weigh on the 1st and see how much we can lose by the 31st. Like everyone I have dinners with friends/family, etc....so it will be a challenging month!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,561 Member
    DawnCumm wrote: »
    Ladies, should we challenge each other to a Delightful December? See how we do by the end of the month? Weigh on the 1st and see how much we can lose by the 31st. Like everyone I have dinners with friends/family, etc....so it will be a challenging month!

    I love this!