Small and huge things, an accountability thread



  • misssixtea
    misssixtea Posts: 35 Member
    Hey @donidaily - sorry I didn’t spot your posts! Still finding my way around using these boards and seeing when people have posted is obviously on my “skills to learn” list.
    Sounds like you’ve had some ups and downs, but I’m impressed you’ve recommitted and still managed to post and acknowledge how it’s going. When that happens to me, I tend to give up and not come back!
    Small changes are key, I think. I’m reading James Clear’s Atomic Habits at the moment, and that’s what’s brought me back here - accountability and committing to specific actions seems to be pretty critical in establishing new and better habits.
  • misssixtea
    misssixtea Posts: 35 Member
    donidaily wrote: »
    A solid day today, I did a grocery run to Whole Foods to get supplies for my next few days of office lunches and didn’t buy anything extra. I usually love their hot food bar (and the cookies you can buy by the pound!) but I felt clear and focused.

    As I walked back a guy called me “big and beefy” after I declined to give him money. Like, he said “Trying to get something to eat,” and when I didn’t give him anything he added sleazily “Something tasty...something big and beefy”. Now, I don’t know this man’s circumstances and want to be compassionate, but that is gross. In the past I would have been burning with shame and embarrassment at those words, but today I was more just thinking about how some version of “fat” is often the first thing people reach for when trying to hurt others. It sucks.

    Fruit only from the office snacks ✅
    Took the stairs ✅ (twice!)

    I can’t believe you have to endure abuse like this. That’s really sad.

  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    @misssixtea Thank you for the kind note! I know I have read something like, the difference between people who reach their goal and people who don’t is that the ones who reach their goal keep going. I’m sure it could be put more eloquently but that is what I am trying to remember. One or two or three not-great days does not put me back at the beginning. Keep going.

    Back on my small huge things after two days back in the arms of the office snacks. I’m really trying to break up with them for good lol.

    Fruit only from the office snacks ✅
    Took the stairs ✅
    Weighed my food ⭕️ kind of N/A today as I didn’t pack anything from home
  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    So, I lost 3.3lb in June. Not bad! I'm definitely having ups and downs but coming back to this thread reminds me to keep going.

    It's a holiday weekend for me and I've been catching up on sleep. Gods, this is so important. When I have a good night sleep it's like I've been possessed by some kind of healthy spirit! Yesterday I got up and made a SALAD for breakfast. My doctor has told me this but life is busy, right? I really want to figure out how to prioritize sleep to support my goal of losing weight. The first thing I did was delete instagram off my phone for the weekend. I'll see how I feel from there. Can anyone relate to the sleep thing?
  • ravengirl2014
    ravengirl2014 Posts: 101 Member
    @donidaily Hey there! Your post really resonated with me. This is my probably third time losing significant weight. My most recent loss was 2018-2019 where I lost from 203.5 to 135.5 with a trainer. I wanted an awesome photo with Jeffrey dean Morgan (Negan😍) and I got it but here I am again at 177...I have binge issues and a loooong history with low self esteem. Now...finally getting enough water..careful exercise...and keeping my cals mostly 1400-1500/day...I wish you all the luck on your journey 💪
  • misssixtea
    misssixtea Posts: 35 Member
    Hey Donidaily - great to see you checking back in. I'm also checking back in after a few days of anything goes. Life is just really busy! When I'm on my own, I'm fine and in control, but I'm a few months in to a new blended family situation, I was married in April and we have brought together our respective children. 4 teenagers, 2 adults, and trying to cook for meat eaters (them) veggies, gluten-free (me) is a complete nightmare. Trying to find something everyone will eat is almost impossible, and I simply can't factor in another separate meal for me which is portion controlled! Plus the evenings are a madness of after school sports pick-ups, it's insane.

    Anyway, I'm back today, making a commitment to not eat ice-cream and to run this evening with the club, even though it's a hard uphill route and I will, no doubt, be making ALL the excuses by 6pm..

    Hello @ravengirl2014 :-)
  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    Well yikes, a four day weekend threw me WAY off. Not so much in terms of calories but definitely in terms of tracking and checking in. Well, I’m still here! @misssixtea I so identify: I do great when left to look after myself but eating socially or just in sync with others (I live just with my partner) is so much harder. Props to you for navigating the blended family and congrats on your wedding. It sounds hectic but wonderful!

    How are you doing @ravengirl2014? I'm right there with you in the bingeing and self-esteem battles. I'm very grateful to yoga which has helped me get to know and appreciate my body in a better way, but it is a long journey. Glad to share this leg with you!

    I’m struggling to prioritize sleep though, and by the end of the week I am positively prowling for snacks, sugar, caffeine during my work day. I beat myself up because I don’t have kids so I know I have it so much easier than others! But I really do need to develop some discipline when it comes to bedtime. I’m reading (well, I’m listening to be ebook on the Libby app) Atomic Habits right now…think I’ll have more to say about this.
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,051 Member
    Think about it this way: if you gained 30 lb in 3 years, you are eating about 100 calories too much per day.
  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    csplatt wrote: »
    Think about it this way: if you gained 30 lb in 3 years, you are eating about 100 calories too much per day.

