P90X starting Monday Aug 15



  • Alderaic
    Alderaic Posts: 294 Member
    flu is in, started on sunday, though I was able to complete most of my workout, except that I could not finish plyo, not enough breath. But yesterday I had to skip Yoga, which is meaningful as it is my favorite workout.... hopefully I'll be in a better shape tonight for legs and back, but as I'm in training with an external company I cannot call in sick.

    KPP guys, minor roadblocks are only that ;)

    I'm still here and pushing play (except for yesterday, but then again, I did not even had the strength to practice my guitar!)
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member

    Kenpo X today,all completed and my best Kenpo yet. Rest and stretch tomorrow.

    Enjoy your workouts.
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Ran for 30 minutes today on treadmill, and did Shoulders and Arms. Will do Ab Ripper tonight...
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member
    P90x rest day,so stretched and enjoyed a two hour hike in the sun.
  • This week was tough for me. I was busy in the evenings car shopping so I did manage to workout Wednesday morning before work. Thursday morning I slept through my alarm and didn't get yoga in this week. Friday I didn't get up early thinking I could do it after work but I found a car to go look at and didn't get in until 11 so no legs and back. However, I just finished Kempo and plan to do legs and back tomorrow. Of the two missed workouts, I would much rather miss yoga. My legs need all the work they can get. You guys are all doing great. I am so glad we have this forum to share our experiences. :)
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Lisa, that's what i went through last week - just keep pressing play.

    Today i ran 3.30 miles in 30 minutes and did Legs and Back X.
  • Alderaic
    Alderaic Posts: 294 Member
    not sick anymore, I did my kenpo + ARX yesterday, today one hour and a half of capoeira on my rest day... may do some yoga as well, I got a vinyasa ashtanga DVD in a sale last week, it looks quite good too to stretch
  • tracy337
    tracy337 Posts: 199 Member
    I am not a member of this group but looking at getting the DVD"s and wondered if I do get them if I need to buy anything else to go with it? I see people talking about doing pull ups? Does it come with a pull up bar or do I need to buy one?
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member
    I am not a member of this group but looking at getting the DVD"s and wondered if I do get them if I need to buy anything else to go with it? I see people talking about doing pull ups? Does it come with a pull up bar or do I need to buy one?

    Hey Tracey,

    You can purchase the pull up bar as part of the package or separate,entirely up to yourself. You can also use resistance bands if pull up's just aint your thing.
    The programme is tough and challenging,but oh so rewarding. Good luck.

    Chest,shoulders and triceps completed for me today,plus the ab ripper.

    Have a great weekend all and enjoy the workout's.
  • kiki_ac
    kiki_ac Posts: 49 Member
    HI All! I'm here. I didn't know when I was going to be back to the board. I have, have to get a knew phone so I can have daily access to this awesome website and network of support. This week has been a very tough week emotionally. I have been doing my workout fine but skipped two ab ripper X, and half of Yoga X. I am going to try to get back on track. On the plus side kenpo X was a success. I hadn't lost any weight and lost only fractions of inches during the first phase. As it was mentioned earlier in the thread, I am looking forward to the changes to come at the at the end of Phase 2.

    Keep pressing play!

  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Rowing, Kenpo, and Ab Ripper in the books today
  • curvykent
    curvykent Posts: 140 Member
    Bummer! I just decided to order it but won't have it till sometime next week. Can I join in late?
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member
    Bummer! I just decided to order it but won't have it till sometime next week. Can I join in late?

    No problem ck,just jump in as soon as your ready.
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member
    HI All! I'm here. I didn't know when I was going to be back to the board. I have, have to get a knew phone so I can have daily access to this awesome website and network of support. This week has been a very tough week emotionally. I have been doing my workout fine but skipped two ab ripper X, and half of Yoga X. I am going to try to get back on track. On the plus side kenpo X was a success. I hadn't lost any weight and lost only fractions of inches during the first phase. As it was mentioned earlier in the thread, I am looking forward to the changes to come at the at the end of Phase 2.

    Keep pressing play!


    Hi,really good to see you and good news that your still going. Just keep doing your best and Im sure the rewards will soon follow. Good Luck.

    Plyo X completed for me today.
  • @ Rower - Wow! You are just a bundle of energy today. :) Great job!!
  • Alderaic
    Alderaic Posts: 294 Member
    small pause for yesterday and likely today, as I do tend my shoulder, already feeling better after a full day of nothing and some anti inflammatory drugs, we'll see how it feels tomorrow morning
  • mcdonl
    mcdonl Posts: 342 Member
    Man, Tri/Shoulder/Chest (Day one, phase 2) is BRUTAL!! I LOVED IT :)
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member
    Back&Bicep's plus ab ripper X completed today.
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps X plus ran for 30 minutes. Will do ARX tonight
  • Chest, shoulders an tri along with ab ripper x done for today. I have discovered my weakness...........push-ups!