60 lbs by March- September



  • CatherineMH
    CatherineMH Posts: 62 Member
    Glad to hear that you all have received such nice support as far as your diaries. Shortly after I joined here, I watched a pretty nasty conversation go down on someone's diary and I think that scared me off. I think I'll end up opening mine up sometime this week.

    My numbers:

    CW: 176.2 (down 2 lbs)

    GW: 140

    September GW: 174

    My measurements didn't really change in either direction.

    Plan for this week: Continue to shoot for under calories and exercise EVERY day.
  • BttrflyKisses925
    BttrflyKisses925 Posts: 43 Member
    247.8; 1 lb down;expecting a better loss this coming week as i have seen a nutritionist and she gave me a new "diet" which i started this morning and so far feeling great! :D
  • EllieElephant
    EllieElephant Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 184 lbs now (2lbs up)
    GW 145 lbs

    I have been REALLY bad this last week, and I'm on my period now, so I'm not surprised by how this week turned out, just very depressed. :/
    But I'm jumping right back in this week, with more exercise, and paying a lot more attention to what I eat. Wish me luck!
  • Fahrenholz02
    Last night I had my sisters bachelorette party and did very well! So proud of myself!

    CW: 289 ...down 2 lbs
    GW: 150
    September GW: 282
    Waist: 55....down 1 in
    Hips: 58
    Right Thigh: 31
    Left Thigh: 31
    Right Arm: 19
    Left Arm: 19
    The plan: Keep watching calories and working out Sunday through Thursday
    Water Intake Goal: 80 oz
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Catherine-Congrats on your loss this week, and great goals for next week too!:drinker:

    Bttrfly-1lb is a 1lb, so great job on going in the right direction! Hopefully the diet your nutritionist gave you will help you stay on track for the upcoming weeks :smile:

    Ellie-it happens to us all!! Remember I had a gain of 2.8lbs on last weeks weigh-in!! The thing to remember is...when you "screw up" and have a gain...you need to be able to look back at things (yes, I do mean log everything) and see where you went wrong...this is a learning process...and without any study materials it is hard to pass the test!!! Stay focused this week, and keeep on logging, and I am sure you will have a great loss next Sunday!:flowerforyou:

    Fahrenholz-great job on your 2lbs lost and the inch on your waist!! that's great! and Congrats on doing well at your sis's party...that is one way to show that you are ready for this lifestyle change, so ...wtg!:drinker:
    AFM-as you all know I had a gain last week so I am posting my last 3 weigh-ins so you can see the big picture...
    so I am down 3.6 from last week...but only 0.8lbs for the past 2 weeks! Now hopefully I am on a losing streak again and you all will see more from me next week!!

    Keep up the great work ladies!:heart:
  • silveryflutterby
    I weighed in at 206 today which gives me a 4.6 pound loss for the week! I don't know WHERE that came from!! lol. But I'll definitely take it!! I have had a major roller coaster ride with my weight loss and have been going up and down for months and months. My lowest weight was 205.5 back on April 1 and I am just now almost back to that almost 5 months later. I am gonna do my best to stick to my plans this week and hopefully see a new all-time low at next week's weigh in. I've got to get a handle on this once and for all and make it stick so that I can keep my weight going ONE way....DOWN!!! :D I ate WAY too much today to celebrate an awesome week and WI and now feel miserable, so hopefully it is out of my system!!! My one year anniversary on MFP is coming up on October 15th and I would like to reach my half way point (total weight loss of MFP and before) of 202.5 by then. That would be 30.5 pounds lost in one year...not at all what I had planned, but I'm working on a lot more than simply weight loss right now and my hope is that by the time I finally do reach my goal...I will be able to easily keep it off. So I'm really trying to work on all my bad habits along the way. Hopefully the other half won't take a year!!!!

    Catherine- Nice job! 2 pounds is great!

    Bttrfly- 1 pound is awesome. It's still down and not up or staying the same. :) Hope the new "diet" works well for you!

    Ellie- It's okay. TOM probably has a lot to do with it and I'm sure you'll make it up next week! I usually have bad weeks during that time too...

    Fahren- Great job on the loss and for being in control during the party. That takes some major will power girl!!!

