What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • Hi all felt like a long exercise bike workout I did it 90 min I know it won't be everyday but as long as I do 30 min- 1 hour 5-6 days a week I'm good. I also walk alot too.

    Age 41
    Highest ever- 240
    Current starting- 197
    Current- 189
    Goal 150
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Did some threshold work in this morning's run. After a 10 minute warmup jog I went right into 3 x 16 minute blocks.
    Each block was 8min hard(Zone 3), 7min harder(Zone 4), 1min recovery pace. Purpose is to raise aerobic ceiling and gain a little speed. 65 minutes total.

    Tonight I'll substitute an outdoor ride for my normal cadence ladder work on the trainer. It will be a scenic and easy paced ride with friends, with some climbing work to reach the dam for photos. Because after all, if there are no selfie's posted, did the ride even really happen? ;)

  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Rain has let up and heat is back. Nearly 100 today at lunch, but with the evaporative cooler, was able to get in 10K meters. Slower pace but got it done and managed to keep HR under 73% max. Not quite the 70% target, but for the heat, was pleased.

    That evaporative cooler is a game changer for you given summer temps there!
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    Sun Salutations (10-30m)

    Strength: Press/Pull/Push/Squat
    HSPU - 5-4-3-2-1 (15r)
    Pull-up - 12-9-7-4-2 (34r)
    Dip - 12-9-7-4-2 (34r)
    Squat - 5x12r (60r)
    Jumprope - 5x200r (1000r)
    *Did not feel strong today…
  • dethstar77
    dethstar77 Posts: 1,327 Member
    Morning bootcamp.. evening nothing planned, but probably should try to get a short run or walk in.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited August 2021
    Djproulx wrote: »
    Rain has let up and heat is back. Nearly 100 today at lunch, but with the evaporative cooler, was able to get in 10K meters. Slower pace but got it done and managed to keep HR under 73% max. Not quite the 70% target, but for the heat, was pleased.

    That evaporative cooler is a game changer for you given summer temps there!

    The difference is around 10 degrees in my garage, even with the doors open (they don't work particularly well in an enclosed environment). Definitely has kept me rowing this year. The fan was miserable and didn't work at all! Like wind from the depths of hell!

    My wife and I went to a new place this past weekend after dinner to listen to some live music. Really cool little wine and beer garden. Every table had their own Evap Cooler pointed at it. These are amazing. I was going to put in misters on my patio and now I'm thinking just get another one of these. Much more reasonable. Misters also get nearly everything wet. These don't.

    I'll keep my fan, it's great, just better for Fall and Spring.

    And no, the ride didn't happen without selfies! :D
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited August 2021
    Was going to do my monthly rowing (indoor, Concept2 machine) next Tuesday, as it was 100 degrees today. But since today is normally my sprint interval day, and it was a sprint row, decided to give it a go. I think the garage was like 91 with my cooler.

    The row was 100m/200m/300m/400m/500m and then back down the ladder. All with one minute rests. Averaged 1:54 pace. Not great, not terrible for where I am right now. At my peak, I would have likely done this at 1:44 pace, but I'm still 10 seconds off on pace. But I was around 15 seconds off not too long ago, so I'm starting to get a bit stronger again.

    Was actually going to do a second rep of this entire workout but my pool renovation guys showed up during the 500m on that second one. They are getting close to finishing and I'm getting excited about having the pool back for at least two months before it gets too cold to use again. Still burned around 750 calories and have a lift tonight at the gym.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,733 Member
    22.4mi bike ride.

    It was a star crossed bike day. Went out to ride, found tire so flat it was off the rim. Took it to LBS to have it fixed, which was quick enough to still get a ride in. Discovered en route that my usual bike route to the trail system had been top-coated and covered with loose gravel (something dusty, crushed). When I got on the bike back at home, I took an alternate (not as good, normally) route to avoid that. It had also been covered in loose gravel, it turned out, so any car that went by kicked up gravel and dust (fortunately, low traffic), and of course it's an unstable surface for biking - mildly terrifying for a mile and half or so. Other than that, once I reached the trail, it was a nice day for a ride. 😉
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Did around a 50 minute lift last night. Was somewhat surprised at how easy 80 lbs (40 lb dumbbells) for the overhead press. Did a set of 12 no problem at all. I guess all the pullups and pressups at home have made me a lot stronger than I realized. I'm not a one rep max kind of guy any longer, but that did make me wonder. Comes a time when really pushing one rep maxes isn't a good idea and leads to injury. I'm pretty close to that age now.
  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,890 Member
    Back at it
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,026 Member
    drmwc wrote: »

    I am off for an evening climb, I will be at the wall soon.

