Skinny Dippers! (Closed Group)



  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Checking in at 1119 burned for the week. Alex, does the challenge go until Sunday? Hopefully I can do it! You know what.... I CAN AND WILL do it.
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 290 Member
    Checking in with 260 burned today and... 1094 burned total so far! :)
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    I was bad last night and didn't workout but I will today! SWIMMING day!
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Maxie -- Yes please! I was trying to put one together but I just got really busy.. So that would be awesome!

    Amanda- The challenge goes till Sunday! Then we start a new one on Monday. You can do it! :)

    As for me.. I woke up sick this morning (sore throat, stuffy nose, headache..) :(:(:( AND my TOM came. I'm not sure if I'm going to do a hard workout, but I'm at least thinking of going on a realllyy long walk. Can't let this challenge beat me! Not to mention I'm really wanting to lose quickly because of this new number on the scale. I have a new boost of motivation!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Sooooooo as I said in my introduction, I'm super into art- I dabble in a lot of different segments- so i was wondering if you guys would be interested in a signature logo/emblem/etc. for our group. If so, I would totally be down to do it... it probably wouldn't be anything too fancy, but I noticed a lot of other groups have them with all the members names and n'at so let me know what you think!!

    Also, idk how long it would take me, im like on school overload right now but I would be more than happy to do it if everyone is interested.

    Peace & Love :heart:

    Yes! We would love that :)
  • Sooooooo as I said in my introduction, I'm super into art- I dabble in a lot of different segments- so i was wondering if you guys would be interested in a signature logo/emblem/etc. for our group. If so, I would totally be down to do it... it probably wouldn't be anything too fancy, but I noticed a lot of other groups have them with all the members names and n'at so let me know what you think!!

    Also, idk how long it would take me, im like on school overload right now but I would be more than happy to do it if everyone is interested.

    Peace & Love :heart:

    Oh please do! I'm sure we would all love that :)
  • 433 calories doing 90 minutes of "Walking, 2.5 mph, at a leisurely pace for today. Hoping to get another workout in by the end of the day. My total as of now is 1332. I have 668 left for the rest of today and tomorrow. YES I CAN. :)

    Happy Thursday everyone!! Everyone is doing such a great job :)
  • Checking in with 260 burned today and... 1094 burned total so far! :)

    Great Job Girl!
  • Checking in at 717 calories burned. Beat my own pace for running! I can now do a mile in 12.45 minutes! Woohoo, which is coming down from 14 minutes!

    Also, just made this delicious vegetarian dish for dinner.. Did I mention it was delicious? I mean... it was quite delicious. :bigsmile:


    That looks soooo good!
  • Good morning everyone! I want to announce that I've broken my plateau and I am at 158.8!! No more 160's and I'm at a 24.9 BMI! I'm so excited!!! But I am going to take a workout break today because I am veerrryy sore from my two workouts yesterday. I will be running around town all day trying to get things together for the duplex my bf and I got, so hopefully that will count for something :)

  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    Just checking in. I think I forgot to upday yesterday, so yesterday I burned 223 cal, and today 205 cal, for a total of 992 calories burned so far this week.
  • Okay, my exercise tracker says 2111 calories burned for the week so far. So I DID IT!! I don't know what the week runs here on this site, but I didn't do any exercise on Sunday, so it's my total since Monday.
  • I'm checking in with 126 calories today. I had a nice mini workout this afternoon.
    I believe my total is now 1680 :)
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Hi all! I woke up sick this morning so I decided I was only going to walk today and ended up walking for 2 hours and 10 minutes and burned 640 calories! I have 299 left for the week so I think I'll be able to make it :)

    P.s. - to clear up any confusion, the challenge week runs Monday when the challenge starts to Sunday, and then a new challenge will start the next day on Monday. (Hope that isn't confusing.. :laugh: )

