What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,403 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    Elliptical, one hour, hills.

    Ultimately, I chose NOT to choose. Why am I losing weight? Not for medical reasons, or with a deadline in mind. This is just for overall health and wellbeing (plus a touch of vanity). And while not going over on calories for a single day may be good for the body...

    ...making s'mores with my daughter, laughing and sharing a moment, is good for the soul.

    You made the right choice. Just one day out of all of them, and you can't buy a smile.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Same thing the last two days. Just an hour of easy cardio each day. Nothing hard or fancy.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    Elliptical, one hour, hills.

    Ultimately, I chose NOT to choose. Why am I losing weight? Not for medical reasons, or with a deadline in mind. This is just for overall health and wellbeing (plus a touch of vanity). And while not going over on calories for a single day may be good for the body...

    ...making s'mores with my daughter, laughing and sharing a moment, is good for the soul.

    Yes and they grow up to quick too! Precious memories you don't want to miss out on!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,558 Member
    Machine row, 3 x (1500m on, 2' row out/in or CD), 2:25.9 pace at 20spm over the 1500m pieces, more Z3 than anything else, but a little Z4. Total of 5373m.

    Stationary bike that I didn't feel much enthusiasm to do (draggy), would've been happy with anything above my 75W psychologically-acceptable minimum, but ended up closer to normal, 90W over the whole 63', almost entirely Z2 (few seconds Z1 at the start). Go figure. Bike thinks this is an imaginary 15.6 miles/24k.

    PT exercises later.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 989 Member
    edited March 2023
    Could also be I'm losing a much needed 10 lbs. Not tracking currently, but I let myself get up to 210. I'm back down to 204 already, but I still need to lose around 8 more lbs or so. Sounds crazy saying I don't need to get below 193 or so, but that's where I'm at with muscle mass currently. I'm only 5 foot 10 inches. All my health numbers are ridiculously good at present, so it was just not liking seeing a small gut.

    It's odd how personalised weight is. I'm also 5 foot 10, but I was really unhealthy at 180-ish pounds. I cut to 140-ish 4 years ago, and have hovered at that level ever since. (I'm currently 142; my highest in the period was 147 and my lowest was 139.) The annoying thing about the loss is feeling the cold a lot more; and adult male belts no longer fitting me. (They tend to market themselves as 28 inch minimum; but these tend to be too big for me.)

    Anyway, my workouts since Tuesday have been:

    Squat, high bar, 4 sets of 7, 70 kgs
    Bench, 3 sets of 5, 50 kgs
    I tried hangboarding, but it felt like my fingers would fall off, so I guess I'd not recovered from Monday's climbing.

    I meant to go climbing, but I cooked a chicken spinach curry that took longer than I anticipated, so wouldn't have had time for a decent session. I went for a walk instead, doing 11 miles.

    Climbing, I went to CroyWall for the first time in a while. It was not a bad session; I got a shedload of v3s and 1 v4. It was not outstanding, though; I'll try to go back soon as there's some stuff I want to retry, 2 hour session.

  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 420 Member
    Good workout this morning. Upper body, core and cardio.


    36 minutes on the spin bike, heart rate avg/max: 144/169
    26 minutes on the treadmill, heart rate avg/max: 139/154

    46 minutes lifting weights.
    - Barbell Bench Press: 12@125, 8@155, 6@175, Drop set: 5@190, 6@165, 10@125
    - Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns: 12@120, 8@150, 6@170, Drop set: 4@190, 6@160, 10@120
    - Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press: 12@25, 10@30, 8@35, Drop set: 6@40, 6@30, 8@25
    - Rope Triceps Press Downs: 10@40, 10@50, Drop set: 8@60, 8@40
    - Crunches: 3*25
    - Dumbbell Curls: 10@25, 8@30, Drop set: 8@35, 8@25
    - Landmine Twists: 10@65, 8@75, 8@85
    - Resistance Band Face Pulls: 3*8@100lbs


    Felt good this morning, making some progress again.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Elliptical HIIT 150 minutes for 10.08 miles, zone 2, 3 and a bit of 4.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,464 Member
    Elliptical, hills, one hour, six miles.

    Today has been an EXCELLENT DAY so far! First day of a 3-day vacation, woke up to sunshine rather than an alarm, feeling rested and refreshed. Hit the gym, very good workout, including graduating from my elbow rehab by performing sets at 10, 12.5 and 15 lbs. I don't have to wait until April to start lifting, I'm cleared for next week if I choose.

    The cherry on top was Friday weigh-in day, and my body indeed continued it's every-other-week pattern of stall or leap ahead. This week was a leap, dropping two full pounds to put me sub-180 for the first time in decades. Yet my mirror image says I still look like I lift, which nullifies my greatest fear of losing weight, that it'd be all muscle instead of fat, when reality was the reverse.

    Have to decide what to do for next week. I'm due for my quarterly week off from the gym, so I may do that. Then again, I may jump into lifting, as I'm excited, feeling healthy, and just bought the creatine to go with my uber-slow bulk.

    Either way, today my daughter starts her spring break, and she wants to go with me on a daddy-daughter date to the movies, book store, and ice cream shop. Sounds great to me!
  • Crystalr489
    Crystalr489 Posts: 21 Member
    Today was leg day for me
    glute bridge,
    stiff legged deadlifts
    and 30 minutes of cardio.

