JUST FOR TODAY... One day at a time .. Daily Commitment for 2023!



  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,445 Member
    @ryfit626 Welcome!

    @pridesabtch You sure do have a lot going on. I haven't gotten caught up yet, but it sounds like you lost a loved one. My condolences to you and your family. How is Gia doing? Is she doing well living with Sierra? Take care of yourself during these upcoming busy days!

    Yeah, my best friend passed. Gia is good, we have her this week because she got spayed. She is a very loving dog. First pic is at Sierra's apartment. She might be a little spoiled. Second is at my house, still spoiled.


  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member

    Just for Tuesday, 8/8/23
    * Make 24H Plan and Assess yesterday's ✅
    * Drink 64+ oz water ❌ 50 oz again. Why can I not just drink 10 more oz of water? Just do it!
    * Close activity rings on Apple watch. ❌ Short by 26 calories & 3 minutes of exercise.
    * Mom's for AQ video. ✅
    * Aldi run for fresh produce. Cut up cantaloupe, honeydew & watermelon from downstairs fridge. ✅
    * Podcasts. Journal. Bible Plan. Marco Polos.
    * Admin Tasks ✅
    * Pick one thing off Joy List & do it ✅
    * Evening routine and lights out by 11:00 pm ❌ Dangggggggggggg. 11:30ish. I need to move this up because I've been way too tired.

    Habit Changes
    This week's small change is that I will eat at least four 1/2 cup servings of vegs/fruit every day. I will keep track by filling out a Habit Tracker every evening.
    8/6/2023: :) 1 corn on cob, 1 svg of fresh produce in Italian dressing (cucumber, peppers & onion) and 8 cherry tomatoes freshly picked from garden.
    8/7: celery & hummus. side salad for dinner with romaine, radishes, carrots, tomatoes.
    8/8: Melon (cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon), pineapple, blackberries. baby red potatoes, romaine lettuce, cherry tomatoes.

    This week, I will do ONE THING every day that takes me out of my comfort zone. Pick any little thing and DO IT afraid. Answer the sentence... Today, I got out of my comfort zone by:
    8/6: finally wearing the strapless teal and black sundress hanging in my closet for 2 years.
    8/7: not snacking on our road trip - waiting for dinner.
    8/8: Worked in backyard, picking tomatoes and blackberries. I've been avoiding the heat so it did actually take me out of my comfort zone of the A/C. Yes, I realize I'm getting very spoiled.

    This month I will work on getting healthier by drinking 64 oz of water every day. I will do this by filling my pink 20 oz stainless steel container as soon as I place my coffee cup in the sink and I will have it by me all day. I will make sure to fill it two more times before 7 pm.
    8/6: ❌ Only 40 oz. Tomorrow I will fill my water bottle earlier.
    8/7: ❌ 50 oz. Better than yesterday but not quite there...
    8/8: ❌ 50 oz again. Need to stop this up on Wednesday! Seriously! It's not that freaking difficult! No more excuses! Get the 64 oz in, and get it in before 7pm so you're not up 4x a night using the bathroom!

    Happy Hump Day everyone! Today, I will focus on drinking 64 oz. of water before 7 PM. I don't know why I struggle to drink enough water. I tell myself that I don't like the taste, but water doesn't really HAVE a taste, so that's just an excuse.

    Just for Today (Wednesday 8/9)
    * Make 24H Plan and Assess yesterday's
    * Drink 64+ oz water before 7 PM
    * Close activity rings on Apple watch.
    * 30 minutes in sewing room
    * Home Care: Dust. Mop floors.
    * Declutter physical area for 15 minutes. Digital Declutter 15 minutes. Set the timer!
    * Podcasts. Daily Dialog. Gratitude Journal. Today's Bible app Plan. Marco Polos - watch and reply.
    * Admin Tasks - Financial stuff. Mail. Desktop. Habit Tracker for August
    * Pick one thing from Joy List & do it
    * Evening routine and lights out by 11:00 pm. Brush & floss. Coffeemaker. Dog stuff.

    Habit Changes
    This week's small change is that I will eat at least four different vegs/fruit every day.
    8/6/2023: :) 1 corn on cob, 1 svg of fresh produce in Italian dressing (cucumber, peppers & onion) and 8 cherry tomatoes freshly picked from garden.
    8/7: celery & hummus. side salad for dinner with romaine, radishes, carrots, tomatoes.
    8/8: Melon (cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon), pineapple, blackberries. baby red potatoes, romaine lettuce, cherry tomatoes.

