my accountability thread Day one



  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi all! I hope you all had a good weekend? I was able to stay on task and not over do it. We had a barbecue at house yesterday and was worried about that! I only had one handful of potato chips! It had been years since I had old fashioned potato chips and I realized after eating a handful I wasn't missing anything. Let's all have a great week. Sarah
    PS. Down one pound and 4lbs to go! We can do it!
  • Viridian1539
    Viridian1539 Posts: 155 Member
    This thread looks very inspiring! I'd love to join in as well if that is okay.
    I struggle with losing weight because I'll do really well and then something happens in life and I eat my feelings... I also have trouble with hitting the calorie goal when I'm tracking well and then my mood drops, so I eat my feelings - You can probably see how that cycle is detrimental :sweat_smile:
    My current weight is 194, long term I'm hoping to get below 150, but short term (by end of summer) of 180.
    I love the accountability of this community and seeing that there are a couple of other gardeners in here too! <3
    - Bekkah
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    @Viridian1539 Welcome! We are happy to have you. I am also a gardnerer as well. I have a small english garden in backyard as well as bee hive. I love honey bees! We also belong to a community garden which is so nice.
    Well I am feeling discouraged as I gained 1.5 pounds yesterday. Who knows it may be water weight or my scale may be off ? I certainly did not overeat yesterday. That is the trouble of weighing daily have so many ups and downs.
    Oh well it will all be ok. Still planning on eating healthy today. That is to me is more important too! Have a great day every one. my kitchen i have a big picture framed with a quote from Hippocrates... that says" Let thy food be they medicine and they medicine be thy food." I read it daily for inspiration....I'll see if I can post picture.
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
  • Viridian1539
    Viridian1539 Posts: 155 Member
    Went on a hike yesterday but now my hip pain is flaring up. Can't wait for my PT appointment next week to see if my therapist can help. Might go to the chiropractor tonight too and ask him about it.

    I'm stuck between 194-196 right now, have been for two weeks. Hoping I can find time in my schedule to go on more walks, and pre-planning food each day so that it is balanced between meals (I'm a chronic breakfast skipper, and I want that to change!)

    Good luck to everyone this week!
    "The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step."
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi All! Hope you are all doing well!
    @Viridian1539 sorry you are having pain. What do you think has caused your hip pain? I know pre planning of meals really helps me keep on track.
    @BeverlyW1108 - hope you are doing well and vacation is nice!
    @grmabae hope all is well!
    @dvmndo Melanie....hope you are doing well too.
    Have a great day everyone.
  • Viridian1539
    Viridian1539 Posts: 155 Member
    @sarah7591 Thanks for checking in! My PT thinks I strained one of my hip flexor muscles while trying to do home exercises at the gym. Pushing myself way past my limits and getting hurt is kinda my MO...oops. I'm struggling to find the balance between resting and still doing some activity, and the hike we went on was unexpectedly steep, so I suspect that was the culprit. Taking it easy with just flat sidewalk-walks until next week, so Lord willing things will get better!

    Otherwise I'm having a great week, just need to do some housechores tonight because the place is looking a little shabby! How are you doing?
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Hello All! Vacation is winding down and I am feeling fat but happy! I’m skipping my regular scheduled Friday weigh in this week bc I know it will bring me down. Yes, I will still weigh but not keep an official record until next Friday 6/16. My knee is just nagging a little, I think I’ll try a run when I get home. Sarah, I love the quote you have hanging in your kitchen! Miss hearing from you Melanie. Welcome aboard Viridian1539!
  • Viridian1539
    Viridian1539 Posts: 155 Member
    Traffic was bad today. Ending up having to pull into a parking lot to wait because there was no way I could get to work in that. Went into Starbucks for the free wifi so I could work (bad move Bekkah lol) and got a drink and cookie. Really the cookie is my downfall. If I'm very very careful today I can make it work, but word to the wise: DON'T GO INTO STARBUCKS :sweat_smile:
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Greetings all! Happy Friday! @BeverlyW1108 - welcome back from vacation. You know it is impossible, well let's say extremely difficult, to eat well on vacation. Also, that is what vacations are gotta live a little and enjoy. I'm glad your knee is getting better.
    I went out to dinner last night, nothing fancy, but I did eat reasonably healthy but ate more than I normally do but I did not seem to gain.
    I am not one to go out to eat. I am really picky about my food (don't eat much meat) but had a good salad last night and is what gets me in trouble.
    @Viridian1539 - not sure where you live but I know all about traffic!! I live in the city (ATL). I love it but traffic can be bad.
    I have a busy weekend but I plan to check in . Thanks all for being there.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Hi MFP Friends!
    I was able to run 2 slow miles this morning with no knee pain. I'm feeling so good about that. Vacation was fun and we wore a jacket every day and came home to Louisiana 90-degree humidity! Eek! I'm ready to get serious about losing weight. I did have 5 pounds to lose. Now I have 10! Those put on last week should come off fairly easy but then I'm back to where I began!!! I don't think logging in here every day is helping me, so I've decided to check in with you all on Tuesdays and Fridays. Sarah, I know I called you out for not checking in one day :D Oops! I will always log my food and exercise because the times that I tried to quit that ended in disaster. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. I'm so glad I live in a small city without much traffic B)
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Greetings all! @BeverlyW1108 no worries about logging in daily. I completely understand. Sometimes it can be a little defeating. Not to mention we all have busy lives. I think that is a good idea about logging in just twice a week. Vacations are so hard and it is so easy to put on weight so quickly!! I am dong well and my weigh in is on Monday for me. Trying my best to do well this weekend. Have a great Saturday you all.
    Check in whenever you wish for support. No rules here!
  • ThisSummer22
    ThisSummer22 Posts: 2 Member
    I need the accountability too. I know what to do. I have just been delaying and snacking and going crazy when sweets are around me at work..m&ms. I did belong to a bootcamp five years back and had huge success,,,, telling myself, NO - Im a K180 Warrior
  • ThisSummer22
    ThisSummer22 Posts: 2 Member
    Anyone still doing this
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Anyone still doing this

    I am still here - I may not check in everyday but still trying to be held accountable until I get the weight off I gained at Christmas! I hope you can join us!
  • Viridian1539
    Viridian1539 Posts: 155 Member
    Went to a grad party for my cousin yesterday and had too many sweets, then went to my parents and had loaded nachos for dinner.... Not a great day for me! Today I'm committing to eating more protein and keeping up with the water goals I've set for myself.

    We can all do this! Welcome to our newcomers <3
  • Viridian1539
    Viridian1539 Posts: 155 Member
    Stepped on the scale this morning and I'm down 3lbs! Glad to see that movement - now I just need to focus on keeping that off while working toward a lower number.

    How was everyone's weekends? Were you able to keep with your goals?
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Stepped on the scale this morning and I'm down 3lbs! Glad to see that movement - now I just need to focus on keeping that off while working toward a lower number.

    How was everyone's weekends? Were you able to keep with your goals?

    Wow...that is great Viridian1539! 3lbs! Was that in one week. I was .2 over my goal for this week. Oh well....I did over indulge on Saturday a bit. So this week my goal is to lose 1.2 pounds to stay one track until my vacation! Hope everyone has a great week. Eat healthy!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Well.....yesterday I walked 3 mile, swam for an hour and ate really healthy and guess what? I gained a pound. Ugh......oh well...carry on.
    Hope you are all doing well.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Good Morning Friends, I'm still fighting to get rid of my vacation pounds. Another trip is coming up in July. We are leaving July 13, so I have about a month to stay serious about this. If I do good for a couple weeks, I can maintain the last couple. We will be gone for a month so we're not counting it as a vacation.
    We plan on cooking and eating as healthy as we do at home. And a lot of hiking and running.
    sarah7591 wrote: »
    Well.....yesterday I walked 3 mile, swam for an hour and ate really healthy and guess what? I gained a pound. Ugh......oh well...carry on.
    Hope you are all doing well.

    Sarah, I know you weigh everyday so don't get discourage it might take a day or two for the scale to reflect on your hard work. Remember we choose to live the healthy active lifestyle. Every day is a choice and it defines who we are.
    Stepped on the scale this morning and I'm down 3lbs! Glad to see that movement - now I just need to focus on keeping that off while working toward a lower number.

    How was everyone's weekends? Were you able to keep with your goals?

    I've been retired for over 3 years now and for some reason weekends are still hard. It is a mind set that I think I've had my entire working life. That is why we set our weigh in on Fridays so we can splurge a little on the weekend.

    I hope everyone has a Terrific Tuesday and I'll check back in Friday, hopefully with my good news weigh in!!!