my accountability thread Day one



  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi All! Hope all is well. Doing well here. Going on vacation tomorrow so I may be MIA....but I will bring my IPAD and try and check in and I am praying I will eat healthy!! When I don't I just feel so blah and sluggish and that is no way to feel. I want to have energy to play with the grandkids. I am a very slow reader as well. I am enjoying the book Outlive that is on the best seller list. In all honesty I read so many self help books but when it comes down it it - it basic common sense you know? It does motivate me to eat healthy and exercise. @amreining eating healthy does give you more energy. I'm glad you are here with us.
    @BeverlyW1108 have a safe trip! Wow...never been gone for a whole month!
    Take care everyone and have a wonderful weekend.
    "Good food is the foundation of genuine happiness"

  • amreing
    amreing Posts: 17 Member
    I love to read also, but unfortunately have to save that for vacation times, as usually it’s hard to find the time. It’s been a busy and stressful year helping aging parents and coping with loss. I do spend a lot of time in the car however and love listening to podcasts, like The Moth, Modern Love and Radio Lab.
    For those of you on the road, check them out, drive carefully and enjoy your vacations!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    @amreing thank you for podcast suggestions. Yes, you surely have a lot on your plate! I love listening to a podcast when I walk. I am down 1.5 pounds after two weeks. I just hope I don't gain this weekend. Weekends for some reason are soooo hard. I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.
    "Came from a plant, eat it; made in a plant, don't" Michael Pollan
  • courtneyc03
    courtneyc03 Posts: 3 Member
    Can I join in? I’d love some accountability and encouragement! I’ve been on MFP for years and fell off the wagon this last year and a half and fell so far away from the wagon I can’t see it anymore! Haha I know MFP works and my goal is to lose 40 lbs!
  • amreing
    amreing Posts: 17 Member
    edited July 2023
    Welcome in, @courtneyc03! Let’s do this! I’m only two weeks in, trying to get back on the bandwagon and take off that 20 that I’ve gained in the last few years. Definitely accountability is a HUGE step in the right direction. Even when I know I’m going over, I still make an attempt at logging in my meals. Certainly the smallest goals help keep it real. For my first couple weeks, accountability w logging was my number one goal, followed by drinking more water and unsweetened beverages, NOTHING after dinner, staying away from sugary foods, eating more fruits and vegetables, and moving more. Believe it or not, I am feeling better already! Sleeping better and less bloated. I haven’t weighed myself yet. I’m trying to focus more on how I feel then what the number on the scale. Maybe a month in I’ll take a look. 😆
    WE CAN DO THIS! 💪🏻
  • courtneyc03
    courtneyc03 Posts: 3 Member
    @amreing I’m already feeling better just three days in and focusing on my health again! I even went for a long evening walk yesterday! Thanks for the encouragement! We definitely got this! 💪🏻
  • healthierorbust
    healthierorbust Posts: 24 Member
    Hi everyone! I finally weighed myself after being sick all of June and taking a break from MFP. Not too much damage done but gained a few pounds back. I just found out I do not have celiac disease but I have to have more bloodwork done because my iron is still super low… my doctor thinks there might be another kind of autoimmune disease going on :( anyhow, trying to keep my energy levels up so I can exercise. @BeverlyW1108 where are you headed? Welcome, @courtneyc03!
  • Viridian1539
    Viridian1539 Posts: 172 Member
    It was a long week of 2+ hour exercise every night (leading games at the church VBS lol) but other than a little tiredness today, I'm feeling good! I made a week long meal plan for the first time *ever* and I am going grocery shopping tonight and doing the meal prep to have all the things ready for this week. Looking forward to adding this to my weekly routine.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • amreing
    amreing Posts: 17 Member
    It is SO hard to move when you just don’t feel like moving… I had no reason not to go to the pool this afternoon to swim laps, but I just feel lazy today. 😏. At least my food choices were right on. Always focus on the positive. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll be e in the mood to exercise.
    Meanwhile @healthierorbust, healing thoughts your way! Give yourself a little slack, your body needs some self love while you figure out what’s going on.
    And hi there @viridian1539 👋🏻. Sounds like you’ve had quite an active week! At least in the summer season, it’s easier to have fresh food choices in the house.
    Have a great week y’all!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    edited July 2023
    Happy Friday Friends!
    I apologize that I haven't posted in a while because we have been traveling and having such a fun, active time! I've missed you all!

