

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @Tamevv Hey there! We posted at the same time lol. I hope you are well.
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    @cbabie Yes there's so many interesting historical stories in Philly. My MIL likes to go to estate sales around the city and finds a lot of good antiques there. DH used to go with her before we got married and got a lot of good stuff himself.

    @trooworld Good job on making progress on life goals! Hope your hubby feels better soon.

    @theslightedgeforever Nice that you're in a book club. Chicken/okra stew sounds good.

    @Tamevv Thank you! Race is at the end of April.

    @gemwolf110 Congrats on the weight loss! And good luck on the job interview.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Hello
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    I fell behind a bit but trying to catch up here. On Sunday I went on a big group hike around Philadelphia which included walking over and back the Ben Franklin bridge. Something I have never done before and it was quite an experience.

    The half training with DS has been going well. He is even pulling way ahead on the jog part of our walk/jogs. Yesterday we were close to home near the end of our workout and he just decided to kick it in, leaving me in the dust, lol. But proud of him.

    I feel like I'm losing more weight but I want to wait a bit longer before going back on the scale. I like seeing the bigger drops. I hated the scale and was discouraged by it for so long that I like to use it sparingly. And I'm still making progress without being on it constantly.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @Tamevv I do that sometimes. I will write something and then forget to hit post reply. There it sits the next day. Good thing I don't X out my tabs.

    @trooworld My water goal is currently 48 oz. So you are ahead of me. When I get that consistently which I have been lately, I'll raise it by 8 oz. I'm doing mindset work and you said about water.....It is a constant struggle to get that in! How can you reframe that thought to something positive? Could you get in a 10 min workout? So you still keep the habit of exercise on days where your routine is abnormal. While something is cooking on the stove simmering or in the oven, put on some music and cardio dance until the timer goes off. I've been doing that. Or there are some YouTube videos for 8 min or so that can be done. Doesn't matter what other than you are doing something.

    I've noticed that since I've been doing YouTube cardio dancing that if I choose those that have 130 bpm versus 128 bpm it takes me 3 extra minutes to burn same number of calories.
    Yesterday: Food was OP. I made up the 150 exercise calories for Monday I think it was and an extra 15 for a bonus. Water goal met.
    This week had 3 red days for me. This morning I had to reframe that because my thought was Red days are always so hard for me. Now I see it as a team with Red T-shirts on. They are the helpers. They are shoveling and removing the fat from my body. This next week I'll have 4 red team days.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @senoritafloridita Thank you! I appreciate it. Your Sunday hike sounds like it was fun. What a great day to spend the day! I'm glad the training is going well. Seeing big drops is fun, congrats on that! It sounds like you have a healthy relationship with the scale now.

    @theslightedgeforever That's a good plan for your water. about "I am getting better at water and by this time in a month, I'll be even better!"? I like the idea of doing a 10-min workout even on the days that I am not scheduled to work out. Thank you for your support and good ideas all of these years! <3 That is interesting about the YouTube videos. I wonder if your body is working too hard on the 130 bpm video? Great job yesterday! :D I like the way you reframed that.

    Hi all. Yesterday after work, I did a 37-minute workout on the Tonal. I earned my 100K badge for lifting 100,000 lbs on Tonal since we got it in Oct 2021. I am also attaching a pic of my strength score as measured by Tonal. I started out at 150 and now it averages out to be 192. My upper body has a score of 229, abs are 162 and lower body is 186. As you can see, there were periods when my strength score was stagnant, those are periods when I did not use the Tonal for one reason or another. I look forward to seeing it increase within the next few months.

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @senoritafloridita I'm in two bookclubs actually. One online and one in-person. I loved Philly when I went. Me and dd went to graveyards besides the normal touristy thing. I get you on the scale with the big drops.

    @trooworld I don't think the 130 bpm is too hard it just burns more calories cause I'm moving faster. Which is nice so then it's less time I have to work out. Of course it also depends on what my resting heart rate is for that particular moment in time. If it's extremely low, then it takes longer to get up into the fat burning, cardio, peak stages and longer to burn the calories I need. Good idea on water reframe. Yaaay on your Tonal workout. It's fun seeing progress with the charts

    Strange but some posts are now above my earlier one that wasn't there yesterday. Speaking of yesterday, I stayed OP with my food. Burned my 300 cals with my hill/sprint program and a bit of stretching. Exceeded my water goal.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Oh that makes sense. Thanks! Yes, I love seeing the progress. ;) That's weird about the posts. Sounds like Thursday was a great day! I hope yesterday was just as good.

    @cbabie Do I have to send out the hounds for you?

    Hi all. I had a pretty good day yesterday. I did a recovery workout in the morning for 18 mins and then I did an aerobic YouTube video (a Grow With Jo) on my lunch for 15 mins. I usually take a nap on my lunch when I work from home but I thought, "I want to do something productive!" So I decided to do a workout. I'm running out for groceries this morning, coming home and working out, and then meeting a new acquaintance at the downtown library in the afternoon.

