Women 200lb+, Let's Have An Extraordinary January!!!



  • sbortnick
    sbortnick Posts: 27 Member
    "I pretty much hit a roadblock after May of last year, and spent the next 7 months bouncing around between 207-212; this past month, and more specifically the last 2 weeks, really got out of hand. So here I am, back and ready to get down to business."

    Hello! Are you me?? May was when I hit a mental and physical road block! I am also back on it! We got this!

    SW:253 (September 2021)
    CW: 227
    GW:160 ish

    I am now in my third year of my health journey. The first year I didn't change my food at all and just increased my walking by changing my commute from a bus ride to a walk as much as possible. The second year I started counting calories and learning about portion control.

    It is much much slower than I expected. I thought for sure by this time I would be under 200. But weight is not everything. I am so much fitter than I was a year ago. I actually jogged to my son's school (8 blocks) the other day when we were late. And I didn't have an asthma attack!

    My current goal is to wake up at 6 am and move my body until 7 am. Sometimes its harder to get up than others so sometimes it a 30 min work out and other days its almost an hour. Somedays its a youtube yoga video, and sometimes its ringfit.

    I decided I really like food. I have been trying not to count calories as strictly and instead focus on small portions of whole foods and lower carbs. And then increase my exercise. We will try this for a couple months and see how it goes. I find I get obsessive when I calorie count. I will avoid eating an apple because its 120 calories and save it for the end of the day and eat 170 calories of treats. It doesn't make sense but that seems to be how my mind works.

    By not being so strict on my calorie numbers, I am hoping I can eat the apple, a small portion of snack, and then exercise more to make up the difference. Will it work? Not sure but I need to try.

  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    edited January 2023
    Stop eating butter( love it too much!)

    For me it was cheese, I am still eating only tiny amounts. It is SUCH a trigger for me!! Why?? Why does it have to be cheese? Why can't it be chocolate, or cake? I could take it or leave it, no compunction. Or peanut butter, or pies, which I have a couple of times a year?? Lols... pfft that is why. Daily habits definitely got me here.

    @sandramarshall200 I got some nice butter powder, it is for popcorn, but I put it on food for when I want butter flavor. It is brand: Kernel Season's Butter popcorn seasoning. If you like the taste of butter, but not the calories - this might be a very helpful substitution for you. I like it especially on veggies!

    Another helpful substitution for those who love sour cream: 0% fat yogurt (Fage or whatever brand, fage is good at hitting protein for those of us with those problems). I used it in cooking the spoonbread for Thanksgiving and Christmas, no one noticed. They got less calories and good protein, and had no clue win-win! Also, you can eat it for breakfast and I like to add splenda and fiber BOOM great breakfast without cooking. Also, egg whites. You want a crazy huge breakfast with barely any calories? Put some egg whites in something like banderita carb-smart tortillas. Add some veggies.. you will be stuffed. I literally eat more than I did when I was 277 pounds. Cuz, I still like eating.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,589 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    SW: 300 lb
    GW: 180 lb
    Jan 10: 214.2 lb
    Jan 13: 212.4 lb

    This morning I'm not feeling 100%. A headache and just kind of irritable. To be fair my daughter doesn't have school today and my husband took off work to hang out with her and that contributes. Also, he was watching tv and crunching on tortilla chips when I was trying to do my morning devotional, journal and contemplating my food plan for the day. That didn't exactly help with my focus and headache either. I can't be too irritated though because he's agreed to do the grocery pick up from Walmart later this morning so I don't need to use a work break to run out.

    I made a plan about my boundaries for our mini-vacation. I'm not going to let myself go nuts on whatever but I will have slightly different food boundaries than when I'm at home. Especially since it's for my daughter's birthday so I know there will be some extra treats.