    It is useful to look at long term trends, thanks!
  • ravengirl2014
    ravengirl2014 Posts: 101 Member
    @donidaily Thanks for checking! I have had a few days of slipping...after almost 2 months of being in control. My binges show up as excessive grazing mostly so keeping my meals even and regular is super important. I am back to that and am working on that and getting more satiating foods.

    Good luck to everyone who is struggling 💓
  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    Good to see you still checking in @ravengirl2014. It sounds like you know what works for you and what behaviors to look out for, that’s hard-earned knowledge. I am cheering you on, have a good week!
  • TamiVsTheTrail
    TamiVsTheTrail Posts: 75 Member
    Love this discussion! I'm glad you came back to check in and didn't let it go any longer. When we find what works for us we need to make time for that in our daily lives. For me meal planning and tracking is crucial, soon as I let either slip I make poor life choices. I'm doing both of those but my main focus this year is building a stronger, healthier me and getting back to the active lifestyle I've always loved.
  • deniselebrun
    deniselebrun Posts: 4 Member
    donidaily wrote: »
    Hi hello. I’m not sure how to start. This is not my first attempt at losing weight, or my first time on MFP. The earliest and highest weight I have recorded here was 193.1lbs in January 2016; the lowest weight I have recorded was 155.5lbs in October 2020. It kind of breaks my heart to write that because this morning I weighed 184.8lbs, meaning I have gained almost 30lbs in under three years.

    The number itself doesn’t shock me — I live in my body. Most of my clothes don’t fit. Walking, cycling, yoga, and pilates are harder than before. In case I needed additional evidence, it’s all there in black and white on the summary of my recent physical: overweight, cholesterol (a little) high, diabetes markers trending in the wrong direction.

    I’m sad. I need to do something new, and this thread is that something: I’m looking for people to talk to. I am reasonably knowledgeable about nutrition and exercise and calories but my mental/emotional relationship to food is not healthy. So often for me, eating beyond hunger and even comfort feels inevitable and out of my control. I don’t feel like I can talk with my loved ones because I am ashamed of my habits. Plus, I don’t want to spread my issues with food around!

    So I’m starting with something that’s both small and huge: I promise to be honest, with myself and with you if you choose to read along. And I want to figure out the other small and huge things that will make a difference for me. If you can relate, I’d love you to join me here.

  • deniselebrun
    deniselebrun Posts: 4 Member
    Donidaily I am right there with you.
  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    Thanks for the note @deniselebrun, hope your week is going well.

    I’m going to keep coming back to this thread while I sort myself out. I’ve been disoriented because I had a team retreat for work last week. (It was in a nice venue in the same neighborhood as our regular office, not a sleepaway kind of thing.) In terms of eating and routine, it was not great but not disastrous. We had catered breakfast and lunch plus snacks at all times. It was kind of nice not thinking/planning for those few days, even if it did mean more restaurant food than normal.

    Real talk though: it’s about a month since I started this thread and I have lost two pounds. I am glad that I feel more focused, but I am always pushing it: eating right to the maximum calories suggested, eating back half of my exercise calories. I also have a very reliable pattern of eating more, especially more snacks and sugar, as the week goes on. Because I’m tired! I’m adding a regular bedtime to my small huge things. So today:

    Fruit only from the office snacks ✅
    Took the stairs ✅
    Weighed my food ✅
    In bed by 10pm ✅ on my way there now…
  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    A good day today. I’m going to a networking dinner tomorrow night and already anxious about overeating. I’m going to pre-log the day, and the location of the dinner is actually a really nice bike ride from my apartment, so I will also cycle home for some extra movement. Feels good to have a plan!

    Fruit only from the office snacks ✅
    Took the stairs ✅
    Weighed my food ✅
    In bed by 10pm ✅
  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    edited July 2023
    Fruit only from the office snacks ✅
    Took the stairs ✅
    Weighed my food ✅
    In bed by 10pm ❌
    And bonus: stuck to my plan for the day, did not freak out about dinner
  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    Posting for yesterday, I don’t really have a routine on the weekends.

    Fruit only from the office snacks ✅
    Took the stairs ✅
    Weighed my food ✅
    In bed by 10pm ❌
  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    Fruit only from the office snacks ❌ Allow me to explain: our office manager tossed my beautiful lunch and snacks as part of a fridge cleanout 😭
    Took the stairs ✅
    Weighed my food ✅
    In bed by 10pm ✅
  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    Fruit only from the office snacks ✅
    Took the stairs ✅
    Weighed my food ✅
    In bed by 10pm ❌

    Still struggling with a good sleep routine even though I know it’s important!