What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,864 Member
    Today was upper body hypertrophy day in the weight room. A few weeks ago I swapped out my DB fly's for cable fly's, which increased tension, and today was the second time swapping the cable fly's for a new machine fly my gym just purchased. Wow, what a sensation! And the DOMS after, intense in a good way!
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    I took a very short hike due to the hot humid conditions this morning. Just a chance to get the legs moving without causing any fatigue. This afternoon I finished reviewing my race plan, charged the bike, and began packing my swim, bike and run stuff.

    The Finger Lakes region of NY is a beautiful area and the course is very well designed.
    I will focus on staying very conservative on the swim and bike sections, knowing that I'll have to endure some suffering on the run.

    TLDR VERSION OF BELOW: Triathlon race plan

    @DiscusTank5 - I know you are considering longer triathlons, so this might be of some interest:

    I have no delusions of setting a PR, since my conditioning is not quite where I'd like it to be. So I've set a basic goal that is simply to complete the entire race within the 08:30:00 time limit.

    Swim: Focus on breath control while counting off one marker buoy at a time. Try to get in behind a swimmer whose feet I can draft behind to save energy. Goal is to come out of the water fairly fresh.
    45-46 minute swim time estimated.

    T1: No rush, but no wasted movements in the transition area. Strip off wetsuit during the jog from swim exit to bike transition. PUT HELMET ON FIRST then bike shoes, grab a gel and a quick swig of fluid as I trot to the bike start line. 3-4 minutes total.

    Bike: DO NOT CHASE OTHER CYCLISTS! Ride the bike split that I SHOULD RIDE, NOT the bike split that I WANT to RIDE. :) This is my favorite part of the race. The course is a big lollipop loop over rolling hills and along two lakes, with only 1656 of climbing. The long straightaways and lack of steep climbs make it very tempting to overbike. I need to keep my power from spiking by maintaining a steady cadence and trying to stay under 200W. Burning too many matches on the bike means a blowup on the run is almost guaranteed. 3:10:00-3:15:00 bike split estimated

    T2: Once off the bike, grab numbered race bib and belt(required for the run) hat, shoes, and consume gel and small water bottle as I walk out of transition. Walking helps to get the glutes engaged and hip flexors back to normal after 3 hours on the bike. 2-3 minutes total.

    Run: This is the unknown, but it will be slow. On my best days, I've produced runs that were just over 2 hrs after a hard bike effort. That's not realistic for this race. I think any run/walk under 3 hrs will be a win.

    So, bottom line is that a 6:45:00-7:15:00 result wouldn't surprise me.
  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 422 Member
    edited July 2023
    Djproulx wrote: »

    TLDR VERSION OF BELOW: Triathlon race plan

    @DiscusTank5 - I know you are considering longer triathlons, so this might be of some interest:

    T2: Once off the bike, grab numbered race bib and belt(required for the run) hat, shoes, and consume gel and small water bottle as I walk out of transition. Walking helps to get the glutes engaged and hip flexors back to normal after 3 hours on the bike. 2-3 minutes total.

    Run: This is the unknown, but it will be slow. On my best days, I've produced runs that were just over 2 hrs after a hard bike effort. That's not realistic for this race. I think any run/walk under 3 hrs will be a win.

    So, bottom line is that a 6:45:00-7:15:00 result wouldn't surprise me.

    Really helpful info here, @Djproulx. I haven't tried walking out of T2 but then haven't needed to when to bike part was only an hour and the run only 2 miles.

    Best of luck with your race!!

  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 422 Member
    Two plus hours in the river yesterday just messing around with my kids--some light swimming, treading water, etc.

    I'm taking a few weeks' hiatus from running because I started developing shin splints. I tried to up my mileage too quickly, I think. I hate enforced rest, though.

    I took myself back to the gym today for the first time in awhile (in summer my workouts move out of doors). Got in 35 min. on the elliptical and a couple of min. on the Helix trainer to stretch my leg muscles after.
  • Ernest_Nigma
    Ernest_Nigma Posts: 69 Member
    @Djproulx Good luck with your race! The plan sounds good. Steady but conservative through the swim and bike. There's always plenty of oppertunity on the run to burn off extra energy if you have the "matches" left.

    I'm still getting a daily morning elliptical session and yesterday another morning core routine. I was swimming lanes yesterday afternoon for a half hour, second time this week. It's starting to come back but I'm not pushing at all yet. The plan is for another run today. Nothing fancy. I need to rebuild a running base and it will take time. Biking was always my strongest sport but I'll need to get back on that horse soon too.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,864 Member
    Lower body power day in the weight room this morning, with upcoming grocery shopping this afternoon pushing a fully laden cart.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,733 Member
    edited July 2023
    Coached row in bow of the double, around 9.5k, mostly pause drills and timed pieces with rating (strokes per minute) targets.
  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    Wow no exercise for the last three days for me.

    Wednesday - very long day at work including 4 hours in the car leaving at 7am, just no opportunity for anything unfortunately.

    Thursday and Friday - spent those days visiting my parents, the most steps I did was 3500! They used to have a dog that I'd take for a couple of gentle walks but he passed in January and now unfortunately they spend most of the time watching TV, which meant that that's what I did too! I know 2 days of rest isn't the end of the world but it just left me feeling sluggish.

    Today I did boxing class plus a 45 minute walk. Definitely back on the horse and feeling much better for it!
  • Ernest_Nigma
    Ernest_Nigma Posts: 69 Member
    Other activities later today and part of tomorrow so I got 20 minutes in running on the treadmill this morning, right after 15 minutes on the elliptical trainer to warm up. Peak HR on the treadmill has been trending steadily downwards over the last several workouts so this might actually be working. :)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,733 Member
    Today was our learn to row "graduation" BBQ/potluck.

    Beforehand, I rowed my usual Saturday 7k-ish in 2 seat of the quad. We practiced some rating controlled pieces - like we've been doing with the coach - because we don't have good instrumentation for knowing when we're at a specific strokes per minute rating, so we don't have much intuitive feel for what number we're at. (We used my Garmin today, which is awkward to read while rowing.)

    When we landed, folks were starting to arrive for the BBQ. Two of us went back out in the quad, me in stroke seat and another experienced rower in bow, and 2 of the new folks in the "engine room" between us, which is 2 & 3 seats. I rowed 2 rounds of that (very slowly/methodically), roughly 2k each outing, then checked out to get date bars or something while someone else experienced took my place.

    Newbies are doing very well. On today's row, we taught them to do "river turns", which is simultaneously rowing on one side while backing on the other. Doing that, the boat pretty much spins around on its center point. A year or two ago I hit on a method of teaching it that works really well - the way I described it here, which is how it's usually taught, is quite cognitively/physically complicated.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,733 Member
    @Djproulx, thinking of you this weekend, hoping your race is fun and satisfying! Will look forward to seeing the race report.
  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    40 minute horse ride today, planned an hour but changed route last minute so that I could have a gallop, so did a shorter route overall but had more fun >:)
  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    Woke up with a back pain flare up today, went to the gym for over an hour to really work through my strengthening exercises along with some upper body stuff. Walked for an hour to and from the shops and also did some yin yoga this afternoon.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,864 Member
    Upper body power day in the weight room, lots of sets of 4-6. Took longer than usual, on account of extra wait time before the final set of bench presses when I wanted to test my max reps. Last time I tested at this weight I got 8 reps; today I banged out 10. Was quite pleased, though it likely means I need to increase the weight I use to keep it in the "power" range rather than "hypertrophy". Not normally a problem, in fact usually something to celebrate, but I've been resistant to the idea of going too heavy on bench presses after I narrowly avoided double rotator cuff surgery a few years back doing too heavy bench presses. Granted, back then I was chasing the almighty one-rep-max, where now I don't drop below 4 reps, so the chances of injury are quite a bit less. But there is a bit of a psychological barrier in place I need to decide what to do with, whether to smash through or changeup my routine to work around it.
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,185 Member
    lower body strength intervals (alternating strength moved with bursts of cardio), 25 min. then a one mile brisk walk.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,733 Member
    Back to usual: Just under 7k rowing bow in the quad. We did some timed intervals with target strokes per minute ratings again.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,864 Member
    edited July 2023
    Lower body power day in the weight room, took longer than normal as I had to wait multiple times for my needed equipment to become available. Busy day in the weight room, especially for 5am.