    This week, I will do ONE THING every day that takes me out of my comfort zone. Pick any little thing and DO IT afraid. Answer the sentence... Today, I got out of my comfort zone by:
    8/6: finally wearing the strapless teal and black sundress hanging in my closet for 2 years.
    8/7: not snacking on our road trip - waiting for dinner.
    8/8: Worked in backyard, picking tomatoes and blackberries. I've been avoiding the heat so it did actually take me out of my comfort zone of the A/C. Yes, I realize I'm getting very spoiled.

    This month I will work on getting healthier by drinking 64 oz of water every day. I will do this by filling my pink 20 oz stainless steel container as soon as I place my coffee cup in the sink and I will have it by me all day. I will make sure to fill it two more times before 7 pm.
    8/6: ❌ Only 40 oz. Tomorrow I will fill my water bottle earlier.
    8/7: ❌ 50 oz. Better than yesterday but not quite there...
    8/8: ❌ 50 oz again. Need to stop this up on Wednesday! Seriously! It's not that freaking difficult! No more excuses! Get the 64 oz in, and get it in before 7pm so you're not up 4x a night using the bathroom!

    2023 Goal: I want to be healthier in Body, Mind and Spirit so I can feel ALIVE and not just exist. #BitchGotGoals #StartSmallStartNow #BuhByeAnxiety

  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,040 Member
    JFT for 8/9/2023 (today)✔️
    1) No dessert today, but can have sugarfree or no sugar added. (Can have dessert at restaurant if I really want it.)
    2) None of DH's stash today (including candy, peeps, ice cream, bagels, frozen cookies). None of the Chips Ahoy cookies
    3) Peanut butter ok today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 8/6)
    4) Don't weigh again until Thursday 8/10
    5) No hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 8/1). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.). (last) (a little in honey mustard ok)(last 7/17)
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts. Some of fruit stand mixed nuts ok.
    8) No beef jerky today.
    9) No chicken Vienna sausage today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last 7/30)
    10) No sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today. (last 8/4)
    11) Only 1 ice drink today.
    12) A few tic-tacs as needed everyday. (No max for now, unless it's a problem)

    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until after 12 pm.
    ================== 4DW started =============
    Since MFP is going to close the blogs soon, I have to move my 4DWs (4 Day Wins) here.
    Now in shared file:


  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,040 Member
    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until after 5 pm. None of the same foods at dinner as at lunch. Can still have my dose of metamusal.
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,040 Member
    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until tomorrow.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    JFT Thursday- no treats after dinner!
    1. NO ALARM! :D
    2. AM park walk before it gets too warm?
    3. YMCA - StrongLifts / RPM.
    4. Get refills.
    5. Doctor visit. Therapy.
    6. Check in with union members. How did we develop "an army of subs" before???
    7. Create sheets with members names & contact info - including room locations!
    8. Evening: Rehearsal. Dinner: Salad. Drink more water. No, more. Keep the pitcher in the fridge full. You're not actually hungry. Make some tea. Drink more water!
    9. Bedtime: Gratitude journal. Update IG. Therapy exercises: crunches, push-ups, squats, ankle lifts, box jumps, plank. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. Update JFT.
    10. Upcoming: Set up digital portfolio. Get elastic for shoes & take to shoe repair. Discuss Clois & Stuffy. Check in w parents regularly. Get stamps! Need to rs testing to after primary visit so it doesn't get mis-billed AGAIN. NEED TO RUN LINES. Need to begin making calls home. Recycling next weekend. Need to return the Dolly wig. Need to turn in receipts.

    Scale goals
    End of 2017: 174.6
    End of 2018: 189.2
    End of 2019: 196.4
    End of 2020: 187.4
    End of 2021: 194.4
    End of 2022: 201.2
    Today: 201.2

    Long-term goals/progress

    1. Professional / read current research. 2. Professional / present at conferences. 3. Professional / publish scholarly articles. 4. Professional / observe student needs and develop supports. 5. Professional / complete a doctorate. 6. Personal / retire comfortably. 7. Personal / renovate house. 8. Community / local progress. 9. Community / time with friends & family. 10. Family concerns. 11. Medical/fitness.

