Welcome New Members!



  • erilong98
    erilong98 Posts: 1 Member
    Hihi, I’m Erika. Starting over and making better choices hopefully. Scared af. 🫠🌸🖤✨
  • CriedForNoOne
    CriedForNoOne Posts: 9 Member
    edited March 2023
    I'm secretly losing weight for the first time in my life. I've always ate fairly well and kept moderately active. Then a few weeks ago at the doctor's, I learned I gained 10 lbs over COVID years and I felt awful. I realized I was a lot less active than I used to be. I secretly bought a scale, something I've never owned in my life. I tried Noom and didn't love it so I'm here on MFP. I track, measure, and weigh each thing I eat now and quietly log them. I'm ramping cardio back up and fitting in strength training sessions. It has been going well until this morning when I had a lot going on and didn't eat breakfast. After a late lunch, I felt hungry and ate what I thought was a snack but was a breakfast portion of cashew yogurt and oatmeal. And I STILL want to eat some chips. Now I'm writing this and distracting myself with anything I can as I chug water and wait for dinner to come. I read that this happens sometimes and that it sucks but it's gonna happen with calorie deficits. I am gonna turn this into a positive and say that I learned not to skip breakfast anymore (since this is the first time I'm feeling this bothered about wanting food). I'm scared of days like these in the future.
  • fourelementsynchronicity
    Just started today! I’m looking forward to finally taking accountability of my progress with you all!
  • vixderby
    vixderby Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all, I've recently returned to myfitnesspal (since December last year) and it's helped me lose 33lbs so far, I love this app.

    I'm really looking forward to using the forum to share tips etc, wishing everyone a great healthy day
  • abdullahkhanumar
    abdullahkhanumar Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I am relatively new to this forum, but I have been using MFP since 2020s. Just recently I've become more consistent with my goals and diet. Hoping to continue to monitor my health and die!

    You all have a good day 😊
  • asuddenalex
    asuddenalex Posts: 4 Member
    I'm not new but I've been away for a while. I'm gonna try and start tracking again to support my journey ☺️ I'd like some friends to help motivate me!
  • AlexLittlewood
    AlexLittlewood Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all, I'm Alex. Mid 40s. Starting again again. Feel free to send me a friend request Alexlittlewood, my diarys always open 😘
  • e46lowlife
    e46lowlife Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    New to this community, hopefully I will lose weight and maintain a healthier lifestyle. Always open to information and motivation.
    Thank you
  • mzrqzfhgfc
    mzrqzfhgfc Posts: 2 Member
    I’m new the MFP and down ten pounds but I’ve got a long way to go before I reach my goal. Snacking on chips and sweets have been my Waterloo in the past and I’m working to permanently change my eating habits. It nice to have help on this journey.
  • kheydon
    kheydon Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I’m Kris from Northern California, 71 yrs. old, and significantly overweight. My doctor recommended that I lose 15% of my current body weight - 33 lbs. MyFitnessPal, which is new to me, was recommended by my nutritionist. I’m restarting my weight loss journey and am feeling cautiously optimistic.
  • elizabethdritchie6761
    Hello! My name is Liz and this will not be my first attempt at losing weight! 😮‍💨

    I hadn’t been too concerned about my weight and losing it until my first daughter (born 2016) was a year or 2 old and I decided I wanted to lose some of the post-baby weight (I actually lose weight during pregnancy and gain it all back and then some after baby comes and I start breastfeeding.)

    I first tried an Adkins type diet, low calories and high protein. It lasted maybe a couple of weeks before I was tired of feeling HANGRY all the time (and so was my husband 😬).

    I tried Weight Watchers sometime after that and may have done that for a month or 2 but I wasn’t seeing the progress I was hoping for and felt very discouraged anytime I strayed from the low points I was allotted each day; cravings got the best of me and I got fed up of seeing little progress for what felt like such a huge sacrifice to me.

    After that I decided to try intermittent fasting, and finally here was something that was working for me. I was still eating things I enjoyed, just on a restricted time. The weight loss was slow, but it was continuous and without even weighing myself I had noticed that my pants were fitting me differently.

    Then I left my job toward the end of 2020 when COIVD was all anyone cared about and I was tired of working from home with nothing to do and no one to talk to like I did working at the office. I stopped my fasting then too because I was no longer on a daily schedule. Shortly after I got pregnant with my second daughter and threw the whole idea of dirt out the window because I was pregnant and this was the time to relax and enjoy pregnancy for what would be the last time. My second daughter was born in August of 2021 and again like before I packed on the pounds FAST from breastfeeding and not restricting the way I ate, being too tired to cook most days and eating out constantly.

    Well I am back to working in my old office and having a daily schedule to rely on and I am attempting to start anew! I began using MFP at the end of February so I think I’m starting on maybe my 4th week now. I am also intermittent fasting again in addition to having my low calorie diet, and try to stick to low carb food as well. I feel GOOD about this time because unlike the times before, I am actually preparing meals and not only relying on shakes and freezer meals; I have resisted cheating on my diet; I haven’t had any sweets, gone over my allotted calories, or felt like I’ve overindulged. I feel like this could really be the time I turn it all around!

    The biggest hurdle now is seeing progress, because despite how good I have been doing with my food intake, the weight is SLOW to come off compared to what I was hoping for. I weigh myself daily and see the numbers fluctuate up and down daily while getting slowly smaller. I have not added exercise into my routine yet because I want to get myself used to eating healthier first, so the next step is to hopefully get more active because my job is very sedentary but when I get home all I want is to rest!

    My starting weight was 211, 210 the day I started tracking with the app. My goal is to get to 130/135, because for my height and build, that’s where I SHOULD be. Today I am down to 205, but I’d be lying if I said I was happy with that. I’m not sure what my timeframe is for getting to 130 or what would be realistic, but here is to hoping this one sticks and I can continue the momentum!

    Thanks for reading my long introduction if you’ve made it this far! I am trying to stay positive!! 🙂
  • sgsurlord
    sgsurlord Posts: 3 Member
    Just sent out friend request to new post in the last week. Hope to keep each other motivated!!! Have a happy and healthy day.
  • mattia99_
    mattia99_ Posts: 1 Member
    Just started cutting and feeling a bit worried about the results
  • GrumpyDumpty
    GrumpyDumpty Posts: 234 Member
    currently on a 2825 log streak, former member of the 100 pound club, starting all over again after kicking the booze, please drop me a friend request to watch me go fat to fit to run the cardiff half marathon for charity
  • mamaerike
    mamaerike Posts: 2 Member
    Hey everyone I’m new here with no friends 😢
  • EmmaS_88
    EmmaS_88 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone, I’m also just starting! Have tried before and found it tough so 🤞 this time! 😊
  • TheMichiganTodd
    TheMichiganTodd Posts: 1 Member
    Just saying hi myself. Just joined. Hopefully between the app and community I can make a real goal at losing weight this time.

    I am 54, from Michigan... And along with wishing myself luck, I wish everyone else luck as well.

  • nickdevine666
    nickdevine666 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi all. Uk here 41 mostly into bodyweight training. Currently signed up for a hyrox event ina few months and looking for likeminded friends and motivation
  • nickdevine666
    nickdevine666 Posts: 81 Member
    Hey all. Uk here 41 long time doing bodyweight training. Just signed for hyrox in November. Anyone want to friend and motivate please?