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    @theslightedgeforever That's cool that you have two book clubs. Do you have a preference between the online or in-person one? On the long Philly hike from last weekend, we stopped by the "paupers' field" where our leader (a former HS history teacher) said there were 20-40K buried there, including Revolutionary War soldiers.

    @trooworld Congrats on your 100K Tonal badge and your strength score increase! That sounds like a very interesting app. I haven't heard of Tonal until now. Good job on doing a workout on your lunch break!

    DS and I had a good workout today. He pulled ahead of me again at the end. I have some fun events coming up with the hiking group. One of them is a night hike through the woods, with no headlights allowed. Should be interesting. I started with them almost 2 years ago and they have been a huge motivation to me in wanting to lose weight. I'm working towards being in shape to do rock climbing/rock scrambling, etc. events with them. And being in bathing suit shape for paddleboarding/swimming events when the weather gets warmer.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    edited January 2023
    @senoritafloridita Thank you! Yes, I love the Tonal. It's a very expensive piece of home gym equipment, digital weight lifting, and it comes with that app. I do not regret buying it, even though it's really expensive. My husband uses it all the time and I am starting to use it. It's really changed my outlook on fitness! Ooh the night through the woods sounds fun and creepy! I would love that. I don't know if I told you but I recently joined a hiking group. I haven't been to any of the meetups because I am waiting for a beginner's hike with the group and they all seem to be moderately challenging, which is above my level. I'm glad you find your group motivating. Sounds like you have a good "WHY".

    Hi all. I did another lifting session yesterday with the Tonal. I think I will take @theslightedgeforever 's advice and do a recovery workout today to keep up the habit of exercising. Even if it is a 10-minute workout. Other than that, I don't really have plans. My husband wants to make brunch this morning. I am not looking forward to it as it will most likely be unhealthy and involve mimosas as well. I just asked him if he wanted to go hiking before our brunch but he's resting from his injury. I will work out instead. We are watching "Secret Eaters" on YouTube. Have you ever watched that? It's a British reality show that exposes people to what they are really eating. It's amazing that these people have no idea how much they are eating. It's interesting.

    Water yesterday: 60 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @trooworld Don't you love productive days? I feel so good afterwards. Dh thinks I'm taking my schedule thing too far. I told him if I don't schedule it, it doesn't get done. He says so it doesn't get done. Yeah that might work for some things but not all. lol I hope you get a beginners hiking group formed soon. I know what you mean about it being challenging. My son is an expert hiker while dh and dd would probably fall into the moderate range and then there was me. I didn't keel over on the trail though. Yes I've seen that Secret Eaters. that was interesting.

    @senoritafloridita The night hike sounds fun but yet a little dangerous. Is that a part of the fun? I hiked this summer and there were lots of in grown branches on the ground for me to trip over if I didn't have light. I had a hard enough time on the hill trails as it was. I'm hoping this next year to do it again but I'll be faster and not quite so winded. I've just started the online bookclub and it first it was only on FB but now we've switched to zoom where people can see each other. Probably I'm more comfortable with in person but it may be because I've known these people longer. I wish I would have known about the paupers field. That would have been nice to see. I went to Scotland this year and got to see where the Battle of Culloden was fought. See the burial grounds of the different clans where they fell. Very interesting.

    This week my exercise numbers overall was down but my stretching was up. Now to get it all done this week. Twice I went over my carb levels.

    Yesterday no exercise. I stayed OP with food. I hit 71% of my water goal.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I do love productive days! I understand about scheduling things. I have to schedule everything as well. Well, the hiking group I joined does have some beginner hikes so I think I won't create another group, I'll just have a goal of improving myself to the point that I can join their hikes. Yeah, hiking with others can be a challenge when they are on different levels than you are. That's good you are stretching. Good job with staying OP and almost hitting your water goal on Saturday!

    Hi all. I had a pretty good day yesterday. I told myself I had to exercise before brunch and I did: I started a Leslie Sansone video called "A HIGHER BURN" that was 30 mins long. I got about halfway through it and realized I wasn't enjoying it, so I switched to one called "The Most Fun 15-Minute Cardio Dance Fitness Workout EVER": It was fun but hard and I had to modify a lot of stuff either because I couldn't do the move because I physically couldn't do it (mountain-climbers etc) or I was too clumsy to do the move. After that, my husband made brunch and it was actually a pretty healthy brunch so I won't complain.

    Then after I ate, I decided I wanted to go for a walk in a canyon that I had never been to before. It was rated as "easy" on AllTrails. I took my dog and we went to find it. I couldn't find the trailhead or where to park so we went to a park instead and walked around for a while.

    My food for yesterday was interesting: I was way over in my "bites"(aka points) but I was under in calories by about 500 cals so I'm fine with it.