    1. Research: Five paragraph essay. How student attitudes affect standardized test results; student surveys.

    2. Presenting: Promote YT channel. Invite guests. Record mini-lessons.

    3. Publishing: Read one journal article weekly; respond in a blog post. Clois for CWG. S&F for YT channel. Goodreads purchase list for McKay’s. Weekly blog series: Weekly Wishes (Monday) and Weekly Wins (Friday).

    4. Observed student needs: Changing words between parts of speech (vocabulary/grammar). Synthesizing info from multiple sources, drawing conclusions (RI/W). EFFECTIVE transitions (W). Every day v everyday; any one v anyone (grammar). Sub/obj pronouns & structure (grammar). Poss v pl nouns (grammar). Short nonfic from Lat Amer/Africa/Asia (World Lit).

    5. Doctorate: Research programs, requirements, resources, cost, timeline.

    6. Retirement: Update name on JSSB acct. Check investments. Theater CV. Entertainment experience. Duolingo/Lang8.

    7. House: Floor joists. Siding. Gutters. Floors.

    8. Local progress: Library. Theater. PC2V. City/county govt. Community kitchen. She Should Run vision statement. Ed assoc. Ugly Christmas sweater. Prison abolition; reduce / re-allocate responsibilities dumped on cops. Push for diversity. Turn left!

    9. Friends & extended family: Organize photos. Write postcards. Call weekly! Look for activities to do with friends. Purchase doll with long hair; practice French braid. Dance: tap, salsa, samba. Rhythm nation.

    10. Immediate family: Clean room; work toward sleeping in room. Clean up behind desk. Make appointments for hearing, sleep study, vet. Keep track of plans for Rock City (Friday?) and Disney. Drive white car together; practice solo driving. Work on staying home solo when dark.

    11. Medical: YMCA classes. Lift @ lunch. Maintain @ 155 w defined muscle tone. At 189, 1pr black 1pr white leggings; purple All-Stars. 179, 2 Svaha Rachel dresses. 169 suit - Indochino? 159 swing dance lessons. Talk to PCP about feet (cannot do calf raises, pushups, planks, mountain climbers, etc.) Also back and shoulder pain. Why can’t I sleep better? Is ADHD a possible factor? ADHD testing Aug 10 2P and Aug 15 2P. Therapy Wed Jun 21 3P. Dentist April 19 11a. Biometric Th Aug 24 9AM. Annual exam Oct 11 9A check calendar; ask about migraines? Massage Aug 19 6P. Need to RS colonoscopy and check on ADHD testing.

    13. Therapy thoughts: Prioritizing is hard. There is so much that feels important. I need to talk to my parents about end-of-life plans (particularly funeral arrangements) and I'm not sure how to go about it. I do somewhat trust that they are capable of deciding when they need assisted living but should probably offer help in finding out what sort of place would be best BEFORE it actually becomes necessary.

    14. Just for fun: Start sketching dragon on a pile of books, offering one to the armored knight, & banner that reads "Treasure should not be hoarded / It should be shared." Use AI for ideas.

    WFTY: Priorities. Busted my tail today (again!) but I got everything done that I'd hoped to. I have my first sub day tomorrow and I feel confident about leaving the classroom to others. It feels SO GOOD to feel prepared again.
    2020 WFTY: Progress. 2021 WFTY: Persistence. 2022 WFTY: Focus.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,920 Member
    JFT - Wed Aug 9
    Log all food - 🙂
    1.5L of water - 😕
    Move 20 minutes - 🙂
    Gratitude Journal - 😕

    JFT - Thurs Aug 10
    Log all food
    1.5L of water
    Move 20 minutes
    Gratitude Journal

    It was a rough day. Our daughter’s pregnancy isn’t viable. I’m heartbroken for them.
  • sugarfreesquirrel
    sugarfreesquirrel Posts: 268 Member
    Just for today I'm going to plan to do better tomorrow and drink lots of water
  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 1,043 Member
    @Snowflake1968 I'm so sorry for your daughter, and all the family. Life can be so unfair sometimes.

