


  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Their salads actually aren't too bad. I never eat there unless I have to, and it's not bad for a salad at a fast food place.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    Though many avoid it because they think junk food made them fat, you can eat McDonald's and still lose/maintain weight.
  • FairuzyAmanuzy
    FairuzyAmanuzy Posts: 221 Member
    This isn't a fad diet, your diet needs to be something you can maintain forever, which means probably eating fast food every once in a while.....Get a grilled chicken sandwich, no fries. Their nutritional facts are online, so you can plan your meal to fit into your day....I would also encourage you to watch the documentary FATHEAD
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    they have grilled chicken cesear salad and use only half or less of the dressing they gave you and you should be ok and able to stay with in your cal goals or you can also look up foods on thier menu before you go to make sure they will fit into your cals for the day that way you already have plan to stick to when you walk thru the door
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    Why avoid it, as long as you steer clear of the chips and full fat drinks the burgers etc arnt actually that bad.
  • achasnis
    achasnis Posts: 119 Member
    Actually, I just used the calculator, and the sandwich I mentioned previously becomes ALOT healthier without the mayo: 300 cals, and 3.5 g fat....
  • thatgeekinit
    thatgeekinit Posts: 36 Member
    Once or twice a year, I go on a trip that basically requires some really bad fast food (McD, Taco Bell, KFC) that I almost never eat and did not even prefer when I wasn't actively trying to avoid it.

    IIRC you can probably just avoid the fries and most of the burgers and chicken sandwiches are actually not that big.
  • magicalamanda
    magicalamanda Posts: 35 Member
    Those smoothies that they have are delicious and not that many calories at all. I can drink one of those for an entire meal and be full!
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Skip the cheese and sauces. The wraps are okay, so are the smoothies and "skinny" coffee or plain coffee. They sell water.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Like mentioned before I would say look at the menu online beforehand, and remember that low calories does not always mean 'healthy'. I'm sick of them saying that a 4 piece chicken nugget is good for kids.
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    My only concerns with grilled chicken at fast food places are that they use the same grill that had the burger grease on it as they do the grilled chicken, and they don't clean it it's all just soaking up into the grilled chicken. At least, I know Sonic does that, as well as a couple of other places. Does McDonalds? I have no idea. It may just be me being paranoid...but just seeing grease makes me queasy. :noway:
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    How about you go to the party and just enjoy yourself ! There will be days like this and that's OK ! Stop allowing the battle to control your every thought ! I am NOT saying gorge ... but eat what feels right to you ! Just remember ... throw in some extra exercise today to balance out that splurge. I have had the new yogurt parfait with the apples and caramel ... delightful ! We make choices based on what we think is right ... but sometimes our bodies know better. Trust your instincts and I think you might be surprised at how your " mind " will lead you in a healthier direction. If not, just accept the day and move forward. There will come a time when you will ask yourself .. " Is this worth the calories ? Does it really taste that good ? Am I willing to gain a pound for that splurge ? " ... Sometimes the answer will be YES to all three. Just consider it a treat ... not a regular thing ! But personally, if I am going to splurge ... it won't be on McDonalds ! lol ! Never was a fan. ;)
  • Nosila0815
    Nosila0815 Posts: 143 Member
    When I travel for work I eat there on occasion with a regular cheeseburger (300 calories) and a side salad with low fat Italian (80 calories). Its not the most healthy but it if you have to eat there are some healthy stuff to eat.
  • cedarhurst2006
    cedarhurst2006 Posts: 378 Member
    If it were me, I would definitely have to have my meal (lunch or dinner) before I went. It is just too tempting. If I have something that I think is good, I will want to go back again and I'm really trying to avoid McDs. One for the sodium, two for the general unhealthiness and third for the easy addictiveness that comes with McDs. I would eat first and keep a bottle of water in my bag to keep my hands busy.

    I know there are alot of semi-healthy choices there and at most restaurants but I think McDs is a big no-no.
  • aprilhelmreich
    aprilhelmreich Posts: 40 Member
    I don't know if someone said this or not but work out more that day. And if you have to work out more the day before. If you like McDonalds then don't cut it out forever; work with it!
    order a side salad (20 cals), a grilled chicken patty (90 cals), southwest dressing (100 cals), and the southwest chips (115 cals) ask for the chicken and chips to be put into a large salad bowl and mix everything in it.
  • twocsmom
    twocsmom Posts: 120 Member
    Let me clarify ...I didn't mean take a full course meal...but I carry nutritious snacks and such in my purse for just this occasion. That manage is not going to ask you to leave for pulling out a sandwich baggy for of almonds and raisins or something like that. It's not tacky, and quite often the people I'm with are impressed and say so. I eat out with friends a lot, and I try to look at the menus for the most nutritious options but if it's a restaurant where I know I don't enjoy the food, or it's in between meal times this is how I handle it. Works well for me and no one has ever even batted an eyelash.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    My only concerns with grilled chicken at fast food places are that they use the same grill that had the burger grease on it as they do the grilled chicken, and they don't clean it it's all just soaking up into the grilled chicken. At least, I know Sonic does that, as well as a couple of other places. Does McDonalds? I have no idea. It may just be me being paranoid...but just seeing grease makes me queasy. :noway:

    I can't say for all places, but I worked at McDonald's for 4.5 years and Wendy's for 4.5 years-each had a grill specifically used for grilled chicken. The problem with grilled chicken is the non-stick butter type spray used and then the bread adds quite a few calories, that being said; a grilled chicken sandwich at mcdonalds with only veggies is only about 350 calories, which isn't bad for a filling sandwich.
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    as someone who worked in the restaurant business you cant take your own. A lot of restaurants do not allow it even if they are too scared to say so to some patrons. If you got sick or choked or something on what you brought in they could be held responsible. So to avoid that all together, look up whats within your limits there. and yes eat before you go so you are not starving and have a burger anyway.
  • My only concerns with grilled chicken at fast food places are that they use the same grill that had the burger grease on it as they do the grilled chicken, and they don't clean it it's all just soaking up into the grilled chicken. At least, I know Sonic does that, as well as a couple of other places. Does McDonalds? I have no idea. It may just be me being paranoid...but just seeing grease makes me queasy. :noway:

    it's on the same station but not the same side, and the grilled chicken is cooked in a ring so the greese from the burgers dont get in.

    not all mcdonalds have enough room for 3 grills, but if they do, it's for the chicken. if not, the 2nd grill- one half for chicken and the other half for angus/quarter