    My plan for the trip is:
    I'm going to allow up to 2,000 calories each day and try to still log as best I can.
    I'm not going to go crazy on eating car snacks for the drive or treats while we're there.
    I need to remember that our room has a full kitchen. The kids only want the resort pizza one night. I am taking bagged salad (it's vacation, I'm not chopping my own every day), celery, carrots, light dip, protein bars, fruit, etc. I don't need to eat all the junk they do every time they want it.
    If I'm going to go past my boundary remember it is an indoor water park with a fitness center on site. I can easily find a place to swim, walk the millions of stairs for water slides, try to deal with the wave pool multiple times in a row or hit the fitness center for extra exercise. I don't have to sit in a chair and just watch the kids have fun.
    If I can stay within all my boundaries and even lose while I'm there it will be a huge win for me. Normally I either stay the same or gain even if we're only away for a few days. I need to show myself that I can do this and I need to remember that being diet & exercise controlled diabetic means if I don't want to end up on medication or insulin one day I need to keep doing this forever.

    We leave on Sunday morning and my daughter's actual birthday is tomorrow so all of this goes into effect from Saturday thru Tuesday.
  • KacyCarpe
    KacyCarpe Posts: 495 Member
    Stop eating butter( love it too much!)

    I got some nice butter powder, it is for popcorn, but I put it on food for when I want butter flavor. It is brand: Kernel Season's Butter popcorn seasoning. If you like the taste of butter, but not the calories - this might be a very helpful substitution for you. I like it especially on veggies!

    @sandramarshall200, I (respectfully) disagree with @justanotherloser007. Of course flavor matters, but not, I would argue, in exchange for healthy eating. The popcorn seasoning is a highly processed food, and such foods have been repeatedly shown to be bad for our health. Here's part of what it contains. The first ingredient is maltodextrin, a processed starch that will spike your blood sugar. It also has dextrose, which is sugar: more blood sugar spiking (and, if you have a metabolic disorder, damage to the liver). Disodium inosinate and disodium guanlyate are additives that mimic MSG in terms of enhancing flavor, especially the umami flavor. Their role, basically, is to make you crave more. If you avoid MSG, you should probably avoid disodium inosinate and disodium guanlyate. All of this crap is harmful to the gut microbiome, and damage there is associated with, among other issues, depression, poor immune response, fatigue, and inflammation. Sometimes a replacement "food" like this seasoning can help in making better choices long-term, and I hope that is how justanotherloser007 is using it. But because studies show that ultra processed foods are addictive, I advise caution. At least butter is real food.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,589 Member
    @KacyCarpe I think a lot of that depends on the personal journey and needs. If the feeling of a need or overwhelming need to binge on a food causes an issue for a person then finding an alternative, even a processed food one, can be better in the long run. Also, if they are only using a small amount it isn't the worst thing in the world. However, if the replacement food is being used to an extreme just as the original item was then I see what you mean. As someone with diabetes and other health issues sometimes using those replacements actually keeps me from spiking because I'm mindful and using such a smaller amount.
    That said, I think we all agree that real and whole foods are certainly more nutritious than heavily processed foods.

    As for butter.... I've been known to use Butter Buds Sprinkles, Kernel Seasons Popcorn Seasoning, I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray and real butter all in the same day. Sometimes even on the same meal for different dishes. I need to buy some actual butter powder from Hoosier Hill Farms but I forgot to add it to my last order. https://hoosierhillfarm.com/shop-products/butter-powder/

    @justanotherloser007 I know it isn't slices of cheese but if you want to add a tiny bit of cheese to things without going crazy or make a serious cheese sauce I have this in my pantry. It's just dehydrated and powdered cheese but that means a little goes a long way for cheesy flavor. https://hoosierhillfarm.com/shop-products/cheddar-cheese-powder/

    I also buy powdered buttermilk & hickory smoke powder (essentially liquid smoke powdered) from this company so I highly recommend them if anyone wants or needs powdered anything... though I did get my powdered soy sauce elsewhere only because Hoosier doesn't make it.
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 356 Member
    Stop eating butter( love it too much!)

    @sandramarshall200 I got some nice butter powder, it is for popcorn, but I put it on food for when I want butter flavor. It is brand: Kernel Season's Butter popcorn seasoning. If you like the taste of butter, but not the calories - this might be a very helpful substitution for you. I like it especially on veggies!

