Daily check in for support and accountability



  • julierackow
    julierackow Posts: 11 Member
    I am very happy to report that my scale finally moved! DOWN 3.5 lbs.


    We're going to a BBQ at my new niece's house today. No walking this morning, I'm not going to think about calories. Not going to go crazy, but will enjoy our day.

    And I said "new" niece, because my husband, who is 66 and adopted, just found out last month that he has a bilogical sister and that his birth mother is alive and well. Very long story that I don't have the time to post about now. He's met her and her grown daughters, we've met his birth mother (so emotional!) and today we're going to his nieces to meet their husbands and children. It's been quite a journey.

    Have a great day everyone and thanks so much for your continued support!

    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    @julierackow Congratulations on the big move! Your scale was just being a cheeky little bugger! And enjoy your day at the BBQ meeting all of your husband's new relatives. What a memorable Memorial Day it will be!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    I have been weighing myself daily this month (except for the 25th and 26th when I went a little haywire). This is something I normally do not do. However, it has been interesting to see the fluctuations when you aren't really doing anything differently from day to day, and it also helps to normalize them. It has also been interesting to see the downward trend! Today (not my official weigh-in day) it said 199.6!! I made it to Onederland!! Of course, I realize tomorrow it may be up again into the 200's, but that is okay because I know it is normal! And I know it will come back down if I keep working the program!
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    I've been off the grid for the past week or so...

    @julierackow - Wonderful to hear the scale is cooperating. I had a feeling that would happen. What a nice day to spend the holiday with new family members. I hope it was a great time.
    @HASWLRS- Yay! So nice to see those numbers on the scale- your efforts are paying off. Even when it pops back up again, you know you're heading in the right direction.

    As for me... I have been quite unfocused the past few weeks. I've had a lot of changes and over all too much going on, which has thrown me right off track. I am managing to post somewhat accurately, but I know I'm missing things and I'm going over every day. The scale was up 3 lbs. this morning. I know I didn't gain 3 lbs. but I do think that I have gained. Despite this, I'm starting to notice my clothes are getting looser and I really want to keep going with that. It feels good to have things fit better as well as feeling better over all. It took awhile for my pants to get looser and I realized something- with all of the stretchy material in jeans now, I can gain 25 lbs. and still fit in the same size :blush: However, I don't go down a size after losing weight though.

    I plan to have a good day today. I bought salmon for supper and I'm going to stay within my calorie budget. Have a great day All!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Sunday: logged, under with a good chunk remaining, went for a walk and did some weeding.
    Monday: logged, under with almost none to spare, no formal exercise, 6K steps.
    Tuesday: logged, under, went for a walk, and then walked around my house right before bed to reach my 10K steps :)

    Oh, my, gosh. I was hungry on Monday from my very active Sunday, but I didn't generate enough calories to eat as much as I wanted! (Yes, I could have dipped into my excess from Sunday, make it a weekly under instead of a daily under, but sometimes seeing that red "over" number can wreak havoc with your mental resolve). Moral of this story? Get up off your butt, Lisa!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member

    May 24th: 201.4
    May 31st: 199.2

    Doing the Onederland Happy Dance!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    @dogwalker157 I hope you had a good Tuesday. How was your salmon?
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »

    May 24th: 201.4
    May 31st: 199.2

    Doing the Onederland Happy Dance!

    That's Awesome!
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    @HASWLRS- So nice to hear the scale is going in the right direction-You have a nice streak going. I'm hoping to get back into that mindset. Yesterday was better and I'm doing okay today. Hopefully I'm getting back on track. I don't want to slip back into old habits somewhat unconsciously. Logging every day definitely helps me with at least staying somewhat aware.

    WE'VE GOT THIS :smile:
  • chicagoSeamus6524
    chicagoSeamus6524 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all, new to this thread. I'm female, 50. Have been very active most of my life, completing lots of running races. Maintained roughly the same weight until menopause and COVID/stay at home orders happened all at the same time. I stopped exercising as much (which I think is nuts given the fact that getting outside for runs, walks and bike rides was about the only thing fun to do for a while!) and started snacking way too much. I didn't gain a significant amount of weight but it's made a difference. I'm back to running and walking plus some strength training regularly. Now I just need to reign in my snacking tendencies. I'm focusing on only having fruit or veggies if I find myself actually hungry between meals. Anyway, happy to be here!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Wednesday, the 31st

    Logged, under, and went for an hour long walk, which I haven't done in I can't remember how long. Except that my knee is bothering me, my good knee of all things, so I probably shouldn't have. I am going to go to work today and see how it feels. There may or may not be a walk later this evening, depending on the outcome.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    I don't want to slip back into old habits somewhat unconsciously. Logging every day definitely helps me with at least staying somewhat aware.

    WE'VE GOT THIS :smile:

    YES WE DO!!

