Daily Accountability Challenge!



  • Janene5
    Janene5 Posts: 45 Member
    edited February 2023
    Changed my username but i'm my same sweet self B)
    what general areas do you all live? I am not shoveling snow in Western NC!

  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,652 Member
    Janene5 wrote: »
    Changed my username but i'm my same sweet self B)
    what general areas do you all live? I am not shoveling snow in Western NC!

    I'm in South Carolina. I lived in Maryland my whole life until late 2017 when we made the plunge to move.... we moved south specifically to avoid shoveling more snow. :D
    FYI... I turned 40 in September.
  • Janene5
    Janene5 Posts: 45 Member
    edited February 2023
    Happy Upcoming Birthday to you also. It's the realization that I am eligable for SS and that puts me flat on the other side of the Great Divide (qualifying for all senior discounts) that is a little earth shaking. Although I do look forward to camping at national park campgrounds for half price!

  • Janene5
    Janene5 Posts: 45 Member
    Janene5 wrote: »
    Changed my username but i'm my same sweet self B)
    what general areas do you all live? I am not shoveling snow in Western NC!

    I'm in South Carolina. I lived in Maryland my whole life until late 2017 when we made the plunge to move.... we moved south specifically to avoid shoveling more snow. :D
    FYI... I turned 40 in September.

    Well goodness gracious, we are state neighbors!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,652 Member
    So I have an interesting one for me. I have been doing great with staying in my boundaries of 1200 to 1800 calories a day. I most my intermittent fasting so I don't eat until after 10am and stop at 8pm. I made a pot of soup today that was crazy low calorie. So I had coffee, soup, a twizzler, more soup, hot tea, spaghetti with veggies and 2 cookies... I'm still below 1200 calories. It's not by much but I'm seriously not hungry. All the liquid from soup, water and tea has me ready to stop for the day.

    It's probably the first time I've ever been below 1200 and been seriously full at 8pm. I know I won't have the problem tomorrow when I'm not eating soup all day so I'm going to bask in my really low day.
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 86 Member
    Hey all, I decided to change my profile name here too. Hadn't thought about the SS in a couple; my bro-in-law, a financial adviser, advises to take it as soon as you can, but I usually disagree with almost everything he thinks, and I had assumed I would wait later & take a larger payout. Not sure what the next couple of years will be like, I should game out some options. Nat'l parks is a great perk. I'm in MI, and we really haven't had too bad of a winter this year, thanks La Nina...a few days y'all in the South were colder than us! My birthday here is almost always snowed in, mom's 2 days later usually isn't; this year mine's going to be in the 40s! We've just had 3 snow storms, the first 2 really big...one before Thanksgiving, a 2nd on Xmas Eve (the fam's holiday was totally shut down for several days) and a recent one, that only hit certain parts of MI, not us in the SW corner, though we get way more 'lake effect' snow than across the state, where I went to college with basically no lake effect. But, as I've mentioned, I *did* live in hot sunny desert AZ for a few decades, and came back here to help my folks, who just got rooted. When I came back my sister got very upset when I said why *would* anyone live here? We also have changed a garden zone, into 6a from 5a when we first moved here when I was a kid.

    Linny, good to bask & shake things up.

    My 3: shoveled in backyard, 25 min, to compost pile in way back, but then hands got cold. so didn't do path for contractors to back door 2) Had another day on track 3) helped figure out that plumber guy used one of the rotten boards (mold &/old termites) to support the shower head and sent pix to the contractor, who immediately had him use some new wood. Why did he do that? It's not like everyday that the wall gets taken down to the studs and replaced with new wood, yet he botched that when a new 2x4 was literally within arm's reach.

    Happy Fit Feb!
  • Janene5
    Janene5 Posts: 45 Member
    edited February 2023
    @SeleneMoon333 I need to check and see if I should go ahead and claim SS. I've been trtiing to ignore that its this close LOL
    It has done nothing but RAIN on us here in the mountains for weeeeeeks! Its miserable weather.
  • Janene5
    Janene5 Posts: 45 Member
    edited February 2023
    Who tries to track Macros? I've been looking at it but it seems I'm always low on protien. Not a big meat eater and the Ozempic I take for diabetes makes meat very unappealing for me. Any thought on how to divide the plate up? MFP autoset my carbs at 50%, fat 30%, and protien 20%.
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Hi all! I am in California, in the hills...sticks....LOL. I too am 61, but 62 in July so I have a long way to go, ha, ha. I was advised to wait as long as you can for SS, my adviser said at least wait until 65 (so prob will do it then). Really loving that we as a group are growing. Here are my three positives for today (still house arrest but will be free per doc next Monday, so exercise will be back soon):

    1) lost a little more weight this week (yay). I have made it to 110 pounds lost, but of course that started like five or more years ago...so it has been slow going but I am really happy about the loss.
    2) been making yummy snacks with cottage cheese - added ranch seasoning and eat with veggies, and blended it with lemon and stevia, eating with fruit. Both are really good! Trying to really up my protein due to my medical event.
    3) did drive out today with hubs, had to drop his car and I was so happy to get off this damn ranch! I cannot wait for this injury to heal but really enjoyed getting out and about.

