New to this, hoping to become a pro!

Hello everyone, happy to be here and hoping to stay motivated. I’m fifty and have about fifty lbs to lose. I’ve been on the weight gain journey for about 6 years now. Moving, knee injury, and entitled attitude (if I want to eat it, dammit I will) and stress have all contributed to where I am now. This thing called “old age” is creeping in, lots of new aches and pains, planters fasciitis, pre menopause, etc. and these are things I know a thinner body could manage much better. I also have an amazing 2-1/2 year old grandson who I’m fortunate enough to spend every weekend with and he’s running full force now! Did I mention I can’t run?! Anyhow I’m pretty down to earth and don’t take myself or this thing called life too seriously but I’d like to stick around as long as I can. Hope to meet people who will walk this journey with me and enjoy a laugh or two along the way.


  • senoratink
    senoratink Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there ... MFP was not working on my phone well about 2 years ago so I deleted it. I need to start tracking and decided to give it a go again and low and behold - it works much better! I am 45 and have 29lbs to lose. I hear you about aches and pains and menopause - certainly adds challenges, but we can do this!! Hope you find MFP really helpful - it really helped me about 10 years ago and I am really looking forward to getting healthier again. Take care!!
  • foliographerdoha
    foliographerdoha Posts: 35 Member
    Welcome stay focused
  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 420 Member
    Hello! Feel free to add me if you’re looking for friends. I’ll be 50 this year. And I can’t run, ha. I log in here every day! x