Anyone have a case of "the haters"

Hey all!

So, I have dropped weight and totally changed my lifestyle. My family and friends have been supportive and are happy for me. But, there are people that seem to try to put me down. Statements like " the first 10 pounds are easiest to lose"...then I lose over 15...and they say "the first 10-15 pounds are the easiest to lose"

Or I will mention that I lost weight and they will not acknowledge it. No supportive words or reassurance that I do look like I lost weight.

Any finally, people that go out of their way to try and sabotage your diet. "Oh come on, share a dessert with me","You go to the gym all the's so boring,come drink!"

Any one else have these issues?


  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    A co worker told me I was happier when I was fat. I resisted the urge ask him what his excuse was.
  • amygee05nb
    A co worker told me I was happier when I was fat. I resisted the urge ask him what his excuse was.

    haha...what a jerk. I guess people are going to complain whether you're going bad or good.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Not so much 'haters' really but I'm surrounded by drinkers. It seems impossible to leave my room, and go anywhere passed the gym without ending up with a drink in hand-especially on the weekend. They aren't trying to sabotage-but I have to explain to them how important it is I lose this weight...and never find it again (especially by October 14).
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    Yeah a pair of them. A woman in the cube over the wall from me is always trying to get me to eat sweets. She brings in pies and other things all the time and pressures me to have some. It's more annoying than anything else. Then there's a guy down the row from me who's just a complete *kitten* (I'm amazed he's not been fired for a number of the things he says in the open). One day a few of the women in our aisle were talking to me about my weight loss and then as I walked away I heard him make some comment about me gaining it all back and then some in a few weeks. I spun around and said "well only if I start eating like you".

    And of course there are always the people who sit there and tell me I'm getting too skinny. But overall I have to admit most people have been very complimentary and extremely supportive and encouraging.
  • redhead91
    Yeah I have a few people who try to get me to eat bad food with them. I always feel bad because that used to be me! I used to guilt my skinny friends into eat junk food. I feel so awful!
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    One day a few of the women in our aisle were talking to me about my weight loss and then as I walked away I heard him make some comment about me gaining it all back and then some in a few weeks. I spun around and said "well only if I start eating like you".

    Haha! you rock!
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    My husband has been really supportive most of the time. My issue is that he is a fast food junkie and a chinese food junkie. It's really tough for me to say no when he says he wants McDonald's or Wendy's for dinner. ESPECIALLY since we're eating out A LOT less than we used to.. so when he says he wants chinese, I feel guilty saying no.

    Oh well. He's supportive once in a while, and it is nice to have something "naughty" once in a while.

    Hang in there.

    God bless!
  • Tuffjourney
    Someone asked me today if I was losing weight. Ouch...I have lost over 70 lbs. That hurt.:noway:
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    Some haters are motivated by envy of your success. They see you doing well, and they feel like they are failing because they aren't doing something about themselves. They know they should be doing. Its a form of envy. Instead of letting your success motivate and encourage them, they just wish you would fail along with them, and then they feel fine about themselves again.

    The same flawed thinking can be seen with success in almost any en-devour.
  • finchase
    I don't have deliberate saboteurs so much, but I do have "normal-sized" co-workers who don't have to watch every single thing they eat like I do. They now have a "Breakfast Club" where every Thursday one of them brings breakfast for the rest of the club. I turned down the offer to join the club. But what I didn't realize was that every single week I would have to fight off temptation because they are bringing things like sausage and egg breakfast taquitos, Chick Fil-A Minis, and breakfast tacos, and they put them on a desk right in our work area, so I smell them for hours. Forget chocolate: I crave sausage and bacon and things like that, so it's getting to me.
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    I can't wait until people start to hate me. :drinker:
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    hardly any of my friends - especially those who are overweight themselves - have been particularly supportive.

    i had the odd 'you look nice' but thats been about it, so i dont worry about it as i am happy with my figure now, and the fact that i am so much more healthy so thats the main thing, leave the haters to be miserable!
  • ltlane
    ltlane Posts: 120
    whats even worse is when its someone you love, they are around you daily and they say yea right to every thing that you do.. and then when you ask them if they have noticed any thing they say noo.... ooh ok i just been busting my *kitten* for 5-6 weeks... even if im not visibly different havent you noticed i been more active and eating differently..... yea.... then the convo is apparently done lol wow is all i can say.... thankful i have people on mfp for support, otherwise who knows....
  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    I hear crazy stuff all the time. I hear that I'll look like a crack head if I lose to much weight. I hear that black women are suppose to have some meat on their bones. I hear "you're going to lose your breast or have sagging skin." The worst was when a friend told me that I wasn't meant to be slim, some people are just meant to be BBWs. When I told her I was still going to work on losing the weight, she told me that I wouldn't last long because I had no discipline when it came to food. WTF!! Let's just say that I don't talk to her any more.
  • Someone asked me today if I was losing weight. Ouch...I have lost over 70 lbs. That hurt.:noway:

    I usually will ask that same question but only because my mother gave someone a compliment about loosing weight to someone only to have it turned around because the person was going through chemo.
  • SWEETS1234
    SWEETS1234 Posts: 243 Member
    I have a friend who recently told me she hates the fact that I watch what I eat and don't eat treats all time anymore. She says it make our end of day coffee time boring and she doesn't like the conversation about weight loss or needing new clothes. (she has lost 15lbs because of it) Oh well that's life.
  • CharityEaton
    Thankfully my husband has been AMAZING for me. I started "hardcore" working out every day, changed my eating habits, all of that about 12 weeks ago. I have lost 12 pounds and have run into people that I have not seen in several months and no one seems to notice! The hubby has been great at helping me stay on target. He still eats what he wants but offers to fix me something different if he knows he is fixing something I shouldn't have. For the most part I believe in the "everything in moderation" theory. I eat "bad" at least once a week just to keep myself sane! The rest of the week I work my butt off and still don't have many people notice. My thoughts......who cares! I KNOW that I am making changes that are going to be permanent because I am making healthy lifestyle changes. I feel amazing and when I put on my jeans they are starting to get baggy. If anyone wants to say negative things to a person that is trying to be healthy it is because they are jealous that they do not have the same determination that you do! It takes a whole lot of effort to say "no" to the foods you know you don't need and to turn down invitations to temptations that are going to wreck your hard work. Besides, if you are on a regular workout routine you'll be able to kick their butts soon....that is what they are jealous of! :smile:
  • flyer7871
    Remember that Hater is just another word for jealousy.
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    OMG I can't stand the ones that try to sabotage your diet!!! My coworkers do this all the time. They'll throw a candy bar from the candy dish on my desk that they know is my favorite. I know to a lot of people that sounds like the nice thing to do, but when you're diabetic AND need to lose weight it's the WORST form of torture - especially when they know that you're trying to lose weight. I just will never understand the people who try to undermine your efforts. UGH. I hope you don't have to deal with that often. It's awful! Hang in there, you're doing the right things for your health and self esteem and you should be proud of yourself! Try not to let others knock you off track with their insensitivity and stupidity!
  • megan6709
    megan6709 Posts: 60 Member
    My husband has been really supportive most of the time. My issue is that he is a fast food junkie and a chinese food junkie. It's really tough for me to say no when he says he wants McDonald's or Wendy's for dinner. ESPECIALLY since we're eating out A LOT less than we used to.. so when he says he wants chinese, I feel guilty saying no.

    Oh well. He's supportive once in a while, and it is nice to have something "naughty" once in a while.

    Hang in there.

    God bless!

    I just wanted to share - I made fried rice the other night, and figured out the calories with the tool on the app. All-in-all, it came out to be about 400 cal per serving, which isn't great, but to put it into perspective, it had:
    ~8 grams fat, 108 g cholesterol (from the egg), 45 g carbs, 12 g protein

    4 cups white rice, 1 c chopped green onion, 3 eggs, 12 oz crab meat, low sodium soy sauce (I figured about 2 oz), and 1 c chopped cabbage. White pepper to season. Makes about 5-6 servings. My friend said "I can taste the chinese restaurant in my mouth". You can make it even healthier with egg substitute, a different meat, or other substitutions. Try it out on the hubby and see what he says :)