Women 200lb+, Let's Make March Meaningful!!!



  • pdd1216
    pdd1216 Posts: 319 Member
    I guess I never found my mojo last week to make a post! I was still looking at February's posts. 😏

    🍀How did winter treat you? What do you hope to accomplish in this new season? And does a change in the weather affect you for the worse or the better? Winter is always hard for me. It always feels so grim after the holiday season. I am very grateful for warmer weather and seeing color starting to come out in nature. In this new season, I hope to continue losing weight and finally get to that magical mystery number when I can have surgery on my hip. That is my fervent hope and prayer

    🍀What makes you confident: in yourself, in your abilities, in knowing that this is your time for change? Please share what makes you feel the most capable and self-assured. I don't have any other choice than to be successful in losing weight. If determination counts for anything, I will get there. Not to say that there aren't plenty of days when I feel like it is unattainable. I believe in myself; on days I don't I have a loving husband who keeps me going. A community of supporters who believe in me is everything as well. I am grateful I have the tools at hand to meet my goals.

    My goals for March are to lose 7 pounds, log every day, and journal twice a week. The mental struggle is as real as the physical struggle

    Nov 1 - 298
    Dec 2 - 288
    Jan 2 - 283
    Feb 1 - 276
    Mar 1 - 272

  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,556 Member
    Good morning all!

    SW: 300 lb
    Next GW: 180 lb
    3/1: 198.8 lb
    3/2: 198.0 lb
    3/4: 197.8 lb
    3/7: 197.0 lb
    **weight updated whenever I lose.
    Previously I was weighing in only on Friday or Saturday but as I’m getting closer to my real goal I’ve been weighing in more often. Funnily enough, I almost didn’t weigh in this morning because I didn’t think I would see anything after snacking at book club last night but now I’m really glad I did.

    I hosted my book club last night and was so glad because that meant I had some control over the snacks. Instead of just one of two things I put out a whole spread and just let the other stuff brought suppliment. That meant I had veggies, pretzels, light dip, cheese, etc. I still had some dessert and chips but it certainly helped me keep to my food boundaries to have the lighter options mixed in.

    Tonight I will go to my Ladies Bible Study at church and, unfortunately, that means I have zero control over the dinner served. I did get my hands on the menu and it isn't light by any means. It's a chicken corn chowder and corn bread and dessert. I've seen the recipes by these ladies. It's sooo good but so not good for you. I'll just have to keep my calories lower through the day and maybe have a small snack an hour before the dinner so I can keep myself in check easier. It's always good to strive for a plan.

    @pdd1216 We all have weeks that our brain just doesn’t compute. Glad you found us this week!!! I’m so glad you have the support of your husband. My husband called me skinny mini this morning. I know I have a long way to go if I ever want skinny but having that support when you just don’t feel it makes a world of difference.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,556 Member
    @mling84 That's a huge victory!!! Great job staying the course even after a 2am snack.
  • sargemarcori
    sargemarcori Posts: 301 Member
    SW 254
    CW 246
    GW 140/150

    I don’t know where to start this post. I’ve always struggled with my weight. The lowest weight I can remember being was 175/180 back in 2012 after I had my first child. Since then, my weight has consistently fluctuated between 225-240, occasionally going above. When I had my third and last child in 2021, I managed to get down to 216. But have since gained it all back and then some.

    I really struggle with self discipline and I’m going to try my best to work on that this month. It’s getting to a point where my weight is really affecting my day to day life.

    Any tips or insight would be greatly appreciated. I’m so grateful I found a group like this. Hoping it helps! 💚

    Welcome! I suck at self-discipline. My best success has come from making it EASY to make the healthier choice, and making the unhealthy stuff harder to get. I'm lucky in that my family all creates food separately--so when I don't buy bread, I can't *have* bread (unless I steal it. And I'll be honest--sometimes I do.) I bury their goodies in a designated spot deep in the freezer so 1) they are hard for me to snag and 2) they KNOW where their food should be and know if it's gone it's not lost, it was stolen. And I do not want to deal with a cranky teenager who went looking for their Death by Chocolate on a bad day and didn't find it, so...
  • serenecompassion2663
    serenecompassion2663 Posts: 59 Member
    Good afternoon Ladies!!!

    I will weigh in on March 20th.
    I have had other successes and challenges this winter:

    In January I was ill with a combination of Strep and Flu.
    This month it’s pneumonia.

