

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,066 Member
    edited February 2023
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Katla- I am sorry you are having to sell the house. You know what you have to do but that doesn't make it any easier.

    Lisa- that is perfect. Shared it on FB

    Kim- what town did you go to? I was born and raised in Sonoma County(mom still lives there). Love it there. I am guessing you were over by Cazadero or did you go further north?

    I almost talked myself out of walking today because of the wind. It was a good workout- 15-20mph around the wetlands. Only a short area was the wind behind me. The rest was in my face or from the side. Fitbit app says I did
    12,750 steps/31floors/5.8miles /1457 cals.

    One thing I don't understand is the cals.
    Yesterday my numbers were:
    11,274/5floors/5.06 miles /1899cals.

    Both days all of my exercise was walking. Today, I am guessing because of the wind, it says I walked 31 floors (even though it was all flat ground)


    That's a lot of calories for a flat walk!

    I figure I burn about 200 calories per hour when I walk. Maybe 300 if I choose a really hilly route.

    I walk between 5 and 6 km/h or 3-4 mph.

    Or is that your whole day's calories?

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,066 Member
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    Hello all. I found another way to burn a few more calories. I bought myself a manual hand reel lawn mower. I used it on our tiny front yard and it works nicely for that for the time being. It doesn't look great, but it'll do. We are planning to dig all of it up soon anyway and re-landscape. For the gap, it is great. It's kind of fun to push around too. Takes longer to rake up the grass clippings than cut the grass. I got tired of paying a ton of money for someone to come twice a month to mow what little grass there is. Typically, they cut it so low they're just mowing the dirt.

    New haircut today. I really liked it when I walked out of there. I wonder how I'll feel tomorrow. It will require a bit more styling, which I typically stray from. I really don't like messing with my hair.

    I woke up with a really strange headache today. I was super hot too. It felt like my BP was really high. I checked it and it was fine, but I really felt like I was going to pass out a couple of times. I had to cut my workout a bit short. I'm not sure what that was about. I still don't feel great, but I'm better.

    Katla-So sorry you're having to sell your place. It's good that you realize it's for the best for your DH.

    Debbie-It's good that you got your walk in, despite the wind. It's super windy here too and I am in no mood to go outside.

    I haven't been in the mood to cook lately. So food has been "meh." I just throw things together and it's rather dull. But, I'm also eating less because I lack desire to make effort. I'm in quite a funk.

    I have to say that I'm perplexed about why so much fiber is recommended. Is there a reason so many of you are being told to get more of it in? I seem to be missing something. I know there are reasons to increase it, but if there is no specific reason, why? Bathroom breaks are so disruptive to me and more fiber means more bathroom visits.

    Machka-I love the bee photos! I am fascinated with bees. Insects generally, but bees and ants are really amazing.

    Hugs to those in need!

    Tina in CA where we are about to blow away in the wind.

    The typical American diet is not known for its fibre content.

    Nor are the keto or similar diets.

    Fibre keeps the intestines happy and helps prevent bowel cancer.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,066 Member
    Morning again, y'all,

    I'm starting on my second cup of tea, so I am a little more verbal. Also near complete on the morning chores. Three loads of laundry to play catchup after three days of visitors is a small price to pay.

    Missing my daughter and the grands already, and by mid-March, they should all be in Hawaii or about to be. Trying not to think about how long it may be before I see them again. I'm not usually maudlin, but I've been wearing the cardigan I lent her over the weekend because it smells like her hair shampoo. It's comforting.

    Kels took me to my gastro appointment yesterday. Nothing changed, just told to keep doing what I'm doing until the colonoscopy in July unless things get worse. Not sure what I was hoping for... but that wasn't it. Ah well.

    Talked to my best friend this morning, and we've decided that when we have something to share, we'll call, to yank us out of the habit of talking to each other daily. We developed that during the pandemic lockdowns, and it was a lifeline for us both, I think, as my own illness worsened during that time as well. We had a lot of fears and apprehensions to talk through. Now that everything has settled down a bit, we can go back to our old habit of once or twice a week when we had something we wanted to share. Making even the most beloved action into a task can be wearing.

    Confidentially, I was about a microsecond from saying, "I really don't care what you're wearing," as our conversations had devolved to getting her clothing decisions told to me blow-by-blow every morning. I don't talk about mine, because my decisions are the same every day. A t-shirt, hopefully one without a stain, and soft leggings/sweatpants, all of which are black. I did throw a large men's shirt over that concoction yesterday to go to the doctors. This woman has been my friend since 1983, no joke. I never knew that it takes her 20 to 30 minutes to choose what to wear. Every. Day.

    Katla, dear heart - I spent nearly 30 years moving from one place to another due to the military life, and another decade of it during my current marriage. Throughout those military years, it was never the place that I missed... it was the people. I asked my daughter this weekend if she thinks of this place as home, and she sounded surprised and said, "Of course!" She has never lived here, but her father and I are her home. You are with the family that you longed for while you lived in Oregon, and you can build a community where you are with your family and those who live around you. Not to say you can't grieve, but turning to the future might help you get through this. What Okie said was spot on, too. Thinking of you, dear.

    Got to go--lots of laundry to fold!

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    One of my small joys in life is deciding what to wear to work the night before every work day.

    If I know how an outfit is going to fit and look, choosing it might take about 5 minutes. If I am not sure, it could take 20 minutes while I try things on.