    Linda, Selene, Janene - you ladies seem to be rocking it! Keep it up, you inspire me!
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Oh, @Janene5 - in regards to protein, I too struggle as a vegetarian....that is why I am using cottage cheese, high protein yogurts, protein shakes, bars, etc....I do try to make sure I get at min 60g of protein. Per my doc that will also help with weight loss.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,652 Member
    Morning all!

    I'm so glad it's Friday. Anyone else???

    Yesterday my three things were:
    1) I got to my Zumba class. It was raining and cold outside and I hate that but I made myself go. It was a really good class too.
    2) I made a roast beef yesterday. My daughter doesn't do gravies and my husband doesn't do roasts at all so instead of pot roast it was literally just seasoned and roasted beef but I did make potatoes and carrots with it. I made myself a tiny plate and a small side salad and was super satisfied. ****Obviously, I'm not a vegetarian. Truthfully, on days I don't eat any meats or any animal proteins I tend to feel unwell so my protein intake tends to be on the higher side. I have lots of meatless recipes but I need at least one meaty meal or I feel sick. It's weird.
    3) When I desperately craved Chinese takeout at lunch time I threw together a quick chicken zucchini stir fry that I think was actually tastier than the takeout would have been. Thankfully, I love the Asian market so I already had what I needed for a tasty stir fry sauce on hand. This was good on my calories, my budget and on using up leftover stuff we already had.... like the precooked chicken and already cut up zucchini that was just sitting in the fridge.

    It also got me thinking that I wanted to share one of my other tips. I know I posted all my rules, boundaries, what has worked, etc for @SeleneMoon333 a while ago but I forgot a big one. I started using small plates. I have bowls that only hold 1 cup and 2 cups. I have tiny plates about the size of a saucer or small salad plate. I also have split bowls that only hold about 1/2 cup on each side.

    I tend to eat with my eyes first. Even if it isn't pretty I eat with my eyes for portions. As in, if I put a portion on the plate and it's only half full I feel deprived. If I put the same food on a half sized plate and it looks overloaded I feel full sometimes when I finish. I KNOW it's in my head. I KNOW that it is the exact same portion. However, that smaller plate makes it look like a lot more food. The split bowl is great for veggies with dip, a tiny portion of chips or pretzels, and for pistachios where one side is a portion and I can put the shells in the other side as I eat them.

  • Janene5
    Janene5 Posts: 45 Member
    I hadn't picked up on the daily positives so here's three positives for this week in review: 1. I found y'all! 2. I purchased the whole year premium for more information but also so I'm more likely to stick with it and not waste my money. 3. My son (who is a born again Crossfit preacher and eats to gain muscle guy) is a great motivator for me. He's been known to chase me to get a donut out of my hand LOLOLOL
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,652 Member
    Janene5 wrote: »
    3. My son (who is a born again Crossfit preacher and eats to gain muscle guy) is a great motivator for me. He's been known to chase me to get a donut out of my hand LOLOLOL

    Sometimes I wish someone would chase me down and knock the donut out of my hand. 🙈

  • Janene5
    Janene5 Posts: 45 Member
    edited February 2023
    @pamperedlinny But I reeeealy wanted that donut at the time! Yesterday a very nice customer brought us a dozen specialty bakery glazed donuts. I resisted all day with the guys taunting me....I caved when there was only one left. I ate only two bites and I logged it in my diary. That should have been a positive for me yesterday!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,652 Member
    Janene5 wrote: »
    @pamperedlinny But I reeeealy wanted that donut at the time! Yesterday a very nice customer brought us a dozen specialty bakery glazed donuts. I resisted all day with the guys taunting me....I caved when there was only one left. I ate only two bites and I logged it in my diary. That should have been a positive for me yesterday!

    I feel you. My parents sent me a voucher for a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts for Christmas. It's currently buried on my desk so that I can't see it and it isn't in the car with me when I'm out. If I put it in my wallet or look at it all day I'll cave. With it out of site and not in my wallet I would need to actively pull it out and take it with me. That way I wait until I really want or need donuts for an event instead of just picking up the dozen and plowing through them.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,652 Member
    Since i was unexpectedly out late last night I have my 3 things this morning from yesterday.