    This sounds great! I'm gonna look for it. I want to start using my popcorn maker again now that the weather's cold and I can snuggle up with a warm snack.
  • amdaless
    amdaless Posts: 12 Member
    Hi to all, just found this group. I have been on MFP on and off for 13 years now. Every time its the same thing starting again. I never seem to really lose the weight. I drop some, then generally end up weighing more then when I started. I work nights and have a difficult time with when I should eat meals. Have tried keto and fasting. With always the same results dropping a few then gaining more. I am at my heaviest weight 221 lbs. GW for this month would be 216 lbs, but am starting late. I have a motto "Perseverance furthers" but haven't really been able to apply it to my weight loss journey. Hope by reading all of your goals, choices, and mottos, the inspiration will help with my motivation. Thanks for being here.
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    dove121 wrote: »
    Food has always been a source of comfort for me ...but I need to find other ways now.

    Hi Jenny! Feel free to add me as a friend :smiley: For me, food was a reward! Boy did I think I needed to be rewarded all the time, lols... I did find other ways to deal. It was a bumpy journey! Mostly ended up walking and praying.
  • loumoon5
    loumoon5 Posts: 31 Member
    IW: 130

    Good morning. It's a day of driving as I return my youngest to college so won't get many steps in, and little chance of healthy food on the road. But... I'm celebrating my latest weigh-in: down 6 pounds in three weeks. I've been skipping breakfast and eating my large meal in the middle of the day, with a light snack instead of dinner. Go me!

    Next step is learning how to use fitness equipment.

    Lulu, 57, atheist, introvert, dog lover and all around pretty awesome person
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    My name is Mary, 65 from Pennsylvania.
    Been MIA for a few months but still logging in everyday since I started MFP 5/14/21.

    Unfortunately lost my mojo and gained a lot back but not all Thank God! Need to get back on track and focused. I bought a NEW to me, gently used, Commercial PreCor EFX 835 Elliptical. It was delivered the beginning of November, as others here know I wore my previous 10+ year old one out from my extensive workouts. Stopped using it mid November to get my Christmas shopping done earlier than my norm. I was planning to start back up a week ago but had a GI bug and very weak. I restarted today but very slow at 45 minutes and 3 miles compared to my 3 hour historical workout sessions. I will MAYBE workup to it again.

    Good to see some familiar names here and glad to see some new ones too!

    Heaviest weight 255 lbs, twice. :-(
    9/14/20-255 lbs
    5/14/21-232.2 lbs
    4/6/22- 147.6 lbs (107.4 lbs lost) I did NOT have a surgery. Did Keto.
    8/1/22- 167.2 lbs
    12/1/22-198 lbs

    1/1/23- 213.4 lbs
    1/2/23- 213.4 lbs
    1/3/23- 207.4 lbs
    1/4/23- 205.8 lbs
    1/5/23- 205.8 lbs
    1/6/23- 201.4 lbs
    1/7/23- 202.4 lbs
    1/8/23- 204.4 lbs elliptical 45 minutes
    1/9/23- 204.4 lbs elliptical 46 minutes
    1/10/22-201.6 lbs elliptical 47 minutes

    1/15/22-202.4 lbs Did my elliptical 120 minutes yesterday and today. Sunday is my official weigh in day.

  • KacyCarpe
    KacyCarpe Posts: 495 Member
    Trying not to focus on the scale, but I've lost 20lbs and I'm excited about it!

    That's terrific! I am allllmost at 30 pounds and hope to get there this month. Maybe I'll even reach the TEENS! Boy, I would love that...

    SW: 253
    Jan 5: 231
    Jan 16: 223.4
  • amdaless
    amdaless Posts: 12 Member
    Nov 1st: 260
    Dec 1st: 250
    Jan 1st: 243
    Jan End of Week 1: 244
    Jan End of Week 2: 240

    End of Week 2:

    ⭐️ Swim x4 a week ✅️ 4/4
    ⭐️ Log all food✅️ 7/7
    ⭐️ Stay within calorie range✅️ 7/7
    ⭐️ Make something x3 a week❌️ 1/3
    ⭐️ Study Spanish x3 a week✅️ 3/3

    Happy that I got back into the pool this week and that I stayed within my calorie range.

    Trying not to focus on the scale, but I've lost 20lbs and I'm excited about it! Sometimes, for me, getting too hung up on the numbers (that I've either lost or gained) can be a detriment down the road when I don't continue to see the results I want. But for today, I'm going to be super excited about it!!!