    Tara- Awesome job girl! I know most of that was what you gained last week, but it's still a good loss either way, so be proud of that! And by your official WI Wednesday, hopefully you will see even more loss! :) 126 was your lowest that you're trying to get under, right? Hopefully you are under that on Wednesday!!!
  • jesstroxel
    Great job ladies!!! I forgot to weight in today. I will get to it tomorrow. Its been a crazy weekend.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Tasha-awesome job girl, that is a fab loss!! I'm happy to hear that all of your hard work is paying off and that you are almost back down to your lowest!! I too have been up and down with my plateau and then my vacay...and after hitting my plateau of 126-131 back at the beginning of May, I had finally reached my lowest of 123.8 right before vacay in Aug...and now that I have lost almost all of my vacay weight...I am again stuck at 126-127...so here's to hoping for us both to hit our lowest again soon!! If I could stay at 126 (or less) for October 2nd(MY MFP anni) that would be 55lbs lost for me this year....which is also not what I was planning on! Let's kill it for our next year and finish this up shall we?!

    Jess-don't forget to weigh tomorrow!!

    GROUP CHALLENGE (for anyone interested)- to be under on your calorie goal for 6 out of 7 days (Sun-Sun), and to drink at least 8 cups fo water/day!!! who's in?!
  • EllieElephant
    EllieElephant Posts: 19 Member
    I'm in on that group challenge! :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I'm in on that group challenge! :)

    SWEET! How did you do on day 1 (yesterday)? I was under cals and got in 12 cups of water!!
  • EllieElephant
    EllieElephant Posts: 19 Member
    I'm in on that group challenge! :)

    SWEET! How did you do on day 1 (yesterday)? I was under cals and got in 12 cups of water!!

    I barely scraped by yesterday, under calories and 8 cups of water exactly! Today I'm leaving a bigger margin for error. I'm aiming for about 100 calories under (more if I do a ton of exercise) and at least 10 cups of water. :)
  • silveryflutterby
    Tara- I see, that's how I was too. I got to that low and then was up the next week because hubby came home, so I was pretty much on a vacation! lol. It pains me to think about all the time I have wasted going up and down, but not going to focus on that anymore and just look to the future. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks we will both be under our previous lows and never go back! I am definitely all for finishing it up this year! It's about time for this weigh loss journey to start heading towards the end. Then the maintenance journey can last as long as it wants too. ;) Our anniversaries are very close! :D
  • jesstroxel
    Weight in 178...-1 from last week

    Tara- Good loss!! Im in on the challenge. I was under yesterday and had 8 glasses of water.

    Catherine- 2lbs....Great job!!!

    Bttrfly- Its 1lb in the right direction!!

    Fahrenholz- Great loss and great job at the bachelorette party!! Nice goals too!!

    Tosha- Amazing loss!!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I'm in on that group challenge! :)

    SWEET! How did you do on day 1 (yesterday)? I was under cals and got in 12 cups of water!!

    I barely scraped by yesterday, under calories and 8 cups of water exactly! Today I'm leaving a bigger margin for error. I'm aiming for about 100 calories under (more if I do a ton of exercise) and at least 10 cups of water. :)

    hey GOOD JOB!!! under is under.....now go kick some butt today and keep me posted!! I was also under cals and got 12 cups of water yesterday!!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Tara- I see, that's how I was too. I got to that low and then was up the next week because hubby came home, so I was pretty much on a vacation! lol. It pains me to think about all the time I have wasted going up and down, but not going to focus on that anymore and just look to the future. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks we will both be under our previous lows and never go back! I am definitely all for finishing it up this year! It's about time for this weigh loss journey to start heading towards the end. Then the maintenance journey can last as long as it wants too. ;) Our anniversaries are very close! :D

    YOU GOT IT GIRLY!!!! *cheers*cheers*cheers*<<<thought the more the merrier!!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Jess-great job on the loss last week!!! stay strong this week girl!! would oyu like to join the challenge for the group this week?? 6 out of 7 days under cals, and 8 cups of H20/day?!
  • jesstroxel
    Tara- Yes I will join the challenge. Sunday I was under and had 8 glasses of water.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Tara- Yes I will join the challenge. Sunday I was under and had 8 glasses of water.

    great job girly!!!! how didya do today?
  • BttrflyKisses925
    BttrflyKisses925 Posts: 43 Member
    thanks everyone; the new plan the nutritionist gave me is working wonders; down to 245.4 already after 2 days on it :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    thanks everyone; the new plan the nutritionist gave me is working wonders; down to 245.4 already after 2 days on it :)

    AWESOME!!! Hopefully it keeps at that nice steady pace for you!!!