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What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Did the weekly long ride yesterday. Four of us rode for 41 miles at a 16mph average. We had a bright sunny day, but the air remained chilly. Glad I wore my wind vest.

    Temps will warm through the 60s today up to the mid 80s by Friday. No more cold weather kit needed!
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Lifted this morning. Did a rowing machine workout on the deck at lunch. It's already in the high 80s now at lunch. Went from unseasonably cold to very hot just like that!

    Did an unstrapped 5K @ 2:15 pace, then did a few 750 meter sprints after. Feeling great this week after nearly two weeks of feeling pretty bad. Was having constant headaches. Finally figured out it was allergies. Started taking Zertec and it went away within a day. Arizona wildflowers are in crazy bloom right now. Was getting to me!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,636 Member
    Actually in the high 60s F today, sunny, only light wind, so I took another easy pace bike ride out on the trails, a little shorter at 12.5 miles averaging 10.8mph. Half Z1, most of the rest Z2, only a little even Z3 - super relaxed pace, just enjoying being outdoors on a nice day.

    That was because I was thinking I should get in a machine row, too (and work on my taxes (cringe)).

    Slightly more vigorous machine row, I guess, another 3 x 1500m, total 5,405m with the row out/in and CD, 2:23.6 pace at 21spm on the pieces, mostly Z3 with around 5' each in Z2/Z4.

    Some mobility exercises early in the day (mostly hips/shoulders), PT shoulder exercises will happen before bed.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,782 Member
    Week two of my "reintroduction to lifting", got to not only increase the weight but also add an extra working set. Upper body still feels like a warmup, while the squats were at an actual working weight already and felt GOOD.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,025 Member
    We were blown out from diving. Instead, we did a hike from the caravan park to Lizard Point, mainland Britain's most southerly point. It was nice, the weather was good (except for the pesky Easterlies).
    17 miles, with plenty of up and down.

    It was a bit blowy initially, but the wind eventually shifted to Southerlies and the waves fell. I initially acted as shore cover (getting in and out was still a little hairy). Then I jumped on a boat, and we dived the Helford river.

    It was nice: visibility was about 3 metres; water temperature about 11 Centigrade. We had a 53 minute dive at 11 metres.

    We didn't get any diving in, as the lad I cadged a lift from had a flight the next day. I did finally pick up my magnetometer, so I can do a spot of exploratory wreck diving from now.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,782 Member
    Deadlifts, pulldowns and preacher curls. More sets, more weights. More, more!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,636 Member
    Bike on the trail again, 14.4 easy miles.

    Trail's still flooded, limiting access to the larger trail system unless I ride on some scary roads, so I'm adding a little distance with trail repeats or meandering through suburbs. Only a little of that today because I was getting hungry! :D

    Stopped at the local small-box high service hardware store mid-ride. No bike rack, so I poked my head in the door asking if there was someplace I could lock up my bike. They told me to bring it in, put it to the side near the door, which I thought was pretty nice: Indoor parking!

    Around 20 minutes stretching/mobility stuff this morning, PT exercises later.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Just a super easy hour of cardio today on the treadmill and then on the Assault Bike. All around 60% max HR stuff.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,025 Member
    Climbing, 2.25 hours.
    Decent session, I got two new 6bs and session flashed loads I had struggled with before.

    On a non-workout topic, I handed my notice in recently. My current job has too much admin, and whilst the core work is fun, around 2/3 of the job is admin.

    My new job looks broadly admin free. It's less money, but that isn't my main motivation these days.
  • anneu53
    anneu53 Posts: 55 Member
    I did an active class today at my local gym and then we did Les Mills Body Pump. Both classes went for an hour. I was quite satisfied with my day.
  • Doug_T
    Doug_T Posts: 163 Member
    Pull Day
    Deadhangs/scapula raises
    Kneeling lat pull downs
    Barbell rows
    Seated rows
    More deadhangs/scapula raises - 1 negative pullup (still working on a real pullup)
    Like 4 variations of curls 4 sets each followed by a few forearm movements
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,636 Member
    Finally rowed an actual rowing shell (quad) outdoors on the river, about 7k . . . first time this season.

    The water's still cold enough to be risky, but quads don't flip very often (not so routinely as racing singles, certainly . . . to flip a quad, something pretty terrible has to happen, like all 4 rowers doing something very wrong simultaneously, swamping, a collision with another boat, or something like that). We may row some more on nicer days if we can do full quads.

    It was so good to be back out there, and my shoulder did OK not only with the rowing, but also with picking up the boat to swing it up overhead as part of the carry, and reversing that motion to get it in the water. Some rotator cuff action in that, for sure. I admit I was grateful to have some of our stronger folks on the boat today for my first quad carry this year - reassuring.

    Afternoon physical therapy appointment, probably do some other PT exercises later today at home.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Into my second full week of this season's triathlon build and I"m starting to see some hints of progress. My swim needs major work, but yesterday's 1700 yd pool session felt "ok" for a change. I'll need to start building in some longer sets of 3 x 400s, 2 x 500s, etc, to drive endurance gains. Will also mix in a few harder intervals such as 100s done on 5 sec recovery to build VO2, etc.

    Food plan got slightly derailed with holiday gatherings over the past weekend, but back on track this week. I'm actually weighting and measuring stuff to keep myself honest. ;)

    Temps will hit 85-90 this afternoon, so my bike/run brick workout will be a good preview of summer conditions.

  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Elliptical HIIT setting 150 minutes for 9.92 miles zones 2, 3 & 4 today.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Hardish 2K interval set today out on the deck on the Concept2 Rower. I usually don't row in wind like today, but went for it. Gusts up to around 35 MPH today. Just set the Drag Factor really low and did it unstrapped.

    2K X 3 with 2 minutes rest. Average pace ended up around 2:10. Kept them all pretty tight together in time, so it was nice not flying and dying. Roughly 400 calories in a little over 30 minutes. HR was dropping from 160s to under 120 within a minute or so, so that was good to see. And I'm feeling great now that I'm taking allergy pills daily. I never honestly knew allergies could make you feel that miserable (says the guy who's severely allergic to grass and gluten!).
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,782 Member
    OHP 2x5
    Incline Bench 3x10
    DB Lateral Raise 3x10

    Ran into an old lifting buddy who commented it was good to see me again, and that I'd slimmed down. Made me smile to hear.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,636 Member
    Biking on the trails, plus a little extra bike-meandering in the park and in suburbs near the trail or on the road home, totaling just over 16 miles, all easy pace. It was actually over 80F (27C) here today, after some days last week where it got down to the 20s (around -7C) overnight. Michigan is weird in the shoulder seasons.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,025 Member
    Climbing, a slightly ridiculous 3.25 session. This started well; I got two v4s quite early. I made good progress on a v5, getting to the final hold but falling at the top. I then got pumped, and probably should have left an hour earlier. I was a bit broken by the end.
  • StanDandyLiver
    StanDandyLiver Posts: 29 Member
    Warm up, 1km rowing machine at 1:55 pace. Barbell circuit (5 rounds, 10 reps each of Overhead Press, Back Squat, Bent Over Row, Deadlift; @40kg). 1.5 mile incline treadmill walk. 500m swimming. Lie down, exhausted, but satisfied.