    JFT Wednesday 9th Aug

    Log everything yes
    Stay in the green yes, just
    Foot exercises yes
    Back exercises no
    Only one snack 2
    Dog walk? 45 minutes

    Weather forecast says we will have 2 completely dry days so I need to do as much outside painting as my foot will allow. I really don't want to, I hate the prep work! I'd like to leave it until later, but we have had a very wet summer and there's no guarantee it will improve.
    I also need to go into town to collect an order this week, not sure when to go as there's a cycling competition on which has closed some roads and may make parking difficult.
    Can't decide, I'll just get off here and go and do ...something, anything!

    I did get moving and chose the easy win of walking the dog first, the dog is always happy to go out!
    Sanded and painted one side of the shed in the afternoon, and did a second coat in the evening. I also mowed the front lawn while waiting for the paint to dry.
    My foot was very painful. I've always used old trainers for gardening and painting as they get so dirty, I've finally realised that it's not good for my feet. So as much as it hurts (my pocket!) I've accepted that I should wear new supportive trainers for outside work as well. My "new" garden takes a lot of work so I'm outside a lot. (not really new, I've been here 3 years already!)

    JFT Thursday 10th

    Log everything
    Stay in the green
    Only one snack
    Foot exercises
    Back exercises
    Paint second side of shed

  • emgracewrites
    emgracewrites Posts: 478 Member
    JFT 8/9
    - log food and water ❌
    - Work ✅
    - Doctors appointment (new specialist, pretty anxious that she’s going to find yet another problem I have to deal with) ✅
    - laundry (desperately need to get this done) ✅
    - Dishes (also a desperate need) ❌
    - Set aside one hour for writing-related tasks ❌
    - look into career counseling services ❌

    Doctors appointment went well yesterday. Didn’t do much else that I wanted to. For the past four or five days I keep waking up at 4am no matter what time I go to bed. This morning it was 3:30am. So my energy levels are pretty low.

    JFT 8/10
    - Log food and water (really need to focus on the water)
    - Dishes
    - Write
    - Job hunt
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,644 Member
    ☑️No coffee until 8am ✔️
    ☑️No food until 10am ✔️
    ☑️No food after 8pm ✔️
    ☑️Drink at least 90 oz of water ✔️
    ☑️Stay under 1800 calories ✔️
    ☑️At least 5000 steps on Fitbit ✔️
    ☑️Try to put a dent in work emails ✔️
    ☑️Dishes ✔️
    ☑️Make dinner (pasta tonight) for the family ✔️
    ☑️Don't forget to check blook sugars throughout the day ✔️
    ☑️Read at least 2 more chapters of Crane Pond ✔️

    I had a rough couple hours yesterday when I just wanted to snack. I kept to some pretzels with cream cheese, allowed myself a diet soda, and got busy doing other things until the feeling passed. It was a close thing though... I really wanted to dive into the pantry. Stress eating is a huge thing that I keep circling back to fight. Maybe one day I'll stop craving junk just because things aren't going my way.

    ☑️No coffee until 8am
    ☑️No food until 10am
    ☑️No food after 8pm
    ☑️Drink at least 90 oz of water
    ☑️Stay under 1800 calories
    ☑️At least 5000 steps on Fitbit
    ☑️Try to put a dent in work emails
    ☑️Get to Zumba class tonight
    ☑️Don't forget to check blook sugars throughout the day
    ☑️Read at least 2 more chapters of Crane Pond
  • beachwalker99
    beachwalker99 Posts: 968 Member
    @Snowflake1968 - So very sorry for your family's loss. My heart aches for your daughter and for you.
  • jennysweet58
    jennysweet58 Posts: 234 Member
    Back from vacation...well, actually back Sunday but as is my way I let the bad eating continue for a few extra days. :# I'm determined to get back to what was working so well for me BEFORE vacation...I'm gonna stay away from the scale for now and just BEGIN.