    After working out i almost fell down some stairs leaving the gym because my legs were soo beat from working out.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,464 Member
    After working out i almost fell down some stairs leaving the gym because my legs were soo beat from working out.

    In high school, the weight room was on the second floor, the locker room was in the basement. (If I ever meet the person who decided THIS was a good arrangement...) First time I ever lifted weights, I was in the middle of the pack as we descended the stairs to the locker room to change. My legs gave out, and I fell forward into the person before me, who in turn fell forward into the next person, and soon enough half the class were sprawled out on the stairs. Yep, that's a day burned into memory...
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,558 Member
    It was Friday-ish!

    Started with a nice walk with a friend on the river trail in the early afternoon, only about 3.7 miles at a casual pace, very nice being outdoors, with good company.

    While I was getting ready to do that, one of my out-of-town rowing buddies texted, planned to be in town, wondered if we could meet. So, after the walk with friend A, I rendevous-ed with friend B at a local brewpub, indulged in good craft IPA and a pizza (yes, a whole 12" pizza, just for me).

    Luckily, even last night even before knowing about that, I'd planned to shorten up to a 10k stationary bike workout after the walk, so I did that on the poor quality (but tasty) fueling once I got home. Any speed was OK with me in circumstances, so 80W on the 10k, 81W on the not-a-CD, all but the first tiny seconds Z2. It'll do. Overall, a nice Friday.

    PT later.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    Elliptical, hills, one hour, six miles.
    Either way, today my daughter starts her spring break, and she wants to go with me on a daddy-daughter date to the movies, book store, and ice cream shop. Sounds great to me!

    @nossmf I may do longer time on the elliptical but you bang out the mileage per hour better. Enjoy your date with your daughter. I'm a bit envious, I only have sons.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,558 Member
    I declared this positive self-talk Saturday, so talked myself into working out. :D

    Just the usual plan, though, for (yet another) day with freakin' sleet outside:

    Rowing machine, 3 x (1500m on, 2' row out/in or CD); plus 20" on, 20" nada. (I've been adding that last weird seconds thing to understand what my CD split is. Turns out it's mostly in the 2:50s.) Pushed a truly tiny bit, for splits of 2:25.6, 2:21.5, 2:20.0 on the pieces, all of them around 21spm. For reference, that's 113-128W at my DF, and divided not super unevenly among Z2-Z3-Z4. Average HR 135, peak 156, last 500m-ish all above 220-age bpm. Total meters, 5329 (3.3mi.)

    Then, right after, stationary bike, just moderate pace: 60' (95W) + 3' CD (90W) like usual, predominately Z2, but about 16' Z3. This would be a theoretical 24.5k (rounded)/just a skosh under 16 miles, and Concept 2 says equivalent to a 2:34.3 split.

    PT exercises before bed, rest day scheduled tomorrow. I'm at 615 Garmin activity minutes for the week (of 150 default goal), 21 of 25 needed days for the Concept 2 mud season madness challenge (need 4 more by 3/31, should get it).

    Feeling like I should be doing more mobility and strength work . . . but 'tis enough, 'twill serve. :wink: Just glad to be able to get in some discomfort-free rowing again, even though what I really want is boats on water with my friends.
  • LindaMarieFG
    LindaMarieFG Posts: 2 Member
    Best Live Stream yoga classes by Yoga World Fitness free yoga class are great. I take yoga sculpt and love the yoga relax and yoga restore classes. Check them out at Yogaworldfitness.org
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 989 Member
    edited March 2023
    I went caving for the weekend.
    SRT training. This was advertised as advanced, to have rescue practice. But a bunch of beginners turned up. So I a mainly practiced on my own. I went up and down loads, and got decent rebelay practice in amongst other things.

    It didn't go quite as well for done of the newbies. Two gir stuck at the tebelay, one needing a ladder to rescue him. A lass's harness didn't really fit, so she only went up one thing.

    I had fun, though, and improved my skills, so it was good

    Caving. I had two beginners I was leading, so I did Notts 2. I didn't want to rig SRT; and I wasn't confident in my ability to sort out issues with the newbies SRT. That left limited choices.

    It was lovely; a truly stunning cave. I got a little cold after getting drenched in a climb down a forceful waterfall into waist deep water. But I managed to move quickly from then, so stayed warm enough to continue.

    4 hour trip.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Elliptical HIIT 150 minutes for 10.11 miles, zone 2, 3 and a bit of 4.

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,464 Member
    Ultimately decided to not hit the gym this week, but I'm working from our backup facility all this week which has a mile walk from parking lot to office, so I'll be getting plenty of walking in all week. Upped my calories slightly, will weigh in Friday to see if anything changed before I jump back into lifting next week along with adding creatine to my morning drink.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Been having some neck issues (ongoing, but flared up recently -- I got T-boned at age 22 going 60 MPH by a pickup truck), so I took Sunday off and did a ton of work around the house that needed caught up.

    Monday did my normal lift and then did a 1000m timed row (machine) after a 1K warmup with a 1K cool down. Flamed and burned on the timed row. Started too fast. Ended up with a 3:50 time (1:55 pace). Sadly, just a few years ago, that was my 5K pace! I might go again on Thursday, we'll see. Started out at 1:35 on the first split, WAY too fast. Hard to recover from that. Last 200m were dreadful.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Short lap swim today. 1300 yds done as mostly easy paced 100's after a 200 swim/200 kick/200 pull warm up. Trail run tonight.