Fun & Fit Sized - for the under 5'4" crowd - September 2011



  • CaitlinMyers428
    CaitlinMyers428 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm 5'4" and want to weigh 125. Feel free to add me! :)
  • i am 5/4 and CW:153, GW:125.
    feel free to add me too!
  • fmbarbuto
    fmbarbuto Posts: 131 Member
    Hi Jeannie - I'm 5'4" (if I stand up nice & straight) and would love to join your group and meet some new MFP's! I joined MFP back in June and am loving it so far! Have made some friends who are very supportive and who offer daily encouragement and insight! They have really helped me on my journey thus far and I look forward to celebrating with them when I get to my "happy weight!"

    Please feel free to add me as a friend!

    Fran :flowerforyou:

    HW: 172
    CW: 158
    GW: 130
  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks Jeannie and Barbie for the book suggestions! Our library has The Thin Commandments and I just placed it on hold. :smile: Hope everyone is doing well! :happy:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I just lost my post and I think my pc is starting to restart.......:sad:

    Welcome to all the new comers and have a great evening everyone!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    Jeannie, our library has the book you recommended so I requested them to hold it for me......I'm reading three other books right now but I'll fit it in somehow :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    So I have had a horrible week!!! I was passed over for a job that I deserved!! That would have payed a ton of more money for the bleach blonde with less experience. The guy told me "he felt that I was over qualified and frankly would be bored to death doing this job" I am so damn mad...wth does that mean?? If I'm better qualified give it to me and let me determine if I'm gonna be bored! So I have been eating whatever I want the last couple of days (within reason) and plan on having several drinks this weekend. On Monday its back to normal no more feeling sorry for myself and I'm determined to find a job better than that one and show him who's overqualified!!!! :mad: :mad: FREAKING MEN!!!!
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    Hello everyone :smile:

    I am 5'3" and currently 146lb, having started at 178 in mid June. I am hoping to reach around 125, although really it might be anywhere between 120 and 135.

    I'm currently doing the 30 Day Shred (today is my last day of level 1!) and I also go to two Zumba classes a week (thinking of adding a third).

    I'm determined to get in shape by my 30th birthday in May!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    So I have had a horrible week!!! I was passed over for a job that I deserved!! That would have payed a ton of more money for the bleach blonde with less experience. The guy told me "he felt that I was over qualified and frankly would be bored to death doing this job" I am so damn mad...wth does that mean?? If I'm better qualified give it to me and let me determine if I'm gonna be bored! So I have been eating whatever I want the last couple of days (within reason) and plan on having several drinks this weekend. On Monday its back to normal no more feeling sorry for myself and I'm determined to find a job better than that one and show him who's overqualified!!!! :mad: :mad: FREAKING MEN!!!!

    I am so sorry! Been there and been through the same thing. Hang in there and don't get down on yourself. You are right, start looking.for a new job now before you get too much more upset.

  • Freida_MS
    Freida_MS Posts: 97 Member
    I'm 4'10" and would also love to join this group. Feel free to add me.
  • staceyteter
    staceyteter Posts: 4 Member
    I have to say that everyone keeps mentioning that they are 5'1" and 5'2" and how short they are. I am 4' 11" and have been this height for 13 years now. Don't think I'm getting any taller. I am at 159 lbs right now and my goal right now is 140 lbs. I'm sure I'll keep going after that. My husband thinks that I should be able to get to 115 lbs, but i'm shooting for 125! That was my high school wieght 7 years ago!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    I just spent a few minutes clicking on everyone's profile pictures and checking out the "about myself" pieces. We are quite the diverse group from many places and many stages of life. It's wonderful that we can all meet here and share who we are and what we are going through.

    I look forward to logging in and seeing what everyone is up to. Good or bad - we can share things here and work together.

    Happy Friday!

  • Has anyone ever heard it is better to be overweight and active then at wieght and sedentary?
  • I am 5'2". I weigh 180. My goal first goal is 150 then I will take it 10 pounds at a time until I reach my ultimate goal of 130-135. I keep falling off the wagon, but when I am on the wagon I do really well with weight loss. Currently, I am doing The Biggest Loser through my husband's work. We just started and it ends the first part of March. There are lots of good prizes so I am hoping that will motivate me a bit more.

    Glad to be a part of this group! Let's do this, ladies!!!!!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Has anyone ever heard it is better to be overweight and active then at wieght and sedentary?

    I did search this on the internet and their are some studies that do agree if you are a little overweight and active and your metabolic profile is good, you can be healthy at a little overweight and active.

    I know, for me, I could never be healthy at the bottom of the recommended range for my height as I have a large bone structure. I've had doctors tell me several time to be leary of those charts due to my bone structure.

    Good question for discussion, Annita.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    I’ve been gone for the weekend to a women’s spiritual retreat in a beautiful wooded setting by a lake. I didn’t log food or exercise on MFP and I cheated by having my hubby log in for me on the day I couldn’t get to the computer so I wouldn’t lose my log in streak.

    I used one of the techniques from “The Thin Commandments” to govern my eating. It’s called “boxing in and boxing out”. I “boxed out” all the foods I would not eat at all
    white bread, deli meats and cheese, potatoes, candy, sugary foods. I “boxed in” a few foods that I would eat only over the weekend but not eat them at home----cashews, peanuts, whole wheat toast and peanut butter, extra fruit, raisins, lasagna.

    There was plenty of time for exercise. I got up at 5:00 and walked for an hour before everybody else got up and then walked the trails with small groups when there was free time. On Friday my pedometer recorded 18,000 steps, Saturday 38,000 steps and Sunday 21,000 steps.

    This morning my weight was up about four pounds which I think is mostly water retention and lots of heavy food. Today I am back on my regular healthy eating plan and the dogs were delighted to have me take them for our usual long walk this morning.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member

    :bigsmile: I have had good results staying away from cake, cookies, ice cream, doughnuts, and all their cousins by treating them the same way a sober alcoholic treats alcohol
    I don't take the first bite.

    Barbie - I am going to have to take this advice! These things are like a drug for me!! Thanks for that :)
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I just read about a study done on dieting that came up with a great idea for fall/winter and wanted to share it.

    In the study people who had 2 cups of soup a day lost weight at a slower rate than the group that excluded soup, BUT (and here is the good news) the soup group kept the habit of the soup after the diet test period AND kept the weight off longer and better than the non-soup group.

    The reason given was that the soup group felt fuller and did not go off the diet in other areas and that soup is gratifying, so the habit remained after the 1 year diet. They lost an average of 15 pounds in the year which was lower than the other control group which was 18 pounds. But, three years later the soup group had not regained that much.

    Low sodium and home made soups here I come!

  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    Yes, I remember reading same (or similar) article a year or two ago. Love soup for the winter! Been eating a hearty bean and barley soup lately - super filling!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :bigsmile: Today I got an e mail from my friend who is making cake for an event on Saturday. She knows that I don’t eat cake and she offered to make a treat for me and wanted to know what I’d eat. I wrote back and said that I don’t eat treats and the nicest thing she could do for me is to make cake for everybody else and not be hurt that I didn’t eat it. She wrote back that she was happy with my answer. :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: 'Tonight I went to a potluck dinner, made coleslaw, ate my dinner at home before I went, hubby ate the potluck and I had water and a measured serving of grapes.:bigsmile: