200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    I'm currently lurking on my lunch break, just wanted to say HI!!! I've agreed to work a double shift today, so that's 14 hours of work! Therefore I won't have a chance to catch up with you all until tomorrow. But thanks everyone for sharing my awesome nsv joy, and WAY TO GO PAM!!

    Thinking of you all while I slave away in the seventh circle of hell.
  • hkallembach
    It is 5:01 a.m....why the h e l l am I up!?
  • qofsheba
    Weight seems STUCK. Back to full exercise after vacation and then oversleeping every day (most of last week). So I am sore too. Oh, and ate all the chips yesterday at the lunch at a convention center..... Knew if I let them be put on the plate I would eat them and did it anyway. Did stick to a salad dinner and was only 30 or so over on calories. On the plus side, going camping this weekend and finding many things in the back of the closet that fit again--so like new clothes.

    Lacey: Yea Paris. I was only there for two days long ago but I long to go back.
    Pam: Try to focus on just one day at a time. Advice I have a hard time taking for myself but it helps keep the panic down.

    Everyone: I have a hard time figuring out how to respond individually---but I read it all and sympathize/empathize/rejoice.

    Facebook: I hate you. It was once a way for my friends and I to stay in touch. Now Facebook seems to tell me when and what I can see and trying to outsmart each new "improvement" isn't worth it. Gradually most of us have dropped off. We think we must be too old to keep up. :)

    Need resolve to buckle down and get through this little plateau. Things have been moving along just fine and weight is coming off. Again I have to remind myself that my commitment is for one year and it took much longer than that to get to this weight. Self-sabotage is truly an art form. I'm working on self-promotion instead.... but it is a battle.

    Have a great Thursday
  • kmturtle3
    qofsheba, I've heard the pain from everyone on the new Facebook format, but I pretty much only look at it from my phone, and my app hasn't changed, so I haven't seen it... I suppose I'll have to check that out. And this whole weight loss thing is definitely a marathon, not a sprint. Maybe you need to switch up your exercise or calorie intake or maybe look at your nutrient breakdown to see what might help get through the plateau.

    Hailie, I wish that you would have slept in and I would have gotten up at 5 like I was supposed to... then I'd already have my run for the day done. Now I have to do it after work.

    Hosanna, "Thinking of you all while I slave away in the seventh circle of hell." Teehee. Thanks for the early morning chuckle. Hi to you too!

    Bobbie, I feel ya on shopping at bigger stores due to convenience. We have a Michigan based store called Meijer that is very similar to Walmart, but I like that its at least local. They also have developed a pretty impressive line of organic food. I really want to make the switch to entirely organic, but its so hard to budget... that crap is freakin' expensive.

    Pam, (picture me jumping up and down and pumping my fist in the air) WOOOHOOOO!!!! I am so proud of you for running for 30 minutes straight! That is a huge accomplishment! :drinker:

    Jessi, so when are you starting this food blog? :wink: When were you diagnosed with Asperger's? My niece, who is 7, seems to have a couple of the behavioral and intellectual signs of it, but my sister isn't sure if she wants to take her in for diagnosis. She's afraid that Gillian (my niece) will then use it as an excuse to misbehave. I think she should take her in, because I'm sure a specialist is going to be able to help Gillian a lot more than my sister can on her own. Sorry about your stupid coworker. I HATE when people go through my stuff/move my stuff at work, so I feel your pain.

    Rachel, yay 10 miles! Keep it up girlie!

    Victoria, mmm cooking. I love black beans.

    Okay, I need to go get ready for work. But at least I'm caught up at the start of the day!
  • pinbotchick
    Goodie ing gang!!! This week seems to be flying by. Check-in for Wed 1787 eaten, the Bugg crashed again last night but reading 2192 burned (as of 10pm) so I know I'm under, and ex 20 min on the bike. I'm now 2:15 down from ave 60 min a day. I better shake my boody tonight. Hugs and love to all!!
  • hkallembach
    Rain: feel free to add me on FB!

    Nava: Why is BL a sad show? I've never gotten into the show therefore I feel like a loser.

    Kerry: That is so cool you can notice bloating! ((((hugs))))) let's beat up TOM together! Mine is soooo late (oh, snap) but I feel it a comin'! I wish it would be obvious in my body, will it ever come? Thank you for noticing my face! You will rock your post-work run!

    Jessi: Aaaaaahhhh, the face in the water thing seems to be a big thing for everyone every now and then. :smile:

    As for me.........

    I am about to go to Perkins for breakfast with my idiot father. eek.

    Also, guess who just finished w3d3 yesterday for c25k!? yeah, this chicka! plus on a treadmill at an incline of 1.0 and 5.0 mph! I've never ran that fast/incline for a stretch of three minutes. Mind over matter. I am debating, should I repeat week three or continue on with week four?

    Have a great Thursday lovelies!

    Whhhoooo hooooo! I am at work for 12 hours today meaning it will be work out heaven for me!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Pam- way to go with the running!

    Hailie- running superstar as well!

    Victoria- bummer about the bugg issues! lovely to see you still posting your numbers *high fives*

    Rachel- nice job breaking the 10 mile mark!

    Busy and stressful week. Today I was one of the lucky folks chosen for an audit, which had me scrambling all week to get ready, and it's this morning. Can't wait for it to be over.

    Check in from yesterday:
    1659 eaten / 540 exercise calories / 81 left

    I was planning on a really long evening walk with emma, but she was having some tummy issues and moving like molasses. I got the motivation last night, in between tv shows to do a dvd, and I actually did it. Actual exercise for Kristina! Check! Did a biggest loser dvd for 25 min. Not as long as I'd like, but it was something. Stepped on the scale this morning like a good girl.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies!

    Hallie, Pam and Rachel- AWESOME JOB RUNNING!!! :bigsmile: Hopefully one day I will be able to run too.

    Kristina- good job with the exercise. I went home planning on doing p90x cardio last night but ended up taking too long to cook (and eat) and then I just lost all motivation.

    Is anyone else upset that the days are getting shorter and there's less daylight at the end of the day to run/walk outside??

    I'm still up at 216.6 today (good grief!!! I was 213.8 last week!!!). :frown: :embarassed: I have eaten crap this week and haven't logged some of it cause I simply didn't know how to log it. I haven't been drinking enough water so it could just be sodium. Or I'm also pre-tom. And I'm worried that I've put myself in starvation mode when I dropped back to 1500cals/day. I can come up with a lot of reasons (excuses) for my weight to be up but I don't know which one is right. RAWR. :frown: :grumble:
  • hkallembach
    STOP COMPARING ME!!!!!!! *cries in turtle shell in corner*
  • heatherjames84
    heatherjames84 Posts: 203 Member
    Good morning ladies....have a great day...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hallie- as the middle of 3 girls, I know exactly what it's like to be compared to others. IT FREAKING SUCKS. But the good news is once you move out, start living your life separate from whoever it is that they are comparing you to, it gets so much better. Put yourself in a better mood and plan life after you move out. Get out of your shell, hold your head up and be proud of who you are.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Ok, I'm with everyone on the whackness of the new Facebook interface. They have been trying some of that new *kitten* for a while now, bringing it up, taking it down, switching back and forth. Now they are just doing too damn much! I don't spend too much time on there anymore because I don't have a lot of time, and I'm always on here. MFP people are more fun IMHO.

    Kerry: Don't update your Facebook App. Mine is now different because I just automatically let my iPhone do all the updates at once...bunch of crap.

    Hallie: I don't mind the face in the water, if I could just keep the water out of my nose...lol Breathing is something rather important to me...lol

    Kristina: For better or worse, congrats on facing the dreaded scale. I was under yesterday, though not as much as normal AND I was only over slightly on sodium, though not as much as normal, and I was still up 3lbs from yesterday morning...WTF is up with that???

    Kendal: Change one thing for a few days and see if it makes a difference. It sucks when there are multiple possibilities because you want to change everything at once, but then you never really know what works and doesn't.

    Hallie and Kendal: As the eldest (by 13 and 16 years), I always felt bad when my sisters were (are) compared to me. There is nothing similar in the way we were reared or the time period in which we developed. I learned, with having twins, that the whole nature vs nurture thing is BS...my girls had the same blood genes, the same upbringing, the same ONLY parent, and the same schooling, and they are exactly opposite of each other. My mom used to say that if you fused the two of them together, you would get ME...um...still comparing everyone to me, are ya mom???
  • navajoon
    Woohoo, Pam! Awesome run!

    Hallie, it's not necessarily sad tears. A lot of the contestants have sob stories, and that makes me cry, but mostly I cry when they do well in a challenge or lose a metric farkton of weight in the weighin because they're so happy they start crying half the time. One dude lost 37 pounds in ONE WEEK... mind you, he was over 400 pounds and it's the first week so a good portion of that is probably water weight, but DAAAAANG. So he starts crying and of course, I'm all :cry: too.
  • pinbotchick
    check - 4 mile power walk done in 70 min. Now only 65 more min of ex needed today. My body is still too sore to run. I really need to put together my modified P90X routine. I want to start 10/01. That should take me though the end of Jan. I'll work on it this weekend. All of my bean foods came out great. Today, added raw peanuts to my salad - very tasty...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I've only ever cooked with canned black beans. Aren't the bagged beans better? How do I prepare them to be cooked? (I have this weird memory from my childhood of my mom soaking them in water for a while. Is that right? For how long? )
  • pinbotchick
    Kendal - I used canned beans but plan to try dry beans soon. Most recipes call for soaking them overnight. Crock-pot recipes may be different. when I find out, I'll let you know. Dry beans have to have less salt.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I've only ever cooked with canned black beans. Aren't the bagged beans better? How do I prepare them to be cooked? (I have this weird memory from my childhood of my mom soaking them in water for a while. Is that right? For how long? )

    When I made the black beans, the nutrition info said 0mg of sodium. I usually only make beans when I have a few hours at home because the whole soaking thing makes me mad, and then I make plenty to have for other meals and things, and I have two bowls full in the freezer for later ideas. I have found that the different types of beans take different lengths of time to prepare. The general rule is to bring water to a boil and then remove from heat, let the beans soak in that water for an hour (an hour is NEVER enough) or overnight. They usually still need to be cooked longer. I can make a small pot of pintos in an hour, whereas it took almost two hours for a pot of pink beans to get done. Like I said, I do that on the weekend, when I have some more time. Make extra and freeze yourself so that you don't need the cans anymore.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    thanks bobbie :smile:
  • kmturtle3
    I like all the bean info going around. I've always wanted to try dry beans but never knew what the H to do with them. So thanks for filling us all in Bobbie!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    dang it is too quiet in here today!!