    no food till 2pm
    stay within calories
    100 oz water
    30 min workout & stretch
    Food prep: Eggroll in a Bowl for lunches
    No alcohol
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,040 Member
    JFT for 8/9/2023 (yesterday)✔️
    1) No dessert today, but can have sugarfree or no sugar added.✔️
    2) None of DH's stash today (including candy, peeps, ice cream, bagels, frozen cookies). None of the Chips Ahoy cookies✔️
    3) Peanut butter ok today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 8/6)✔️Didn't eat today.
    4) Don't weigh again until Thursday 8/10✔️
    5) No hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 8/1). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.✔️
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.). (last) (a little in honey mustard ok)(last 7/17)✔️
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts. Some of fruit stand mixed nuts ok.✔️
    8) No beef jerky today.✔️
    9) No chicken Vienna sausage today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last 7/30)✔️
    10) No sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today. (last 8/4)✔️
    11) Only 1 ice drink today.✔️
    12) A few tic-tacs as needed everyday. (No max for now, unless it's a problem)✔️

    JFT for 8/10/2023 (today)✔️
    1) No dessert today, but can have sugarfree or no sugar added.
    2) None of DH's stash today (including candy, peeps, ice cream, bagels, frozen cookies).
    3) Peanut butter ok today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 8/6)
    4) Don't weigh again until Monday 8/14
    5) Up to 2.0 oz hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 8/1). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.). (last) (a little in honey mustard ok)(last 7/17)
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts. Some of fruit stand mixed nuts ok.
    8) No beef jerky today.
    9) No chicken Vienna sausage today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last 7/30)
    10) Sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today. (last 8/4)
    11) Only 1 ice drink today.
    12) A few tic-tacs as needed everyday. (No max for now, unless it's a problem)Hour commitment - I won't eat again until after 12 pm.
    13) Can eat lunch early due to long lunch meeting.
    ================== 4DW started =============
    Since MFP is going to close the blogs soon, I have to move my 4DWs (4 Day Wins) here.
    Now in shared file:


  • beachwalker99
    beachwalker99 Posts: 968 Member
    Off to visit Mom today. My weather app says 100% chance of rain, but I'm hoping we'll be able to squeeze in some of her errands before it starts. Exercise looks doubtful, and I'm kicking myself for not earlier walking this morning. Oh, well.

    Recap - Wednesday, August 9
    Log - :)
    Healthy food choices - :)
    Under calorie limit - :)
    Hydrate - :)
    Exercise - No

    JFT Thursday, August 10
    Healthy food choices
    Under calorie limit
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,040 Member
    Hour commitment - After my yogurt, I won't eat again until after 5 pm. None of the same foods at dinner as at lunch. Can still have my dose of metamusal.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Just for Today (Wednesday 8/9)
    * Make 24H Plan and Assess yesterday's :)
    * Drink 64+ oz water before 7 PM :(
    * Close activity rings on Apple watch. :(
    * 30 minutes in sewing room :#No, but I did look for quilt pattern for C's quilt I'm starting soon.
    * Home Care: Dust. Mop floors. :(
    * Declutter physical area for 15 minutes. Digital Declutter 15 minutes. Set the timer! :)
    * Podcasts. Daily Dialog. Gratitude Journal. Today's Bible app Plan. Marco Polos - watch and reply. :)
    * Admin Tasks - Financial stuff. Mail. Desktop. Habit Tracker for August :)
    * Pick one thing from Joy List & do it :)
    * Evening routine and lights out by 11:00 pm. Brush & floss. Coffeemaker. Dog stuff. :(

    Habit Changes
    This week's small change is that I will eat at least four different vegs/fruit every day.
    8/6/2023: :) 1 corn on cob, 1 svg of fresh produce in Italian dressing (cucumber, peppers & onion) and 8 cherry tomatoes freshly picked from garden.
    8/7: celery & hummus. side salad for dinner with romaine, radishes, carrots, tomatoes.
    8/8: Melon (cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon), pineapple, blackberries. baby red potatoes, romaine lettuce, cherry tomatoes.
    8/9: lettuce. corn on the cob, melon variety, pineapple, blackberries, tomatoes.

    This week, I will do ONE THING every day that takes me out of my comfort zone. Pick any little thing and DO IT afraid. Answer the sentence... Today, I got out of my comfort zone by:
    8/6: finally wearing the strapless teal and black sundress hanging in my closet for 2 years.
    8/7: not snacking on our road trip - waiting for dinner.
    8/8: Worked in backyard, picking tomatoes and blackberries. I've been avoiding the heat so it did actually take me out of my comfort zone of the A/C. Yes, I realize I'm getting very spoiled.
    8/9: :( Didn't feel very good.