    Good job on your workouts all! I'm so proud! :flowerforyou:
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    checking in with 578 calories burned for today!!! That brings me to a total of 2013 for the week so far!!! Good thing too, because I'm going to my old college this weekend to visit my sorority sisters and relive my glory days hahah!!! Don't worry, I already bought my Stoli in preparation for a weekend of drinking, but at least now I'll be sipping on vodka waters instead of Natty Light. This will definitely be a test of my will power--so wish me luck!!!! I'll be back on Sunday to get my butt back in gear, but I thought I'd just let you ladies know so you didn't think I was throwing in the towel! Keep up the good work dippers!!! :happy:

    ps. Are we including workouts done on this Sunday in the challenge? Thanksss :)
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    checking in with 578 calories burned for today!!! That brings me to a total of 2013 for the week so far!!! Good thing too, because I'm going to my old college this weekend to visit my sorority sisters and relive my glory days hahah!!! Don't worry, I already bought my Stoli in preparation for a weekend of drinking, but at least now I'll be sipping on vodka waters instead of Natty Light. This will definitely be a test of my will power--so wish me luck!!!! I'll be back on Sunday to get my butt back in gear, but I thought I'd just let you ladies know so you didn't think I was throwing in the towel! Keep up the good work dippers!!! :happy:

    ps. Are we including workouts done on this Sunday in the challenge? Thanksss :)

    Which sunday? If you mean this upcoming Sunday then yes, but if you mean the Sunday before the challenge started, then no :)
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    checking in with 578 calories burned for today!!! That brings me to a total of 2013 for the week so far!!! Good thing too, because I'm going to my old college this weekend to visit my sorority sisters and relive my glory days hahah!!! Don't worry, I already bought my Stoli in preparation for a weekend of drinking, but at least now I'll be sipping on vodka waters instead of Natty Light. This will definitely be a test of my will power--so wish me luck!!!! I'll be back on Sunday to get my butt back in gear, but I thought I'd just let you ladies know so you didn't think I was throwing in the towel! Keep up the good work dippers!!! :happy:

    ps. Are we including workouts done on this Sunday in the challenge? Thanksss :)

    Which sunday? If you mean this upcoming Sunday then yes, but if you mean the Sunday before the challenge started, then no :)

    i meant this upcoming... im going to try to push through my inevitable fatigue from this weekend and add a few more cals burned to my total, so I was just curious. Thanks!!!
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Checking in with 1584 and I've got three days of workouts left, woo hoo! You girls will all be very proud of me, yesterday I moved furniture (up and down stairs) for an hour by MYSELF! I moved three dressers, a sewing table that weighs at least 70 lbs, and a bookcase. I was very pleased with myself! (And definitely kept repeating, "use your abs, use your abs, use your abs") hehe. I'm a little sore today, but it was a good workout, AND it means that I'm almost all set up in my sewing studio! Hoping to hit the gym tomorrow and Saturday on my work lunch break to round off my 2500 cals, and then do some yoga on Sunday. Hope everyone is doing well!! :)
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
    Quick check-in.... I have burned 600 cal this week thus far. (you guys are insanely killing it!)

    I really lost steam last night and tonite. I couldn't stand the thought of getting off my butt, and am feeling weirdly crazed so I have taken a bit of a break these last couple of days. I also fell off the good eating train tonight..hard...very hard... Will get back on but am traveling again this w/e so things may be dicey. This weirdness needs to end so I can feel normal and get back to my regularly scheduled eating and exercise again.

    (I have been thinking about when we were paying off debt last year and how I sometimes had the same insane feelings but a few days of weirdness, a couple dollars spent I didn't earmark for spending and we got right back on track with a renewed sense of purpose. Am hoping this is the same sort of deal!!)
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    I don't know how the time got away from me (oh yeah, I have a newborn so my life is a blur right now!) but I'm sitting at about 1000 cals burned so far this week. Hearing everyone's progress and all of the exclamation points make me want to jump out of my chair and work out! So thank you for the motivation, ladies! I am so glad I got to be a part of this group :) I can't wait to try the manicotti, I would love Maxie to do the art, I'm proud of the skinny dipper who broke her plateau, and so many other things that I see on these posts. You ladies are great <3