Welcome New Members!



  • TheRealJerseyMike
    TheRealJerseyMike Posts: 1 Member
    I invested a lot of money in expensive meals over the years so it's hard to part with that investment. But the dividends are not good so something needs to change! I started MFP the beginning of January and have been consistent with it. I've calculated what I want to weigh. I drink water daily, do my walks and workout 2/3 times per week. I started at 250lbs... now I'm down to 233lbs. I'm seeing the changes and would love to get down to 210/215lbs. Sometimes I wish I could lose the weight faster, but I understand it's all about being consistent. At least I'm moving in the right direction. Good luck everyone!
  • Natalietia
    Natalietia Posts: 25 Member
    I'm not so new as I've used the app before but it's been a long time since I've logged on. Maybe 2 years. 🤔 Hoping to get myself back to full fitness and meet new people along the way. 😊
  • spider_mark51959
    spider_mark51959 Posts: 2,833 Member
    Happy to make new friends on 'the journey' :) Feel free to add me if you like @Natalietia
  • nicolegotje
    nicolegotje Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone. I’m here trying to get back in good health and shape. I’m turning the big 40 in June. I want to be healthier for myself and my family, especially my child. I have tried dieting in the past and stick to it for a month or two then quit and gain the weight back if not double. I really want to stick to it this time and not give up. Good luck to everyone else as well.
  • TheNewMeIn2023
    TheNewMeIn2023 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, Ya`ll. In my mid 40`s. Empty nester working on self-improvement now that I have time for myself. I want to be healthy for the first time in my adult life. (Skinny I have been but, Healthy I have not) I would like to lose 50 lbs. I quit smoking and drinking sodas 28 days ago. I started going to the gym daily about 18 days ago. I am not a vegetarian but I eat a mostly vegetarian diet and limit meat consumption. I have a problem with overeating because I feel the need to snack all day since quitting smoking. Yesterday I started counting calories, I hope this works and helps me to not overeat.
  • QueenElf86
    QueenElf86 Posts: 8 Member
    I am just beginning to use this app to try to lose weight & become healthier by changing my habits. I know it won't be easy but it must be done!
  • sugagirl5
    sugagirl5 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi y’all! This isn’t my first time to the myfitnesspal rodeo and I need some motivation and friends to help myself be successful and keep it off this time! 🙌🏼 Feel free to add me 😂
  • SymonShrooms
    SymonShrooms Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. Just began today. My goal is to get to 130lbs. Does anyone have tricks to resiting urges to eat during fasting?
  • CalisthenicsTraining
    CalisthenicsTraining Posts: 26 Member
    I’m new to the community tab. I focus on push ups and training with my body weight. I train by myself from home. Feel free to add me/message
  • Shivaunmn1
    Shivaunmn1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! So excited to be here! I am 66 year old retired person. While healing from my first foot surgery one year ago, my weight skyrocketed from 197 to 132. I lost about 6 of those pounds after I was able to walk again, but after that weight wasn’t budging. I had a second surgery about 2.5 months ago and during a round of nausea due to antibiotics, could eat little and weight went down to 189, went form a size 20 to a comfortable size 16. After that it wouldn’t budge. I want to maintain that loss and lose more.

    According to actuarial tables, older women with a BMI in the overweight category live
    longer so my goal is to get down to 163. I am still not walking well, but did find a fitness app that allows me to do strength training in bed and have started physical therapy to increase flexibility. I am walking in the house now every other day but it hurts and I have a bit of a limp. (I have a lot of hardware in my right ankle, lol).

    I am excited to meet everyone!
  • GrumpyDumpty
    GrumpyDumpty Posts: 234 Member
    intjgirl1 wrote: »
    Hi everyone 💜

    East Asian female of 15 years old.

    My goal is to lose around 20kg and have better general health.

    Height: 147cm
    HW: 44kg
    CW: 42kg
    GW: 25kg
    UGW: 20kg

    i mean this in the most nicest way, get off dieting apps, and enjoy your life !!!
  • GrumpyDumpty
    GrumpyDumpty Posts: 234 Member
    currently on a 2870 streak, always open for motivation, and motivating others
  • AcworthDad
    AcworthDad Posts: 4 Member
    Been lurking for a few weeks now and decided it was time to share the journey and take the social plunge.

    Hmm, where to begin. I'm 58, male, married to my most beautiful wife for 30 years in November and I'm a Dad to the best 23 year old son one could ask for. I put both the "Yo" and the "Yo" when eating and dieting and am currently on the downward "Yo". Before I go on, my humor is Atacama Desert dry with a sprinkling of very bad Dad jokes. You've been warned. :D

    I'm 6'1". I started this journey at 245 and am now 216 heading for 175. This might seem too much, but I've been 175 before and I felt the best ever at that weight.

    I enjoy putting on the headphones and taking long walks. I recently discovered Timmy Trumpet. While his music can be deafening at concerts and night clubs, at the right volume, his music propels me.

    Lastly, I'm starting my new job in the guillotine plant and will be heading there shortly. Don't say I didn't warn you. :D
  • ChrisVolume2
    ChrisVolume2 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all,
    Giving this another go after a few years away. Had some good experiences previously and have decided to come back and get back into the routine. Hoping to be in some sort of shape as we approach summer in the UK.
    Can’t hurt to give and get a bit of support along the way right 👌
  • lisa1225anne
    lisa1225anne Posts: 36 Member
    Hello, I'm new and have decided to lose weight healthfully. I am on medications that cause weight gain, and I am heavier than I have ever been.

    Can you switch your meds so you won't gain weight or see a natural pathic physician for a more natural way to deal with instead of medications?
  • lisa1225anne
    lisa1225anne Posts: 36 Member
    Hi! I've been on this app a few times in the past but had a hard time following through and sticking to a routine. I'm trying to make it stick this time because I'm getting married next year! I bought my dress a size up then my current dress size so in case I gain weight the dress will still fit. I've recently decided that I want to lose weight and take in the dress so that I feel confident and sexy on my wedding day. Fingers crossed!

    I totally understand. I have my favorite sexy dress in my closet that I can't fit into. Weightless is such a struggle
  • SamanthaLM91
    SamanthaLM91 Posts: 16 Member
    I joined MFP a few years ago, and almost reached my goal weight, but then I fell out of it and stopped using the app altogether and decided to go back into old habits and now I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been, I get out of breath so easily now and I need to change. Permanently this time!!

    Ready to get back into it. Starting right now!
    If anyone wants to be friends feel free to send me a request, the more the merrier and having some friends on here the last time I found really helped me out! When you have people to cheer you on and support you and give advice when you need it really does make a difference. And I love cheering people on too 😊

    Let’s get it!! x
  • Snappers007
    Snappers007 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm also new to MFP and I'm looking forward to losing a few pounds and increasing my strength!
  • angel2846
    angel2846 Posts: 5 Member
    I could really use some new motivation, and more importantly, a little reassurance that im on the right track 💪

    36 year old mother, 1.62/63kg and been doing 3x weight training and daily dogwalks for 3 months now. No big results, so time to ditch the 1200 calories a day (which did include atleast 120g protein, lots of veggies and low carb).

    And tips what my target calories/macros would be to still lose fat, but gain lean muscle?

    Looking forward to hearing your experiences. Feel free to add me!