For women who lift weights



  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    this made me laugh out loud. I lift anywhere from 30 to 160 lbs. And my ob/gyn hasnt given me a death sentence. thats like saying chewing food too hard is bad for a mans prostate.
  • Thanks guys :D I actually find it strange that a woman should limit herself with 2-4 lb. that's actually too light for me & in fact with my 10 lb. dumbbells, I could even do 10 reps. & 20 reps with vigorous push-ups. I don't honestly believe that a woman will bulk up like a man by lifting heavy weights, that's just scientifically & biologically impossible since we don't have enough testosterone to have that look unless we take steroids. All I want is to have a stronger with some more muscle definition to my already slim body & to look incredible on bikini. Besides, the health benefits of having a muscle toned body is priceless.
  • stacybee14
    stacybee14 Posts: 38 Member
    You might find this article helpful: Women are capable of lifting much heavier than 2-4 lbs - that lady didn't know what she was talking about. :tongue:
  • emilybeatrice1
    emilybeatrice1 Posts: 163 Member
    I read Oxygen magazine and every month i learn more and more about weight lifting. i love it!!!!!
  • You might find this article helpful: Women are capable of lifting much heavier than 2-4 lbs - that lady didn't know what she was talking about. :tongue:

    I'll definitely check it out, thanks =D
  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    People used to believe that if a woman ran, her uterus would fall out. As far as I know, that has never happened to anyone. Lifting heavy weights won't hurt your uterus either.

    Strong women RULE!! Lift those weights, sister!! I DO!! :drinker:

    BTW... Thanks for the laugh!! :bigsmile:
  • Of course I rarely use my uterus to lift the weights. I am more concerned about it falling on the floor while I squat.

  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    unless you are lifting 15 pound weights WITH YOUR ACTUAL UTERUS, i don't think it does anything :P


    OP read this :smile:
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Okay, it is Sunday and she gone make me curse! WTH?! She is soooo misinformed and how can a store have someone work for them and sell products and give out the wrong information!!!!!!!!!!! Women pick up their babies/children which weigh 7-50 lbs!!!!!! So how would that be bad for the uterus??? I advice if can afford get a personal trainer just for a few sessions. It will teach you a lot.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    unless you are lifting 15 pound weights WITH YOUR ACTUAL UTERUS, i don't think it does anything :P

    Actually you don't have to be lifting with your uterus to be causing damage to it.

    To the OP: I'm not saying women shouldn't lift, but try not to go too heavy too fast relative to your own strength. Meaning, if you're brand new to lifting and relatively out of shape, don't start with 30 lb dumbells. Yes, lifting CAN affect your core, including your uterus. Otherwise women with risky pregnancies wouldn't be told to limit their lifting load (which they routinely are).

    Lift, but like any other exercise, don't go way beyond your limits. Push yourself bit by bit. But yeah, 2-4 lb weights are useless lol
  • You made a good point. Besides lifting is better for you; you get a bigger bang for your time. Long after your wt. lifting workout your muscles are still burning cals.
  • saugustin07
    saugustin07 Posts: 28 Member
    Yes it's fine.If more women lifted they would see more progress! Lift like a man look like a goddess!
  • Debinapril
    Debinapril Posts: 53 Member
    I agree with most posters. The girl just doesn't know what she's talking about. The only thing I would say is make sure you have good form. I lift very heavy weights but work with a trainer so I don't damage myself, just work the muscles I am supposed to be working! Study videos, watch yourself in a mirror make sure you're doing it correctly and you'll come to no harm.
  • Dragongrl
    Dragongrl Posts: 186 Member
    Ummmm.... I didn't know sales people at the fitness store were Doctors also. What in hell does lifting heavy weights and your uterus have to do with each other? So does that mean having large children and squeezing them out threw your vag is bad too??? Give me a break! Lift heavy weights. Get STRONG!!!!
  • Dragongrl
    Dragongrl Posts: 186 Member
    I would also like to throw out there just how strong the female body is. I practiced Chinese martial arts until I was 6.5 months pregnant. I did bag drills, threw men twice my size, and even passed my green sash test. All with child. So there. Lifting heavy weights hurts your uterus my *kitten*. If I can do all that and still have a healthy 9.1lb boy than certainly you can lift 5-10lbs without having to worry about your uterus "dropping on the floor." LOL.
  • swimmermama
    swimmermama Posts: 526 Member
    Wow, I can't believe people still actually believe this. It used to be medical "knowledge" that if a woman ran too much, or got too educated, or became too sexual, that her uterus would suffer. I really thought that had died out a hundred years ago, though. WOW.
  • elizamc
    elizamc Posts: 285 Member
    bump.....just off to work....
  • symegeer
    symegeer Posts: 143 Member
    I love this thread, it actually made me snort with laughter! I second the motion to read Oxygen, really enjoy it. Lifting heavy has made me feel so much stronger, even though I'm still working my way up and what I lift might not be heavy to anyone here! Anyone who is weight training and wants to add me as a friend, please feel free. Great to have support with this because there are a lot of people out there who think like that sales clerk!
  • epcorne
    epcorne Posts: 59 Member
    Hello! I just started lifting weights a few weeks ago. My husband is my trainer. He's tuff! I lift 40 to 50 lbs. I highly recommend it. Strength training is awesome. I'm losing weight and I feel great. Check out this website I'm starting this new program tomorrow :)

    I just started her cutting program. it's intense, but hopefully worth it in the end! :)
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Wow, not good for the uterus? That's a new one! :laugh:

    I lift with up to 45 pound dummbells for some things. I think its fine. :wink: