Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 219



  • GirlOnTheRebound
    GirlOnTheRebound Posts: 258 Member
    RenaPink11 wrote: »

    4/6 213.5 Definitely more energy yesterday but not enough. 1x 10 min rebounder. Was up at night with nausea and an aura migraine. Feel somewhat better so far this morning. During my overnight awake hours I tweaked my food diary to reflect intermittent fasting and to show water and fruit intake. Since I am trying to increase calories I think this might be of assistance. My eating window is from 11am to 7pm. Not sure if this will change to 10am to 6pm. I prefer my first exercise routine in the morning so it may change. Have quarterly neuro appt this morning plus a few errands. Happy Thursday!

    I've been eyeing those rebounders... I'm itching to get one and try it out. Any suggestions?

    I bought a Newan. It's a 42 inch (actual bounce surface is 39) with a handle bar. I still find the bar useful when doing new moves or raising knees higher. I like the larger bounce surface for safety and moves like jumping Jack's. I also like the rebounder without the metal springs! Mine has the bungee type cords. Was a pain to put together but nearly silent. I started with videos or watching TV but now I blast serius xm's happydance station and go to town. The high intensity beat of each song really gets the heart rate going! I got mine in November as an early Christmas present and use it pretty much every day 2 to 3 times a day. I don't wear shoes but I do wear socks. It has not gotten spongy like I have heard some can. So in general I recommend bungee instead of metal, large surface and get one with a handle (they are removeable).
  • RenaPink11
    RenaPink11 Posts: 329 Member
    RenaPink11 wrote: »

    4/6 213.5 Definitely more energy yesterday but not enough. 1x 10 min rebounder. Was up at night with nausea and an aura migraine. Feel somewhat better so far this morning. During my overnight awake hours I tweaked my food diary to reflect intermittent fasting and to show water and fruit intake. Since I am trying to increase calories I think this might be of assistance. My eating window is from 11am to 7pm. Not sure if this will change to 10am to 6pm. I prefer my first exercise routine in the morning so it may change. Have quarterly neuro appt this morning plus a few errands. Happy Thursday!

    I've been eyeing those rebounders... I'm itching to get one and try it out. Any suggestions?

    I bought a Newan. It's a 42 inch (actual bounce surface is 39) with a handle bar. I still find the bar useful when doing new moves or raising knees higher. I like the larger bounce surface for safety and moves like jumping Jack's. I also like the rebounder without the metal springs! Mine has the bungee type cords. Was a pain to put together but nearly silent. I started with videos or watching TV but now I blast serius xm's happydance station and go to town. The high intensity beat of each song really gets the heart rate going! I got mine in November as an early Christmas present and use it pretty much every day 2 to 3 times a day. I don't wear shoes but I do wear socks. It has not gotten spongy like I have heard some can. So in general I recommend bungee instead of metal, large surface and get one with a handle (they are removeable).

    Thank you!! 😊

  • clprieur
    clprieur Posts: 270 Member
    RenaPink11 wrote: »
    SModa61 wrote: »
    Thank you for the info!! I do appreciate it. I actually like fiberone cereal :smile:

    @renapink11 and @SModa61 I eat the FibreOne Oats and Chocolate bars as my desserts! I'm addicted! Lol. :)
  • clprieur
    clprieur Posts: 270 Member
    edited April 2023
    RND 219

    HW: 175

    SW this round: 166.0

    Goals This Round. Keep the momentum by drinking my water, moving every day (real workout at least 3xs), be mindful of choices but don't obsess.

    4/2 166.2 My family eats out every Saturday for dinner and last night was Chinese food. That was an interesting challenge. I ate a careful lunch in preparation for a heavier dinner. I ate a small wonton soup and then a small-ish plate full of a sample of all of the dishes. I don't feel that I over ate, but I enjoyed the meal! Today we are staying home all day and I am making a family brunch (protein pancakes for the win), and having family over for dinner (making a BBQ chicken braid). So heavier meals than normal, but hopefully my planning will work out and I will stay within my goals. My portion control is getting better.

    4/3 166.6 Apparently lack of exercise on the weekends is a problem. I stayed within my calories all weekend, but because of lots of family meals the food choices weren't the healthiest. But it wasn't a binge weekend with a big gain, so I will take it. On my way to the gym as soon as my daughter leaves for school to do some weight training.

    4/4 165.4 Hopefully moving in the right direction again! I spent 2 hours at the gym yesterday. Started with some weight training and rowing, and then I moved to the bike and treadmill. I wouldn't have stayed so long, but I started watching the show "Shrinking" and fell in love with it. Two episodes and a lot of burned calories later 🤣 I'm always hungrier and snackier after working out, so I made that protein shake/pudding mix concoction and thoroughly enjoyed it! I slept in this morning and will be headed to the gym again soon. I need to focus on building more muscle, I think.

    4/5 166.0 Got in a great gym workout yesterday. Also, tried the Supreme Cauliflower Crust pizza from Costco...it was delicious! 310 calories for 1/4 pizza and now I have my lunches for the rest of the week 😊. Also played a ton of pickleball last night. It's my favorite thing!

    4/6 165.8 Wasn't sure if I would make it to the gym yesterday, but I woke up feeling pretty rested and went right after my daughter left for school. Then I took my son to the science museum and got a lot of steps in (and lots of stairs...it was busy and the elevators were full.) I discovered that Dave's Killer Bread topped with avocado, cottage cheese, and hot sauce is a delicious breakfast. If I have time next time I will top with an egg. Loving finding delicious food that doesn't feel like "diet food." This morning we played pickleball before the rain came. I have a girl scout meeting tonight and there will be candy and lots of snacks. Trying to make a plan to not go overboard.