    Logging everyday, getting enough steps to give me more calories to play with (I refuse to try to sustain myself with 1,200 calories!), not having any snack food in the house (nothing I can just grab and go, because I will "grab" more than I should, even if it is considered a "healthy" snack), and embracing the slight hunger (I go to bed slightly hungry every night). This is what has been working for me. And also really, really wanting it this time. I am hoping that when I see my son in 6 weeks that he notices a difference in me...the last time I saw him was in November.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Hi all, new to this thread. I'm female, 50. Have been very active most of my life, completing lots of running races. Maintained roughly the same weight until menopause and COVID/stay at home orders happened all at the same time. I stopped exercising as much (which I think is nuts given the fact that getting outside for runs, walks and bike rides was about the only thing fun to do for a while!) and started snacking way too much. I didn't gain a significant amount of weight but it's made a difference. I'm back to running and walking plus some strength training regularly. Now I just need to reign in my snacking tendencies. I'm focusing on only having fruit or veggies if I find myself actually hungry between meals. Anyway, happy to be here!

    @chicagoSeamus6524 Hello! Happy to have you here!

    Covid and menopause got me too, except not at first. Late March, 2020, when I and the rest of North America realized that Covid was not going anywhere, any time soon, I decided not to hibernate, but to use the time to take care of myself. I started walking everyday for 20 minutes (at first) and logging my food. It was a slow process, but by November I had lost 24 pounds. I was feeling good and I was even starting to add some strength and yoga workouts, thanks to the internet and all its resources. Then I injured my ACL. It was a slow upward climb on the scale in 2021, but lightning fast in 2022. I just gave up on myself and couldn't find my way back. Even though my New Year's Resolution was to work on me, it took until May for everything to finally come together. Fake it 'til you make it, just don't ever give up completely!!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,573 Member
    Yesterday was the last day of school for my daughter. The insanity of the last month of school with awards, class parties, bringing everything home, half days, etc is finally over. On to summer break!

    That said, that should mean I'm able to check in most days like I was a few months ago. The end of school is nearly as bad as December with all the activities I need to worry about. Sorry for being MIA so long.

    Even my recipe blog suffered. Instead of bi-weekly I had a 3 week wait between recipes. It just wasn't happening. However, I did finally post yesterday. If you ever need an Everything Bagel Seasoning cheeseball for a party, I've got you covered. https://www.healthyeatingwithlinda.com/post/everything-bagel-seasoned-cheese-ball
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    I am in a bit of a funk this morning. I have hurt my knee, gradually. The first twinge was almost a couple of weeks ago, but during yesterday's walk, it was getting sorer as the walk went on. I came home, say down at my computer to drink my big bottle of water and scroll through social media, etc. When I got up to shower, it was seized up. I can walk, with a limp and some mild pain, but I don't know how I am supposed to exercise. And the exercise and step calories are what has allowed me to be so successful for the last month!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Saturday the 3rd

    I logged my food and was able to stay under by 45 calories despite any formal exercise. 5,994 steps
    I may have to reconsider some of my frivolous calories, like the cream in my coffee!
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    So now I'm back too 😆.
    Thing 1: I went on vacation with the (what I consider) extended family. Brutal. Just brutal. I'm very happy to be home.
    Thing 2: cats were peeing and pooping all over the house. Sometimes ON ME before I woke up. Figuring that out was tough. But I think we're back on track.
    Thing 3: Yesterday we moved my sister into her new apartment. HALLELUJAH!! The angels are singing. I went to her new place today to help unpack some more. Thing 4: But now I can deep clean the house without a dog. Get everything painted and
    Thing 5: move the master downstairs to prepare for hubby's aneurysm surgery. My point is this: I haven't been logging 🤣🤣🤣.
    I'm still doing wegovy and it's phenomenal. 2 1/2 weeks of vacation with no logging and I still lost a couple of pounds. But I'll get back on track tomorrow.
    I understand sort of the knee thing. I've had back problems for a few months that have kept me from trying much exercise and hardly sleeping. Doctor had me on PT but that made it so much worse. Turns out to be some degenerative spine thing and with inflammatory meds i can finally sleep albeit on my side. The sleep helps immensely.
    My Lord this is a long post. I think I missed y'all. I'm so happy to share everything that's been going on that I can't stop typing. Back to accountability tomorrow. So glad to read that everyone is really doing well. Setbacks, I read. But overall progress!!! Ttfn
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Sunday, the 4th

    Logged, under, but no formal exercise. 7,261 steps doing stuff around the house.
    My husband was barbecuing steak for dinner, so I purposely ate very little up until then so I could enjoy as much as I wanted.
    My knee is feeling better, relatively speaking, but I am still not going to go for a walk. I will just try to accomplish things around the house to get my steps.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    @harringtona1 Welcome back! I thought you had just disappeared; I am glad I was wrong. It sounds like you got a lot of things figured out/sorted out while you were away. I am sorry to hear that your husband has to have aneurysm surgery, but I guess it is better than the alternative. I am glad the Wegovy is still working well for you.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    I forgot to mention a couple of NSV's from last week. I was at work most of Thursday afternoon. Usually when that happens, I just pick up subs or order a pizza for dinner. My husband said he felt like pizza. I told him that was fine, I would get a pizza, as long as he was okay with having pizza two nights in a row. I told him I would not be having any and there would be leftovers. He was. I ordered and picked up the pizza and had none! Friday was National Doughnut Day. There were donuts at work from the bakery. At the end of the day when most people had already gone home, there were still three donuts left. I could have easily had one, but I didn't. I just know that if I have something that decadently sweet it will make me want more of the same. I will fit the calories from a slice of pizza and/or a donut into my day at some point in the future, just not at this early stage of my journey.