    1) Went bowling with a friend at the last minute. We took the kids and they had so much fun.
    2) After bowling we decided to meet at my friend's place to keep hanging out. I ran home and did a super quick 5 minute snack plate... pepperoni, salami, 4 cheeses, gluten free crackers (she can't have gluten) and some fruit spread. 😋 since everything was pre-sliced it took 5 minutes and I loved how happy it made her.
    3) Seeing my kid enjoy her friend, be social and have zero anxiety issues for the day was fabulous.
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Cool but sunny Sunday here. I was so happy to be able to finally start doing stuff today. I cared for the horses, even cleaning the stalls. My shoulder is still super sore from being moved a few times while unconscious, it is taking its sweet time getting better. Yesterday we went out for lunch to a nice Italian place, which is my weakness, first time out in almost a month. Did have wine, pizza, and lasagna. Lol, sounds bad but I ate one piece of pizza, tiny piece of lasagna and ate a little more for dinner than fed to our dogs. I did go over my calories slightly so feel pretty good about my splurge. We have a family gathering every Sunday, so I am cooking a few items today. Those are basically my positive items, more to come.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,652 Member
    I had a pretty good day. We went to my daughter's basketball game. Then i met up with some book club friends for a book swap event that was hosted at a local Brewery. I took a full bag of books and left with the bag refilled. Also, had lunch at the restaurant next door to the brewery with those ladies and such to my plan. Lastly, I hit one of my favorite grocery stores. Since the event was about 40 minutes away I was up near the store so I got to shop on my way home for some goodies.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,652 Member
    Sunday check-in!

    I had a good and relaxing day today. I needed a show day knowing that my upcoming week is crazy.

    Positive things today:
    1) I had toddler nursery at church this morning. I got to spend time with 3 of my favorite little kids and got some good hugs.
    2) Enjoyed a nap with my husband after lunch today. Any day with a nap is a good day.
    3) I also had some time snuggling and reading with my daughter. We started Fly By Night by Frances Hardinge recently and read chapters 2 & 3 today.

    Stayed within my boundaries and didn't do much. Church, frozen pizza, nap, read, eat leftover soup, watch TV with my husband and soon I'll be going to bed.
    Tomorrow evening I'll have my neighborhood Book Club meeting and that just kicks off things every day thru next Monday.
  • Janene5
    Janene5 Posts: 45 Member
    Happy Last Minute of the Weekend! Trying to put a positive twist on that 😁
    1. Was awful at dinner on Friday but I've been great back on track in boundaries all weekend. I call that a win 🏆
    2. My fingers look better than hubby. Got my nails done and while there he calls to tell me he's going to get stitches in his finger. Sharp axes can be, well, sharp lol only two stitches so that's could have been a lot worse. Another win 🏆
    3. Learning to look for the positive when things don't go perfect, instead of throwing myself in the freezer hoping to find a freezer burnt half gallon of ice cream that's been forgotten 🏆

    Looking forward to a good week!
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 86 Member
    Hey everyone...hi! just checking in, but super tired...and it's only 12:43! so I'll say good night....
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Hi all......doing ok....went off kilter yesterday but only by a little.

    @Janene5 - I think I have finally mastered the all or nothing with dieting, it takes time though. It started when a nurse practitioner told me I was a perfectionist, that I went cray when I had a slip up and it was difficult to get back on the track. I argued but then realized she was smack on, I am a perfectionist and need to check myself....because we (I) am far from perfect. That was why she wanted me to focus on what went well each day and not on what did not go well. Pick up the pieces, dust yourself off and move on.

    My three things:
    1) Finally back at the gym, super happy to move finally again.
    2) Made a yummy veg and navy bean soup - tons of veggies in it and should be pretty good for me
    3) Had a very nice family meal on Sunday, sometimes they can get a little 'difficult' but yesterday was a fun one. My only regret is I still can't pick up my youngest grandson, but I was able to hold him. Made me so happy!

    Focus on the positive all! keep truckin'
  • Janene5
    Janene5 Posts: 45 Member
    Fast and busy day here in NC. But all was well.
    Grateful today for
    1) getting on the scale and seeing a loss over the weekend! Does that happen? Really?
    2) seeing my spoiled baby dog (85lbs) eat dry food. She's just a might picky...my fault. But she's gonna get on program also!
    3) this group getting me to end my day with positives!

    Have a great night ladies!
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 86 Member
    My 3: 1) Made 40 garlic chicken in crockpot 2) still on track with coding 3) started organizing seeds & trying to do prep cooking (Saffron & Sweet Peas blog was final inspo)
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,652 Member
    Good morning all!

    I didn't get a chance to post last night so I'm posting my 3 things from yesterday this morning.

    1) Stayed on track even with all the goodies at book club last night. I kept to things that were more easily trackable. Skipped apple cake and some things that would be way too high. Didn't feel deprived either so that's a good thing.
    2) Really enjoyed just sitting and talking books with the ladies from my neighborhood.
    3) Made a bunch more ready to go shakes for my fridge. I've been making some ready to drink shakes so that I can grab one as a small meal, snack or dessert item without being tempted to grab other stuff.