    Sarah, I've got 2 books going right now. I will plan to read Outlive next. Have you finished it yet? Congrats on losing 1.5# right before vacation! It helps keep me focused while I am on vacation.

    Amreing, I've never really heard a podcast I fell in love with. Thanks for the suggestions, I will try The Moth, Modern Love and Radio Lab when time permits!!!

    Courtney, Welcome to our group! Keep it up because it only gets better!

    Healthierorbust, We are in Georgetown, CO. The mountain temps feel so much better than the +100 temps we have at home in Louisiana. We are running and hiking and of course sightseeing. We've never been gone for a month before, so this is taking some adjusting. Trying to eat well and not treat it as a month-long vacation. I'm so glad you don't have Celiac disease. I take an iron supplement and without it I don't have energy to do much at all. It always amazes me that a little pill can make such a difference.

    Bekkah, Glad to hear from you. How did your week long meal plan go. I bet you were exhausted every night after VBS, but what fun!

    I read this on another group site and found it interesting. I've run out of time though so I will comment later.

    I hope everyone has a Wonderful Weekend!

    Setting and keeping to a primary goal

    📍My 4 Step Plan for goal setting success
    (AKA Jurgen Wolff, 'My Writing Coach')

    📍Step 1.
    Imagine you are at the end of the year. Think of the one thing that you would like to be able to look back at, at the end of the year, and say 'I did that!'
    "At the end of this year I would like to look back and be able to say ....................."
    This becomes your primary goal. (If you have an unused note book use the first page to do this.)

    📍Step 2
    Underneath that write:
    "Today, to help me achieve my primary goal, I am going to do............... (Write in one or two small things that you can do now to start you off.)
    Now go and do them! You are taking the first step towards success!

    📍Step 3.
    Now that you have taken the first step write out and complete the following sentences
    Tomorrow I will ....................... to help me achieve my primary goal.
    This week I will ....................... to help me achieve my primary goal.
    Next week I will ...................... to help me achieve my primary goal.
    Next month I will .................... to help me achieve my primary goal.
    Please take the time to write these out. It reinforces your commitment to the goal.

    📍Step 4
    Review your progress daily, weekly, monthly.
    Adjust the steps as you progress.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    edited July 2023
    God’s Morning!
    Checking in today. We are driving to Pike’s Peak today and staying 2 nights. I should be able to check in but if not y’all keep up the good work without me😂
    Don’t do nothing just because you can’t do everything.
  • amreing
    amreing Posts: 17 Member
    Safe travels @BeverlyW1108! Sounds like an awesome vacation! I love those types of vacays where you come home exhausted! 😆

    I’ve relaxed a bit w my food logging this weekend, but trying to at least stick to some basic guidelines and not go off rails. At the very least, I jotted down in the notes section, what I had for meals, still sticking to a 12 hour fast 😆, drinking plenty of water (no alcohol), eating mostly veges/fruit and protein, little or no bread, trying to move everyday…