    I was terrible - completely out of form. I went climbing again yesterday, and was terrible for the second day in a row. I felt feverish when I got home, which could explain why I fell off the wall so much. I did a lateral flow test, which was negative, so it doesn't seem to be COVID.

    I slept poorly tonight, but feel a bit better now. So I will probably lift tonight, and maybe look at climbing again a bit later in the week.
  • dethstar77
    dethstar77 Posts: 1,327 Member
    Totally slacked off and slept in today. :( Will try to make up with run today evening...
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    after an easy bike ride last night, I got back to business in the pool today. 2700 yd swim. Main set was 10x50's on 10 sec recovery, then 4 x400's building speed from rounds1-4, on 20 sec recovery.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Slow 10K row. Though the pace was really slow, felt good about it. Had drag factor at 111 (higher than I've been using), felt consistent stroke/form quality throughout and HR didn't go above 75% max, though it was 100 degrees at lunchtime.

    Sometimes, you have to look for small improvements and find something positive. I didn't feel drained after a really hard day. That's a good sign. :)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,733 Member
    * 7K rowing bow in the double. We did a couple of half-hearted interval pieces, but it was steambath-y again, so we reverted to moderate steady state, which had the plus of keeping in sight the single that was out with us today.

    * 5.2 mile walk on the usual trail after rowing, quite slow (3.0mph moving average), partly because of the steam bath, partly because I was taking photos of fun stuff and chatting with random strangers. **

    * 1.8 mile additional meander - which felt slower, I guess because of stops, but was actually faster at 3.2mph average moving speed, go figure - while my car windshield got replaced. (No drama, just a stone-chip that turned into a major crack from temperature stress before I could get it patched.)

    ** One of the things I'm really enjoying about these park/trail walks is the wholesomeness of talking to people who are teaching their kids to enjoy exercise, or petting somebody's new puppy, or looking at kids' amazingly creative sidewalk chalk art. It gives me hope in a cynical world, honestly.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Bike/run brick workout this morning.
    Bike was a challenging trainer ride that will help build muscular endurance. 1:22:00 total time.
    Started with warmup, single leg drills, then right into the main set. Main Set: 3 interval sets, varying outputs just over and under my FTP (threshold power) every two minutes. So 3 x's 16min rounds ( 230watts, 210W, 190W, 170W, 160W, 160W, 170W, 190W, 210W, 230W). The end of each round was challenging and power dropped as soon as I lost focus.

    Once off the bike, 2minute transition to running gear, then a 15minute run. Felt surprisingly good coming off the bike. Run was at an easy 10:00 pace.

    Rest and recovery will be key for me going into the weekend. Training plan calls for a 3300yd race pace swim tomorrow, then 5:05:00 bike into 30 minute HIM pace run on Saturday. Sunday a 55:00 open water swim followed by 1:35:00 run.

    I'm starting to see my fitness level reaching the target for racing at the Ironman distance. (140.6 miles). According to Training Peaks, the trending/analysis app that tracks my workouts (power, pace, HR, etc.) I'm getting enough training stress and responding to it appropriately. The target range used to assess fitness is an average weekly Training Stress Score of 850 or above to drive a fitness level or Cumulative Training Load of 95-190 on Ironman race day. My CTL is 127 as of today, so it won't get much higher. On race day, it will all come down to managing pacing, nutrition and hydration by following my race plan and adapting to weather conditions. Should be fun!

  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Really easy workout today. It's 106 today in Tucson, so I only did 5K rowing (pretty easy) and will have golf tonight. Even just golfing, with a cart, takes a lot out of you at that temp.
  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,890 Member
    Junk Ks in the garage

  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Got in half of the pool workout today, 2000 of 3300yds planned. The indoor pool was closed for maintenance, so I headed to the outdoor pool. Lots of leisurely bathers there, including some summer camp kids, using the 3 roped off lanes plus the open swim area. Worked around them for half the session, but called it quits when a class of preschoolers jumped in. :) You have to know when you've lost, lol!