    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,066 Member
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    Hello all. I found another way to burn a few more calories. I bought myself a manual hand reel lawn mower. I used it on our tiny front yard and it works nicely for that for the time being. It doesn't look great, but it'll do. We are planning to dig all of it up soon anyway and re-landscape. For the gap, it is great. It's kind of fun to push around too. Takes longer to rake up the grass clippings than cut the grass. I got tired of paying a ton of money for someone to come twice a month to mow what little grass there is. Typically, they cut it so low they're just mowing the dirt.

    New haircut today. I really liked it when I walked out of there. I wonder how I'll feel tomorrow. It will require a bit more styling, which I typically stray from. I really don't like messing with my hair.

    I woke up with a really strange headache today. I was super hot too. It felt like my BP was really high. I checked it and it was fine, but I really felt like I was going to pass out a couple of times. I had to cut my workout a bit short. I'm not sure what that was about. I still don't feel great, but I'm better.

    Katla-So sorry you're having to sell your place. It's good that you realize it's for the best for your DH.

    Debbie-It's good that you got your walk in, despite the wind. It's super windy here too and I am in no mood to go outside.

    I haven't been in the mood to cook lately. So food has been "meh." I just throw things together and it's rather dull. But, I'm also eating less because I lack desire to make effort. I'm in quite a funk.

    I have to say that I'm perplexed about why so much fiber is recommended. Is there a reason so many of you are being told to get more of it in? I seem to be missing something. I know there are reasons to increase it, but if there is no specific reason, why? Bathroom breaks are so disruptive to me and more fiber means more bathroom visits.

    Machka-I love the bee photos! I am fascinated with bees. Insects generally, but bees and ants are really amazing.

    Hugs to those in need!

    Tina in CA where we are about to blow away in the wind.

    Headache, feeling hot, dizzy, nauseated etc.?

    That's describes a hot flash for me. I have 5 to 10 of those a day ... down now from 20+ each day thank goodness.

    What kind of Headache?

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,066 Member
    Early start tomorrow for grocery run.

    Karen: I tried the crossed ankles stretch during my stretches this morning. It will need some work before I can touch my toes 😝

    Intentions for today:
    📍general chores✔️
    📍declutter bedroom surfaces✔️
    📍Latin translation ✔️
    📍solid habits✔️

    Virtual (((hugs))) and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for all those those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri

    I've never been able to touch my toes. Don't expect it to ever happen now!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,292 Member
    Early start for grocery run.

    Heather: My new iPad has FR. And it’s so fast. The only downside was that it follows my face in ZOOM calls, and blurs everything else, which was disconcerting until I found out how to disable it. (Just disable blur background 😝)

    Intentions for today:
    📍general chores✔️
    📍declutter bedroom surfaces✔️
    📍Latin translation ✔️
    📍solid habits✔️

    Virtual (((hugs))) and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for all those those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,066 Member
    Heather: My new iPad has FR. And it’s so fast. The only downside was that it follows my face in ZOOM calls, and blurs everything else, which was disconcerting until I found out how to disable it. (Just disable blur background 😝)

    ☘️ Terri

    I set my Zoom to have a blurred background. I'd rather not have details in my house visible to everyone.

    M in Oz

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,613 Member
    Good morning,
    Prep day, ugh. I have both beef and chicken bone broth, jello, pedialyte, and water. I did grab some berry flavored sodas. Don't know if I will drink it, but another option. Leaving work before 3 to begin the really yucky part. Youngest daughter taking me tomorrow.

    Yesterday was migraine day here. Anyone I know that gets them had one yesterday. The clashing of high and low systems hurt. One of the downsides of this mild winter.

    I appreciate the grace and loving way each of you have adapted to life changes and in supporting others. You are all heroes in my book.

    Ginny- take care of yourself.

    Karen- My Aunt is in a care facility with advanced Alzheimer's. She just recovered from Covid, but it is apparently rampant there right now. This means my brother can't go visit with her because of Aubrey. It is sad. Stay safe!

    Speaking of Aubrey...many of you know she was born with PVS (pulmonary vein stenosis) . Her short life was so hard at the beginning, very much touch and go. In spite of the challenges and with the help of great doctors, she is now a smart and vivacious 4 year old. She started preschool this year. She has had no medical intervention needed in over a year, just routine tests to watch the state of her heart and lungs. Unfortunately this last exam is showing blockages starting up again. They will be heading back to Boston Children's soon. Please add prayers/healing thoughts for her and her family along with those for Destiny. I am grateful that she has had a chance for a normal life and has awesome parents. Our children shouldn't have to face these types of health challenges.

    Dietary fiber.....I need to think about that. I don't get enough from eating I am sure. Will check into this.

    Stay healthy!
    Continue with the best choices you can make at the time!
    Stay graceful!
    Keep going ine step at a time!
    Stay safe!

    Much love!
    Kylia in stormy Ohio but not icy.

  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 619 Member
    (((hugs))) to those who need them.

    Thanks Barbara, that was a tough one. Lacy gave me the most beautiful gift a couple Christmases ago. I don't think we knew, at the time, that we were going to have to move Mom yet or not. I think this was before she fell the BIG TIME. So precious now. This is in winter; you can imagine how gorgeous it looks in the summertime.

    I have a picture background on my zoom calls for the same reason, Machka; also that I don't like the bg where I sit.

    OH NO, Ginny! Hope it's mild.

    Hair is gorgeous, Allie!

    School is actually called for TWO days already. We got just a "couple" inches yesterday and the BIG storm is supposed to hit today. I think we could have gone in today, but what do I know and I get to stay home where I want to be anyway. Lucky me.

    22-Ask for help! ... I'll try.
    Love and Blessings, Carla, in MN
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,649 Member