Welcome New Members!



  • sgsurlord
    sgsurlord Posts: 3 Member
    Just sent out friend request to new post in the last week. Hope to keep each other motivated!!! Have a happy and healthy day.
  • mattia99_
    mattia99_ Posts: 1 Member
    Just started cutting and feeling a bit worried about the results
  • GrumpyDumpty
    GrumpyDumpty Posts: 234 Member
    currently on a 2825 log streak, former member of the 100 pound club, starting all over again after kicking the booze, please drop me a friend request to watch me go fat to fit to run the cardiff half marathon for charity
  • mamaerike
    mamaerike Posts: 2 Member
    Hey everyone I’m new here with no friends 😢
  • EmmaS_88
    EmmaS_88 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone, I’m also just starting! Have tried before and found it tough so 🤞 this time! 😊
  • TheMichiganTodd
    TheMichiganTodd Posts: 1 Member
    Just saying hi myself. Just joined. Hopefully between the app and community I can make a real goal at losing weight this time.

    I am 54, from Michigan... And along with wishing myself luck, I wish everyone else luck as well.

  • nickdevine666
    nickdevine666 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi all. Uk here 41 mostly into bodyweight training. Currently signed up for a hyrox event ina few months and looking for likeminded friends and motivation
  • nickdevine666
    nickdevine666 Posts: 82 Member
    Hey all. Uk here 41 long time doing bodyweight training. Just signed for hyrox in November. Anyone want to friend and motivate please?
  • TheRealJerseyMike
    TheRealJerseyMike Posts: 1 Member
    I invested a lot of money in expensive meals over the years so it's hard to part with that investment. But the dividends are not good so something needs to change! I started MFP the beginning of January and have been consistent with it. I've calculated what I want to weigh. I drink water daily, do my walks and workout 2/3 times per week. I started at 250lbs... now I'm down to 233lbs. I'm seeing the changes and would love to get down to 210/215lbs. Sometimes I wish I could lose the weight faster, but I understand it's all about being consistent. At least I'm moving in the right direction. Good luck everyone!
  • Natalietia
    Natalietia Posts: 25 Member
    I'm not so new as I've used the app before but it's been a long time since I've logged on. Maybe 2 years. 🤔 Hoping to get myself back to full fitness and meet new people along the way. 😊
  • spider_mark51959
    spider_mark51959 Posts: 2,866 Member
    Happy to make new friends on 'the journey' :) Feel free to add me if you like @Natalietia
  • nicolegotje
    nicolegotje Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone. I’m here trying to get back in good health and shape. I’m turning the big 40 in June. I want to be healthier for myself and my family, especially my child. I have tried dieting in the past and stick to it for a month or two then quit and gain the weight back if not double. I really want to stick to it this time and not give up. Good luck to everyone else as well.
  • TheNewMeIn2023
    TheNewMeIn2023 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, Ya`ll. In my mid 40`s. Empty nester working on self-improvement now that I have time for myself. I want to be healthy for the first time in my adult life. (Skinny I have been but, Healthy I have not) I would like to lose 50 lbs. I quit smoking and drinking sodas 28 days ago. I started going to the gym daily about 18 days ago. I am not a vegetarian but I eat a mostly vegetarian diet and limit meat consumption. I have a problem with overeating because I feel the need to snack all day since quitting smoking. Yesterday I started counting calories, I hope this works and helps me to not overeat.
  • QueenElf86
    QueenElf86 Posts: 8 Member
    I am just beginning to use this app to try to lose weight & become healthier by changing my habits. I know it won't be easy but it must be done!
  • sugagirl5
    sugagirl5 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi y’all! This isn’t my first time to the myfitnesspal rodeo and I need some motivation and friends to help myself be successful and keep it off this time! 🙌🏼 Feel free to add me 😂
  • SymonShrooms
    SymonShrooms Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. Just began today. My goal is to get to 130lbs. Does anyone have tricks to resiting urges to eat during fasting?
  • CalisthenicsTraining
    CalisthenicsTraining Posts: 26 Member
    I’m new to the community tab. I focus on push ups and training with my body weight. I train by myself from home. Feel free to add me/message
  • Shivaunmn1
    Shivaunmn1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! So excited to be here! I am 66 year old retired person. While healing from my first foot surgery one year ago, my weight skyrocketed from 197 to 132. I lost about 6 of those pounds after I was able to walk again, but after that weight wasn’t budging. I had a second surgery about 2.5 months ago and during a round of nausea due to antibiotics, could eat little and weight went down to 189, went form a size 20 to a comfortable size 16. After that it wouldn’t budge. I want to maintain that loss and lose more.

    According to actuarial tables, older women with a BMI in the overweight category live
    longer so my goal is to get down to 163. I am still not walking well, but did find a fitness app that allows me to do strength training in bed and have started physical therapy to increase flexibility. I am walking in the house now every other day but it hurts and I have a bit of a limp. (I have a lot of hardware in my right ankle, lol).

    I am excited to meet everyone!
  • GrumpyDumpty
    GrumpyDumpty Posts: 234 Member
    intjgirl1 wrote: »
    Hi everyone 💜

    East Asian female of 15 years old.

    My goal is to lose around 20kg and have better general health.

    Height: 147cm
    HW: 44kg
    CW: 42kg
    GW: 25kg
    UGW: 20kg

    i mean this in the most nicest way, get off dieting apps, and enjoy your life !!!