30DS Challenge from Sept 20 till Oct 20



  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    D4 L1 Hard time today, not sure why, sore I know. I really dislike jumping jacks followed by jump rope! Great job ladies!
  • D4 L1 Completed!!!

    I think I pinched something in my back cause its kinda tight right now, just working it out. I thank God tomorrows Friday!!!

    Whats everyone doing as far as rest days? I was thinking of not doing the dvd on the weekends and just walking but I like the calories I burn from the 30DS. Just wondering what your thoughts are on this? Let me know :)
  • susy99
    susy99 Posts: 82 Member
    Yesterday (9/21) i completed Level 1 Day 5. I weighed in today and I am currently at 131.2. I was at 133 when I started!! I am finally moving down instead of staying the same!! Can't wait to see the difference in before and after photos. I am committed to see this through!

    Good job! cant wait to see your before/after pics!
  • mezzosoprano89
    mezzosoprano89 Posts: 81 Member
    Today I did level 1 day 4...still struggling so much through that first cardio circuit, but the rest of the workout is feeling a lot more doable. Hopefully by tomorrow I can do it without stopping, or by the weekend :) Haven't cheated on my diet yet...but today has a few exams and I work two jobs today so hopefully I don't stress eat! :frown:
  • I can't wait to try to build my endurance today!!! I'm going to do it as soon as I get home but my goal is still in the am.
  • jumcadam
    jumcadam Posts: 95 Member

    Whats everyone doing as far as rest days? I was thinking of not doing the dvd on the weekends and just walking but I like the calories I burn from the 30DS. Just wondering what your thoughts are on this? Let me know :)

    I was wondering this too! Was under the impression that it had to be a solid 30 days?
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I missed day 2, but did it this morning about 36 hours after day 1 so I'm not going to sweat it too much. I'm also wondering about rest days since I've always heard it's best to have them.

    I'm surprised how sore my legs are. It didn't feel that difficult while I was doing them. It's the shoulder presses that kill me! Feeling a bit jello-ey today. If I get to the point where I"m not sore anymore I'm going to add running back into my routine too.

    Edit: I just did some research and it looks like this is meant to be done every day, so that's what I'm going to aim to do but if I miss one here or there I'm not going to worry about it.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    I did day 1 ystd and cannot believe how sore my legs are today! Thought it would be my shoulders that felt it but I am nearly crippled lol
  • D2L1 Complete!!!! A little sore and better endurance today but I know I would get a better workout in the morning!!!!
  • jumcadam
    jumcadam Posts: 95 Member
    Day 4 completed.

    Finding it less strenuous whilst also finding myself chattering along with Jillian when she says things like "cos you STRONG" like an idiot. (Me the idiot, not Jillian, obviously.) Please can someone else confirm that they do this too? I feel like a naughty school girl mimicking the teacher. Jillian also reminds me a bit of Fairuza Balk's character in 'The Craft' every now and then. Again, this could just be me getting light headed during exercise.

    Eaten pretty well today but didn't have enough sleep last night - so had a few cravings today!

    Hope everyone else is coping well!
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    D3 L1 Completed!!!

    Not sure if I love Jillian, or want to love to hate her. On the plus side I'm finding it easier.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    Day 4 completed.

    Finding it less strenuous whilst also finding myself chattering along with Jillian when she says things like "cos you STRONG" like an idiot. (Me the idiot, not Jillian, obviously.) Please can someone else confirm that they do this too? I feel like a naughty school girl mimicking the teacher.

    So far the only thing I am saying is when she mentions about lower body injuires, I today said well I didn't have any until NOW thanks to your dam lunges. (OK I said a bit more than dam!)
  • martinbeks
    martinbeks Posts: 255 Member
    Age: 26
    Starting Weight: 251.8
    End Weight: --

    Bust 43
    Waist 40.5
    Hips 50.5
    Right Arm 15
    Right Thigh 29

    I actually started 30DS on Monday, and my diet buddy Em, is doing it too. She's ahead of me, though. I'll take all the support I can get, though!
  • lauren2390
    lauren2390 Posts: 16 Member
    D3 L1

    I had a bad headache today after waking up and just felt like complete crap. But, I made myself suck it up and I completed day 3. I was so proud of myself! I'm ready for Day 30 to be over so I can see my before and after pics!!!
  • Age-19
    Starting weight-156
    End weight -???? :)

    Finished day 3 today. :)
  • :tongue: I agree. Today was my day three. I want to see before and after already. :) That is my motivation.
  • Corruptkitten
    Corruptkitten Posts: 157 Member

    D4 L1 Hard time today, not sure why, sore I know. I really dislike jumping jacks followed by jump rope! Great job ladies!


    OMG Me too! My legs are DYING!

    Apparently I don't know how to use the quote button. Sorry :blushing:
  • Corruptkitten
    Corruptkitten Posts: 157 Member
    L1 D3 Completed
    Legs are sore, right calf more than the left
    Quads still hurt
    I'm sore from push-ups, but will manage
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    D3 L1

    I had a bad headache today after waking up and just felt like complete crap. But, I made myself suck it up and I completed day 3. I was so proud of myself! I'm ready for Day 30 to be over so I can see my before and after pics!!!

    Good for you for doing it anyway even when you didn't feel like it! That is what will get you to the end to see those after pics!!
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    Day 4 completed.

    Finding it less strenuous whilst also finding myself chattering along with Jillian when she says things like "cos you STRONG" like an idiot. (Me the idiot, not Jillian, obviously.) Please can someone else confirm that they do this too? I feel like a naughty school girl mimicking the teacher. Jillian also reminds me a bit of Fairuza Balk's character in 'The Craft' every now and then. Again, this could just be me getting light headed during exercise.

    Eaten pretty well today but didn't have enough sleep last night - so had a few cravings today!

    Hope everyone else is coping well!

    I also find myself repeating what she says and also cursing her for putting me through this...however, I am normally thanking her at the end :)