    Inspirational. I like how you listed and checked off your goals. I have been trying to do some of that, but in a notebook/ journal.
  • sandramarshall200
    sandramarshall200 Posts: 108 Member
    Oh wow butter controversy. I am in the U.K. , and, as far as I know we can’t get butter seasoning. I think we may eat less processed food here. Having said that, I might if I could, because I really love butter. We do have clover, which is kind of fake butter. I don’t like it, so I just scrape that on removing any excess.
    struggling because I have to take a tablet which needs to be taken with a good meal, but I need it in the morning.so I have doubled breakfast and given up lunch. I’m now so hungry by dinner that my small portion just doesn’t work. And then I fantasise about pudding.Going to try more water. I really want to stay on track. Swimmings going well and I have got back to 98 kilos(216 pounds ish) and hit my target for January.
    I do love you all. Your lives and food sound so exotic to me.
  • sandramarshall200
    sandramarshall200 Posts: 108 Member
    Just thought. I’m also struggling because my youngest has dropped out of University and has a mental health issue going on. She’s very thin so trying to get her eating whilst being careful is tough. But I’m not going to be knocked off track. My needs are important too, and for once I’m going to try and keep them on the table.
  • serenecompassion2663
    Hello all!
    I just realized I’ve been fairly good at tracking most of my food, but haven’t been very active.
    I had the Flu and Strep simultaneously for a week, and still have a cough, so I won’t be too hard on myself. I *am* re-evaluating what I’m eating. I’m in “declutter mode,” so will be pulling everything out of my pantry, decanting, and disposing of processed food. It’s taken me 7 years of thick-headed stubbornness to finally accept that without a gallbladder, I can’t have high-fat foods. My tastebuds love them. My body rejects them.
    Time to work *with* my body rather than against it.
    Can’t enter the butter controversy. It only enters my house at Christmastide when I’m making treats or when my friend Mandy needs homemade shortbread.
    I use Spike seasoning on air popped popcorn.

    @Michelle NC: love the TV nook!!! I wish I had such a space for my smart tv. I was without a tv for about three years and loved reading my books. Now I’m trying to figure out how to minimize the draw of this black rectangle in my living room!

    Two big appointments coming up in the next week: one with my dietitian and one for my first consultation at the Bariatric Weight Loss Center. I will not do surgery. But since I’ve been fighting this for 10 years, and am nearly as heavy now as I was in 2012, and am prediabetic, my physician and dietitian think medication may help.
    At this point I’m willing to try it.
    2012: SW: 243
    November 2013:180 (exercise,exercise,exercise, and somewhere around 1500 cal/day…BTW: I understand how numbers can make you crazy)
    November 2014: 200(started an Associates Degree: Freshman 20)
    March-August 2019: 180: started drinking alcohol again after 14 years sober, followed a medically supervised diet and hit menopause
    CW: 235. 9 months sober.

    Andi, Illinois
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,589 Member
    Hey all!

    I'm back from our trip and can say I honestly logged everything and stayed within my calorie budget every day.... even with the 3 1/2 hour drive back.

    I'll go back and read everyone's posts a little later since I have over 100 emails for work to clear out.

    I also have a jewelry party I'm supposed to attend this evening and I'm hoping I can convince myself not to eat a bunch of the snacks there. I spoke with the host and she's making her homemade mac & cheese, cream cheese chicken chili, cheesy rotel dip with beef and tortilla chips to dip. That's going to make for a long couple hours but if I can survive vacation at the water park I can survive one party without going wild.

    Have a great day everyone!!!!
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    @pamperedlinny thanks for the powder cheese link!! I am thinking about the mac and cheese powder. I don't make many casseroles. I eat simple. Like I make lean meat, and have vegetables that I change out. I then eat whatever carbs fit in my diet.
    I used to love mac and cheese, but since it just doesn't have enough protein... I haven't figured out how to put it into rotation. Maybe I could put my lean protein in a mac and cheese on occasion? The hubby won't eat it.. lols. Sure he will drink sugar free hawaiian punch (aka coolaid) but not mac n cheese!!

    I used to like cheese on salads. So true story, I can make a fantastic 2,000 calorie salad! lols, I was eating so healthy when I was obese... just high calorie density.

    @serenecompassion2663 congratulations on the 9 month sobriety!!