    I’m feeling discouraged and depressed because I feel like every ( yes, I know this is an absolute, so the statement isn’t true) time I prepare to start a training or exercise program, I get knocked flat with an illness. Since my fever broke last weekend, I’ve gotten out to walk. I’ve pushed myself way too hard, going 2.5 miles Tuesday and making myself sick with coughing and shortness of breath. So now my walks will be a mile total, with a break at the halfway point for awhile. I’m frustrated that household tasks are wearing me out, and I’m still spending much of my day sleeping.
    All kinds of new meds, a nebulizer.
    I just want to be healthy.
    Tomorrow will be spent running errands on the bus: picking up prescriptions, groceries, paying bills.
    And then I will make chili and crash for the weekend.

    I received my new walking shoes today!!👟

    @pamperedlinny : do you have a veggie spiralizer? You can turn everything from zucchini to carrots into pasta with this thing. It’s awesome.

    @nicolee0105 : tips:
    I struggle with self-discipline. I do a whole lot of talking before I actually do anything.😁
    Pick just one or two things to work on for a week or two until they become habits.
    An example:
    My sister suggested I start exercising…moving, just 15 minutes a day. My very first day, I set a timer and walked my apartment floor hallway for 15 minutes. Then I moved outdoors and walked around the block. Now, when I’m well, a good workout for me is two miles, about 30-40 minutes.
    My first food goal was simply to start drinking more water. To do that, I bought a 40-oz insulated bottle and my goal was to drink two throughout the day. Sometimes I need a boost, so I flavor it with Crystal Light. Sometimes my tongue just wants cold water.
    My next goal was to increase my veggie intake. So I set a goal of two servings a day.
    And I built up from there.
    You can do this!!!🤗💙

    To the March questions:
    I usually LOVE Winter. Being born in WI, I live for snow. But this past Winter was very mild where I currently live, and we didn’t get any snow worth speaking of. Just grey skies. And the grey without the magic of snow deeply depresses me.
    Plus I’ve been sick with respiratory issues this Winter, which takes all the fun out of being Cozy.

    I am looking forward to Spring. I want to take pictures of the budding trees, and I’m looking to redecorate my apartment, complete with new paint, plants, and bookshelves as my budget allows. I desperately need color.
    And color is what makes me feel confident: I like to dress in a classic style, with jewel and bold colors, and my favorite lipstick color is a raspberry pink by REALHER called “I’ve Got This.”

    Blessings to you all!
    Andi in Illinois 🤗💙
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,556 Member
    edited March 2023
    @serenecompassion2663 I do have a spiralizer. Actually, one of the first blog recipes I posted was Thai Drunken Zoodles. I probably don't use it often enough but I do love it.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,556 Member
    edited March 2023
    Good morning!!!! Anyone else happy that it’s Friday?

    My neighbor, whom I normally go walking with at lunch time, had a birthday on Saturday and it’s raining today…. That means we’re going out to lunch instead. I was already checking out Panda Express nutrition sheet and realized I can get a kids meal without feeling like I’m going overboard at all. For 300 calories I’m going to have some broccoli beef, rice, veg, and apple chips. Plus it’s cheaper than a big plate.

    Yesterday I was feeling stressed and annoyed at the whole world. I did end up having a candy bar with my daughter and then potato chips later on…. But I still logged everything, used my food scale to keep my portions in control and still ended my day within my calorie range. I can’t say my fasting blood sugar was the best ever this morning, but it also wasn’t as bad as it could have been. I still got to my Zumba class, my evening snack was a protein shake, and life happens. If I stayed in all my boundaries even during all of that I’m good with it. I feel it just proves to myself that I can do this long term and without all the sliding on my boundaries. I just need to remember to keep them in mind.

    Another thing I learned. My view of portion sizes has been changing. When I measured out my serving of chips, it felt like a lot of chips. I used to just sit with the whole bag if I was having a day. Putting a single handful on a very small plate and using the scale made it seem like a lot more.

    @kelliward1 Congrats on smaller clothes!!!!
  • campbjp1
    campbjp1 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone!

    SW: 219
    CW: 212.3
    12-week Goal: 207
    Goal: 150

    I've been sticking to the workout and meal plan and am starting to dislike working out a little less. I don't love it, but I definitely don't have to fight myself to get started like I used to. Another driving force is getting to my off day. I know I made it another week when I reached my off day.

    March Goals:
    💚 Loose 3 Lbs
    💚 Plan my meals in advance
    💚 Log all my food
    💚 Keep drinking water

    Thank you guys for sharing your inspirational stories!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,360 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I've been a bit MIA recently, joined the Fat2Fit challenge, and didn't feel like I had the bandwidth to keep up with both until now. But I'm ready to kick my weight loss efforts into high gear, so y'all will have to put up with me at least once a week, here, haha. I've missed you all and the vibe of this thread. (And I'm procrastinating doing housework, lol)

    Doing Saturday weigh in day, just because I usually go to the gym on Friday, so I'm giving myself an extra day to offset the DOMs, lol.