    This month I will work on getting healthier by drinking 64 oz of water every day. I will do this by filling my pink 20 oz stainless steel container as soon as I place my coffee cup in the sink and I will have it by me all day. I will make sure to fill it two more times before 7 pm.
    8/6: ❌ Only 40 oz. Tomorrow I will fill my water bottle earlier.
    8/7: ❌ 50 oz. Better than yesterday but not quite there...
    8/8: ❌ 50 oz again. Need to stop this up on Wednesday! Seriously! It's not that freaking difficult! No more excuses! Get the 64 oz in, and get it in before 7pm so you're not up 4x a night using the bathroom!
    8/9: ✅

    Hi everyone! Hope everyone is doing well. I'm not feeling great today, so lying low today. My only real goals are to drink all the water and go to bed on time, but I want to keep accountability going so here I am.

    @Snowflake1968 I am SO sorry. Gentle hugs to you and your family, my friend. :heart:

    @pamperedlinny When you learn the key to stop stress eating, please share with me! It is my downfall. I eat for happy, sad, bored, angry, stressed... But at least we are aware of it and can work on watching for it...

    @clicketykeys Glad you have some breathing room finally!

    @pridesabtch Gia is adorable! My mom has a goldendoodle named Honey. She's 8 years old now and is like a bit puppy. So cute. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your best friend. My condolences to you and all who loved her. :'(

    Just for Today
    • 24H Plan & Assess
    • 64 oz water
    • Bedtime routine - lights out ON TIME tonight

    Habit Changes
    This week's small change is that I will eat at least four different vegs/fruit every day.
    8/6/2023: :) 1 corn on cob, 1 svg of fresh produce in Italian dressing (cucumber, peppers & onion) and 8 cherry tomatoes freshly picked from garden.
    8/7: celery & hummus. side salad for dinner with romaine, radishes, carrots, tomatoes.
    8/8: Melon (cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon), pineapple, blackberries. baby red potatoes, romaine lettuce, cherry tomatoes.
    8/9: lettuce. corn on the cob, melon variety, pineapple, blackberries, tomatoes.

    This week, I will do ONE THING every day that takes me out of my comfort zone. Pick any little thing and DO IT afraid. Answer the sentence... Today, I got out of my comfort zone by:
    8/6: finally wearing the strapless teal and black sundress hanging in my closet for 2 years.
    8/7: not snacking on our road trip - waiting for dinner.
    8/8: Worked in backyard, picking tomatoes and blackberries. I've been avoiding the heat so it did actually take me out of my comfort zone of the A/C. Yes, I realize I'm getting very spoiled.
    8/9: :( Didn't feel very good.

    This month I will work on getting healthier by drinking 64 oz of water every day. I will do this by filling my pink 20 oz stainless steel container as soon as I place my coffee cup in the sink and I will have it by me all day. I will make sure to fill it two more times before 7 pm.
    8/6: ❌ Only 40 oz. Tomorrow I will fill my water bottle earlier.
    8/7: ❌ 50 oz. Better than yesterday but not quite there...
    8/8: ❌ 50 oz again. Need to stop this up on Wednesday! Seriously! It's not that freaking difficult! No more excuses! Get the 64 oz in, and get it in before 7pm so you're not up 4x a night using the bathroom!
    8/9: ✅

    2023 Goal: I want to be healthier in Body, Mind and Spirit so I can feel ALIVE and not just exist. #BitchGotGoals #StartSmallStartNow #BuhByeAnxiety

  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,040 Member
    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until tomorrow.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,920 Member
    JFT - Thurs Aug 10
    Log all food - 🙂
    1.5L of water - 😕 1L which is much better than usual
    Move 20 minutes - 😕 I was not feeling well today and had a lot of homework.
    Gratitude Journal - 🙂

    JFT - Fri Aug 11
    Log all food
    1.5L of water
    Move 20 minutes
    Gratitude Journal

    Late again. Will have to catch up on weekend.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    JFT - Wed Aug 9
    Log all food - 🙂
    1.5L of water - 😕
    Move 20 minutes - 🙂
    Gratitude Journal - 😕

    JFT - Thurs Aug 10
    Log all food
    1.5L of water
    Move 20 minutes
    Gratitude Journal

    It was a rough day. Our daughter’s pregnancy isn’t viable. I’m heartbroken for them.

    Oh no, I'm so sorry :(