  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    do you ever wake up and your mind is just so bloody negative, about doing anything? That is me today, I can tell staying on target is going to be difficult. I probably am this way because I did go over my normal cal intake yesterday, but at least I logged it all. Feel like I need to get my #$%^ together. I always post the day after (better on computer in am). 1) ate very small amount at Thai restaurant, did bring home the cashew tofu but plan to break it into two meals. 2) helped my kids as their car died, I just love them and appreciate assisting where I can. 3) this is my issue....I can rarely think of three things done well or proud of....maybe the fact that I am finally out and about. Yay!

    Now time to slap me across the face and get moving!
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 86 Member
    edited February 2023
    Hi everyone...I was quite moody today too...partly cuz contractor who's been blowing us off, opted to have his drywall guy come with no notice, partly cuz tomorrow (today now) I turn 60, and this contractor is coming again, which means disrupted household in multiple ways, and frail dad now has a head-cold and is a bad patient. But 3 things...1) took excused myself when contractor was here and busy (I wasn't one dealing with him mostly) 2) agreed on the flooring online 3) it's my birthday.

    Also, I saw Linny post in feed a few hours ago that her husband is in hospital...feel better husband! Get well soon.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,652 Member
    Hi all. My husband was admitted to the hospital for his A Fib yesterday. They are doing a procedure this morning and I have zero clue if he's coming home today, tomorrow, Friday, or what. It keeps changing. This was unexpected and I'm pretty freaked, frazzled and trying to hold it together for our 9 year old daughter. If I go radio silent it's because I'm losing it. If I end up posting constantly it's for the distraction. I really don't know which way my brain is going to go. I'm just kind of holding myself together with duct tape and prayer today.
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 86 Member
    edited February 2023
    Good luck Linny! My dad has A.Fib, as one of his first contraindications. He had a few ablations back in his early 60s & has been on meds for decades, still kicking, so passing on some of our family's luck to you. After one of his last ablations, he overdid it, chopping a tree down, {shaking my head even now remembering this} and got back into a.fib again, and has been there on and off since then. It was super worrying, and unclear when he was having them what the outcomes were going to be. My sisters all came from across the state and Canada.

    So bday was weird...contractor is like wait-then hurry up...apparently he got the vanity but we haven't seen it but we are supposed to pick colors of paint & other fixtures around it, even though he says there are a billion colors of white. So I ended up at Lowe's tonight at 6:30PM, and texted him & he's like it's too late & I can't access the choice, even though he said he would drop samples off last week (didn't even hear from him) & then yesterday, but finally got a few today, but there was problem with the sub-floor of back door landing adjacent to that bathroom, because one of the other subs knocked and then lost (threw out?) some slate that was on that landing, and there was some rot. And he wants to finish whole project tomorrow, but his drywall guy had to deal with the subfloor so still has to mud the walls he put up Monday. Meanwhile my sister and I were urging mom to go to urgent care this afternoon because she, who usually doesn't have health issues, had pain last night and again today, we suspect of kidney stones which can be very painful and serious. She wouldn't take ibuprofen last night cuz she thought it was her spleen, but today...kidneys, so she did. She was getting ready to go, and opted to shower first, and apparently moist heat helps, and she felt better, and so I went to Lowe's. Then as quick easy dinner instead of going out or home dinner, we had Chinese take-out.

    Mom was apologizing today for sucky bday but as I told her, I'm often shoveling snow on it, and instead it was sunny and warm (relatively) and tons of the snow melted. Mom's bday is Friday, hopefully she feels better by then. Hoping your husband is back home too, Linny!

    Whoops, so my 3 things: 1) bday 2) oh yesterday got a 'blue screen' (was black) about laptop fan failing, and I was annoyed, worried, & into tech support mode (I used to work for microsoft) but hasn't and I've been keeping # of tabs down to not tax it too much and did research on how to fix (and called my hardware sister who said replacing fan is easy, and also checked & it's still under waranty as it's only 6 months old) 3) stayed in calories even though I was fine with eating tons of extra birthday torte/cake, but just had a skinny 2nd piece.
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    edited February 2023
    Wow Linda! You are dealing with a lot. I always feel events like your family’s really put life in perspective. Hang in there.

    Happy belated birthday Selene!

    Gained back some weight, which is a bummer but is my MO. Up down up down like a yo-yo. Any who..,,

    Not sure I have three. But here we go. 1) one hour at gym, 2) went out to lunch with sister and got to FaceTime with my niece who is now doing research in Germany. 3) got some clean up completed at home, positive since it is the first time since my ini.

    Wishing you all well!!