200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • navajoon
    I don't know why this just occurred to me (maybe because I'm jealously looking at Amy and Lacey's Paris photos on FB) but I never answered a question Amy asked.

    No, I don't live in San Antonio. I'm in Houston. But Joe and I love to go to San Antonio every year. We went once before we were "official" and again for our anniversary in June.
  • kmturtle3
    Kendal, I agree! And it figures that the one day I acutally have time to lurk on here and be ready to reply to anything is the one day that you can hear crickets chirping on our thread.

    On a side note, I have to run after work today so I am currently 450 calories in the hole for today. I officially have to run my way out of it. Its freaking me out to see that giant red number every time I hop on.
  • KatheryneLynne

    here's the way I cook beans...

    1. Make sure to sort them. Sometimes in a bag there will be little bits of rock, or some of the beans may be all withered. Take these out.

    2. Rinse them off then add them to a pot of recently boiled water (you should have about three times as much water as beans.)

    3. Let them set overnight or at least four to six hours (if you don't let them sit at least the four hours i find it takes them forever to actually cook.)

    4. after soaking make sure to drain off the water and put them in fresh water to cook (if you don't, the film that gathers in the water is what will give you gas--using fresh water cuts down on that)

    5. cook beans on medium/high, checking frequently to make sure they are covered with enough water. If you want to salt, do so towards the end of the cooking, if you salt them too early the beans might--but not always--toughen up, making cooking dificult. I usually don't salt them at all, instead choosing to salt them when i add them to other things.

    NOTE: My mom never seems to have this problem, but when I cook black beans I always end up with the purple water that stains everything,

    I cook a bag about once a month, and freeze them in one and two cup servings. That way, when i make chili, tacos, etc. I can use my own and cut the salt way down.

    The same process also works for red beans--black and red are the only ones i ever cook from scratch.

  • jessicae1aine
    Kerry - Food blog as soon as I have a kitchen of my own, instead of a shared one. Hopefully just a couple more months... really, really hopefully. :) I was diagnosed June 2010 with Asperger's - and honestly, I don't think the diagnosis really helped anything. With or without the label, your neice will be the same person she's always been. If she does get the diagnosis, then I'd suggest making it clear to your neice that it's a reason why she's different, not an excuse for her to misbehave. I find that knowing what's expected, and having advanced warning (ie. 15, 10, and 5 minute reminders) before things happen is greatly helpful. I could probably go on forever, so if there's something specific that seems to be an issue I'd be glad to give you whatever advice I can. :)

    Hailie - I've always had issue with water in my face. :P I don't even like to have the water hit my face in the shower, or to run down it. Yay for your c25k :D I hate using a treadmill on an incline. >.> Being compared sucks, I'm sorry.

    Kendal - I prefer running/walking/whatever at night, or in the super-early morning.

    Nava - I lived outside of DFW for a while when I was pretty young. :) I do miss it.

    I'm not sure if I mentioned it before, but I'm on probation - because I stupidly took a plea agreement because my attorney told me I should. I was 19 at the time. I check in 4 times a year, and today was my check-in date at the office. Nerd's aunt doesn't like me (really, she doesn't like that he moved away from his mother), so she presumably called my probation officer (who basically hates the world) to try to cause problems for me. I mean, I haven't done anything so I can't get in trouble, but I did get quite a lecture on Nerd moving up here, and how it's "odd behaviour" and on and on about how I'm too old to behave that way. Ugh. I'm too old to be in a relationship? To let someone move in with me? I'm at a loss here.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Jessi: Some people just can't mind their own damn business. I remember when I first had my girls, someone called child services on me saying that I was dragging my infant around by the arm and leaving them uncared for. First off, they were premature infants, and where did you see me do this? All because I was an 18-year-old single mom who didn't freak out when they would stop breathing or things would happen. The nurse at the hospital didn't want me to take them home after 2 months because I calmly asked her to give the baby some oxygen as she was turning blue. Again...people are IDIOTS!!
  • jessicae1aine
    Bobbie - Yep, been there... people come up with the stupidest stuff. At one point, shortly after taking my plea agreement, someone was telling people I gave someone CANCER. I'd sure like to know where I developed that skill.... O.o
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    My motivation arrived in the mail today. I swear my boobs are going to keep me in the plus size section forever. :sad: (the capris and the skirt fit great, the top is TIGHT)

    in the skirt that came with the outfit

    in my black workout pants that have the tummy control panel:

    I'm going to put the first picture as my phone background so I look at it multiple times a day.

    thanks for all the bean info!! I love you guys! :heart:
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Kendal - INTERNET HIGH FIVE! WOOO! You also look awesome in your ref outift!

    Pam - I love that about this place... we can all inspire each other.

    Lacey - I'm so envious of the whole Paris thing... I love that place.

    Crystal - I've never done anything like it before, and it'll probably still be a while before i have the confidence required to do it sober! ALso, good luck with the Chantix!

    Katheryne - Bahaha Crazy phone lady. Also, as far as brussel sprouts - I love them, but they were my first guess.

    Nava - Yep, new fb is crap. Sorry to hear about England drama!!

    WiggleSarah - Yep, it suuuuuuure was! :wink:

    Kristina - Bow chica wow wow made me LOL in the tearoom at work.

    As for me, i'm exhausted post-double yesterday. I can barely move i'm so tired. And now I need to take the pups walking at some point. Pleh. And Isaac's mate arrives tonight. This is going to be a wine-soaked weekend.

