January-March challenge



  • refactored
    refactored Posts: 399 Member
    I have gained 2 pounds over the Christmas/New Year period and I am struggling to contain the weight gain. I am not setting any specific goals over the 3 months other than to achive a downward trend in my weight again.

    01/01- 177.5 lb

    Jan Start:
    Jan Finish:
    Jan +/-:
    Cumulative Weight Loss so Far:


    Feb Start:
    Feb Finish:
    Feb +/-
    Cumulative Weight Loss so Far:


    Mar Start:
    Mar Finish:
    Mar +/-Goal:
    Cumulative Weight Loss So Far:
  • lislisa123
    lislisa123 Posts: 678 Member

    Weight Loss so far: 39.4lbs
    January Start Weight: 333.6
    Ultimate Goal Weight: between 220 and 160

    January 1: 333.6
    January 8:
    January 15:
    January 22:
    January 29:

    January goal loss: 315
    January Weight Loss:
    Total Loss so far:

    February 5:
    February 12:
    February 19:
    February 26:

    February goal loss:
    February Weight Loss:
    Total Loss:

    March 5:
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    March 31:

    March goal loss:
    March Weight Loss:
    Total Loss:
  • Lara_Laffs
    Lara_Laffs Posts: 2 Member
    Hi from UK.
    Right, I am doing this, no more logging for 5 days, having a bad day then quitting logging for a month. Be gone with you belly!

    Weight Loss so far: 0 lbs
    January Start Weight: 177
    Jan Feb Mar goal weight: 163
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 140

    January 1: 177
    January 8:
    January 15:
    January 22:
    January 29:

    January 29 goal : 172 lb
    January 29 Weight:
    Total Loss so far:

    February 5:
    February 12:
    February 19:
    February 26:

    February 26 goal:
    February 26 Weight:
    Total Loss:

    March 5:
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    March 31:

    March 31 goal:
    March 31 Weight:
    Total Loss:
  • Kiyomoo
    Kiyomoo Posts: 354 Member
    edited January 2023
    Original starting weight: 322
    Challenge starting weight: 265 263
    Challenge goal: 250

    Going to check in ~roughly~ every 5 days instead of every 7

    1/1 - 263.0
    1/6 -
    1/11 -
    1/16 -
    1/21 -
    1/26 -

    2/1 -
    2/6 -
    2/11 -
    2/16 -
    2/21 -
    2/26 -

    3/1 -
    3/6 -
    3/11 -
    3/16 -
    3/21 -
    3/26 -
    3/31 -

    I think I'm at a low point in my weight fluctuation and that my weight's gonna show a higher number tomorrow. But maybe it'll be lower in my next check-in :)
  • kphel172154
    kphel172154 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello name is Karen. Need to lose 50lbs just diagnosed with Afib. Caffeine, sugar, beer & extra weight cause the AFib to be worse. I had lost 50 lbs about 5 years ago on Keto n have recently gained 25 lbs back. Am stress eater n have stressful job so need to learn to mange stress. Good luck to all of you in ur journey.
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Welcome to all. So lovely to see you here.
  • cherys
    cherys Posts: 387 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Please can I join? I want to do a fast focused weight loss. Never stuck to a diet before but I really want to get rid of the excess soon and then make my focus for the year on maintaining the new weight. I have to lose 30lb to be my ideal weight which is the healthy average weight for my height. I'm not aiming to be the skinniest woman on the block.

    I am a UK, London-based 58-year old, working from home in a sedentary job. I'm also mum to two young men both in final year uni and coming home often for home cooked food and support!

    I love hiking, weight training and yoga so hope to get back into all of these and to start going to a dance class once a week too.
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Hello all, I’m Amanda from Michigan. I belong to 2 other challenges on here but thought I would give this one a try! I will post my weight on Mondays.
    I lost 45 pounds in 2022 and would like to lose at the very least 45 more in 2023. I have some scary medical procedures coming up in January and have no idea how they will affect my weight!
    Good luck to everyone!

    Start weight, Jan 2: 205.6

    Jan 2: 205.6
    Jan 16:
    Jan 23:
    Jan 30:

    Total loss:
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    Happy New Year!

    I would love to join this group! I’m Carla, 57 and life in the Midwest. I am a cancer survivor (twice) and because of treatments I now have liver and heart issues. I’ve been told by two doctors to start the Mediterranean Diet. I’ve been pretty good following it and it’s really tasty. Weird how I can eat grains etc and still lose weight! I’ve already lost 7 lbs but gained 2 back over Christmas (darn shortbread!!) but starting today back at it full force with some exercise added in for kicks! Looking forward to getting to know you all!!