    @caitlinnf84 WOW! So many good recommendations in your posts! I have to start taking notes! Lol. I need to Google: "Shrinking", protein shake/pudding, Supreme Cauliflower Crust pizza from Costco, and Dave's Killer Bread! I live in Canada, maybe we don't even have all this stuff!! Lol!! Thanks for offering us these suggestions!! :)
  • clprieur
    clprieur Posts: 270 Member
    shmmm3 wrote: »
    I cannot remember or locate in chat, who mentioned concern over oxalates in spinach. Yes it's high, but many vegetables, fruits, grains and nuts are high in oxalates, some are low. Drink plenty of water to flush them out. Greens can be boiled and the water drained off to reduce the oxalates. I've enjoyed green smoothies for over 30 years. All raw. I think some people are more sensitive to the oxalates in food or certain foods.

    I've heard that some people are more sensitive to oxalates and I hope I'm not one of them. I've never had problems with kidney stones so maybe I'm safe to keep with the spinach. Thanks for sharing your experience. That makes me feel better.

    @shmmm3 Dude, you do NOT want to have a kidney stone. 10/10 would not recommend. :( I was told to drink more water... which I am super bad at. (My sister has always referred to me as a camel, even when I was a kid.)
  • clprieur
    clprieur Posts: 270 Member

    April 6: 202.8 Doing better. Still just eating whatever whenever. Four weeks today since DH passed away. It’s been hard and so lonely without him.

    @jedaschultz I just wanted to say that I really feel for you. Your last post is heartbreaking. I cannot imagine. Please hang in there. <3
  • clprieur
    clprieur Posts: 270 Member
    RenaPink11 wrote: »

    @renapink11 So... did ya... "you know" yet? LOL! I'm just wondering if your weight will come down when you do! :P Also - the part about looking back at your journal and noticing that you were higher in carbs and that your weight loss slowed down - good for you for doing the work! The "noticing" is the important part! I'm inspired by your commitment to learning and progressing! So, congrats on keeping on keeping on! Btw, I did hire a "running coach" to make a personalized plan for me... she had sent me a bunch of questions and it took me forever to respond to her... but I finally did, yesterday. I will see what she sends back. So far I can still only run about 09 seconds at a time. Lol. And the other day I was practicing with my dog and he got over-excited (probably because I'm too damn slow, as far as he is concerned) and he started freaking out and biting the leash and acting a fool! So we shall see how that goes... I'll keep ya posted! :)
  • clprieur
    clprieur Posts: 270 Member
    tishawj wrote: »
    Doggo is grumbling at me so I better finish my coffee and hit the trails!

    @tishawj This part made me laugh! My dog does the same. I have never had a dog do this before! He just kind of stares at me and goes "grrrrrr". It cracks me up! :)

  • clprieur
    clprieur Posts: 270 Member

    4/6 213.5 Definitely more energy yesterday but not enough. 1x 10 min rebounder. Was up at night with nausea and an aura migraine. Feel somewhat better so far this morning. During my overnight awake hours I tweaked my food diary to reflect intermittent fasting and to show water and fruit intake. Since I am trying to increase calories I think this might be of assistance. My eating window is from 11am to 7pm. Not sure if this will change to 10am to 6pm. I prefer my first exercise routine in the morning so it may change. Have quarterly neuro appt this morning plus a few errands. Happy Thursday!

    @GirlOnTheRebound Sheesh! You are having a tough week! I hope you get to feeling better soon! I used to get migraines as a young person but they went away when I was about 25, I think. Thank goodness, because I remember them being extremely debilitating! Hopefully when you wake up today you are feeling super-duper awesome! <3
  • clprieur
    clprieur Posts: 270 Member
    @clprieur Congrats on your sobriety! Very proud of your accomplishment and dedication. Don't give up!

    @GirlOnTheRebound THANKS!!! Sorry it took me so long to respond to this! I am super behind in my reading, apparently! I will be honest, the first couple of days of not drinking (after drinking daily for at least... 24 months?) were pretty challenging. But it got easier and easier over time. I actually just kept setting small goals in my mind instead of thinking long-term, and that seemed to help me. Anyway, here we are coming up on a year, and I really don't even think about drinking anymore. It is strange, because I was so friggin caught up in it. And now it is a non-issue. Bizarre, huh? Thanks again for all your encouraging words! <3
  • clprieur
    clprieur Posts: 270 Member
    RenaPink11 wrote: »
    Congrats on the sobriety!! My husband stopped drinking about 11 yrs ago. It’s a hard road with a few bumps along the way. I will say this, he too had the thoughts of he could just have a drink or two and be ok. It didn’t work out that way.

    I was taking contrave a few years ago but as the dose increased I got vertigo really bad, a few times fell and the ringing in my ears was too much. Sounds like it’s working for you though. It’s not uncommon for me to have listed side effects to medications. Thankfully, it’s not happened with my Vyvanse.

    @RenaPink11 Thank you!!! And thanks for sharing about your hubby's experience. I think I am best to just steer clear of booze altogether - especially considering my genetics as well as my trauma history. It's just not a good thing. I will focus on being a "sporty girl" instead of a "party girl". Lol! I wasn't taking Contrave really, but the combo of my high dose of anti-depressant combined with my anti-booze drugs equaled Contrave! But now I have decreased the anti-depressant and stopped the anti-booze drug. So we shall see what happens over time. I am monitoring pretty closely! I agree that side-effects from meds can really suck! I forget which one I tried, years ago, but I had the same reaction - I was so dizzy I couldn't stand up! Augh! I am super glad you are not having issues with the Vyvanse!! :)