    Tomorrow’s Monday, so I’m going to be better this week with my food diary.
    Three weeks now.
    Tempted to weigh in tomorrow… just don’t want to be disappointed…. Wait another week? Or weigh in?
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi All! I just lost a big long reply to all of you! Oh rats! I am home from vacation and had a great time. It was so hot at the beach. What is happening to our lovely planet???? These record heat waves just keep getting worse. Anyhow I am happy to be back on track. Day 1 for me. I did gain 3 lbs but that is OK. I feel so much better and have more energy when I eat healthy and exercise
    @courtneyc03 So glad you are here to join us! Thank you for being here.
    @amreing I love your idea of small goals. That is great advice and I think is something that will help me out! Let's get a swim in today!
    @healtheirorbust I am so sorry to hear you have not been feeling well. I am assuming you will remove gluten (?) from your diet? I sure hope it helps. Let us know how you do.
    @Viridian1539 I am glad things are going well. Love the idea of making a meal plan. I am going to do that this week. If I have healthy food in the house and plan for meal I can eat healthy.
    @BeverlyW1108 Love your advice on the goals! I love those steps and will try to write that all down today (journal) and hope that will help with accountability. Your trip sounds great! I am so happy you can do this! Is it scorching hot there as well? Here in the south it is unbearable at times.
    I am on day one of eating healthy and I hope to continue all week. I know each day I will feel better. I just feel so lethargic if I don't eat well. It takes my body a few days to adjust to good food.
    Have a great day everyone. Going to send this quick before it gets lost again. Sorry if there are typos!
  • Viridian1539
    Viridian1539 Posts: 172 Member
    @BeverlyW1108 I was tired, but it was well worth it! And I could tell my energy is way better than past years. By next year, I'm sure I'll have no problems with keeping up all week! Might even volunteer at some of the other local churches next year too - it's a great way to force myself to stay on a daily workout plan lol

    For you and @sarah7591 who asked, the meal plan went really well. I had to make some alterations on days when I didn't have time to cook, or was invited to my Mum's for dinner, but I'm pleased the first week started out well. Definitely room to grow though!

    I'm traveling from Thursday to Tuesday (visiting friends in Idaho) so I'll not be checking in at all until next week and the meal plan is up in the air, but looking forward to getting back into things in August.

    Best of luck to everyone!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi All! I hope you are are doing well. On day 3 of healthy eating and exercise and am starting to feel effects. So simple really. Still not sleeping well. Do any of you suffer from insomnia? It is awful and I read so much about how sleep restores you mind and body. You just can't make yourself sleep though. Well I hope everyone is having a great day! Stay safe and cool!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi All! I hope all are doing well and staying safe and cool. I am just checking in and am down 1.5 pounds back to my prevacation weight. I feel so much better now that I am exercising and eating healthy. It makes such a big difference. Best to all of you!
  • pizzafruit
    pizzafruit Posts: 317 Member
    Good morning all. I so enjoy reading all the posts and replies. I admire the enthusiasm, honesty, and most of all the willingness to continue the journey when things don’t go as planned.
    I’m always amazed at how many of us have challenges in common yet can feel so alone. This truly is where I come for encouragement and to share in other’s successes.
    One of the big mistakes I continue to make is always considering everyday a continuation of the previous day. I need to alter my thinking and remember every day is new day and not a repeat of the day before.
    So here’s to day one and all the new days ahead.
  • amreing
    amreing Posts: 17 Member
    @pizzafruit thank you for your uplifting words! You’re absolutely right; it’s too easy to let a few poor choices influence days and weeks. Let’s all start fresh each day! We got this! 💪🏻

    And @sarah7591 besides the obvious things, ie no caffeine after 2pm, exercise earlier in the day not in the evening, no tv or phone screens in the bedroom, no afternoon naps… whenever my mind is in hyperdrive and I can’t sleep, there are two things that work for me. One, I lay in bed and account for all my blessings and things I’m thankful for… kind of a meditative session, but always a great way to fall back asleep. We all need to take the time and appreciate what we have. And if that isn’t enough, lol, I put in ear buds and listen to a calming sleep playlist… that ALWAYS works, like hypnosis! Hope this helps! 😉😴
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    edited July 2023
    Happy Friday Friends!
    We are still in the mountains of Colorado and the weather is awesome. I don't have much time this morning as we are planning to go Kayaking for the first time at 65yo! Ya'll are doing Great~ Keep Trucking!
  • amreing
    amreing Posts: 17 Member
    I feel like I have to keep that mantra in my head… “tomorrow is a new day. tomorrow is a new day. tomorrow…”. Although being honest, it might be more like “Monday is a new week..!”
    Birthday and other family celebrations this weekend have thrown my eating totally off track. At THE VERY LEAST, I’m trying to walk 3 miles each morning, drink my water, plank at night… life happens.