    Weight Loss so far: 0 lbs
    January Start Weight: 163.5
    Jan Feb Mar goal weight: 150
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145

    January 1: 163.5
    January 8:
    January 15:
    January 22:
    January 29:

    January 29 goal : 158 lbs
    January 29 Weight:
    Total Loss so far:

    February 5:
    February 12:
    February 19:
    February 26:

    February 26 goal:
    February 26 Weight:
    Total Loss:

    March 5:
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    March 31:

    March 31 goal:
    March 31 Weight:
    Total Loss:
  • NuggetBrain
    NuggetBrain Posts: 526 Member
    edited January 2023
    MFP Starting Weight: 297
    Challenge Goal Weight: 238

    January 1: 256
    January 8:
    January 15:
    January 22:
    January 29:

    January Goal: 250
    January Actual:
    January Loss:

    February 5:
    February 12:
    February 19:
    February 26:

    February Goal: 244
    February Actual:
    February Loss:

    March 5:
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:

    March Goal: 238
    March Actual:
    March Loss:

    Weight loss for this week:
    Current challenge loss:
    Challenge loss goal: -18
  • rachaelz12
    rachaelz12 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in. 38, 5'8", Kentucky. Don't know current weight exactly because I don't want to, but I'll hop on Friday to start w/Friday weigh ins. Diagnosed with Crohn's in November 2015 and have gained 125 pounds since... even with having had a breast reduction in February 2022! It's been one health issue after another for the past 11 months, including two surgeries, a tilt with C.dif which is NO JOKE, chronic sinus infections, a broken foot that would NOT heal, plus the usual Crohn's nonsense. In short, I have a lot of reasons but I really need to get my stuff together and not let them be excuses anymore. At my age, I'm not sure it's realistic to get back down to 150ish, but I'd like to lose 100 pounds to 175ish. So here's to (get another) fresh start. Chin up, chest out!
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,364 Member
    Starting Weight: 137
    Starting Date: Jan1 2023
    Challenge SW: 137
    Challenge WLGoal: 130

    January 4: 138
    January 11:
    January 18:
    January 25:

    January Goal: 135
    January Actual:
    January Loss:

    February 1:
    February 8:
    February 15:
    February 22:

    February Goal:
    February Actual:
    February Loss:

    March 1:
    March 8:
    March 15:
    March 22:
    March 29:

    March Goal:
    March Actual:
    March Loss:

    Weight loss for this week:
    Current challenge loss:
    Challenge Weight loss goal:
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Welcome all. Thanks for joining us! 😁
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    So my official weigh ins are Thursdays but I do weigh myself daily. +2.2lbs from last week. Mostly Christmas food that is. Time to get back on it now!
  • gingerly128
    gingerly128 Posts: 1 Member

    Changed jobs in 2021 and became more sedentary. In first 6 months of new job, I gained back all the weight I lost after baby #3 years ago. Been managing this higher weight for a year - can't lose but fortunately stopped gaining. Now my challenge is to lose by moving more and not eating more and building back muscle.

    Start weigh:: 172
    Challenge weight loss goal 10lbs
    Goal weight: 155
    Ideal/ultimate goal weight: 145

    01/01- 172

    Jan Start:
    Jan Finish:
    Jan +/-:
    Cumulative Weight Loss so Far:


    Feb Start:
    Feb Finish:
    Feb +/-
    Cumulative Weight Loss so Far:


    Mar Start:
    Mar Finish:
    Mar +/-Goal:
    Cumulative Weight Loss So Far:
  • OnTheRoad24
    OnTheRoad24 Posts: 217 Member
    I kinda went the wrong way this week... I'll blame it on the leftover Christmas and New Year's foods. 🤨

    Next week, no excuses!

    SW: 30 Dec - 270.6
    GW: 31 Mar - 250.0

    6 Jan - 271.6
    13 Jan -
    20 Jan -
    27 Jan -
    Total Loss -

    3 Feb -
    10 Feb -
    17 Feb -
    24 Feb -
    Total Loss -

    3 Mar -
    10 Mar -
    17 Mar -
    24 Mar -
    31 Mar -
    Total Loss -

  • lislisa123
    lislisa123 Posts: 678 Member
    Weight Loss so far: 39.4lbs
    January Start Weight: 333.6
    Ultimate Goal Weight: between 220 and 160

    January 1: 333.6
    January 6: 331.6
    January 13:
    January 20:
    January 27:
    January 31:

    January goal loss: 315
    January Weight Loss:
    Total Loss so far:
  • IMAnn212
    IMAnn212 Posts: 12 Member

    Pretty good start for me, so far

    Dec 31 - 317lbs starting

    Jan 6: 314.6
    Jan 13:
    Jan 20:
    Jan 27:
    Total Loss -

    Feb 3:
    Feb 10:
    Feb 17:
    Feb 24:
    Total Loss -

    Mar 3:
    Mar 10:
    Mar 17:
    Mar 24:
    Mar 31:
    Total Loss -
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Okay start... :D

    01/01- 287
    Goal- 275
    Jan Finish:
    Jan +/-:
    Cumulative Weight Loss so Far:

    Feb Finish:
    Feb +/-
    Cumulative Weight Loss so Far:

    Mar Finish:
    Mar +/-Goal:
    Cumulative Weight Loss So Far: