Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    @nsk1951 the really strange thing here is I haven’t seen a bag of naval oranges in a while at the grocery store. We used to get them from Florida or California. I did see oranges from Spain. Individual though. I’ve been buying individual grapefruit, which I love, and eat like an orange.

    I kind had an epiphany the last couple of days. I never realized how big and obese I actually am until recently. I’ve lost about 25 lbs. since March, and it hasn’t really made a big difference in my clothes size. The clothes I have are stretchy and still fit fine. They were tighter before, but sometimes I can’t tell. I think I’ve been kidding myself about my situation and size. I’ve been looking at weight charts, age, different statistics and it’s really opened up my eyes. No wonder I’m having health issues. Every time my doctor told me bad news, I was shocked. I shouldn’t have been. I’m not stupid, but I certainly ignored a lot of what she said.

    I’m huge for my height and stature! I knew I had 100+lbs. to lose, but I never really saw myself for what I’ve become.
    I’m feeling annoyed and embarrassed at what I’ve allowed to happen.

    The good news is that I’ve changed my lifestyle. This is doable. I’ve already lowered my bp meds. Tomorrow I’ll find out my A1C level for diabetes. I just wish I’d started sooner.

    @MovinNow part of my ability to ignore unpleasant things is that I put on my bathing suit, look at all the ripples, and cellulite on my legs, and head for the pool. Mind you, I try to discretely slip into the water when no one is looking. I feel like a water sprite when I’m gliding through the water. There is a water aerobics class that I’m not brave enough to join yet. Eventually, I will. Enjoy your swimming time!
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    edited June 2023
    @Melwillbehealthy ... body awareness! That's what you are experiencing in a brand new way. Your swimming is the best exercise for your body at this time. Keep at it!

    Regarding naval oranges, they are seasonal here too. Currently my citrus is in the form of imported mandarines and kiwi fruit. I love grapefruits but a medication I take prohibits it in my diet. Also, they are twice the price per fruit of any of the other citrus.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    @nsk1951 Uh oh! I think I’d better check about what medications grapefruit affect. I take a number of meds. On the good side of things I saw my doctor for a very. Brief visit today and both my A1C level and cholesterol are down since I started this diet and lifestyle change. She was happy with the results. I am thrilled 😄 . I don’t know if the blood sugar drop is just due to ozempic or due to my new and improved diet and exercise. I really don’t want to take ozempic for more than a few more months. The reason for this is that I’m so tired of every drug’s side affects that I just think I’ll feel like a new woman once I’m off all of them. I think ozempic is great , but it has it’s place for me.
    Also, after having the most beautiful, relaxing 1hour swim yesterday morning , I vomited in the sink in the ladies change room. Thank goodness no one was there. Not sure why exactly, but I do think it’s something to do with the drugs. I hadn’t even eaten yet that day. I didn’t really feel sick either. TMI

    By the by, local, delicious strawberries were $1.88 at Walmart. Yum!
    Today, for the first time in my long, long life I experienced fire smoke and air pollution from the fires up north . The air outside was bad, and hard to breath. We came home and shut the windows. It’s blowing down from Ottawa.

  • MovinNow
    MovinNow Posts: 131 Member
    @Melwillbehealthy Glad to hear about feeling stronger in the pool! And way to go attending a party and staying within goal! I find eating at social events is REALLY difficult, so good on you to be prepared in advance.
    Hope your Dr appt goes well…
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    edited June 2023
    That's right, @Melwillbehealthy ... I forgot about the berries ... strawberries have about 10 mg of Vitamin C per 1 large berry ... so if I have 7 big ones that will be as much vitamin C as in an orange. Blueberries have about 14 mg per cup ... I typically always have both those berries on hand to add to my cereal/porridge breakfast bowls or to eat as a small snack ... but I don't eat enough of those in one serving to equal a Naval orange's Vitamin C load. One Kiwi has almost as much as one orange so that is why I tend towards kiwi.

    We are having the Canadian wildfire smoke here in Western New York as well. Toronto is about 75 miles away 'as the crow flies' over Lake Ontario. I don't know where the fires are in relation to us, but the smoke is coming south and traveling east ... so, there you are! I have asthma and also damaged lungs so I have had to keep myself indoors the past couple of days. Right now, the 6-story apartment building a block away is barely visible through the haze.

    Ozempic ... good luck with that. I know someone who had good success getting their diabetes under control, and also lost about 50 pounds using something like that. Vomit with or without nausea was one of her side effects, but I don't know what she took. I do know she was on it for several months and the dosage escalated for a bit in the beginning while her body became accustomed to it. I'm not sure if she's using anything at all now.
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Friday 6/9 .. A date I will probably remember for the rest of my life.
    I got a notification that my biopsy test results were now available in my online portal ... so natch I had to look instead of waiting for the doctor to call me next week.
    I have breast cancer.
    Now I will do some on-line reading to learn what Invasive Ductal Carcinoma will hold in store for me.
    Natch, I probably won't bother weighing in tomorrow to see how my weight-loss efforts have panned out this week.
    And natch also, I don't know when I'll be back on here either.

    But today, right now, I am very grateful for this app and this thread in particular. I've hung out on it on and off for the past 11 years and find that I can say things much more easily about how I feel on here to you better than I can sometimes express it to family. And today, I wanted to say something about what I have just learned.

    Later. Forever onward and forward bound.
  • MovinNow
    MovinNow Posts: 131 Member
    @nsk1951 I am so sorry to hear this I can’t know what you’re feeling. I’ve been praying for you this week, and will continue to do so. Take good care of yourself. Don’t hesitate to get second opinions.
    Sending lots of virtual hugs. I’m not expecting any response. Just breathe.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    I’m so sorry to hear your diagnosis. I have three friends here right now who are battling breast cancer. They found bravery because they had no choice. Good luck. I hope you get this message.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Sorry I have not been on here much. It's been a busy month.

    My goals for June: (same as May)
    - Weigh and log all my food
    - Drink more water
    - Take my vitamins daily (This one is finally starting to become habit.)
    - Spend time outdoors

    I am so very sorry to hear about your results. Sending you love. Please know we are here for you if you ever need to talk.

    I had some not so good eating days. I am now slightly less than 5 lbs from Onderland :s but considering I was 7lbs away before I take that as a win!

    Where in NY are you? I am on Long Island.

    Great goals! It always amazes me when I measure out a proper portion and reflect on how much I had been eating. When we eat out I am always in awe of how much food we are served. In the past I used to demolish everything on my plate. Now I always bring home leftovers and get 1-2 more meals out of it.

    Tracking all my food helps me too. I find it helps me greatly with portion control and food choices.

    25lbs is a lot to be proud of! I found that I, and others, didn't start noticing visible differences until I lost 30-40 lbs. That is something I always found frustrating and a bit unfair. If a smaller person lost the same amount of weight everyone would notice right away with a lot of "ohhhhs" and "You look fantastic. Great job.". But for someone of a larger size that same weight loss is not as noticeable. We worked really hard for those same results. So I just wanted to tell you that I am incredibly proud of you! You are doing an amazing job.

    I can relate to what you said about being the size you are. I never felt like I was as large as I was. That is until I got sick and was in the hospital. For me that was my wake up call. It was either make changes and improve my life or continue the path I was going down which would lead to more problems and eventually death. I chose me.

    Thinking back to before my father passed he made comments on my weight a few times. At the time it was hurtful. Now I realize it was coming from a place of love and concern. I wish my dad was here to see how far I've come. I know he would be proud of me. He was always my biggest cheerleader. <3

    In the beginning of my journey I was working so hard on myself. I still am but at that time I did so in silence. I wanted to notice differences. I wanted others to notice too. Though I kept my journey private. Sadly, I've learned from experience the people in my life seem to speak to me in a way that is not the most supportive. The more I share about my journey the more negativity and judgement I face. That non-supportiveness then would weigh on me and I would become derailed. This time around I chose to keep my journey private outside of the MFP and Fitbit community. I only shared my journey with a handful of people in person. It wasn't until people started noticing that I started opening up about my journey.

    Congratulations on your results! See, even more proof that you are doing an amazing job! I loved reading your post with your results. It put a huge smile on my face. I am so happy for you!

    I am in eastern NY and we experienced the effects of the fire too. I was surprised being we are so far away from it. I kept saying to my husband if it is this bad for us here I cannot imagine what it must be like for the people who live closer to it all. My heart goes out to them.

  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    We’ll, I’ve had good and not so good news. It’s very good that the smoke is gone from outside. It got bad. The kids had to stay inside the schools for a few days. Funny, I used to live up north here in a mining town, and spent most of my summers at a cabin up north where it’s nothing but thick forests, and lakes. Few roads. This was the first time I remember experiencing smoke from forest fires.
    On the down side I’ve had a week of weird eating patterns. I even stopped logging my food which is when I stop caring. Luckily, it hasn’t lasted too long. I’m scared to weigh myself, but I know I should tomorrow. This will probably set my weight loss back about a week, but I’ll persevere. I’m back on track, but not sure what happened. I think I may need to up my calories a little. I got hungry with cravings I haven’t had in months.
    Friday, flying to Ireland with hubby and friends. A little nervous about the trip. The last time I travelled I was very fit, this time I’m not. I want to go though. I feel like I’ve spent most of the last 3 years in front of a television.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Yay! Yes, I gained weight this last week, but it’s only about 1 1/2 lbs. which surprised me. 3 months ago, I would have gained more. I’m back to eating sensibly and more responsibly. It’s been raining off and on which really cleared the air of smoke. Sometimes I just love the rain☺️
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @nsk1951- I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I will keep you in my prayers and please let me know if you need any type of specific prayers.

    I knew I had been missing in action for a while. But I read through all of your guys post and I’m just going to make some big general comments here versus commenting on things that happened so long ago.
    looks like some of us are having the same situation with swimming suits. I finally found one that I liked but it’s never warm enough here in Minnesota for me to put one on. I am the type of person where it can be 90° outside but if the wind is blowing I’m cold, I see that the farmers market is back around for most of us and it’s nice to see we are taking advantage of that.
    I’ve been struggling with my mental health the last few weeks, so that’s why I am very hit or miss. I’ve been trying to be outside as much as possible doing yardwork or exercising sometime just taking my dog for a sit at the park. Fresh air does me good for my mental health but then I get to know about everything else going on in the world and at times I seem like I’m so out of touch.
    My own issue right now is that I am on a blood pressure medication that has worked for me in the past but the doctor had to put me at a higher dose this time. So now I have to watch how much potassium I am putting into my body to make sure I’m getting enough, lightly monitoring sodium and making sure I’m getting enough protein every day. it honestly is taking a toll on me because I feel like I’m consumed with food all the time not consumed in a bad way as far as thinking about eating bad food but just that I have to look at so much stuff and it’s just overwhelming. I rarely hit the protein goal that my fitness pal gives me, because I also only eat when I’m hungry, so I only eat like one or two times a day. I feel like it’s just a vicious circle sometimes but I know it’s because I’m not giving it 100%.
  • MovinNow
    MovinNow Posts: 131 Member
    @Melwillbehealthy Good on you for getting back with it. Success isnt that we don’t fall but that we keep getting back up! Every meal is a new chance.

    I’m so envious of your Ireland trip, went there in my 20s with a women’s soccer team, it was so fun, and the people were delightful. Where will you be going?

    I’m trying to convince DH to take a trip-I too have sat in front of a tv for the last three years during Covid. I’m afraid we’ll have to take a car triip this summer, as I’m still too large to fit in an airline seat. I should be ready to go by next summer, if I keep with goal of 1 to 1 1/2 pounds per week:
    SW 279
    CW 256
    GW 160

    Karen in Seattle
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Had a lovely swim this morning. The pool I use is indoors so I can use t all year. Tonight flying to Ireland and then England. I won’t be able to weigh myself while away and it’s anybody’s guess if I’ll gain or lose in the next 2 weeks. Will check in and let you know hat happened when I return.
    @MovinNow We’re starting in Dublin and doing a circle up to the North and then west, then back to Dublin.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Just a quick pop in to share...

    Sometimes I wish my progress was happening faster. Other times I walk past the mirror, get a glimpse of myself, stop and stare in awe. Today was one of those days. Here is my picture from my heaviest when I first started my journey compared with what I saw this morning in the mirror.

    It doesn't matter how quickly it comes. What matters is we never stop trying.

  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Monday Check-in and personal update.
    Thanks everyone for the offer of prayers and healing wishes.

    I am getting over my initial shock at the biopsy report and trying, now, to get the medical care I am going to need in the future because of it. That has been surprisingly difficult to do .. or to get started. I live in a small city in Western NY, about half way between Buffalo and Rochester. Apparently and logically, we don't have as many services available here as larger places do. And I may find that I need to travel 50 or so miles to get the care I need. That's doable except for times when I cannot drive myself. I'll work it out.

    I don't know what the next step is, I suspect surgery but haven't been able to a care 'team' put together yet. The one oncologist my PCP referred has declined the referral back to the PCP saying he thought I needed a surgical oncologist at this point, but he made no recommendation of who to contact.

    Thankfully, my usual positive and forward focused mindset has risen 'to the occasion'. Like I said, "Ill work it out". I do know that, at my age and with the other health 'conditions' I deal with, that this is a 'big deal' matter. But then ... I AM almost 80 years old and HAVE lived a very satisfying life and am a pragmatist at heart. So all those things come into play to keep me steady at the moment.

    As for my weight ... No, I haven't stepped on the scale and I have, in the early days, let myself have the comfort foods that were available to me without regard. Thankfully again, there wasn't much in the way here because I was so behind in my grocery shopping; having been concentrating on eating up the staples in my refrigerator, freezer, and pantry to make way for fresher food stuffs.

    I'll stop by again sometime in the future, don't know when. Today just felt like a good time to update.l
    I'm so happy for everyone one here for putting your best effort forward in your weight-loss/maintenance goals. It is more important for down the road than many people realize.

  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Thank you for updating us. I am sorry to hear the oncologist declined the referral. I hope you are able to find a team quickly.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Just popping in to say hi and hope everyone is doing well.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Back from holidays. What happened to this thread? Every time I join one, it’s the kiss of death! JNettie73 you’re still here at least.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    I hope you had a great time on your vacation! Where did you go?

    I try to pop in once a week. Nsk1951 is dealing with some major health issues so this has taken a back seat. I don't know where everyone else has been.

    I am part of a few other threads that are more active than this one. You should come over to this one. The people in there are really nice.