    Water yesterday: 76 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @trooworld It's important to enjoy the exercise. One thing to think about, make a note one year from now to redo that Leslie Sansone video that you had to modify. See if you can do more then. It will show you how much you have progressed. I recently noticed that in my Hill/Sprint program. Back in September when I started I couldn't even finish it on some days. Now I have increased the speed on my recovery intervals and I can do all of the higher intensity intervals. I'm going to slightly adjust the incline/speed in February. My goal is that this summer when dd and I travel I won't be the slow one who has to rest when going up a hill. You had a great water day.

    Yesterday I stayed OP with my food. Took a rest day. Exceeded my water goal.
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    @trooworld Sounds great to have weight lifting equipment that records all your activity and tracks all your progress. And that's great you joined a hiking group. I had never really done the hiking thing before this group but yes, I have found them to be very motivating. Let us know how your first hike goes after you do one. That's cool you set out to hike the canyon even though you couldn't find it that time and still got in the walk in the park.

    @theslightedgeforever Yeah it's a bit dangerous. I feel like I'm up for it though based on a small one I did with them before. Hoping it goes well. Yeah, hill hiking is a real challenge. We lived in Scotland for 6 months when I was a kid. Fascinating and beautiful country.

    Much needed and appreciated day of rest today. DS and I did our highest mileage yet yesterday - 6 miles.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @theslightedgeforever It is. It wasn't the Leslie one I had to modify, it was the dance one. I just wasn't enjoying the Leslie one. But that's a good idea to revisit and see if I can do more of it. That's so awesome about the hill/sprint program! Congrats! That's a great goal. Thanks, I drank even more water yesterday! :D Way to go with your water and staying OP.

    @senoritafloridita It is, I really like it. I am glad you find your hiking group motivating. I will definitely let you guys know how it goes. Yeah, I figured since I was out, I would go walk in the park. Wow, 6 miles! Incredible! You definitely deserve a rest day.

    Hi all. I had a full/busy day at work yesterday and I did NOT feel like working out when I got home BUT I did. I have a schedule to follow on the Tonal and I didn't want to let myself down. I did a 33-minute lifting workout. I sure wasn't looking forward to it but I was glad when I finished. I drank a LOT of water yesterday (101 oz!). I tracked it in my Samsung Health app and that helped. Today will be a low-key day, probably a yoga workout or aerobic workout or stretching. I want to do SOMETHING.

    Water yesterday: 101 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @senoritafloridita That's great accomplishing your greatest mileage yet. I loved Scotland. I want to go back and see more.

    @trooworld Woohoo on working out even though you didn't want to. That is what will make you successful. You're becoming a new person. Huge water intake for you.

    Yesterday I stayed OP with food. Did not exercise. Met my water goal
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Thanks! :D Was yesterday a planned rest day? Good job with food and water!

    Hi all. I drank enough water yesterday but not as much as the day before. I didn't end up working out, I decided I needed a rest day. I really debated about that but I did 171 minutes of moderate to intense exercise this past week so I decided to give myself a break (my goal is 150 mins). I did pretty well with food, although I did reach into the bag of my husband's chips when I was waiting for my food to heat up at dinner time. My hand reached in more than once.

    Water yesterday: 84.5 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @trooworld No it was a scheduled rest day. I had a drs appt in the a.m. We had unexpected out of town company come in the afternoon and then spend the night. Move the chip bag farther away next time. lol At least get some extra steps in. Good job on your water.

    Yesterday was a much better day. Food was OP, burned my 300 cals and met water goal. I decided to step on the scale. Wish I hadn't. My whoosh disappeared. wth. So after I calmed myself I went back and looked at my sodium yesterday it was high. I'm really hoping that's it. If I just stick with my habits the scale will eventually move back down. My success lies in my habits.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    I just wanted to stop by really quick and say I am still alive...I can't read the post and reply..Just wanted to let you know I am still breathing..> A birdie told me @trooworld was sending out the hounds for me. I will try to get on tomorrow and post more.

    Thanks for checking in on me.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Oh that's good. Yeah I think I'm going to move the chips to the trash lol. I'm glad you had a good day. I hate when that happens with a whoosh. I like how you looked back at what you ate and were able to pinpoint something. Yes, you need to stick with it and think of all the NSVs you've had. Well done.

    @cbabie Yay I'm so glad to hear from you!!! I look forward to hearing more from you today/tomorrow! :D

    Hello all. I had kind of a bad day yesterday emotionally, I thought I broke something I borrowed from another department. I thought that from Tuesday afternoon until yesterday at noon. It was eating me up and making me very upset. I found out yesterday that the item was broken when it was loaned to me but they forgot to tell me. It was a relief but I was still anxious the rest of the day because I was so hyped up. I'm better today but yesterday was a doozy. I didn't exercise yesterday, it was a planned rest day as I had my diabetes prevention program webinar last night.

    Water yesterday: 67.6 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @cbabie I'm glad you checked in.

    @trooworld I can imagine how you felt thinking you broke something. When I do things like that I magnify it in my head. But now I'm learning it's just the story I'm telling myself. I can tell myself a different story. Yaay on your water.

    Yesterday I was over my carbs by 8, burned my 300 calories and exceeded my water goal