    34 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150

    SW 3/1: 175 (176 average)
    3/4: 174.8 (175.5 average)
    3/11: 173.6 (175 average)

    🍀 March Goals! 🍀

    🍀 March GW (average): 174

    💚Log everything in grams
    💚Do at least three fitness classes a week
    💚More than 100g protein every day
    💚No doomscrolling after 7PM each night
    💚At least 64oz of water a day

    I'm on track with my goal of .5 lb a week, which is as low as I really want to go, right now. I enjoy food, I'd rather not deprive myself unnecessarily. And I absolutely never want to go under 1400 cal ever again, lol.

    My scale weight is officially in the OVERWEIGHT category! Somehow, I'm not trusting it until the average weight gets there, so I've got another couple weeks at least, but it is very exciting. I haven't been this weight since about 2016, lol. And I was heavier than this in high school.

    Tag party!
    @bonniemcc4 way to go! That's fantastic, congratulations on 70 lbs lost!

    @campbjp1 you kinda get used to those exercise endorphins! I find when I can't work out for a few days in a row, I sleep terribly and my mood tanks. I hope either you start to like exercise or find one you enjoy!

    (A little background about me: I do pole fitness and chair acrobatics, as well as dance choreography, all of it for fun, I'm not a professional or anything, but those things absolutely light me up, and I love going to work out)

    @pamperedlinny that is SUCH a life hack! I'm totally stealing that next time I go to panda. And hi again! And CONGRATULATIONS on all your hard work and progress!

    @serenecompassion2663 to take a note from your lipstick, you've GOT this. I also find I get more energized by spring, being in a state that almost never gets snow, so it just gets dark and cold. Also because my whole household gets sick less often in spring and summer, so I hope it's the same for you.

    @sargemarcori I love imagining a showdown with a teenager about their Death by Chocolate :lol: hi again!

    @kelliward1 I love this for you! You deserve scrubs that fit!

    @mling84 it's so empowering to know you can take the reins if you need to.

    @nicolee0105 the best advice I can give is to 1) make it sustainable for you, whatever that means. Some people can't have treats in the house, some people can have treats sparingly and it keeps them going, either way is valid. Some people can give up carbs pretty easily, others would feel super depressed without them (it's me, hi, I'm the problem it's me), and both are valid. Experiment with what works for you in your life, there's not one answer for everything (except CICO, log all your food if you want good data for your self-experimentation, and watch out for calories burned estimates- they're often not accurate, and the more important thing is just that you do move in whatever way makes you happy). Welcome to the best thread on MFP, people are super nice here.

    @pdd1216 nice to meet you!

    I guess I should stop procrastinating now, lol. I've finished my avocado toast with everything bagel seasoning and green onions on low-calorie bread and my cold brew with almond milk, time to clean.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    My name is Mary, 65 from Pennsylvania.
    Been MIA for a few months but still logging in everyday since I started MFP 5/14/21.

    Unfortunately lost my mojo and gained a lot back but not all Thank God! Need to get back on track and focused. I bought a NEW to me, gently used, Commercial PreCor EFX 835 Elliptical. It was delivered the beginning of November, as others here know I wore my previous 10+ year old one out from my extensive workouts. Back up to 150 minutes on my 3 days off per week.

    Good to see some familiar names here and glad to see some new ones too!

    Heaviest weight 255 lbs, twice. :-(
    9/14/20-255 lbs
    5/14/21-232.2 lbs
    4/6/22- 147.6 lbs (107.4 lbs lost) I did NOT have a surgery. Did Keto.
    8/1/22- 167.2 lbs
    12/1/22-198 lbs
    1/1/23- 213.4 lbs
    2/1/23- 207.4 lbs
    3/1/23-201 lbs Yippee!

    3/5/23- 200 lbs Elliptical Thurs, Fri & Sun 150 minutes for just over 10 miles each session. Finally glad to see a drop. I was hoping for Onederland though. Oh well, it's inevitable. Can't complain about 7.4 lbs since 2/1, in 4 1/2 weeks.

    3/12-23 205 lbs. Too many carbs lately. Elliptical HIIT setting on Friday & today (Babysitting on Sat) 150 minutes each day, just over 10 miles each day.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Welcome back! People were wondering where you went.