    I do have some good news though. Isaac took me on a magical mystery tour of Hungry Jacks last night. All i wanted to get was a LARGE CHEESY BACON TENDERCRISP MEAL WITH A CHOCOLATE SHAKE. But then i thought - i don't need it. I'd already had dinner. But i really did feel like a nice burger. So instead i got a GRILLED chicken burger with MEDIUM fries and diet coke. AND i only ate half of the fries because they were cold and crappy and i wasn't enjoying them. So i thought to myself "Why am i eating these? They aren't enjoyable. I'm not hungry for them. They are full of salt and fat, and i don't need them." So i didn't eat them. I was so proud!

    However i will be weighing in tomorrow, because regardless of how many of the fries i ate, i'm still packed full of sodium. Pleh.
  • NatalieGabriel
    Morning Everyone!

    Hosanna - Well done at Hungry jacks! Ive had similar experiences where it actually feels better not to eat that crap and be smug and happy with yourself, than stuff yourself with food you didn't really want, just the little voice in your head tells you you want it cause that's what you've always done and feel miserable about it later! WOO HOO to will power!!

    Kendal - Love the Outfit! Great that you've taken before pics in it cause you'll really be able to see the difference by the time you wear it! Also i know how you feel, big boobs = big tops! Thanks Mum for that lol! I can also thank her for my Apple shape so all my weight gos on my stomach, yuck!

    Jessi - Why on earth would being in a relationship or moving in with someone be odd behavior?! Some people don't like other people to be happy or see them being successful in life!

    My week so far has been good, Monday evening i ate about 6 bowls of cereal (plus about 2 portions of dinner) and put my loss back on, but i have been super good all week and have lost it again, yey! Also played tennis for the first time on wed which was a laugh, exercise but didn't feel like it! Starting to feel my stomach being a little flatter and smaller which is good motivation to stay on track!
    Coming on here daily and knowing everyone is in the same boat is really helping - THANKS EVERYONE! XXX
  • NatalieGabriel
    Also can someone fill me in - what does NSV mean? And TIM is it? Took me 20 mins to realize what TOM is........slow day lol!
  • KatheryneLynne
    NSV--Non Scale Victory
    TMI--Too Much Information (I think if it was listed as TIM it was probably a typo.

  • NatalieGabriel
    A ha! Thanks - all makes sense now!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Natalie - Yep, i feel awesomely smug and proud of myself right now. Also, TMI = daily assumed occurrence around here... We almost don't believe in them here, but a lot of us feel the need to show the common curtesy of announcing that we're about to disclose intimate details of either sex life or bodily functions...


    OMG!! I have just logged all my food from yesterday (ALL. Including the HJs and two UDLs*) AND I am UNDER on sodium, SPOT ON for fat, AND only 126cal over!!! And that's not taking into account the fact i was on my feet working for 14 hours... PRETTY SURE i'm AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    * in case anyone doesn't know, UDL = Premixed vodka drink in a can...
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Im about 5 pages behind!

    I had to go to aerobics class tonight just so id have calories to eat tonight. I had 2 sugar cookies and a brownie today. Wth. New day tomorrows.
  • pinbotchick
    Hosanna - WTG on the food!!! Loved your NSV...

    Bobbie - thx for the bean info..

    Jessie - that sounds crazy. Moving in together is a good step. How long does your probation last?

    Hallie - hope you had fun at work!!! Great job with C25K!!! Running rocks!!!
  • pinbotchick
    Katherine - thx for the bean info.. I'm looking forward to making them.

    Kendal - (*insert wolf whistle*) I like your outfit and daily reminder.

    As for me, finally watched BL. Did 30 more min of lie impact aerobics with mom. I'm still 35 min behind. I should be able to make it up this weekend. I cooked again - roasted chickpeas and a shrimp/zucchini with lime dish.

    As to junk shows that we watch - bar rescue, resteraunt impossible, drinking made easy, The League (my new fav), Art Mann, and The Apprentice... There are more that I watch sporadically. (*hangs head in shame*) but I can't stop watching them...

    Lacey and Amy - it looks like you're having fun. Keep us posted!!!
  • hkallembach
    Anyone give really good hugs/know how to stop tears from falling?
  • jessicae1aine
    Hosanna - I know how it is to once in a while just really want a good burger. :P Chicken burgers have never, ever done it for me, though.

    Natalie - Excellent question. I wish I understood people.

    Victoria - Another 7 years, sadly. I'm going to petition the court to release me because I've never, ever been in trouble before, and the judge wasn't even going to accept my plea agreement because he thought I was innocent. It's a seriously long, complicated story.

    Hailie - *HUGE HUGS* If you need someone to talk to, I can give you my number if you're a texter <3

    I. Hate. Hiccups.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Not completely sure when we were supposed to weigh in so just in case. . .

    I lost 4 pounds last week, and 2lb this week. Currently 256 lb.
  • pinbotchick
    Hallie - (((((((((GIANT HUG)))))))))) wish I could help more.

    Jessie - that just sucks. At least you're keeping upbeat and now have Nerd...

    Congrats on the loss Meerkat (I almost typed Meekrat). Sometimes I think I have dyslexia.

    Ckeck-in for Thurs - 3038 burned, 1839 eaten, and ex was 70 min/4mile power walk and 30 min low impact aerobics. I'm a bit more under than I wanted to be but food that's good for your cholesterol seems to be lower cal. Today is weigh-in day but I don't want to get out of bed. Yet, I should get up and work out. At least it's FRIDAY and I have the weekend off!!!